Technical college district board operating levy: limit imposed [Sec. 617, 618, 619-626] -
Act 20Technical college state aid formula replaced with a performance based formula, reports required and JCF duties [Sec. 257, 641-646, 648, 1993] [646 -- partial veto] -
Act 20Transfer of credits for core general education courses agreement between UW Board of Regents and TCS Board; provisions for tribal colleges and certain private colleges to participate; report required [Sec. 581-583, 601, 609, 610] -
Act 20Workforce Advancement Training Program expanded -
Act 328DNR radio tower or lookout tower site: lease with private person or governmental entity for telecommunications system purposes permitted; suspends portions of NR 1.483, Wis. Admin. Code -
Act 27Information technology and telecommunication services: DOA may charge an individual for costs of providing; right of public inspection withheld [Sec. 188y-191, 420g, r] [189r, 190 -- partial veto] -
Act 20Location of cell phone or other wireless telecommunications device: law enforcement prohibited from tracking without a warrant; process to apply to court for warrant created -
Act 375MA program mental health benefits and reimbursement for certain mental health services revisions re in-home therapy for certain children and telehealth; definitions, provider requirements, and DHS duties provisions -
Act 130Mobile tower siting regulations and zoning ordinance provisions [Sec. 1269i, 9329 (1u)] -
Act 20``Prepaid wireless calling service" definition revised for sales and use tax purposes [Sec. 1476] -
Act 20PSC revisions re certificates for certain activities, public utility rate schedules, telecommunications regulations, legislative repeal or modification of agency rules, and tampering with telecommunications or electric wires; cable television telecommunications service provider considered certified as an alternative telecommunications utility and rules repealed [Admin.Code PSC 171] -
Act 125Radio broadcast service facility regulations created [Sec. 1269k, 9329 (3w)] -
Act 20Theft of telecommunication or video services: first offense penalty changed; attorney fees permitted in civil suit against person who committed the theft; JRCCP report -
Act 89Utility relocation costs to accommodate urban rail transit systems [Sec. 290g, r, 1564e-s, 1978d-t, 1989c-x] -
Act 20UW prohibition on being a member, partner, or shareholder in organizations providing telecommunications services: exception for organization that advances research or higher education, other criteria specified; DOA secretary duty [Sec. 605g-608b] -
Act 20Video programming service disconnection by multichannel video provider provisions modified [Sec. 1594g, r] -
Act 20Delinquent ad valorem taxes owed by telephone companies and public utilities: DOR may use same methods for collecting delinquent income taxes [Sec. 1467, 1474] -
Act 20LAB financial auditing duties revised including eliminating certain audits; confidentiality of reports to the state fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline; and access to tax records maintained by DOR; JLAC provision -
Act 8Location of cell phone or other wireless telecommunications device: law enforcement prohibited from tracking without a warrant; process to apply to court for warrant created -
Act 375Proof of motor vehicle liability insurance: electronic format accepted including cell phones, prohibition on fake or invalid documents apply -
Act 31PSC revisions re certificates for certain activities, public utility rate schedules, telecommunications regulations, legislative repeal or modification of agency rules, and tampering with telecommunications or electric wires; cable television telecommunications service provider considered certified as an alternative telecommunications utility and rules repealed [Admin.Code PSC 171] -
Act 125Railroad crossings: use of by pedestrians limited and pedestrians prohibited from going around a crossing gate or barrier, penalty provisions; other penalties increased; contact information at private crossings required -
Act 219Telephone solicitations: state's nonsolicitation directory eliminated in favor of the national do-not-call registry maintained by the FTC; DATCP duties -
Act 234Alerts for missing adults at risk: require DOJ to allow law enforcement to use the integrated crime alert network to disseminate reports to outdoor advertisers and broadcasters; definition, input from certain organizations, and FTE position provisions -
Act 264Commercial radio or television station personal property: sales and use tax exemptions created under certain conditions; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 346Inattentive driving: current prohibitions revised; prohibition created re electronic device activated and providing entertainment by visual means, exceptions provided -
Act 350PSC revisions re certificates for certain activities, public utility rate schedules, telecommunications regulations, legislative repeal or modification of agency rules, and tampering with telecommunications or electric wires; cable television telecommunications service provider considered certified as an alternative telecommunications utility and rules repealed [Admin.Code PSC 171] -
Act 125Theft of telecommunication or video services: first offense penalty changed; attorney fees permitted in civil suit against person who committed the theft; JRCCP report -
Act 89Utility relocation costs to accommodate urban rail transit systems [Sec. 290g, r, 1564e-s, 1978d-t, 1989c-x] -
Act 20Video programming service disconnection by multichannel video provider provisions modified [Sec. 1594g, r] -
Act 20Public service and contributions to the United Kingdom and the world commended upon her death [SJR22] -
JR12Surcharge for health insurance for use of tobacco products: GIB shall impose on state employees and retirees [Sec. 715, 731, 9112 (2)] [vetoed] -
Act 20townTown, see also name of specific town
``Land surveying" replaced with ``practice of professional land surveying" and definition revised; license replaces certificate of registration; examining board and section names changed; apprenticeship path to licensure eliminated; certain registration exemptions eliminated; other revisions re town survey to erect monuments, cemetery authority plat or map, ordinary high water mark included on certain maps or plats, subdivision plats, certified survey maps, and recording certain plats -
Act 358Political subdivisions may not limit the sale of certain food and beverages [Sec. 1269m] -
Act 20Shoreland zoning ordinances that apply to shorelands annexed by a city or village or part of a town incorporated as a city or village; report and appropriation provisions -
Act 80Town authority to create a TID expanded; provisions for city or village to create a TID in recently annexed territory; property tax exemption for biogas or synthetic gas energy systems and property subject to TIF agreement; authorizing a TID to share tax increments with an environmental remediation tax increment district in same city of village -
Act 193Incorporations involving portions of two towns: each town board must pass a resolution approving the incorporation or the circuit court shall dismiss the petition -
Act 38Town authority to create a TID expanded; provisions for city or village to create a TID in recently annexed territory; property tax exemption for biogas or synthetic gas energy systems and property subject to TIF agreement; authorizing a TID to share tax increments with an environmental remediation tax increment district in same city of village -
Act 193Town board zoning ordinance may not be adopted or amended without county board approval under specific conditions -
Act 287National forest income: DNR to make payments to certain towns; county treasurer duty repealed [Sec. 280g, h, 286m, 500d, 1238t, 9132 (2i), 9432 (1i)] -
Act 20Local levy limit exception re use of unused capacity upon supermajority vote made permanent; adjustment for certain fee revenue, carry forward adjustment, and population threshold for town meeting of levy increases [Sec. 1271m-1275e] -
Act 20Landlord and tenant revisions re abandoned personal property, reference about rental performance, property damage due to pests or insects, disclosing building or housing code violations, local ordinances, security deposit, voiding rental agreements, unfair trade practices, and check-in sheets; towing vehicles illegally parked on private property; eviction action revisions; terminating tenancy of an offending tenant in a manufactured or mobile home community; domestic abuse protection provisions -
Act 76Patent or pending patent: regulations created re written communications to enforce or assert rights in connection with; DATCP and AG duties, penalty and exemptions provisions; JRCCP report -
Act 339Rule-making procedure revised; DWD rules modified re traveling sales crews [Admin.Code DWD 273.08, 273.11] -
Act 361Special distinguishing registration plates supporting Wisconsin Trout Unlimited, Inc.; fees, trademark, and service mark provisions; contributions based on DOT estimate of initial costs of production required before issuance of plates -
Act 266Commercial bail bonds regulations and licensing provisions created, report required; DSPS duties and emergency rule provisions [Sec. 204w, 2179t, w, 2183e-s, 2187c-o, 2265ce, 2285m, 2342c-w, 9138 (1i), 9438 (1i)] [vetoed] -
Act 20DSPS to collect fingerprints of applicants for real estate appraiser certification or license and submit to the FBI; DSPS or appropriate board may reprimand a credential holder or limit or revoke a credential for failure to provide information re an investigation into misconduct within certain amount of time -
Act 124Electronic medical records: income and franchise tax credits health care providers may claim for hardware or software sunsetted [Sec. 1345, 1396, 1432] -
Act 20Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County created; LAB performance audit required -
Act 235Inadmissibility of a statement or gesture of apology, condolence, fault, or remorse by a health care provider in a civil action, administrative hearing, disciplinary proceeding, mediation, or arbitration -
Act 242Limited lines travel insurance: OCI allowed to issue license to a firm; travel retailer authorized to offer and disseminate under certain conditions; travel insurance producer provisions -
Act 212Professional regulation laws revised: fingerprints of real estate appraiser certification or license applicant; reprimand of a credential holder for failure to respond to information request re misconduct; Cosmetology Examining Board membership; discretion to Pharmacy Examining Board to grant license to certain persons licensed in other states and suspension of license for failure to renew by renewal date; prescription drug monitoring program; construction, installation, alteration, operation, and inspection of elevators and lifts revised -
Act 124SCERB membership revised re interior designers -
Act 331Specific information signs on highways: definition of food establishment to include bakery items [Sec. 1581m] -
Act 20