SB565-ASA1,51 4Section 51. 51.409 of the statutes is created to read:
SB565-ASA1,27,6 551.409 Milwaukee County mental health district; jurisdiction; powers.
6(1) Jurisdiction. The district's jurisdiction is Milwaukee County.
SB565-ASA1,27,10 7(2) Powers. The district has all of the powers necessary or convenient to carry
8out the purposes and provisions of ss. 51.407 to 51.413 and other assigned duties.
9In addition to all other powers granted by the statutes, a district may do all of the
SB565-ASA1,27,1111 (a) Adopt and alter an official seal.
SB565-ASA1,27,1212 (b) Sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded.
SB565-ASA1,27,1313 (c) Maintain an office.
SB565-ASA1,27,1714 (d) Employ personnel, and fix and regulate their compensation; and provide,
15either directly or subject to an agreement under s. 66.0301 as a participant in a
16benefit plan of another governmental entity, any employee benefits, including an
17employee pension plan.
SB565-ASA1,27,2018 (e) Purchase insurance, establish and administer a plan of self-insurance or,
19subject to an agreement with another governmental entity under s. 66.0301,
20participate in a governmental plan of insurance or self-insurance.
SB565-ASA1,27,2121 (f) Mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber the district's property or funds.
SB565-ASA1,27,2322 (g) Maintain funds and invest the funds in any investment that the district
23board considers appropriate.
SB565-ASA1,27,2524 (h) Promote, advertise, and publicize its mental health functions, services, and
25programs and related activities.
1(i) Establish and collect fees, and establish shared revenue arrangements or
2other charges for the use services rendered by the district.
SB565-ASA1,28,43 (j) Enter into partnerships, joint ventures, common ownership, or other
4arrangements with other persons to further the district's purposes.
SB565-ASA1,28,105 (k) By vote of a supermajority, annually levy the taxes imposed under ch. 70
6on the full value of the taxable property located in Milwaukee County for the
7purposes described under s. 51.413 (1). If the district board levies the tax under this
8paragraph, it shall notify the taxation district of the amount of the levy by October
931, or 10 days after receiving the equalized valuations from the department of
10revenue, whichever is later.
SB565-ASA1,28,1111 (L) Accept gifts, loans and other aid.
SB565-ASA1,28,1212 (m) Administer the receipt of revenues by the district.
SB565-ASA1,52 13Section 52. 51.41 of the statutes is created to read:
SB565-ASA1,28,16 1451.41 Milwaukee County mental health; Milwaukee County mental
15health district board.
(1) Duties of the board. The Milwaukee County mental
16health district board shall do all of the following:
SB565-ASA1,28,1817 (a) Oversee the provision of mental health programs and services in Milwaukee
SB565-ASA1,28,2019 (b) Allocate moneys for mental health functions, programs, and services in
20Milwaukee County within the district's budget.
SB565-ASA1,28,2121 (c) Make the final determination on mental health policy in Milwaukee County.
SB565-ASA1,28,2322 (d) Replace the Milwaukee County board of supervisors in all mental health
23functions that are typically performed by a county board of supervisors.
SB565-ASA1,28,2524 (e) Facilitate delivery of mental health services in an efficient and effective
25manner by making a commitment to all of the following:
11. Community-based, person-centered, recovery-oriented, mental health
SB565-ASA1,29,33 2. Maximizing comprehensive community-based services.
SB565-ASA1,29,54 3. Prioritizing access to community-based services and reducing reliance on
5institutional and inpatient care.
SB565-ASA1,29,86 4. Protecting the personal liberty of individuals experiencing mental illness so
7that they may be treated in the least restrictive environment to the greatest extent
SB565-ASA1,29,109 5. Providing early intervention to minimize the length and depth of psychotic
10and other mental health episodes.
SB565-ASA1,29,1211 6. Diverting people experiencing mental illness from the corrections system
12when appropriate.
SB565-ASA1,29,1313 7. Maximizing use of mobile crisis units and crisis intervention training.
SB565-ASA1,29,1514 (f) Attempt to achieve costs savings in the provision of mental health programs
15and services in Milwaukee County.
SB565-ASA1,29,1816 (g) Cooperate and consult with the department on recommendations for and
17establishing policy for inpatient mental health treatment facilities and related
18programs in Milwaukee County.
SB565-ASA1,29,24 19(2) Powers of the board; limitations. The Milwaukee County mental health
20district board may request information from the Milwaukee Mental Health
21Complex, a county department under s. 46.21 or 51.42 or any other Milwaukee
22County governmental unit that possesses mental health information in order to
23fulfill its duties of overseeing mental health functions, programs, and services in
24Milwaukee County.
1(4) Milwaukee County mental health budget. (a) In this subsection, "mental
2health budget" means the part of the budget for Milwaukee County for a fiscal year
3that covers mental health functions, programs, and services in Milwaukee County.
SB565-ASA1,30,114 (b) The county board of supervisors shall determine an amount to allocate to
5mental health functions, programs, and services an amount from the county's
6community aids allocation received under s. 46.40 that maintains or increases the
7expenditures for mental health functions, programs, and services paid from the
8county's community aids allocation in the previous fiscal year to the extent of the
9availability of community aids funds from the state. The county board of supervisors
10shall report the amount determined to the department for distribution under s. 46.40
11to the district.
SB565-ASA1,30,1412 (c) The Milwaukee County board of supervisors and the Milwaukee County
13executive may not in a fiscal year include in the Milwaukee County budget an
14amount for the mental health budget.
SB565-ASA1,30,23 15(5) Jurisdiction of Milwaukee County board. (a) The Milwaukee County
16board of supervisors has no jurisdiction over any mental health policy, functions,
17programs, or services. The Milwaukee County board of supervisors may not create
18new mental health functions, programs, or services that are under the jurisdiction
19of the board of supervisors. Any dispute between the Milwaukee County board of
20supervisors and the Milwaukee County mental health district board over whether
21a function, program, or service is a mental health function, program, or service under
22the jurisdiction of the Milwaukee County mental health district board shall be
23resolved by the Milwaukee County executive.
SB565-ASA1,31,524 (b) The Milwaukee County mental health district board may transfer
25jurisdiction over a Milwaukee County function, service, or program to itself that

1pertains to mental health or is highly integrated with mental health services and
2that is not under its jurisdiction by statute or by agreement with the Milwaukee
3County board of supervisors, by an affirmative vote of 8 of the voting Milwaukee
4County mental health district board members if the Milwaukee County executive
5approves the transfer.
SB565-ASA1,31,9 6(7) County department requirements. (a) A county department under s. 46.21
7or 51.42 in Milwaukee County may not impede the Milwaukee County mental health
8district board in performing its duties under this section or exercising its powers
9under this section.
SB565-ASA1,31,1210 (b) A county department under s. 46.21 or 51.42 in Milwaukee County shall
11respond to any requests for information from the Milwaukee County mental health
12district board.
SB565-ASA1,31,20 13(8) Reports; studies. (a) By March 1, 2015, and annually by March 1
14thereafter, the Milwaukee County mental health district board shall submit to the
15Milwaukee County executive, the Milwaukee County board of supervisors, and the
16department a report including a description of the funding allocations for Milwaukee
17County's mental health functions, services, and programs and a description of any
18improvements and efficiencies in those mental health functions, programs, and
19services. Milwaukee County shall provide access to the report under this subsection
20to the public including posting the report on the Milwaukee County's Internet site.
SB565-ASA1,32,321 (b) The Milwaukee County mental health district board shall arrange for a
22study to be conducted on alternate funding sources for mental health services and
23programs including fee-for-service models, managed care models that integrate
24mental health services into the contracts with an increased offset through basic
25county allocation reduction, and other funding models. By March 1, 2016, the

1Milwaukee County mental health district board shall submit to the Milwaukee
2County board of supervisors, the Milwaukee County executive, and the department
3a report of the results of the study.
SB565-ASA1,32,13 4(9) Administrator. (a) The Milwaukee County executive shall nominate an
5individual to be the administrator of any division or branch of the department under
6s. 46.21 that administers behavioral health for Milwaukee County. The nominated
7individual may be hired as the administrator only upon approval of the Milwaukee
8County mental health district board. If the county executive does not nominate an
9individual by June 1, 2015, the Milwaukee County mental health district board may
10hire an individual to be the administrator. Upon a vacancy in the position of
11administrator, if the county executive does not nominate an individual within 12
12months of the date the position becomes vacant, the Milwaukee County mental
13health district board may hire an individual to be the administrator.
SB565-ASA1,32,1714 (b) The Milwaukee County executive shall determine the salary and benefits
15and the job duties of the administrator. The county executive may not assign the
16administrator any duties that are not related to mental health functions, programs,
17and services in Milwaukee County.
SB565-ASA1,32,1918 (c) 1. The administrator under this subsection may be removed by the
19Milwaukee County mental health district board by a vote of 8 members of that board.
SB565-ASA1,32,2420 2. The Milwaukee County executive may recommend removal of the
21administrator under this subsection to the Milwaukee County mental health district
22board. If the county executive recommends removal under this subdivision, the
23Milwaukee County mental health district board may remove the administrator upon
24a vote of 6 members of that board.
1(d) The Milwaukee County board of supervisors may not hire, remove, or
2discipline; set the salary or benefits of, or assign or remove any job duties of the
3administrator under this subsection.
SB565-ASA1,33,8 4(10) Mental health contracts. Any contract related to mental health with a
5value of at least $100,000, to which Milwaukee County is a party may take effect only
6if the Milwaukee County mental health district board votes to approve, or does not
7vote to reject, the contract within 28 days after the contract is signed or
8countersigned by the county executive.
SB565-ASA1,33,17 9(11) Transition liaison position. (a) The Milwaukee County executive shall
10nominate an individual who has knowledge of the services provided by and the
11mental health systems of Milwaukee County to be a transition liaison to assist the
12Milwaukee County mental health district board in the transition of oversight
13functions and to ensure there is no interruption of mental health services. The
14transition liaison shall be assigned or hired to that position only upon approval of the
15Milwaukee County mental health district board. The transition liaison shall be
16assigned to or employed in that position for no longer than 12 months, except that
17the county executive may grant extensions to the term of that position.
SB565-ASA1,33,1918 (b) 1. The Milwaukee County executive shall determine the salary and benefits
19and the job duties of the transition liaison assigned or hired under par. (a).
SB565-ASA1,34,220 2. The Milwaukee County executive may remove the transition liaison
21assigned or hired under par. (a). If the Milwaukee County executive removes the
22transition liaison assigned or hired under par. (a) before the 12 months following the
23date of the assignment or hiring of the initial transition liaison have expired, the
24Milwaukee County executive shall nominate another transition liaison to serve for

1at least the remainder of the 12 months following the date of the assignment or hiring
2of the initial transition liaison.
SB565-ASA1,34,53 (c) The Milwaukee County board of supervisors may not hire, remove, or
4discipline; set the salary or benefits of; or assign or remove any job duties of the
5transition liaison assigned or hired under this subsection.
SB565-ASA1,53 6Section 53. 51.412 of the statutes is created to read:
SB565-ASA1,34,10 751.412 Powers granted to a city or a county in the Milwaukee County
8mental health district.
In addition to any powers that it may otherwise have, a
9city or a county within the Milwaukee County mental health district's jurisdiction
10may do any of the following:
SB565-ASA1,34,12 11(1) Make grants or loans to a district upon terms that the city or county
12considers appropriate.
SB565-ASA1,34,13 13(2) Expend public funds to subsidize a district.
SB565-ASA1,34,15 14(3) Borrow money under ss. 67.04 and 67.12 (12) to fund grants, loans or
15subsidies to a district.
SB565-ASA1,54 16Section 54. 51.413 of the statutes is created to read:
SB565-ASA1,34,23 1751.413 Milwaukee County mental health district; generally. (1) Special
The district board shall maintain a special fund into which it deposits only the
19revenue derived from the taxes imposed under s. 51.409 (2) (k). If the district board
20determines that the revenues in the special fund under this subsection exceed
21current operating expenses for mental health functions, services, and programs in
22Milwaukee County, the district board shall apply the excess to maintenance costs
23and capital improvements.
SB565-ASA1,34,25 24(2) Debt. The Milwaukee County mental health district may not create a debt
25of the state or a county in the district's jurisdiction.
1(3) State pledge. The state pledges to and agrees with persons that enter into
2contracts with the Milwaukee County mental health district that the state will not
3limit or alter the rights and powers vested in a district before the district has fully
4performed its contracts, unless adequate provision is made by law for the protection
5of those entering into contracts with a district.
SB565-ASA1,35,10 6(4) Trust funds. All moneys received under ss. 51.407 to 51.413 are trust funds
7to be held and applied solely as provided in ss. 51.407 to 51.413. Any officer with
8whom, or any bank or trust company with which, those moneys are deposited shall
9act as trustee of those moneys and shall hold and apply the moneys for the purposes
10of and in accordance with ss. 51.407 to 51.413.
SB565-ASA1,35,18 11(5) Budgets; rates and charges; audit. A district shall adopt a calendar year
12as its fiscal year for accounting purposes. The district board shall annually prepare
13a budget for the district. Rates and other charges received by the district shall be
14used for the general expenses and capital expenditures of the district and to pay
15interest, amortization, and retirement charges on bonds. A district shall maintain
16an accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
17and shall have its financial statements and debt covenants audited annually by an
18independent certified public accountant.
SB565-ASA1,55 19Section 55. 51.42 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,37,220 51.42 (1) (b) County liability. The county board of supervisors except in
21Milwaukee County,
has the primary responsibility for the well-being, treatment and
22care of the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, alcoholic and other drug
23dependent citizens residing within its county and for ensuring that those individuals
24in need of such emergency services found within its county receive immediate
25emergency services. In Milwaukee County, the Milwaukee County mental health

1district board has the primary responsibility for the well-being, treatment and care
2of the mentally ill, alcoholic, and other drug dependent citizens residing within
3Milwaukee County and for ensuring that those individuals in need of such
4emergency services found within Milwaukee County receive immediate emergency
5services. The county board of supervisors of Milwaukee County has the primary
6responsibility for the well-being, treatment, and care of the developmentally
7disabled citizens residing within Milwaukee County, except where the responsibility
8is delegated explicitly under this section to the Milwaukee County mental health
9district board, and for ensuring that developmentally disabled individuals in need
10of such emergency services found within Milwaukee County receive immediate
11emergency services.
This primary responsibility is limited to the programs, services
12and resources that the county board of supervisors, or, as applicable, the Milwaukee
13County mental health district board,
is reasonably able to provide within the limits
14of available state and federal funds and of county funds required to be appropriated
15to match state funds. County liability for care and services purchased through or
16provided by a county department of community programs established under this
17section shall be based upon the client's county of residence except for emergency
18services for which liability shall be placed with the county in which the individual
19is found. For the purpose of establishing county liability, "emergency services"
20includes those services provided under the authority of s. 55.05 (4), 2003 stats., or
21s. 55.06 (11) (a), 2003 stats., or s. 51.15, 51.45 (11) (a) or (b) or (12), 55.13, or 55.135
22for not more than 72 hours. Nothing in this paragraph prevents recovery of liability
23under s. 46.10 or any other statute creating liability upon the individual receiving
24a service or any other designated responsible party, or prevents reimbursement by

1the department of health services for the actual cost of all care and services from the
2appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (da), as provided in s. 51.22 (3).
SB565-ASA1,56 3Section 56. 51.42 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,37,134 51.42 (3) (a) Creation. Except as provided under s. 46.23 (3) (b), the county
5board of supervisors of any county except Milwaukee County, the Milwaukee County
6mental health district board
, or the county boards of supervisors of 2 or more
7counties, shall establish a county department of community programs on a
8single-county or multicounty basis to administer a community mental health,
9developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse program, make
10appropriations to operate the program and authorize the county department of
11community programs to apply for grants-in-aid under s. 51.423. The county
12department of community programs shall consist of a county community programs
13board, a county community programs director and necessary personnel.
SB565-ASA1,57 14Section 57. 51.42 (3) (ar) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,37,2415 51.42 (3) (ar) 8. By September 30, submit for inclusion as part of the proposed
16county budget to the Milwaukee County mental health district board in Milwaukee
to the county executive or county administrator, or, in those counties without
18a county executive or county administrator, directly to the county board of
19supervisors in a county with a single-county department of community programs or
20the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department of
21community programs a proposed budget for the succeeding calendar year covering
22services, including active treatment community mental health center services, based
23on the plan required under subd. 5. The final budget shall be submitted to the
24department of health services.
SB565-ASA1,58 25Section 58. 51.42 (3) (ar) 14. of the statutes is amended to read:
151.42 (3) (ar) 14. If the county board of supervisors or, as applicable, the
2Milwaukee County mental health district board
establishes an initiative to provide
3coordinated services under s. 59.53 (7), participate in and may administer the
4initiative, including entering into any written interagency agreements or contracts.
SB565-ASA1,59 5Section 59. 51.42 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,38,126 51.42 (3) (b) Other powers and duties. The county board of supervisors of any
7county with a single-county department of community programs, the Milwaukee
8County mental health district board,
and the county boards of supervisors of counties
9with a multicounty department of community programs may designate the county
10department of community programs as the administrator of any other county health
11care program or institution, but the operation of such program or institution is not
12reimbursable under s. 51.423.
SB565-ASA1,60 13Section 60. 51.42 (4) (a) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,38,2314 51.42 (4) (a) 2. (intro.) In any county with a county executive or county
15administrator and which has established a single-county department of community
16programs, the county executive or county administrator shall appoint, subject to
17confirmation by the Milwaukee County mental health district board in Milwaukee
18County or the
county board of supervisors, the county community programs board,
19which shall be only a policy-making body determining the broad outlines and
20principles governing the administration of programs under this section. A member
21of a county community programs board appointed under this subdivision may be
22removed by the county executive or county administrator under the following
SB565-ASA1,61 24Section 61. 51.42 (6m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
151.42 (6m) County community programs director in certain counties with a
2county executive or county administrator.
(intro.) In any county with a county
3executive or county administrator in which the county board of supervisors or the
4Milwaukee County mental health district board
has established a single-county
5department of community programs, the county executive or county administrator
6shall appoint and supervise the county community programs director. In any county
7with a population of 500,000 750,000 or more, the county executive or county
8administrator shall appoint the director of the county department of human services
9under s. 46.21 as the county community programs director. The appointment of a
10county community programs director under this subsection shall be on the basis of
11recognized and demonstrated interest in and knowledge of the problems of mental
12health, intellectual disability, alcoholism and drug addiction, with due regard to
13training, experience, executive and administrative ability, and general qualification
14and fitness for the performance of the duties of the director. The appointment of a
15county community programs director under this subsection is subject to
16confirmation by the county board of supervisors, except in Milwaukee County, unless
17the county board of supervisors, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation or unless
18the appointment is made under a civil service system competitive examination
19procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63. The county community programs
20director, subject only to the supervision of the county executive or county
21administrator, shall:
SB565-ASA1,62 22Section 62. 51.42 (6m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,40,623 51.42 (6m) (c) Determine, subject to the approval of the county board of
24supervisors or the Milwaukee County mental health district board, as applicable,
25and with the advice of the county community programs board, whether services are

1to be provided directly by the county department of community programs or
2contracted for with other providers and make such contracts. The county board of
3supervisors, except in Milwaukee County, or the Milwaukee County mental health
4district board in Milwaukee County
may elect to require the approval of any such
5contract by the county board of supervisors or the Milwaukee County mental health
6district board
SB565-ASA1,63 7Section 63. 51.42 (6m) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,40,138 51.42 (6m) (i) Establish salaries and personnel policies of the programs of the
9county department of community programs subject to approval of the county
10executive or county administrator and county board of supervisors, except in
11Milwaukee County, or the Milwaukee County mental health district board in
12Milwaukee County
unless the county board of supervisors or the Milwaukee County
13mental health district board
elects not to review the salaries and personnel policies.
SB565-ASA1,64 14Section 64. 51.42 (6m) (m) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,40,1715 51.42 (6m) (m) 3. Such other reports as are required by the secretary and the
16county board of supervisors or, as applicable, the Milwaukee County mental health
17district board
SB565-ASA1,65 18Section 65. 51.423 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,41,2219 51.423 (11) Each county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437, or both, shall
20apply all funds it receives under subs. (1) to (7) to provide the services required under
21ss. 51.42, 51.437 and 51.45 (2) (g) to meet the needs for service quality and
22accessibility of the persons in its jurisdiction, except that the county department may
23pay for inpatient treatment only with funds designated by the department for
24inpatient treatment. The county department may expand programs and services
25with county funds not used to match state funds under this section subject to the

1approval of the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county
2department, except in Milwaukee County, the Milwaukee County mental health
3district board in Milwaukee County,
or the county boards of supervisors in counties
4with multicounty departments and with other local or private funds subject to the
5approval of the department and the county board of supervisors in a county with a
6single-county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437, the Milwaukee County mental
7health district board with a department under s. 51.42,
or the county boards of
8supervisors in counties with a multicounty department under s. 51.42 or 51.437. The
9county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department under s.
1051.42 or 51.437, the Milwaukee County mental health district board with a
11department under s. 51.42,
or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a
12multicounty department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 may delegate the authority to
13expand programs and services to the county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437.
14The county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 shall report to the department all
15county funds allocated to the county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 and the use
16of such funds. Moneys collected under s. 46.10 shall be applied to cover the costs of
17primary services, exceptional and specialized services or to reimburse supplemental
18appropriations funded by counties. County departments under ss. 51.42 and 51.437
19shall include collections made on and after October 1, 1978, by the department that
20are subject to s. 46.10 (8m) (a) 3. and 4. and are distributed to county departments
21under ss. 51.42 and 51.437 from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (gg),
22as revenues on their grant-in-aid expenditure reports to the department.
SB565-ASA1,66 23Section 66. 51.44 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,42,324 51.44 (4) Each county board of supervisors, except in Milwaukee County, and
25the Milwaukee County mental health district board in Milwaukee County

1designate the appropriate county department under s. 46.21, 46.23 or 51.437, the
2local health department of the county or another entity as the local lead agency to
3provide early intervention services under the funding specified in sub. (3).
SB565-ASA1,67 4Section 67. 51.61 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB565-ASA1,42,115 51.61 (1) (e) Except in the case of a patient who is admitted or transferred under
6s. 51.35 (3) or 51.37 or under ch. 971 or 975, have the right to the least restrictive
7conditions necessary to achieve the purposes of admission, commitment or protective
8placement, under programs, services and resources that the county board of
9supervisors or the Milwaukee County mental health district board, as applicable, is
10reasonably able to provide within the limits of available state and federal funds and
11of county funds required to be appropriated to match state funds.