Dental service fee restrictions - SB131
Disabled parking signs: DOT authority to promulgate rules governing size, design, and installation of at public buildings, places of employment, and parking facilities open to the public eliminated; statutory requirements revised - AB827
Disabled parking signs: DOT authority to promulgate rules governing size, design, and installation of at public buildings, places of employment, and parking facilities open to the public eliminated; statutory requirements revised - SB649
Disabled parking space violation may be enforced by person employed by a municipality and designated to enforce such violations - AB824
Disabled parking space violation may be enforced by person employed by a municipality and designated to enforce such violations - SB647
Disabled parking space violations: forfeiture increased - AB825
Disabled parking space violations: forfeiture increased - SB646
Domestic abuse incidents and complaints: revisions re law enforcement training standards and reports when an arrest is not made - AB175
Domestic abuse incidents and complaints: revisions re law enforcement training standards and reports when an arrest is not made - SB160
Driver's license or ID card issued by DOT: applicant may have veteran status indicated on the license or card, DVA verification required, and veteran disability rating codes provision - SB45
Driving skills tests for ``Class D" vehicle operators: eliminates DOT's authority to contract with law enforcement agencies and counties or local governments; road test certification and waiver procedure created - AB713
Driving skills tests for ``Class D" vehicle operators: eliminates DOT's authority to contract with law enforcement agencies and counties or local governments; road test certification and waiver procedure created - SB569
Driving while using a cellular or other wireless telephone in a construction zone prohibited; exception and penalty provisions - AB639
Driving while using a cellular or other wireless telephone in a construction zone prohibited; exception and penalty provisions - SB479
Drones: use of by law enforcement restricted, definition and search warrant provisions; penalties for use, possession, or selling of weaponized drone and using a drone equipped with audio or video equipment, exceptions specified; JRCCP report - AB203
Drones: use of by law enforcement restricted, definition and search warrant provisions; penalties for use, possession, or selling of weaponized drone and using a drone equipped with audio or video equipment, exceptions specified; JRCCP report - SB196
DVA administrative rules revisions re Board of Veterans Affairs; reimbursement of tuition at tribal colleges; documentation for eligibility to veterans homes; operation of veterans homes; eligibility and procedural requirements for home loans, personal loans, county veterans service grants, and American Indian veterans grants; and funeral honors, burial, and disinterment [Admin.Code VA 1.11, 1.18. 2 (title), 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.06, 4.01, 4.08, 4.09, 4.14, 5.03, 6 (title), 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05, 6.06, 7.05, 8.02, 8.04, 9 (title), 9.03, 12.02, 12.05, 13.01, 14.02, 15.02, 15.03, 17.04] - AB734
Economic development tax credits: authorizing transfer to another Wisconsin taxpayer, conditions specified; WEDC duties and JCF review - SB449
Emergency heating assistance loan guarantee program created, WHEDA and JCF duties; declared state of emergency and funding provisions - SB612
Energy emergencies: DOT may authorize certain vehicles transporting propane or heating oil to exceed special weight limits; exception to DOT report requirements - AB781
Energy emergencies: DOT may authorize certain vehicles transporting propane or heating oil to exceed special weight limits; exception to DOT report requirements - SB574
Estate tax eliminated; JSCTE appendix report - AB116
Estate tax eliminated; JSCTE appendix report - SB84
Expunging court record of an offense committed before the offender reaches age 25: court may order at any time, not just at sentencing - AB818
Firearm possession prohibited for persons subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction; court and law enforcement may request information from DOJ re person's eligibility to possess a firearm - AB727
Firearm possession prohibited for persons subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction; court and law enforcement may request information from DOJ re person's eligibility to possess a firearm - SB580
Firearm prohibition notice required when serving notice for injunction hearings re domestic abuse, child abuse, or harassment; procedure for surrendering firearms after the court grants an injunction established - SB605
Fraudulent motor vehicle emission inspection report prohibitions and penalties created; registering a vehicle with a fraudulent emission inspection prohibited, penalty provision; DOT duties; JRCCP report - AB812
Fraudulent motor vehicle emission inspection report prohibitions and penalties created; registering a vehicle with a fraudulent emission inspection prohibited, penaly provision; DOT duties; JRCCP report - SB659
Geographic indications pertaining to dairy terms traditionally used generically: urging U.S. trade negotiators to combat restrictions on common food names or similar regulatory impediments - AJR113
Geographic indications pertaining to dairy terms traditionally used generically: urging U.S. trade negotiators to combat restrictions on common food names or similar regulatory impediments - SJR88
Historical registration plates displayed on collector vehicles permitted under certain conditions - AB795
Historical registration plates displayed on collector vehicles permitted under certain conditions - SB630
Human trafficking definition modified; process to vacate a conviction or adjudication or expunge the record of a victim of human trafficking; evidence of past actions in human trafficking cases; sex offense definition revised re children and lifetime supervision; strangulation added to list of offenses re intensive sanctions program, domestic abuse, and crime victim compensation; JRCCP report - AB620
Human trafficking definition modified; process to vacate a conviction or adjudication or expunge the record of a victim of human trafficking; evidence of past actions in human trafficking cases; sex offense definition revised re children and lifetime supervision; strangulation added to list of offenses re intensive sanctions program, domestic abuse, and crime victim compensation; JRCCP report - SB492
Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals and conservation patron license: fee provisions for recipient of a Purple Heart medal - AB199
Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals and conservation patron license: fee provisions for recipient of a Purple Heart medal - SB178
Individual placement and support (IPS): DHS required to establish regional centers re employment of individuals experiencing mental illness - AB459
Individual placement and support (IPS): DHS required to establish regional centers re employment of individuals experiencing mental illness - SB409
Interest charged on special assessments and interest rate on claims for unlawfully assessed property taxes revised; levy limit exception re debt service on certain special assessment B bond - AB598
Knowledge test requirements for CDL applicants who hold a military CDL - AB279
Knowledge test requirements for CDL applicants who hold a military CDL - SB240
Law enforcement training and education standards revised - AB482
Law enforcement training and education standards revised - SB373
Length limit increased for certain vehicle combinations operated on the highway without a permit re ``drive-away method in saddlemount combination" - AB284
Length limit increased for certain vehicle combinations operated on the highway without a permit re ``drive-away method in saddlemount combination" - SB248
Limited lines travel insurance: OCI allowed to issue producer license; travel retailer authorized to offer and disseminate under certain conditions - AB660
Limited lines travel insurance: OCI allowed to issue producer license; travel retailer authorized to offer and disseminate under certain conditions - SB576
Local freight bridge program created in DOT - AB41
Local freight bridge program created in DOT - SB31
MA program mental health benefits and reimbursement for certain mental health services revisions re in-home therapy for certain children and telehealth; DHS duties - AB458
MA program mental health benefits and reimbursement for certain mental health services revisions re in-home therapy for certain children and telehealth; DHS duties - SB410
Marine Corps League incorporation provisions - AB271
Marine Corps League incorporation provisions - SB231
MFL closed acreage fee payments modified for 2014; payments to town treasurer for town land designated as county forest land increased - SB575
Military family financial aid from the military family relief fund: eligibility extended - AB134
Military family financial aid from the military family relief fund: eligibility extended - SB120
Minor violations of agency rules by small businesses: agency discretion in imposing penalties revised - SB497
Moped dealer and recreational vehicle dealer: penalties revised for license violations - AB346
Moped dealer and recreational vehicle dealer: penalties revised for license violations - SB269
Motor vehicle fuel tax exemption certificate from DOR is valid for 3 years - AB646
Motor vehicle fuel tax exemption certificate from DOR is valid for 3 years - SB500
Motor vehicle operator's license: expiration of new license issued after cancellation - AB716
Motor vehicle operator's license: expiration of new license issued after cancellation - SB572
Motor vehicle salvage dealer license violations: penalties specified - AB339
Motor vehicle salvage dealer license violations: penalties specified - SB256
Motor vehicle title or registration: DOT required to cancel if fraud by an agent of DOT is discovered - AB715
Motor vehicle title or registration: DOT required to cancel if fraud by an agent of DOT is discovered - SB571
Motorcycle Awareness Month: May 2013 proclaimed as - AJR32
Motorcycle Awareness Month: May 2013 proclaimed as - SJR28
Motorcycle operator's license and rider courses requirements modified - AB347
Motorcycle operator's license and rider courses requirements modified - SB270
Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Day: May 10, 2014 proclaimed as - SJR79
Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Day: May 10, 2014 proclaimed as - SR9
Municipalities prohibited from providing alcohol beverage retail license holder with a device capable of scanning DOT-issued ID cards and driver's licenses - AB535
Municipalities prohibited from providing alcohol beverage retail license holder with a device capable of scanning DOT-issued ID cards and driver's licenses - SB433
National guard members called into state active duty: payment of travel expenses revised - AB130
National guard members called into state active duty: payment of travel expenses revised - SB117
Nonprofit organizations that provide financial or other services to veterans and their families: DVA grant program established; record-keeping and audit requirements for any recipient of a DVA grant that is not an individual - AB805
Nonprofit organizations that provide financial or other services to veterans and their families: DVA grant program established; record-keeping and audit requirements for any recipient of a DVA grant that is not an individual - SB613
Off-road Vehicle Council created in DNR re ATV and UTV matters - SB29
Out-of-service commercial motor vehicle (CMV): first offense out-of-service violation penalty modified - AB283
Out-of-service commercial motor vehicle (CMV): first offense out-of-service violation penalty modified - SB247
Overall length limit for vehicle combinations: recreates an exception repealed by 2011 WisAct 243 - AB282
Overall length limit for vehicle combinations: recreates an exception repealed by 2011 WisAct 243 - SB246
Person alleged to have violated criminal law, civil law, or municipal ordinance and is not alleged to have committed certain violent offenses or previously been convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction: age raised from 17 to 18 - AB387
Person alleged to have violated criminal law, civil law, or municipal ordinance and is not alleged to have committed certain violent offenses or previously been convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction: age raised from 17 to 18 - SB308
Police vehicles may be equipped with flashing white lights - AB280
Police vehicles may be equipped with flashing white lights - SB241