-0707 Employ Pub - civil service;
Employ Pub - miscellaneous
Assistant Deputy Secretary Positions 2255 563.05 (5) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0707 Employ Pub - civil service;
Employ Pub - miscellaneous
Assistant Deputy Secretary Positions 2258 565.05 (1) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0707 Employ Pub - civil service;
Employ Pub - miscellaneous
Assistant Deputy Secretary Positions 2259 565.05 (1) (a) OTS is amended
-0707 Employ Pub - civil service;
Employ Pub - miscellaneous
Assistant Deputy Secretary Positions 2260 565.17 (5) (a) OTS is amended
-0715 State Govt - miscellaneous Transfer 10 FTE positions from DSPS to DOA 9138 Nonstatutory provisions; Safety and Professional Services.
-0715 State Govt - miscellaneous Transfer 10 FTE positions from DSPS to DOA 9138 Nonstatutory provisions; Safety and Professional Services.
-0715 State Govt - miscellaneous Transfer 10 FTE positions from DSPS to DOA 9138 Nonstatutory provisions; Safety and Professional Services.
-0721 Children - out-of-home placement Increase foster care rates 929 48.62 (4) OTS is amended
-0721 Children - out-of-home placement Increase foster care rates 9406 Effective dates; Children and Families.
-0726 State Finance - miscellaneous Payment of Fees for Banking Services for State Funds 466 20.855 (1) (f) OTS is created
-0740 Tax, Property - exemption Biogas energy systems property tax exemption 1279 70.111 (18) OTS is amended
-0740 Tax, Property - exemption Biogas energy systems property tax exemption 9337 Initial applicability; Revenue.
-0746 Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct Individual income tax health insurance subtract modification cannot include premium assistance credits under the Affordable Care Act 1299 71.05 (6) (b) 19. a. OTS is amended
-0746 Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct Individual income tax health insurance subtract modification cannot include premium assistance credits under the Affordable Care Act 1302 71.05 (6) (b) 35. a. OTS is amended
-0746 Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct Individual income tax health insurance subtract modification cannot include premium assistance credits under the Affordable Care Act 1303 71.05 (6) (b) 38. a. OTS is amended
-0746 Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct Individual income tax health insurance subtract modification cannot include premium assistance credits under the Affordable Care Act 1304 71.05 (6) (b) 42. a. OTS is amended
-0746 Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct Individual income tax health insurance subtract modification cannot include premium assistance credits under the Affordable Care Act 9337 Initial applicability; Revenue.
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1321 71.06 (1p) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1322 71.06 (1q) OTS is created
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1323 71.06 (2) (g) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1324 71.06 (2) (h) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1325 71.06 (2) (i) OTS is created
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1326 71.06 (2) (j) OTS is created
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1327 71.06 (2e) (a) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1328 71.06 (2e) (b) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1329 71.06 (2e) (c) OTS is created
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1330 71.06 (2m) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1331 71.06 (2s) (d) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1350 71.125 (1) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1351 71.125 (2) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1352 71.17 (6) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1438 71.64 (9) (b) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1439 71.67 (5) (a) OTS is amended
-0747 Tax, Individual - income Reduce individual income tax rates 1440 71.67 (5m) OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1044 49.45 (4m) (a) 3. OTS is renumbered 49.45 (4m) (a) 3. (intro.) and amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1045 49.45 (4m) (a) 3. a. to f. OTS are created
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1059 49.453 (2) (a) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1060 49.453 (2) (b) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1061 49.453 (3) (a) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1062 49.453 (3) (ag) OTS is created
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1063 49.453 (4c) (c) OTS is created
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1064 49.453 (8) (a) 1. OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1065 49.455 (5) (title) OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1066 49.455 (5) (d) OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1067 49.455 (5) (e) OTS is created
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1068 49.455 (8) (d) OTS is renumbered 49.455 (8) (d) 1. and amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1069 49.455 (8) (d) 2. OTS is created
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1088 49.47 (4) (b) 2w. OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 1991 224.42 (1) (a) OTS is amended
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 9318 Initial applicability; Health Services
-0749 Medical Assistance Alter divestment provisions to prevent individuals with sufficient financial means from being eligible for Medical Assistance 9318 Initial applicability; Health Services
-0765 Tax, Business - credits Repeal aggregate limit on angel investment tax credits 1344 71.07 (5d) (c) 1. OTS is repealed.
-0765 Tax, Business - credits Repeal aggregate limit on angel investment tax credits 1457 73.03 (63) OTS is amended
-0766 Environment - water quality Nonpoint source water pollution bonding 480 20.866 (2) (tf) OTS is amended
-0767 Environment - water quality Urban nonpoint source and flood control bonding 481 20.866 (2) (th) OTS is amended
-0768 Environment - water quality Contaminated sediment bonding 482 20.866 (2) (ti) OTS is amended
-0769 Nat. Res. - nav. waters Dam safety program bonding increase. 483 20.866 (2) (tx) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1305 71.05 (24) (a) 4. OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1306 71.05 (24) (b) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1307 71.05 (25) (title) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1308 71.05 (25) (a) 2. OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1309 71.05 (25) (a) 3. OTS is renumbered 71.05 (25) (a) 1s. and amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1310 71.05 (25) (a) 4. OTS is repealed.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1311 71.05 (25) (b) (intro.) OTS is renumbered 71.05 (25) (b) and amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1312 71.05 (25) (b) 1. OTS is repealed.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1313 71.05 (25) (b) 2. OTS is repealed.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1314 71.05 (26) (title) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1315 71.05 (26) (a) 4. OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1316 71.05 (26) (b) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1317 71.05 (26) (bm) OTS is created
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1318 71.05 (26) (c) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1319 71.05 (26) (d) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1320 71.05 (26) (f) OTS is amended
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 1459 73.03 (69) OTS is created
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 2058 238.145 OTS is repealed.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 2059 238.146 OTS is repealed.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 2069 238.20 OTS is repealed.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 9337 Initial applicability; Revenue.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 9337 Initial applicability; Revenue.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 9337 Initial applicability; Revenue.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 9450 Effective dates; Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
-0790 Econ. Development - bus. dev.;
Tax, Individual - dedct/sbtrct
Transfer certification of business for capital gain deferral and exclusion from WEDC to DOR; consolidate the subtractions 9450 Effective dates; Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
-0798 Employ Pub - collective bargain Attach Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to Department of Workforce Development 33 15.06 (3) (a) 4. OTS is created
-0798 Employ Pub - collective bargain Attach Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to Department of Workforce Development 34 15.06 (3) (c) OTS is created
-0798 Employ Pub - collective bargain Attach Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to Department of Workforce Development 35 15.06 (4m) OTS is amended
-0798 Employ Pub - collective bargain Attach Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to Department of Workforce Development 47 15.58 OTS is renumbered 15.225 (2) and amended
-0798 Employ Pub - collective bargain Attach Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to Department of Workforce Development 2005 230.08 (2) (m) OTS is repealed.
-0798 Employ Pub - collective bargain Attach Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to Department of Workforce Development 2010 230.08 (4) (d) OTS is amended
-0798 Employ Pub - collective bargain Attach Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to Department of Workforce Development 9313 Initial applicability; Employment Relations Commission.