Some might say that we should keep more of this surplus in Madison. I disagree.
When I travel the state, people don't tell me that they want to keep sending more money to Madison. They don't tell me that taxes are too low or even that taxes are just right. Overwhelmingly, people across the state tell me that one of the best ways to fuel the economic recovery is to reduce their tax burden.
The best way to prepare for the future is by continuing to grow our economy, not by keeping more money in Madison. With a rainy day fund seven times larger than we had ever had before I took office, now is the time to send your money back to you, the hard working taxpayers of Wisconsin.
 Now is the time to add to the many faces of the economic recovery that you saw earlier.
Now is the time to ensure that budget surpluses, like the one we celebrate here tonight - continue in the future.
Now is the time, once again, to put the power back in to the hands of the people.
Now is the time to pass our Blueprint for Prosperity, and help move Wisconsin forward.
Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the great State of Wisconsin.
The Joint Convention arose.
8:04 P.M.