Period ending December 31, 2014
Fetal body parts: prohibitions created re knowingly acquiring, receiving, or transferring for valuable consideration and knowingly providing, receiving, or using for experimentation; definition provisions; JRCCP report -
AB224Final disposition of fetal remains resulting from an abortion: physician required to arrange; funeral director, definition, and penalty provisions -
AB252GIB prohibited from contracting with or providing a group health insurance plan that provides abortion services; religious employers, organizations, and institutions of higher education exempt from contraceptive insurance coverage requirements -
AB216GIB prohibited from contracting with or providing a group health insurance plan that provides abortion services; religious employers, organizations, and institutions of higher education exempt from contraceptive insurance coverage requirements -
SB202Requirements to perform abortions revised; ultrasound required before informed consent for an abortion; penalty and exception provisions -
AB227Requirements to perform abortions revised; ultrasound required before informed consent for an abortion; penalty and exception provisions [S.Amdts. 1, 13, 14, 16: revisions to performance of the ultrasound] -
SB206Sex-selective abortion prohibition and civil liability penalties created, privacy provision -
AB217Sex-selective abortion prohibition and civil liability penalties created, privacy provision -
SB201Ultrasound before an abortion and hospital admitting privileges of physician performing an abortion requirements eliminated; providing information on fetal ultrasound imaging and auscultation of fetal heart tone restored to pre-2013 WisAct 37 requirements -
SB623HIV care coordination and early intervention services grants: appropriations modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1054j, k, 2086s] -
AB40Emergency management volunteer considered a state employee for WC purposes; DMA appropriation [Sec. 397, 2162, 2163, 9331 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, state shall reimburse local governments for certain WC claims, 2163g, r, deletes 2162, 2163, 9331 (1)] -
AB40Third deputy adjutant general in DMA authorized and duties specified -
AB135Third deputy adjutant general in DMA authorized and duties specified -
SB118Accessibility for the blind or visually impaired reports from various state agencies; definition of ``service animal" re public places of accommodation or amusement and the open housing law -
SB661Broadband expansion program created and grants from the universal service fund [Sec. 192, 431; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, universal service fund and DOA provisions deleted, 204m, 1989b, 9201 (2L), deletes 192, 431] -
AB40CANPB transferred from DCF to DOA [Sec. 41, 42; original bill only] -
AB40Certified survey map ordinance or resolution may divide land into more than 4 parcels without the division being a subdivision; conditions and extraterritorial plat provisions [S.Amdt.3: DOA and DOT review required under certain conditions] -
SB502Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program revisions re providing financial assistance -
AB13Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program revisions re providing financial assistance [S.Amdt.1: federal grants provision added] -
SB10Community development block grant: DOA authorized to administer any program funded by [Sec. 63, 64, 455-459] -
AB40Comprehensive planning: local governments may repeal; DOA grant program to assist with planning activities eliminated -
SB697Consolidation of DSPS and DATCP: DOA study required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (3s)] -
AB40Consolidation of DSPS and DATCP: DOA study requirement repealed -
AB362DOA provision of legal services to any executive branch state agency that does not have a secretary [Sec. 50, 51] -
AB40DOA review requirement of certain proposed annexations of town territory repealed -
AB798Domestic abuse incidents and complaints: revisions re law enforcement training standards and reports when an arrest is not made [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, training provisions removed, victim access to service provider information and DOJ access to the prosecutor technology for case tracking system maintained by DOA added] -
SB160Early stage seed and angel investment credits: refund provision; administration transferred from WEDC to DOA -
AB338Early stage seed and angel investment credits: refund provision; administration transferred from WEDC to DOA -
SB260Energy efficiencies: DOA required to provide information to school districts re certain opportunities -
AB878Facility design services to state agencies: DOA permitted to provide and transfers related functions from specified agencies to DOA; FTE positions and fee provisions [Sec. 138, 432, 9102 (1), 9132 (1), 9145 (2), 9151 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transfers from other agencies and FTE position provisions removed, deletes 9102 (1), 9132 (1), 9145 (2), 9151 (1)] -
AB40Information technology and communication services provided by DOA to state authorities, local governmental units, and other nonstate entities: appropriation changed to continuing [Sec. 421, 424, 427; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 421m, deletes 421] -
AB40Information technology FTE positions transferred from DSPS to DOA [Sec. 9138 (5)] -
AB40Information technology infrastructure services: DOA may assess and transfer staff and equipment from another executive branch agency to DOA; exception provision [Sec. 188, 426; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DOA and another agency jointly submit request to JCF, 188m, 426m, deletes 188, 426] -
AB40Information technology and telecommunication services: DOA may charge an individual for costs of providing; right of public inspection withheld [Sec. 189-191; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 188y, 189r, 420g, r, deletes 189] -
AB40Integrated business information system: appropriation modified and name changed to enterprise resource planning system [Sec. 187, 415, 422, 423, 476, 477; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 415] -
AB40Intergovernmental affairs offices to conduct public outreach and promote coordination between agencies: DOA secretary to maintain and regional director positions authorized [Sec. 53, 494, 2009] -
AB40Land information program and register of deeds fees revised, SSN redaction provisions; DOA to establish an implementation plan for statewide digital parcel map [Sec. 186, 1241-1243, 1248-1250; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county board duties, report required, land information fund established, SSN provision deleted, 185g, r, 186b-y, 420d, f, 514u, 530m, 1242e, g, 1247d-t, 1250g, 9429 (1i), deletes 1243, 1250] -
AB40``Land surveying" replaced with ``practice of professional land surveying" and definition revised; license replaces certificate of registration; examining board and section names changed; apprenticeship path to licensure eliminated; certain registration exemptions eliminated; other revisions re town survey to erect monuments, cemetery authority plat or map, ordinary high water mark included on certain maps or plats, subdivision plats, certified survey maps, and recording certain plats [A.Amdts.2, 3, and 4: further revisions; A.Amdt.5: exceptions and exempt persons modified] -
AB506``Land surveying" replaced with ``practice of professional land surveying" and definition revised; license replaces certificate of registration; examining board and section names changed; apprenticeship path to licensure eliminated; certain registration exemptions eliminated; other revisions re town survey to erect monuments, cemetery authority plat or map, ordinary high water mark included on certain maps or plats, subdivision plats, certified survey maps, and recording certain plats -
SB394MacKenzie Environmental Education Center: DOA report on status and condition of buildings required; DNR appropriation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (2i), 9132 (3i)] -
AB40Materials manufactured in the United States: preference for in state and local government public contracts and purchases -
AB45Materials manufactured in the United States: preference for in state and local government public contracts and purchases -