BadgerCare Plus, BadgerCare Plus Core, and certain MA changes made by 2013 WisAct 20 delayed; repeal of BadgerCare Plus Basic and Badger Rx Gold delayed; extension of coverage under HIRSP and dissolution timetable modified; time-limited guaranteed issue under Medicare supplement and replacement policies - De3 AB1
BadgerCare Plus, BadgerCare Plus Core, and certain MA programs' eligibility requirements modified; transitional MA benefits and BadgerRX Gold Program eliminated; federal approval provision [Sec. 348, 350, 351, 355, 356, 1046-1054, 1057, 1058, 1070-1076, 1078-1081, 1085, 1086, 1089-1155, 1198, 1219, 1898, 1995, 1997, 9318 (14), 9418 (7)-(9);A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, benefits for pregnant women and children revised, income eligibility exceptions if health benefit exchanges are not operational by deadlines, 1093n-s, 1100v, 1107p, 1117k, 1265t, 9418 (10i), deletes 1071, 1086, 1093, 1095, 1101-1104, 1108, 1112, 1113, 1121, 1135, 1136, 1145] - AB40
BadgerCare Plus, BadgerCare Plus Core, and certain MA changes made by 2013 WisAct 20 delayed; repeal of BadgerCare Plus Basic and Badger Rx Gold delayed; extension of coverage under HIRSP and dissolution timetable modified; time-limited guaranteed issue under Medicare supplement and replacement policies - De3 SB1
Camps lasting longer than 3 days: health services staff may designate an individual to administer medications to a camper or staff member under 18 years of age - AB775
Camps lasting longer than 3 days: health services staff may designate an individual to administer medications to a camper or staff member under 18 years of age - SB553
County community programs board required to include person or family member of person who has received services for mental illness, developmental disability, alcoholism, or drug dependency; law enforcement officer; and hospital employee or representative among appointees - AB436
County community programs board required to include person or family member of person who has received services for mental illness, developmental disability, alcoholism, or drug dependency; law enforcement officer; and hospital employee or representative among appointees - SB128
Dementia: provisions for the care and treatment of individuals with created; dementia care units, commitment, county duties, involuntary administration of psychotropic medication, protective placement, liability, definitions, and penalty provisions; county reports to DHS required; JRCCP report - AB575
Dental hygienist: Dentistry Examining Board may grant a certificate to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia under certain conditions - AB408
Dental hygienist: Dentistry Examining Board may grant a certificate to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia under certain conditions - SB311
Drug disposal program for prescription drugs, controlled substances and analogs, and pharmaceutical items: DOJ may authorize operation of and political subdivision may operate or authorize another person to operate, policy and procedures provisions; written permission required to destroy another person's prescription drugs [A.Amdt.1: ``household pharmaceutical" specified and defined, drug disposal program required to report certain information to DNR] - AB448
Drug disposal program for prescription drugs, controlled substances and analogs, and pharmaceutical items: DOJ may authorize operation of and political subdivision may operate or authorize another person to operate, policy and procedures provisions; written permission required to destroy another person's prescription drugs - SB351
Epinephrine auto-injector in possession of pupils: school governing bodies required to adopt written policy on procedures to follow; civil liability exemption for certain injury - AB544
Epinephrine auto-injector in possession of pupils: school governing bodies required to adopt written policy on procedures to follow; civil liability exemption for certain injury - SB416
Epinephrine auto-injector use on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity: authorized school personnel provisions replaced with plan adopted by the school's governing body; conditions, civil liability immunity, and report to DPI provisions - AB502
Epinephrine auto-injector use on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity: authorized school personnel provisions replaced with plan adopted by the school's governing body; conditions, civil liability immunity, and report to DPI provisions [S.Amdt.1: authorized school personnel provisions restored; S.Amdt.2: report to DPI removed] - SB375
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: requirements for reporting suspected cases, physician examination of infants and diagnosis, child abuse and neglect investigation, and services and treatment for the infant and mother [A.Amdt.1: testing expectant mothers for controlled substances provisions deleted] - AB675
Interest rate on tax overpayments or underpayments modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1440e, 1444d, 9337 (4i); A.Amdt.3: further revisions, other taxes included, 1500f, j, 1508r, 1896w, 1897h, j, 1961n] - AB40
Naloxone: EMTs and certified first responders may administer; law enforcement agency and fire department may contract with ambulance service provider for a supply of and training to safely administer, liability immunity provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, opioid antagonist possession, delivery, or dispensing by or to any person permitted, prescribing an opioid antagonist provisions, ambulance service provider requirements re training and supply, immunity provisions expanded and Good Samaritan law conditions added] - AB446
Opioid treatment program: DHS required to establish regional programs, report required - AB701
Opioid treatment program: DHS required to establish regional programs, report required - SB541
Pharmacy Examining Board given discretion to grant or deny license to person licensed in another state who voluntarily had license limited, surrendered, suspended, or revoked; Board may suspend license of pharmacist who fails to renew by renewal date, examination provision; prescription drug monitoring program revisions - AB433
Pharmacy Examining Board given discretion to grant or deny license to person licensed in another state who voluntarily had license limited, surrendered, suspended, or revoked; Board may suspend license of pharmacist who fails to renew by renewal date, examination provision; prescription drug monitoring program revisions - SB345
Prescribed controlled substance used in a manner inconsistent with the prescribed usage prohibited, penalty provisions; JRCCP report - SB607
Prescription drug assistance for elderly program: waiver of federal Medicaid law required and use of excess GPR and PR moneys - SB159
Prescription drug monitoring program funding modified [Sec. 205, 2230] - AB40
Prescription drug monitoring program: licensed veterinarians exempted from - AB3
Prescription drug monitoring program: licensed veterinarians exempted from - SB7
Schedule II and III controlled substances: requiring ID card before prescription can be dispensed; requiring pharmacist, or other person who dispenses, to record the name on the ID card; liability immunity provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Pharmacy Examining Board duties added] - AB445
Schedule II and III controlled substances: requiring ID card before prescription can be dispensed; requiring pharmacist, or other person who dispenses, to record the name on the ID card; liability immunity provision - SB353
Spiritual treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment for children: exemptions removed re county department determination of child abuse or neglect, felony physical abuse of a child, and administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody; Christian Science treatment limited to adult patients - AB630
Therapeutic alternate drug selections by nursing homes; patient care services provided by pharmacists; practice of pharmacy definition modified - AB292
Therapeutic alternate drug selections by nursing homes; patient care services provided by pharmacists; practice of pharmacy definition modified [S.Amdt.1: removes advanced nurse practitioner prescriber from practice of pharmacy provision] - SB251
Veterans home eligibility: care needs include chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, psychosis, or active tuberculosis - SB403
WC law revisions, report required - AB711
WC law revisions, report required - SB550
drugs _ criminal acts and law enforcementDrugs -- Criminal acts and law enforcement
Cannabidiol (or CBD oil extract) is not a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and may be dispensed by a practitioner for treatment of a seizure disorder [A.Amdt.1: ``practitioner" changed to ``physician" and approval of CSB required] - AB726
Cannabidiol (or CBD oil extract) is not a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and may be dispensed by a practitioner for treatment of a seizure disorder - SB685
Controlled substances: description of the chemical structure of a prohibited or restricted substance re synthetic cannabinoid specified; Salvinorin A listed as a controlled substance; new hallucinogenic and stimulant substances added to Schedule I and other schedules modified; JRCCP report - AB406
Controlled substances: description of the chemical structure of a prohibited or restricted substance synthetic cannabinoid specified; Salvinorin A listed as a controlled substance; new hallucinogenic and stimulant substances added to Schedule I and other schedules modified; JRCCP report - SB325
Drug Court Month: May 2013 proclaimed as - SJR31
Drug courts: DOJ to provide grants to counties to establish and operate [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 381m, 1944m] - AB40
Drug law enforcement, crime laboratories, and genetic evidence activities appropriation: unencumbered balances transferred back to DOJ at end of each fiscal year [Sec. 389] - AB40
``Intoxicant" definition expanded to include ``hazardous inhalant" - AB62
``Intoxicant" definition expanded to include ``hazardous inhalant" - SB52
Marijuana and synthetic cannabinoid: local ordinance to prohibit possession of any amount allowed and prosecution for second or subsequent offense provisions - AB164
Marijuana and synthetic cannabinoid: local ordinance to prohibit possession of any amount allowed and prosecution for second or subsequent offense provisions - SB150
Marijuana possession of set amount by persons 21 years or older allowed; obtaining a permit to sell marijuana process created; possession by or selling or distributing to a minor prohibited; penalty provisions - AB810
Medical use defense to marijuana-related prosecutions created and DHS registry established; ID cards, compassion centers, testing laboratories, and local government provisions; JRCCP report - AB480
Medical use defense to marijuana-related prosecutions created and DHS registry established; ID cards, compassion centers, testing laboratories, and local government provisions; JRCCP report - SB363
Naloxone: EMTs and certified first responders may administer; law enforcement agency and fire department may contract with ambulance service provider for a supply of and training to safely administer, liability immunity provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, opioid antagonist possession, delivery, or dispensing by or to any person permitted, prescribing an opioid antagonist provisions, ambulance service provider requirements re training and supply, immunity provisions expanded and Good Samaritan law conditions added] - AB446
Naloxone: EMTs and certified first responders may administer; law enforcement agency and fire department may contract with ambulance service provider for a supply of and training to safely administer, liability immunity provision - SB352
Overdose or adverse reaction to a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog: immunity from criminal prosecution for person who seeks aid for another person; provision for delivering or administering naloxone in good faith [A.Amdt.1: adds possession of drug paraphernalia to criminal prosecution immunity; A.Amdt.2: naloxone provision deleted] - AB447
Overdose or adverse reaction to a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog: immunity from criminal prosecution for person who seeks aid for another person; provision for delivering or administering naloxone in good faith - SB350
Overdose or adverse reaction to alcohol or controlled substance: immunity from criminal prosecution for person who seeks aid for another person; anonymity and confidentiality provision - AB361
Overdose or adverse reaction to alcohol or controlled substance: immunity from criminal prosecution for person who seeks aid for another person; anonymity and confidentiality provision - SB215
Prescribed controlled substance used in a manner inconsistent with the prescribed usage prohibited, penalty provisions; JRCCP report - SB607
Schedule I or II controlled substance that is a narcotic: attempted possession made a felony - AB787
Search warrant: court, with probably cause, may authorize re OWI violations - AB273
Short-term sanctions system for violations of conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or deferred prosecution agreement established [A.Amdt.1: temporary housing of persons on probation in county jails or houses of correction added; A.Amdt.2: attempt to possess a schedule I or II controlled substance or analog that is a narcotic made a felony] - AB702
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) possession penalties revised and first violation by a juvenile provisions; ordinance to make first possession of marijuana a civil offense permitted; JRCCP report - AB891
Approved tribal treatment facility to participate in the intoxicated driver program; driver safety plan, traffic safety schools, DHS, and DOT provisions - AB32
Approved tribal treatment facility to participate in the intoxicated driver program; driver safety plan, traffic safety schools, DHS, and DOT provisions - SB510
Commercial quadricycle: definition, exception to prohibition on consuming beer in a public place without a retail alcohol beverage license, municipal ordinance provisions, and prohibiting the driver from consuming alcohol, penalty provisions - SB291
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council created in DOJ; report and recommendations re operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated required - AB789
Driver improvement surcharge revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2165m-o, 9345 (3u), 9445 (5u)] - AB40
Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement; JRCCP report - AB70
Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement; JRCCP report - SB59
Ignition interlock device: court to order for first OWI offense regardless of alcohol concentration - AB738
Ignition interlock device installed within 3 days of a court order and operating privilege restriction re OWI-related offense takes effect immediately; JRCCP report - AB467
Impoundment order for certain OWI-related offense created re revocation of operating privilege and impoundment of vehicle registration plates, DOT duties and penalty provisions; JRCCP report - AB423
``Intoxicant" definition expanded to include ``hazardous inhalant" - AB62
Motor vehicle seized for third or subsequent OWI-related offense: court may order, DA duties - AB72
Motor vehicle seized for third or subsequent OWI-related offense: court may order, DA duties - SB61
Occupational license eligibility revised when operating privilege is suspended or revoked in certain cases - SB430
OWI first offense changed from a civil violation to a crime, penalties revised; JRCCP report - AB846
OWI penalties for first and second offenses revised, BAC provision; JRCCP report - AB68
OWI penalties for first and second offenses revised, BAC provision; JRCCP report - SB58
OWI penalties for seventh or subsequent conviction revised, causing injury and operating a commercial motor vehicle provisions; phlebotomists authorized to draw blood for alcohol and controlled substance testing; JRCCP report [A.Amdt.1: definition of injury added; A.Amdt.2: court may impose less than minimum sentence under certain conditions] - AB180
OWI penalties for seventh or subsequent conviction revised, causing injury and operating a commercial motor vehicle provisions; phlebotomists authorized to draw blood for alcohol and controlled substance testing; JRCCP report - SB174
OWI penalties for third or greater offense revised, JRCCP report - AB71
OWI penalties for third or greater offense revised, JRCCP report - SB60
OWI-related civil traffic violation citation: person required to appear in court - AB67
OWI-related civil traffic violation citation: person required to appear in court - SB57
OWI-related offense: mandatory minimum sentence for causing injury or substantial or great bodily harm, prior offense provision; JRCCP report - AB69
OWI-related offense: mandatory minimum sentence for causing injury or substantial or great bodily harm, prior offense provision; JRCCP report - SB56