ledgeview, town ofLedgeview, Town of, see Brown County
legal aidLegal aid, see also Public assistance
CHIPS and TPR provisions revised re involuntary TPR within the prior 3 years; continuing CHIPS; TPR re continuing parental disability, parenthood as result of sexual assault, and pattern of child abuse, homicide of parent, and felony against child; reasonable efforts to return child safely home; parent's waiver of counsel and signature on certain notices; participation by alleged father in TPR proceedings - AB152
CHIPS proceeding: power of juvenile court to appoint counsel; parent's right to counsel and referral to SPD; elimination of jury trial in CHIPS and TPR proceedings; report required - AB151
legal noticeLegal notice, see Public document
legislative actLegislative act, see Law
legislative audit bureauLegislative Audit Bureau
DCF payments to certain child care providers modified; DCF to set policies and procedures to prevent fraud in Wisconsin Shares, LAB audit required and recovery of overpayments provision - AB862
DOT engineering consultants: LAB analysis requested [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9127 (2q)] - AB40
Duty disability benefit for protective occupation participants under WRS revised, Wisconsin Retirement Board duty; LAB to conduct performance evaluation audit of duty disability and survivor benefits program under WRS and comparable programs of a 1st class county and 1st class city; prohibited subject of collective bargaining for municipal and state employees who are police officers, fire fighters, or emergency service providers re benefits of and eligibility for duty disability and survivor benefits - AB854
Duty disability benefit for protective occupation participants under WRS revised, Wisconsin Retirement Board duty; LAB to conduct performance evaluation audit of duty disability and survivor benefits program under WRS and comparable programs of a 1st class county and 1st class city; prohibited subject of collective bargaining for municipal and state employees who are police officers, fire fighters, or emergency service providers re benefits of and eligibility for duty disability and survivor benefits - SB657
Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County created; LAB performance audit required - AB500
Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County created; LAB performance audit required - SB477
Fund of funds investment program created; WEDC and SWIB duties; investment manager, venture capital funds, and report provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, WEDC changed to DOA, required reports revised, quarterly report to DOA added, LAB duties added; S.Amdt.1: members of committee to select investment manager modified] - AB181
GAB performance evaluation audit required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9115 (1d)] - AB40
HIRSP and Authority dissolved; final report and LAB audits required; Medicare supplement and replacement policy issuance provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1g, 6f, 27b, pr-s, 49m-r, 54c, s, 65am, p, 67d-h, j, 68c, 91c, 92c, 102c, 118c-122j, 138m, 155d, 204g, 344v, 515c, 530c, 709c, 1210c, 1278r, 1344df-e, 1372c, 1395eh-es, 1431eg, em, 1438c, 1440c, d, 1473c-f, 1488c, 1599n, 1900n, 1971n, 1998u, 2017m, p, 2264s, 2265ab-c, m-z, 2266j, n, 2267e, 2318h, 9122 (1L), (1m), 9337 (4L), 9422 (1L), (1m), 9437 (4L), (4n)] - AB40
Incentives to report fraud to a fraud hotline administered by DHS or LAB: DOA to establish - AB196
Incentives to report fraud to a fraud hotline administered by DHS or LAB: DOA to establish - SB177
LAB financial auditing duties revised including eliminating certain audits; confidentiality of reports to the state fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline; and access to tax records maintained by DOR; JLAC provision - AB36
LAB financial auditing duties revised including eliminating certain audits; confidentiality of reports to the state fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline; and access to tax records maintained by DOR; JLAC provision - SB27
Milwaukee County Mental Health Board created; reports and LAB duties - AB718
Milwaukee County Mental Health Board created; reports and LAB duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, operational and programmatic audits by DHS required; S.Amdt.1: transition to county-based Milwaukee County Mental Health Board provisions] - SB565
School and school district accountability report from DPI: provisions eliminated and school and school district accountability system established for public schools, charter schools, and private schools participating in the parental choice program; DPI report and LAB audit provisions - AB379
School and school district accountability report from DPI: provisions eliminated and school and school district accountability system established for public schools, charter schools, and private schools participating in the parental choice program; DPI report and LAB audit provisions [deleted by S.Sub.Amdt.1] - SB286
Special Needs Scholarship Program established; DPI duties and LAB study required [Sec. 238, 1752-1754, 1854, 1870, 1880, 1885, 1887, 1890; original bill only] - AB40
Special Needs Scholarship Program for disabled pupils established; LAB duty and study required; DPI to prepare document comparing certain rights under state and federal handicapped education law - AB682
Special Needs Scholarship Program for disabled pupils established; LAB duty and study required; DPI to prepare document comparing certain rights under state and federal handicapped education law - SB525
Transform Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs programs replaced with one statewide program called the Transitional Jobs program; annual report and LAB audits required - AB905
WEDC audits by LAB: financial audit and performance evaluation audit required annually - AB236
WEDC audits by LAB: financial audit and performance evaluation audit required annually - SB193
WEDC law revisions re report to JLAC, board member terms, lead director position, governance committee, LAB financial audit, power to establish a nonprofit organization, and state procurement - AB228
WEDC law revisions re report to JLAC, board member terms, lead director position, governance committee, LAB financial audit, power to establish a nonprofit organization, and state procurement - SB205
WEDC operation requirements re procurement, code of ethics applies to employees, annual reports, and independent audit [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 193o, q, 2055m-x, 9150 (1q)] - AB40
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative Fiscal Bureau
Biennial budget bill: process for removal of nonfiscal policy items established; LFB and JCF provisions - AB148
Common core standards: implementation suspended; DPI, LFB, and JLC studies required; procedure for adopting college and career readiness standards; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9134 (2q)] - AB40
Legislature may not enact any bill in the second year of the fiscal biennium that increases GPR expenditures without additional funding if the LFB determines GPR expenditures will exceed revenues - AB475
Public school financing law changes re general school aids formula, counting low-income pupils, per pupil adjustment, school aid factors, high-poverty aid, delayed school aid payments, per pupil aid, and revenue limits; eliminates school levy property tax credit and the first dollar property tax credit; DPI, DOA, LFB, and JCF duties - AB650
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement - AB395
legislative reference bureauLegislative Reference Bureau, see also Blue Book
Administrative code, Administrative Register, and statutes: electronic publication provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 27d-pk, 197p, 415g, h, 575b-t, 1599p, 1991p, 1996bp-tp, 2317p, 9127 (1q), (1r), 9327 (1q), 9427 (1q), (1r)] - AB40
Health benefit exchange: a state agency, or the governor, must request the LRB to prepare legislation allowing the agency to take action to create or implement; restrictions on using federal or state moneys to create - AB514
Health benefit exchange: a state agency, or the governor, must request the LRB to prepare legislation allowing the agency to take action to create or implement; restrictions on using federal or state moneys to create - SB392
Legislative and congressional redistricting: new procedure for preparing the plans, LRB duties specified; Redistricting Advisory Commission created - AB185
Legislative and congressional redistricting: new procedure for preparing the plans, LRB duties specified; Redistricting Advisory Commission created - SB163
Public deposits: maximum payment for losses from a single financial institution increased and interest changed to match the escrow account interest rate published by LRB - AB57
Public deposits: maximum payment for losses from a single financial institution increased and interest changed to match the escrow account interest rate published by LRB - SB66
Publication and effective dates of acts revised, LRB duties - SB2
Technical college districts' facilities, properties, assets, employees, and liabilities transferred to TCS Board; technical college district boards prohibited from levying property tax; TCS Board to develop transition plan to submit to JCF; sales and use tax increase; referendum required; LRB duties - AB177
legislative studiesLegislative studies, see Studies
legislative technology services bureauLegislative Technology Services Bureau
LTSB software development team congratulated for the Legislative Staff Achievement Award from the National Association of Legislative Information Technology - SJR48
legislatureLegislature, see also Redistricting
Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 2nd and Assembly Chief Clerk to remove portrait of Governor Jeremiah Rusk from public display and hang historic photo of the iron puddlers in Bay View for set number of days - AR11
Convention under Article V of the United States Constitution: appointing delegates modified; legislature required to create a joint committee of correspondence re communication between delegates and the legislature - AB635
Early childhood brain development: policy decisions enacted by the legislature will acknowledge and take into account the principles of - SJR59
Federal moneys accepted by the state may not be returned to the federal government without the approval of the legislature by law if the expenditure may increase employment in this state - AB588
Federal moneys accepted by the state may not be returned to the federal government without the approval of the legislature by law if the expenditure may increase employment in this state - SB323
Meetings of governmental bodies including the legislature: enactment of laws requiring reasonable notice and public access, two-thirds majority vote provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR35
NRB nominates DNR Secretary with advice and consent of the Senate, term of office provisions; filling an NRB member vacancy modified - AB517
NRB nominates DNR Secretary with advice and consent of the Senate, term of office provisions; filling an NRB member vacancy modified - SB388
Partisan caucus of Senate or Assembly: exception to open meetings - AB104
Recall of incumbent congressional, judicial, or legislative elective officer or county elective officer specified in the Wisconsin Constitution: grounds limited and filing officer duties; legislature required to establish a code of ethics for government officials and a board to administer it. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR25
Recall of incumbent congressional, judicial, or legislative elective officer or county elective officer specified in the Wisconsin Constitution: grounds limited and filing officer duties; legislature required to establish a code of ethics for government officials and a board to administer it. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR24
legislature _ audit committee, joint legislativeLegislature -- Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
DOT engineering consultants: LAB analysis requested [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9127 (2q)] - AB40
Fees charged to students: UW Board of Regents annual report to JCF and JLAC required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 609m] - AB40
GAB performance evaluation audit required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9115 (1d)] - AB40
LAB financial auditing duties revised including eliminating certain audits; confidentiality of reports to the state fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline; and access to tax records maintained by DOR; JLAC provision - AB36
LAB financial auditing duties revised including eliminating certain audits; confidentiality of reports to the state fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline; and access to tax records maintained by DOR; JLAC provision - SB27
UW Board of Regents: proposed methodology for calculating program revenue balances and reserves submitted to JLAC; PR account balance limits and policies on distribution and expenditure of tuition, fee, and GPR proposals to JCF; tuition and segregated fees cannot increase for 2013-14 and 2014-15 academic years [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9148 (4L)-(4n)] - AB40
WEDC annual financial audit required, report to JLAC - AB220
WEDC annual financial audit required, report to JLAC - SB186
WEDC law revisions re report to JLAC, board member terms, lead director position, governance committee, LAB financial audit, power to establish a nonprofit organization, and state procurement - AB228
WEDC law revisions re report to JLAC, board member terms, lead director position, governance committee, LAB financial audit, power to establish a nonprofit organization, and state procurement - SB205
WEDC operation requirements re procurement, code of ethics applies to employees, annual reports, and independent audit [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 193o, q, 2055m-x, 9150 (1q)] - AB40
legislature _ billsLegislature -- Bills, see Bills, Legislative
legislature _ caucusLegislature -- Caucus, see Legislature
legislature _ committeesLegislature -- Committees, see also Legislature -- specific committee name
AG opinion request by the Assembly Committee on Organization re acquisition or holding of land under Chapter 710 of the statutes is rescinded - AR24
Assembly committee structure and names for the 2013-14 legislative session established [Assembly rule 9 (1)] - AR2
Assembly Organization, Committee on, required to appoint a joint task force on clean and renewable energy, report required - AR27
Assembly rule revisions re conducting Committee on Assembly Organization meetings by ballot, behavior in gallery, and dress code [Assembly rules 23 (1m), 26 (8), (9), 56 (4)] - AR4
Assembly rules revised and created re votes in committee, meeting on unintroduced proposals, provision of calendar to members, questions of assembly or personal privilege, temporary committee appointments, 24-hour notice rule for committee meetings, Assembly chief clerk duties, reconsideration of proposals and amendments, proposed administrative rules notices and reports, and special, extraordinary, and extended sessions [Assembly rules 3 (1)(r), 5 (2), (4), 9 (2)(cd), 11 (4), (5)(a), (10), 17d (2), 29 (3), 53 (4), 61 (5), 73 (2)(a), (3), (4)(c), (9), 93 (2), (3), 95 (38), (50), (54), (58), (63)] - AR3
Clean and renewable energy joint task force: committees on Assembly and Senate organization required to immediately appoint, findings deadline set - AJR122
Clean energy: Speaker of the Assembly required to appoint a special committee on, report required - AR26
Convention under Article V of the United States Constitution: appointing delegates modified; legislature required to create a joint committee of correspondence re communication between delegates and the legislature - AB635