Replacing or maintaining an exisiting culvert that is not authorized by DNR's individual or general permitting requirements: additional exemptions created; DNR is responsible for design and engineering costs - SB664
Replacing or maintaining an existing culvert that is not authorized by DNR's individual or general permitting requirements: additional exemptions created; DNR is responsible for design and engineering costs - AB859
``Rock River Trail Scenic and Historic Route": DOT to designate and mark highway route in specified counties; contributions from interested parties required - SB41
``Rock River Trail Scenic and Historic Route": DOT to designate and mark highway route in specified counties; contributions from interested parties required - AB55
Sea lamprey control activities: DNR spending authorized - AB155
Sea lamprey control activities: DNR spending authorized [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, appropriation added] - SB134
Shoreline maintenance activities conducted in a shoreline area: exemption from permitting requirement created - AB804
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission: funding from recreational boating aids [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 286p, r, 9132 (4u), 9432 (1u)] - AB40
State trail system to include water trails; list of specific persons who may use state trails eliminated - AB793
State trail system to include water trails; list of specific persons who may use state trails eliminated [S.Amdt.1: inspection of trail signs provision] - SB596
Transportation general permit from DNR required that authorizes DOT to discharge storm water from a transportation activity site; new point source and modified point source pollution revisions re effluent limitations - AB836
Urban nonpoint source water pollution abatement, storm water management, and municipal flood control and riparian restoration projects: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 481] - AB40
Utility facilities that undertake construction activities affecting navigable waters: DNR permit procedures modified, deadlines and PSC duties; exemptions to DNR structure permit and removal permit requirements re certain electric utilities; shoreland zoning ordinance provisions - AB774
Utility facilities that undertake construction activities affecting navigable waters: DNR permit procedures modified, deadlines and PSC duties; exemptions to DNR structure permit and removal permit requirements re certain electric utilities; shoreland zoning ordinance provisions - SB625
Wisconsin River monitoring and nutrient study modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 284d, 2087v] - AB40
Continuous disinfection of municipal water supply required - AB545
Continuous disinfection of municipal water supply required - SB417
Joint local water authority: eligibility in the safe drinking water loan program and utility facilities owned by to be included in municipal utility facilities subject to cost sharing when relocation or replacement is required due to freeway construction - AB64
Joint local water authority: eligibility in the safe drinking water loan program and utility facilities owned by to be included in municipal utility facilities subject to cost sharing when relocation or replacement is required due to freeway construction - SB55
``Smart meter": public utilities and cooperative associations prohibited from installing if customer objects; public utilities required to file tariffs with PSC re customer objection procedure and charges; definition provision - AB345
waukesha, city ofWaukesha, City of
LaPorte, Joseph Charles: life and public service to the people of the City of Waukesha commended - AJR15
LaPorte, Joseph Charles: life and public service to the people of the City of Waukesha commended - SJR25
waukesha countyWaukesha County
Brookfield, Town of, authorized to create TIDs in the same way and under the same conditions as a city or village - Oc3 AB2
Brookfield, Town of, authorized to create TIDs in the same way and under the same conditions as a city or village - Oc3 SB2
Jeskewitz, James: life and commitment to the Menomonee Falls community commended upon his death - SJR63
TID number 1 in the Village of Wales: expenditure period and allocation period extended - AB255
TID number 1 in the Village of Wales: expenditure period and allocation period extended - SB220
wausau, city ofWausau, City of, see Marathon County
wca _wisconsin consumer act_WCA (Wisconsin Consumer Act), see Consumer protection
wcca _wisconsin circuit court access_WCCA (Wisconsin Circuit Court Access), see State Courts, Director of
Motor vehicles operating on highways when weather conditions limit visibility: required headlamps, tail lamps, and clearance lamps must be lighted, penalty provision - AB847
Ponds located entirely on private property: fishing without a license permitted; use of herbicide or algaecide without DNR permit allowed - AB84
Ponds located entirely on private property: fishing without a license permitted; use of herbicide or algaecide without DNR permit allowed - SB77
Weights and measures department: municipalities required to establish may contract with a private service provider [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1593v] - AB40
Ferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process created; nonferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process revised; DNR, wetlands, water, mining waste, fees, occupational tax, utility facility approvals, and local impact committee provisions - AB1
Ferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process created; nonferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process revised; DNR, wetlands, water, mining waste, fees, occupational tax, utility facility approvals, and local impact committee provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions] - SB1
High capacity well approvals revised - AB679
High capacity well approvals revised - SB302
High capacity wells: consideration of cumulative impacts [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2092g; A.Amdt.3: further revisions, 9332 (2L), 9432 (2L)] - AB40
Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions - AB830
wells, richard hWells, Richard H.
Chancellor of UW--Oshkosh commended for his contributions and congratulated on his upcoming retirement - AJR103
Chancellor of UW--Oshkosh commended for his contributions and congratulated on his upcoming retirement - SJR78
Decoys placed in water for migratory game bird hunting: DNR cannot prohibit under specified conditions - AB149
Decoys placed in water for migratory game bird hunting: DNR cannot prohibit under specified conditions - SB133
Discharge into wetland: exemption from DNR permitting and mitigation requirements for site in City of Sturgeon Bay, conditions specified - AB602
DNR duty revisions re reports of violations, citation procedure re wetland discharge violations, minimum age for sturgeon spearing license, air dispersion modeling requirements, Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Council membership, and publishing class 1 notices for certain permit applications - AB231
DNR duty revisions re reports of violations, citation procedure re wetland discharge violations, minimum age for sturgeon spearing license, air dispersion modeling requirements, Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Council membership, and publishing class 1 notices for certain permit applications [S.Amdt.1: air dispersion modeling requirements removed] - SB189
Ferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process created; nonferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process revised; DNR, wetlands, water, mining waste, fees, occupational tax, utility facility approvals, and local impact committee provisions - AB1
Ferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process created; nonferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process revised; DNR, wetlands, water, mining waste, fees, occupational tax, utility facility approvals, and local impact committee provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions] - SB1
Ponds located entirely on private property: fishing without a license permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 562g-r] - AB40
Ponds located entirely on private property: fishing without a license permitted; use of herbicide or algaecide without DNR permit allowed - AB84
Ponds located entirely on private property: fishing without a license permitted; use of herbicide or algaecide without DNR permit allowed - SB77
Wetland mitigation: escrow subprogram established [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 284e, 2092j-u] - AB40
whs _wisconsin historical society_WHS (Wisconsin Historical Society), see Historical society
USH 12 highway project from City of Elkhorn to City of Whitewater: environmental impact statement required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1534h] - AB40
wild animalWild animal, see Animal; Hunting
wild turkeyWild turkey, see Bird
winnebago countyWinnebago County
Fox Cities RTA: authority to create restored as provided in 2009 WisAct 28; resolution and referendum provisions - AB349
Fox Cities RTA: authority to create restored as provided in 2009 WisAct 28; resolution and referendum provisions - SB259
wireless telecommunicationsWireless telecommunications, see Telecommunications
wisconsin circuit courts access _wcca_Wisconsin Circuit Courts Access (WCCA), see State Courts, Director of
wisconsin consumer act _wca_Wisconsin Consumer Act (WCA), see Consumer protection
wisconsin franchise investment lawWisconsin Franchise Investment law, see Securities -- Regulation
wisconsin historical society _whs_Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS), see Historical society