Destruction of infected plants, 94.02
Forest pests, control, 26.30
Inspection, quarantine and restriction of movement, 94.01
Notice of infection, 94.02
Nursery stock:
Inspection, 94.10
Special inspections, fees, 94.11
Shipment of plant pests and biological control agents, permit, 94.03
Direct sales to schools, programs, 93.49
Procurement, see Marketing and sales, under this head
Requested inspections and grading, 93.06 (1m)
Security interest in, see Commercial Code—10. Secured Transactions
Promotion, 93.07 (3)
Property tax assessment of agricultural land, 70.32 (2r), 74.485
Registration of farms, 59.76
Right to farm law, 823.08
Rural planning, 27.019
Safety and health center, University of Wisconsin, 36.25 (32)
Sales and use tax, exempt items, 77.54 (3), (3m)
Certification, 94.40
Exemption from regulation, 94.42
Labeler license, fee, 94.43
Misbranding, 94.41
Records and samples to be kept by labelers, 94.44
Requirements, 94.385
Noxious, restrictions on sale, 94.38 to 94.46
Prohibited practices, 94.41
Regulation, sampling, testing:
Department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection powers, 94.45
Penalties, 94.46
Standards, department to set, 93.07 (8), 94.45
Soil additives, regulation, 94.65
Soil and water conservation, generally, Ch. 92
For detailed analysis, see Soil and Water Conservation
Statistics on products and resources, 69.66
Stray voltage program, 93.41, 196.857
Exempt from execution, appraised, 815.19 (2)
Fenders required, 347.46 (1)
Fire preventive devices, when required, 26.205
Hour-meter tampering, 100.48
Lighting equipment, 347.21, 347.22, 347.25 (2g), 347.27
Registration, exemption, 341.05 (7)
Sales, safety requirements, 100.47
Slow-moving equipment, emblem, 347.245
Width regulations, moving on highways, 348.05
Youthful operators, regulated, 346.925
Trusts prohibited from carrying on operations, 182.001
University extension program, 59.56 (3)
Vegetables, unfair trade practices in purchasing, 100.235
Destruction of, 66.0407, 66.0517
Noxious, grants and technical assistance, 23.2355
Wild rice, 29.607
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.889
Agriculture producer security council:
Creation, 15.137 (1)
Duties, 126.90
DATCP authority, 126.80
Court actions, 126.87
Definitions, 126.78
Information, contractor obligation to provide to DATCP, 126.83
Investigations, 126.82
License actions, 126.86
Records, confidentiality, 126.84
Remedial orders, 126.85
Rule-making, 126.81
Modifying fund assessments, 126.88
Definitions, 126.01
Grain dealers:
Business practices, 126.20
Contributing grain dealers:
Disqualification, 126.14
Fund assessments, 126.15
Calculations, 126.89
Deferred payment contracts, 126.19
Definitions, 126.10
Financial statements, 126.13
Insurance, 126.12
Licensing, 126.11
Receipts for grain, 126.18
Security required, 126.16
Grain producer obligations, 126.21
Grain warehouse keepers:
Business practices, 126.34