Appearance of parties and child, 822.295
Limited immunity from jurisdiction, 822.09
Applicability of law:
Emergency medical care of children not covered, 822.03
International application, 822.05
Construction of law, 822.01
Courts in other states:
Communication with, 822.10
Cooperation with, records preservation, 822.12
Custody determination, effect, 822.06
Definitions, 822.02, 822.31
Determinations, enforcement of:
Appeals, 822.44
Costs, fees, and expenses, 822.42
Court duty to enforce, 822.33
Definitions, 822.31
Enforcement under Hague convention, 822.32
Expedited enforcement, 822.38
Hearing and order, 822.40
Law enforcement role, 822.46
Prosecutor's role, 822.45
Recognition and enforcement, 822.43
Registration of determination, 822.35
Enforcement of registered determination, 822.36
Service of petition and order, 822.39
Simultaneous proceedings, 822.37
Temporary physical placement or visitation, 822.34
Warrant to take physical custody, 822.41
Inconvenient forum, 822.27
Indian children, custody, 822.04
Information under oath to be submitted to court, 822.29
International application, 822.05
Enforcement under Hague convention, 822.32
Joinder, 822.25
Declining jurisdiction due to conduct, 822.28
Exclusive, continuing, 822.22
Initial custody, 822.21
Modification of determinations, 822.23
Temporary emergency, 822.24
Notice and opportunity to be heard, 822.25
Notice to persons outside this state, 822.08
Priority of cases, expedited calendaring, 822.07
Purposes of law, 822.01
Simultaneous proceedings in other states, telephone conference, 822.26
Testimony, taking in another state, 822.11
Title of act, 822.01
Advertising, restrictions related to minors, 103.81
Age certificate:
Evidence, 103.75
Fees, 103.805
Apprenticeships, 106.01
Definitions, 103.64
Discriminatory acts, 103.83
Employer's duties, 103.74
Fund-raising sales:
Age minimum and requirements, 103.23 (2)
Definitions, 103.21
Golf caddies, 103.79
Hours, regulation, 103.66 (2), 103.68
Inspections of employers, 103.80
Lunch periods, 103.68
Minimum ages, various employments, 103.67
Penalties for violations, 103.82
Permits, 103.70 to 103.73
Fees, 103.805
Permit officer, designation, 103.245, 103.695
Proof of age in court, 103.76
Public exhibitions, 103.19, 103.20, 103.78
Radio or television broadcasts, 103.78
Standards of employment, 103.65, 103.66
Street trades:
Age minimum, 103.23
Definitions, 103.21
Discriminatory acts, 103.33
Employer's records, files, 103.27
Enforcement of law, 103.28
Hours of work, 103.24
House-to-house, duties of employers, 103.275
Identification card and permit, 103.25, 103.26
Employers, generally, 103.29
Newspapers, 103.30
Not obtaining permit, 103.25
Parent or guardian, 103.31
Permits, 103.25
Filed, inspection allowed, 103.27