Drug disposal programs, 66.0437
Dwelling codes, see Building and construction, under this subhead
Elections, see Elections
Electric companies, authority to create, 66.0825
Declaration of emergency, 323.11
Head of emergency management, 323.15
Liability for workers, volunteers, 323.41, 323.42
Officers, succession to offices, 323.54
Powers and duties, 323.14
Temporary location during emergency, 323.52
Workers compensation responsibility for employees, volunteers, 323.40, 323.42
Hazardous substances discharge, emergency response and reimbursement, 323.71
Medical services program, 62.133, 256.12
Police powers of officers, 213.095
Phone system, 256.35
Employment offices, 106.09 (2)
Entertainment and athletic ticket selling regulation, restrictions, 66.0410
Environmental repair grants from state, 283.87 (4)
Exposition districts, see Exposition Districts, Local
Extraterritorial powers, jurisdiction limitation, 66.0105
Farm lands, detachment, 62.075
Reasonableness required, 66.0628
Unpaid; state income tax setoff, 71.935
Fire department:
Chief of department:
Appointment, subordinates, 62.13 (3), (4)
Required, 62.09 (1)
Combined fire and police services, 62.13 (2e)
Forest fires suppression, 26.11
Mutual assistance, 66.03125
State of emergency, 66.0314
Organization and management, 62.13
First class cities, 62.50
State aids, 101.573, 101.575
Fire protection, contracting for services, 62.13 (8) (b)
Local regulation, 66.0409
Seized, disposal of, 968.20
Shooting range exception, 895.527
Fireworks, regulation of, 167.10
Flood control projects, see Flood Control
Food sale regulation, restrictions, 66.0418
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Activities generally, 27.09
Community forests, 28.20 to 28.23
Forest fires suppression, 26.11
Grants from state, 23.097
Forfeitures, see Ordinances, under this subhead
Forms, use of all statutory forms authorized, 62.26 (3)
Gambling, devices, prohibition, 66.0107
Garbage and rubbish removal, 66.0405
See also Waste Management
General laws in force in, 62.26 (1)
Acceptance, XI, 3a
Acquire property by, 62.22
For highways, acceptance, 86.15
For parks, boulevards, 27.08
Conditional acceptance, 27.12
Green space, aids for acquisition of, 23.09 (19)
Harbors, see Harbors
Hazardous waste management:
Disposal facility, local approval, 289.22, 289.33
Waste sites, cost recovery and negotiation, 292.35
Health and sanitation expenses, responsibility in certain cases, 146.16
Health insurance for unemployed, 66.0137 (3)
Health rules, limitations, 146.17
Hearing and speech impaired persons, provide teletypewriter for emergency needs, 59.54 (5)
Heat mains, extensions, expense, 62.19
Historic preservation:
Historic buildings, rights and obligations, 44.42, 66.1111
Home rule, XI, 3; 62.04, 62.11 (5), 66.0101
Charter ordinances, 66.0101
Homeless persons, state grants for, 16.306, 16.308
Board, powers and duties, 66.0127
County-city, 66.0927
Lease agreements with nonprofit corporations to finance facilities, 66.0129