Building at street ends on navigable waters, 30.30 (8)
Building codes:
Authority to adopt, 59.70 (1)
Conformance with state law, 66.1019
Enforcement, 62.17
Historic preservation, 59.69 (4m)
Inspection warrants, 66.0119
Manufactured buildings, 101.76, 101.761
Multifamily dwelling code, 101.975
One- and 2-family dwelling, 101.65, 101.651
Public buildings, see Public Buildings
Building inspector, 59.698
Battery to, 940.208
Certification required, 101.66(2)
Condominiums, local review of instruments, 703.115
Conformance with state law, 66.1019
Construction site erosion control, 101.653
Storm water management, state plan, 281.33
County land use plan, 236.46 (1)
Electrical construction inspection, 101.86, 101.861
Electricians, journeymen; licensure, 101.87
Mobile communication service tower siting regulation, 66.0404
Comprehensive planning, 66.1001
Grants from state, 16.965
Platting lands:
Approval, 236.10
For assessment, 70.27
Replats, 236.36
Plumbing, 145.04, 145.05
Radio broadcast service facility regulations, 66.0406
Regional planning commission, 66.0309
Regulation authority limitations, 66.10015
Rural planning, 27.019
Sanitary code, 59.70 (1)
Septic systems, see Unsewered property, under this subhead
Shooting range exception, 895.527
Shoreland management ordinances, 92.17
Unsewered property:
Building on, 145.195
County responsibilities, 145.20 (2)
Ordinance, 59.70 (5)
Sanitary permit, issuance, 145.19
Septage, disposal by, 281.48 (5m)
Wetlands notice requirement at permit issuance, 59.691
Zoning, generally, 59.69
Airport areas, 114.136
Boards of adjustment, 59.694
Building inspector to enforce, 59.698
Contesting ordinance, limitations, 59.69 (14), 893.73 (1) (a)
Family child care homes, 66.1017
Farmland preservation, 91.30 to 91.50
For detailed analysis, see Farmland Preservation
Fees for appeals, 59.697
Fees for filing petitions, 59.696, 59.697
Floodplain, 87.30
Payday lender location, 59.69 (4h)
Petition to, by town board, 60.61 (3)
Shoreland management ordinances, 92.17
Shorelands on navigable waters, 59.692
Subdivision control, 236.45
counties_11. lands, county owned 11. Lands, County Owned
Acquisition, management and conveyances:
Board powers, 59.52 (6)
Constitutional authority to acquire, XI, 3a
Title, how held and conveyed, 59.06
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Drainage district assessment, 88.48
Environmental remediation, tax incremental financing, 66.1106
Public lands, sale to county, 24.09
Relief from conditions of gifts or dedications, 66.1025
Rents, return to municipalities, 59.52 (17)
Special assessment, county property subject to, 66.0705
Tax-deeded lands:
Exchange of lands, 59.69 (8)
Sale, notice, proceeds, 75.35
Vacating or altering plats:
Application, 236.40
Areas dedicated to public, 236.43
Hearing and order, 236.42
Notice, 236.41
Recording order, 236.44
Tax delinquent lands, sale, notice, 75.69
Tax title, evidence of, 992.08
Title to property, 59.06
Zoning of county owned lands, 59.69 (9)
counties_12. officers and employees 12. Officers and Employees
Generally, 59.20
Abstractor, 59.44