Inspection powers, 281.96, 285.19, 289.91, 291.91, 293.86
Metallic mining, 293.13, 293.15
Recycling, 287.03
Sale of confiscated property, 29.931 (2), 29.934
Solid waste, 289.06, 289.07
Water and sewage, 281.12
Promotional materials and publications, 23.165
Publications, 23.16, 23.165
Radio tower site, lease for telecommunications system, 23.146
Rural planning, 27.019 (12)
Sanitary licenses, regulation, 281.48
Generally, 15.04, 15.05
Financial interest prohibited, 299.23
Salary, 20.923 (4)
Small business environmental council:
Creation, 15.347 (8)
Duties, 285.795
State survey, aerial photo, 23.325
Stewardship program, Knowles-Nelson, 23.0915, 23.0917
Expenditure limits, 23.09 (2q), (2r)
Land access, 23.0916
Information and public access notice, 23.09165
Land management, maintenance, and improvement activities; contracts for, reports, 23.0912, 23.0913
Milwaukee Lakeshore state park, 23.198
Sales of public land to state, 24.59
Specific projects or activities, 23.197
Town sanitary districts:
Creation, 60.72
Review of orders creating, 60.73
Transportation of certain employees, 20.916 (3)
Unclaimed, seized or confiscated property, use by department, 29.938
U.S. lands, 1.056
Generally, 23.10
Arrest powers, 29.921 (1), (2)
Assault, obstruction, 29.951
Civil disorder on state property, duties, 323.12 (2) (c)
County wardens, 23.10 (2)
Emergencies, calling out by governor, 323.17
Fire duties, 26.14, 26.97
Immunity from liability, 29.944
Impersonating, 29.954
Injury in hazardous employment, salary continued, 230.36
Police officers to assist, 29.941
Police powers, 26.97, 29.921, 29.924, 29.931
Resisting, 29.951
Snowmobile law, enforcement, 350.17
Waterways commission:
Creation, 15.345
Powers and duties, 30.92
Acceptance, 23.09 (2) (o), 299.21
Contributions for environmental remediation, 292.51
Conservation grants, to nonprofit organizations, 23.0955, 23.096
Park and forest friends groups, 23.098, 27.016
Urban forestry, 23.097
Urban river; land acquisition, 23.0915, 30.277
Web site information:
Ch 281 to 299 applications status, 299.17
Navigability determination, ch. 30 applications status, 30.102
Wildlife, see Fish and Game
Willow flowage project, 23.196
Wind turbine placement; bats and birds, effect on, 23.39
Wisconsin valley improvement company, duties, 182.70
Appeal, 23.83
Arraignment, 23.70
Arrest with warrant, 23.56
Arrest without warrant, 23.57
Burden of proof, 23.76
Circuit court of county where offense occurred to hear action, 23.50 (2)
Commencement of action, 23.52
Form, 23.54
Issuance, 23.62
Officer's action after issuance, 23.63
Use, 23.53
Civil actions, 23.50 (2)
Commencement of actions, 23.52
Contents, 23.55
Issuance, 23.65
Conflict with ch. 778, procedure, 778.104
Credit card use charges, 23.49
Deposit after release, 23.64
Deposit and stipulation of no contest, 23.67
Deposit procedures, 23.66
Discovery, 23.73