General provisions, 15.07
sabotage SABOTAGE
Prevention, 175.05
What constitutes, penalty, 946.02
safe_place statute SAFE-PLACE STATUTE
Generally, 101.11
Enforcement and supervision, 101.02 (15)
safety SAFETY
For specific activities or instrumentalities of interest, refer to the Subject heading for that activity or instrumentality, e.g., see Boats and Vessels; Buildings; Motor Vehicles
safety and professional services department SAFETY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT
Generally, Ch. 440
1. General Provisions
Advisory committees, 440.042
Affiliated credentialing boards:
Creation, membership, 15.406
Disputes with department secretary, arbitration, 440.045
Duties, generally, 440.035
Members, meetings, powers, generally, 15.085
Appropriation, 20.165
Assistance to other agencies, 440.03 (2)
Battery to employee, criminal, 940.207
Bureau directors, authorities, unclassified, 230.08 (2) (v)
Certificates, generally, see Credentials, under this head
Creation of department, 15.40
Cancellation, reinstatement, 440.23
Change of name or address, notify department, 440.11
Delinquent support, unemployment contribution, and tax obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Enforcement of laws requiring credentials, 440.21
Fingerprinting prohibited, 440.15
Military training, credit for, 440.075
Notice of renewal, 440.08 (1)
Renewal dates, 440.08 (2) (a)
Service member spouses, reciprocal credentials, 440.09
Standard fees, 440.05
Voluntary surrender, 440.19
Criminal history search, computer link to justice department, 165.825
Definitions, 440.01
Disciplinary proceedings:
Administrative warnings, 440.205
Against holders of credentials, 440.20
Assessment of costs, 440.22
Bonds, 440.02
Rights of certain employees, 230.339
Examination standards and services, 440.07
No degree required to sit for examination, 440.71
Examining boards:
Creation, membership, 15.405
Disputes with department secretary, arbitration, 440.045
Duties, generally, 440.035
Members, meetings, powers, generally, 15.08
Examining councils, 15.407
Members, meetings, powers, generally, 15.08
Fees for occupational credentials, 440.05
Credit card payment, 440.055
Incompetency declaration; denial, nonrenewal, or revocation of credential, 440.121
Legal services, justice department to provide, 165.25 (4)
Licenses, see Credentials, under this head
Medical malpractice allegations, powers, 440.03 (5), (6)
Permits, generally, see Credentials, under this head
Personal information, disclosure, 85.103
Powers and duties, 440.03, 452.05
Generally, 15.04, 15.05
Duties, 440.04
Reexaminations, 440.06
Refunds of fees, 440.06
Salary, 20.923 (4)
Subpoenas, may issue, 440.03 (4)
Time-share salespersons, registration, 452.025
Amusement rides, approval and inspection, 101.12
Anhydrous ammonia, regulation, 101.10
Liability immunity, 895.555
Arsenic in wood, review of hazards, 93.80
Automatic fire sprinklers:
Apprentice fitters, registration, 145.16
Contractors and journeymen council; creation, membership, terms, 15.407 (17), 145.17
Fees for licensing of contractors, fitters, journeymen, 145.08
Inspectors, 145.17
Installation, licenses, 145.15
Maintenance only registration, 145.165, 145.175, 145.18
Temporary permits for contractors and fitters, 145.18