state capitol and executive residence board STATE CAPITOL AND EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE BOARD
Creation, membership, terms, 15.105 (5)
Duties, 16.83
General provisions, 15.07
Officer selection, 15.07 (2) (j)
state courts, director of STATE COURTS, DIRECTOR OF
state fair park board STATE FAIR PARK BOARD
See Fairs
state geologist STATE GEOLOGIST
Appointment by regents, 36.09 (1)
Geological and natural history survey, 36.25 (6)
Mineral exploration reports, 107.15
state lottery STATE LOTTERY
state patrol STATE PATROL
state public defender STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER
state public employee trust funds STATE PUBLIC EMPLOYEE TRUST FUNDS
state registrar STATE REGISTRAR
state teachers retirement board STATE TEACHERS RETIREMENT BOARD
state treasurer STATE TREASURER
Note: For state treasury management, see Administration Department—5. Finance
Appropriation, 20.585
Assistant treasurer, 14.62
Bond, 14.60, 19.11
Salary, 20.923 (8)
Governor may demand additional, 19.11 (4)
Bonds of assistant and employees, 14.62
College savings program, 16.641
Board; creation, members, 15.105 (25m)
Trust funds, 25.85, 25.853, 25.855
Vendor, 16.255
College tuition and expenses program, 16.64
Commissioner of public lands, X, 7
County mining investment fund, 25.65
Restrictions on withdrawals, 70.396
Credit union, liquidation, unclaimed funds, 186.235 (11) (p)
Duties, VI, 3; 14.58
Election and term of office, VI, 1; 8.25 (4)
Escheated property, sale, proceeds, 20.909
Escheats, pay claims, 863.39 (3)
Insurance companies, liquidation, deposit of unclaimed and withheld funds, 645.73
Local government pooled-investment fund, duties, 25.50
Mortgage to state, discharge, 708.07
Municipal officer training programs, 14.59
Nonstock corporation, dissolved, deposits of assets, 181.1440
Oath of office, 19.10
Office, creation, 14.56
Powers and duties, county mining investment fund, 25.65
Public employee trust fund, treasurer of fund, 40.03 (4)
Resignation, 17.01
Assistant, 20.923 (8)
Searches of public records, copies, 19.25
Sellers of checks, business termination, deposit proceeds, 217.11 (5)
State debt, see State—20. Public Debt
Unclaimed legacy or intestate property paid to, limitation, 863.37
University regents, treasurer for, 36.07 (3)
How filled during disability, 17.025 (4) (c)
When filled at special election, 8.50 (4) (c)
state use board STATE USE BOARD
Creation, members, 15.105 (22)
Duties, 16.752
General provisions, 15.07
statistics STATISTICS
Generally, Ch. 69
Agricultural products and resources, department to collect, 69.66
County clerk's returns to revenue department, 69.62
Dairy products, collection, 93.07 (21)
Debt statement by clerks to secretary of state, 69.68
Failure to file requisite reports, penalty, 69.69
Industrial accidents, 102.35, 102.37, 102.38
Real estate sales:
Revenue department duty, 69.63
Use of, 69.65
Tax statements to revenue department, 70.53
Failure to return, 69.67
Relating to, collection, 69.60
statutes STATUTES
See also Legislature