Real estate brokers, salespersons, 452.13
Securities registered in name of nominee, 223.05 (2)
Undistributed property deposited when delivery cannot be made, 895.42
trusts TRUSTS
trusts_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Generally, Ch. 701
Accumulations permitted, 701.1136 (3)
Court, role of, 701.0201
Principal place of, 701.0108
Augmented marital property estate, transfers included in, 861.05
Basic will with trust, see Probate and Transfers at Death—19. Wills
Beneficiaries, qualified, others treated as, 701.0110
Benefit plans, designation of beneficiaries, payees and owners, 853.18
Cemetery, see Cemeteries
Charitable, 701.0405
Court proceedings, notice to attorney general, 879.03 (2) (c)
Property tax exemptions, property held for public interest, 70.11 (20)
Combination and division of trusts, 701.0417
Common law trusts, regulated, 226.14, 701.0106
Conveyances, disclosure of trust omitted, effect on title, 706.08 (3)
Creation of trust:
Animals, trust for care, 701.0408
Induced by fraud, duress, or undue influence, 701.0406
In other jurisdictions, 701.0403
Methods, 701.0401
Noncharitable without ascertainable beneficiaries, 701.0409
Oral trust, 701.0407
Purposes, 701.0404
Charitable purposes, 701.0405
Requirements, 701.0402
Creditors rights:
Beneficiaries creditors, 701.0501
Discretionary trusts, 701.0504
Spendthrift provisions, 701.0502, 701.0503
Overdue distributions, 701.0506
Settlor's creditors, 701.0505
Trustee's obligations, 701.0507
Custodial trusts, uniform act:
Application, 54.986, 54.988
Methods and forms, 54.984
Upon future event, 54.954
Definitions, 54.850, 54.950
General provisions, 54.952
Incapacitated beneficiary, 54.968
Of third person, 54.970
Of trust, trustee, beneficiaries, 54.972
Multiple beneficiaries; separate trusts; survivorship, 54.960
Termination, distribution, 54.982
Acceptance of property, effect, 54.956
Accounting and reporting, 54.978
Actions against, limitations, 54.980
Duties, 54.962
Expenses, compensation and bond, 54.976
Powers, 54.964
Replacement, 54.974
Transfer to, by fiduciary or obligor, 54.958
Use of property, 54.966
Debts of decedents, 701.0508
Disclaimer of transfers at death, 854.13
Federal estate and generation skipping taxes, repealed; administration of trusts referring to, 854.30
Transfers at, applicability of general rules, 701.1204
Definitions, 701.0103
Electronic records and signatures, 701.1202
Farm operations, restrictions, 182.001
Governing law, 701.0107
Judicial proceedings:
Administration of trust, role of court, 701.0201
Attorney fees and costs, 701.1004
Breach of trust, see Trusts-3. Trustees
Damages in absence of breach, 701.1003
Personal, 701.0202
Subject matter, 701.0203
Venue, 701.0204
Knowledge, when person has, 701.0104
Marital deduction transfers, 701.0819
Marital property, transferred to, 766.31 (5), 766.51 (3)
Modification or termination: