188.01   Election of trustees.
188.02   Powers of trustees.
188.03   In whom property to vest.
188.04   Election, term and removal of trustees.
188.05   Council of granges.
188.06   Powers of trustees.
188.08   Corporate powers of American Legion.
188.085   Changing names and dissolving units of the American Legion.
188.09   Corporate powers of the Disabled American Veterans and affiliates.
188.095   Changing names and dissolving units of the Disabled American Veterans.
188.10   Corporate powers of the Wisconsin Veterans Council.
188.11   Corporate powers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and affiliates.
188.115   Changing names and dissolving units of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and affiliates.
188.12   Corporate powers of the 40 and 8; liability for acts.
188.13   Corporate powers of Red Arrow Clubs.
188.14   Corporate powers of the Military Order of the World Wars.
188.15   Corporate powers of Marine Corps League and affiliates.
188.16   Corporate powers of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
188.17   Corporate powers of Navy Club.
188.18   Corporate powers of Reserve Officers Association.
188.19   Corporate powers of American Veterans of World War II (AMVETS).
188.20   Changing names and dissolving units.
188.21   Corporate powers of the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., Inc.
188.22   Corporate powers of the Jewish War Veterans.
188.23   Corporate powers of the Polish Legion of American Veterans.
188.235   Corporate powers of the Army and Navy Union of the U.S.A.
188.24   Corporate powers of the Catholic War Veterans.
188.25   Annual reports of veterans' organizations.
188.26   Veterans; corporations.
188.01 188.01 Election of trustees. The members of any grand lodge or division or of any subordinate lodge or division acting under the authority of any grand lodge or division of Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Hermann's Sons, or Sons of Temperance, Grand Army of the Republic, or of the State Grange, or any subordinate grange of the order of Patrons of Husbandry acting under the authority of a state or national grange, or of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union, or any county, district or local Woman's Christian Temperance Union, or of any other society constituted in a manner generally similar to either of the foregoing, whether acting under the jurisdiction of a grand lodge or division or not, may assemble at their usual place of meeting and, in pursuance of the rules of their society, elect not less than 3 nor more than 9 of their number trustees to take care of the property, real and personal, belonging to the society and transact all the business relative to the investment and disposal of the society's property.
188.01 History History: 1997 a. 254.
188.02 188.02 Powers of trustees. The trustees of a society that is subject to this chapter:
188.02(1) (1) May have a common seal that may be altered at the trustee's pleasure.
188.02(2) (2) Shall be considered a corporation for all purposes for which they are authorized to act.
188.02(3) (3) In pursuance of the rules and regulations of the society and in conformity with the rules and regulations of the grand lodge, division or society from which they derive their charter, may take possession of, manage, control, purchase, lease, receive, recover, hold, sell, convey, mortgage, demise and improve all of the property thereof or necessary therefor, real and personal, including all burial places belonging to the society, and may erect and keep in repair all buildings necessary therefor.
188.02(4) (4) May sue and be sued in all matters pertaining to the property and the debts, claims, demands and liabilities of the society, and the name in which they shall sue or be sued shall be "The trustees of .... (insert name of the grand lodge, lodge, division, grange or society of which they are trustees)".
188.02 History History: 1997 a. 254.
188.03 188.03 In whom property to vest. All of the real and personal property that shall have been conveyed by devise, gift, grant, purchase or otherwise to any society that is subject to this chapter or to any person as trustee for the use of the society shall vest in the society's trustees and their successors in office as fully as if originally conveyed to them, and shall be held by them and by their successors in trust for the society in the manner aforesaid.
188.03 History History: 1997 a. 254.
188.04 188.04 Election, term and removal of trustees.
188.04(1) (1) The trustees of a society that is subject to this chapter shall be elected annually at the time and place and in the manner prescribed by the rules or bylaws of the society. The trustees shall severally hold their offices for one year and until their successors are elected.
188.04(2) (2) Any society, at the first or any subsequent election, may classify its trustees so that the term of office for one-third of them shall expire each year. When so classified, the term of office of the trustees thereafter elected shall be 3 years and until their successors are elected. Any trustee may be removed in accordance with the rules or bylaws of the society, and all vacancies may be filled for the residue of the term.
188.04(3) (3) Any 2 trustees may call a meeting of the society, and a majority of them being convened may transact any business authorized to be done by them.
188.04(4) (4) Whenever any subordinate grange of the Patrons of Husbandry shall from any cause cease to exist, the trustees then in office shall immediately sell the property of the grange and divide the proceeds proportionally among its members.
188.04 History History: 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (12); 1997 a. 254.
188.05 188.05 Council of granges. Any members of subordinate granges of the Patrons of Husbandry, not less than 5, located in any county or in adjoining counties may unite and be known and designated by some especial name as a council of granges of the Patrons of Husbandry, and may, as such, elect trustees as provided in this chapter. The trustees shall have all of the powers and privileges in respect to the property of the council of granges that are conferred by this chapter upon the trustees of a subordinate grange.
188.05 History History: 1997 a. 254.
188.06 188.06 Powers of trustees. The powers conferred by this chapter upon the trustees of a subordinate grange or council of granges of the Patrons of Husbandry shall not be exercised until the chief officers of such grange or council of granges shall make and sign a certificate setting forth the name, number and date of organization of such grange or council and the number and names of its trustees first elected, and record the same in the office of the register of deeds in the county in which such grange or council is located; nor, in case of the state grange, until the like officers thereof shall have made, signed and filed a like certificate with the department of financial institutions.
188.06 History History: 1993 a. 301; 1995 a. 27.
188.08 188.08 Corporate powers of American Legion.
188.08(1) (1) Any post, county or district council or department of the American Legion organized in this state pursuant to the acts of congress passed September 16, 1919, and the acts amendatory thereto, and any unit, county or district council, or department of the auxiliary of the American Legion organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing posts, units, county or district councils, or departments upon filing with the department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to do and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
188.08(2) (2) All acts done by any post, unit, county or district council, or department, so incorporated, or its constituted authorities, shall be considered acts of said post, unit, county or district council, or department, as a body corporate, and no personal liability shall be attached to any member therefor.
188.08(3) (3)Sections 180.0203 and 181.0203 shall not apply to corporations organized under s. 188.08. In the execution of any conveyance or encumbrance by such corporations, the post, county or district, or department commander, and the post, county or district council, or department adjutant, or like or similar officers, shall have the powers and duties granted to presidents and secretaries respectively under s. 706.03 (2) and (3). The provisions of this section shall apply to all corporations incorporated hereunder whether incorporated before or after May 14, 1937.
188.08 History History: 1989 a. 303; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 79.
188.085 188.085 Changing names and dissolving units of the American Legion. Any post, county, district council, department or other unit of the American Legion or of the auxiliary of the American Legion which has become a body corporate under the provisions of s. 188.08 may change its name or dissolve by the adoption of a written resolution to that effect, by a vote of a majority of its members present at a meeting called for that purpose and by filing the same as herein provided. Such resolution, with a certificate thereto affixed, signed by the commander and adjutant, or like or similar officers, stating the facts, including the date of the adoption of such resolution, the number of members present at such meeting, and the number of members who voted for the adoption of the resolution, shall be forwarded to and filed with the department of financial institutions, and thereupon the name of such corporation shall be changed or the corporation shall cease to exist, as the case may be. In lieu of the foregoing method of dissolution, any corporation formed under s. 188.08 may be dissolved by the filing of a certificate with the department of financial institutions reciting that such corporation has ceased to be a unit of the American Legion or its auxiliary. Such certificate shall be signed by the national commander and national adjutant of the American Legion or by the state commander and state adjutant of the American Legion, department of Wisconsin. In the case of units of the auxiliary the certificates shall be signed by the national president and national secretary or the department president and department secretary. Corporations dissolved under this section shall continue to have corporate existence, subject to the limitations on their activities under s. 181.1405. No fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for such filing.
188.085 History History: 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 79.
188.09 188.09 Corporate powers of the Disabled American Veterans and affiliates.
188.09(1) (1) Any chapter, county or district council, or department of the Disabled American Veterans, organized in this state pursuant to an act of congress of the United States, known as Public No. 186, seventy-second congress (H.R. 4738), and the acts amendatory thereto, any unit or department of the auxiliary of the Disabled American Veterans in this state and any dugout or state department of the National Order of Trench Rats, their auxiliaries and affiliated organizations, or any department thereof, organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing chapters, county or district councils, department of Wisconsin, their auxiliaries and affiliated organizations, or any department thereof, upon filing with the department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to do, and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
188.09(2) (2) All acts done by any department, chapter, county or district council, unit, dugout and state department thereof, their auxiliaries or affiliated organizations so incorporated, or its constituted authorities, shall be considered acts of said department, chapter, county or district council, unit, dugout or department thereof, their auxiliaries or affiliated organizations, as a body corporate, and no personal liability shall be attached to any member thereof.
188.09(3) (3)Sections 180.0203 and 181.0203 shall not apply to corporations organized under s. 188.09. In the execution of any conveyance or encumbrance by such corporations, the chapter or department commander and the chapter or department adjutant, or like or similar officers of any of the affiliated or auxiliary organizations, shall have the powers and duties granted to presidents and secretaries respectively under s. 706.03 (2) and (3). The provisions of this section shall apply to all corporations incorporated hereunder whether incorporated before or after May 14, 1937.
188.09 History History: 1989 a. 303; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 79.
188.095 188.095 Changing names and dissolving units of the Disabled American Veterans. Any chapter, county or district council, or department of the Disabled American Veterans, or other unit of the Disabled American Veterans, or of the auxiliaries of the Disabled American Veterans, which has become a body corporate under s. 188.09, may, whenever its articles do not provide the manner in which its name shall be changed or of its dissolution, change its name or dissolve by the adoption of a written resolution to that effect, by a vote of the majority of its members present at a meeting called for that purpose, and by filing the same as herein provided. A certificate thereto affixed, signed by the commander and adjutant, or like or similar officers, stating the facts, including the date of adoption of such resolution, the number of members present at such meeting, and the number of members who voted for the adoption of the resolution, shall be forwarded to and filed with the department of financial institutions, and thereupon, the name of such corporation shall be changed or the corporation shall cease to exist as the case may be, except that in case of dissolution, it shall continue to exist for the purpose of winding up its affairs. No fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for such filing.
188.095 History History: 1995 a. 27.
188.10 188.10 Corporate powers of the Wisconsin Veterans Council. The Wisconsin Veterans Council shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state upon filing with the department of financial institutions a full and complete list of its duly elected officers. The Wisconsin Veterans Council shall during each succeeding year of its existence file with the department of financial institutions on or before the first day of January of each succeeding year thereafter a like list of its duly elected officers. No filing fees shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
188.10 History History: 1995 a. 27.
188.11 188.11 Corporate powers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and affiliates.
188.11(1)(1) Any post, county or district council, or department of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, organized in this state pursuant to an act of the seventy-fourth Congress of the United States, and the acts amendatory thereto, any unit or department of the Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States in this state and any Pup-Tent or Grand Pup-Tent of the Military Order of the Cooties, their auxiliaries and affiliated organizations, or any department thereof, organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing posts, county or district councils, department of Wisconsin, their auxiliaries and affiliated organizations, or any department thereof, upon filing with the department of financial institutions a statement of its intent, signed by commander and adjutant so to do, and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become a body corporate. Provided, a duplicate of such statement and certificate of the department of financial institutions, showing the date when such statement was filed by the department of financial institutions, shall within 30 days of such filing be recorded by the register of deeds of the county in which such organization or its principal office is located, and until such recording no such organization shall have legal corporate existence. Notwithstanding such recording requirement any organization having acquired corporate existence prior to July 4, 1945, shall continue to have such corporate existence if it shall within 90 days after said date cause a duplicate or certified copy of its statement of intent and such certificate of the department of financial institutions to be recorded with the register of deeds of the county where it or its principal office is located. No filing fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
188.11(2) (2) All acts done by any department, post, county or district council, unit, pup-tent, grand pup-tent, their auxiliaries or affiliated organizations so incorporated, or its constituted authorities, shall be considered acts of said department, post, county or district council, unit, pup-tent, grand pup-tent, their auxiliaries or affiliated organizations, as a body corporate, and no personal liability shall be attached to any member therefor.
188.11(3) (3)Sections 180.0203 and 181.0203 shall not apply to corporations organized under s. 188.11. In the execution of any conveyance or encumbrance by such corporations, the post or department commander and the post or department adjutant, or like or similar officers, shall have the powers and duties granted to presidents and secretaries respectively under s. 706.03 (2) and (3). The provisions of this section shall apply to all corporations incorporated hereunder whether incorporated before or after May 14, 1937.
188.11 History History: 1989 a. 303; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 79.
188.115 188.115 Changing names and dissolving units of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and affiliates. Any post, county or district council, department or other unit of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, or of the auxiliaries of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, or any Pup-Tent or Grand Pup-Tent of the Military Order of the Cooties or of the auxiliaries of the Military Order of the Cooties, which has become a body corporate under s. 188.11, may, whenever its articles do not provide the manner in which its name shall be changed or of its dissolution, change its name or dissolve by the adoption of a written resolution to that effect, by a vote of the majority of its members present at a meeting called for that purpose and by filing the same as herein provided. Such resolution, with a certificate thereto affixed, signed by the commander and adjutant, or like or similar officers, stating the facts, including the date of adoption of such resolution, the number of members present at such meeting, and the number of members who voted for the adoption of the resolution, shall be forwarded to and filed with the department of financial institutions, and thereupon, the name of such corporation shall be changed or the corporation shall cease to exist as the case may be, except that in case of dissolution, it shall continue to exist for the purpose of winding up its affairs. No fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for such filing.
188.115 History History: 1995 a. 27.
188.12 188.12 Corporate powers of the 40 and 8; liability for acts.
188.12(1)(1) Any Grand Voiture or Voiture Locale of the La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux organized in this state pursuant to authority granted by La Societe Nationale des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state and take over the assets and liabilities of the existing Voitures Locale and Grand Voiture of the state of Wisconsin, upon filing with the department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to do and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers. No filing fees shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
188.12(2) (2) All acts done by the Grand Voiture or any Voiture Locale of La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux or unit, county or district council, so incorporated, shall be considered acts of the Grand Voiture, Voiture Locale, or unit, county or district council, as a body corporate, and no personal liability shall be attached to any member therefor.
188.12 History History: 1995 a. 27.
188.13 188.13 Corporate powers of Red Arrow Clubs.
188.13(1) (1) Any Red Arrow Club, composed exclusively of persons who were members of the 32nd Division at any time during World War I, members who served in the 32nd Division of the United States Army at any time in the period from October 10, 1940, to the termination of World War II as proclaimed by the President or the Congress, or members who served in the 32nd Division in Federal Service at any time in the period from October 15, 1961, to August 10, 1962, during the Berlin Crisis, organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing clubs in this state, upon filing with the department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to do, and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
188.13(2) (2) All acts done by any club, so incorporated, or its constituted authorities, shall be considered acts of such club, as a body corporate, and no personal liability shall be attached to any member therefor.
188.13(3) (3)Sections 180.0203 and 181.0203 shall not apply to corporations organized under s. 188.13. The provisions of this section shall apply to all corporations incorporated hereunder whether incorporated before or after March 28, 1939.
188.14 188.14 Corporate powers of the Military Order of the World Wars. Any chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars in this state shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state upon filing with the department of financial institutions a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fees shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
188.14 History History: 1995 a. 27.
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