Effective date text (1) The tribunal may enforce its order that was modified only as to arrearages and interest accruing before the modification.
Effective date text (3) The tribunal may provide appropriate relief for violations of its order that occurred before the effective date of the modification.
Effective date text (4) The tribunal shall recognize the modifying order of the other state, upon registration, for the purpose of enforcement.
769.612 History History: 1993 a. 326; 2009 a. 321.
769.613 769.613 Jurisdiction to modify support order of another state when individual parties reside in this state.
769.613(1)(1) If all of the individual parties reside in this state and the child does not reside in the issuing state, a tribunal of this state has jurisdiction to enforce and to modify the issuing state's child support order in a proceeding to register that order.
769.613(2) (2) A tribunal of this state exercising jurisdiction as provided in sub. (1) shall apply the provisions of this subchapter and subchs. I and II to the enforcement or modification proceeding. Subchapters III to V, VII and VIII do not apply, and the tribunal shall apply the procedural and substantive law of this state.
769.613 Note NOTE: This section is affected by 2009 Wis. Act 321 effective the date stated in the notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 769.904 to read:
Effective date text 769.613Jurisdiction to modify child support order of another state when individual parties reside in this state. (1) If all of the parties who are individuals reside in this state and the child does not reside in the issuing state, a tribunal of this state has jurisdiction to enforce and to modify the issuing state's child support order in a proceeding to register that order.
Effective date text (2) A tribunal of this state exercising jurisdiction as provided in sub. (1) shall apply the provisions of this subchapter and subchs. I and II and the procedural and substantive law of this state to the enforcement or modification proceeding. Subchapters III to V, VII, and VIII do not apply.
769.613 History History: 1997 a. 27; 2009 a. 321.
769.614 769.614 Notice to issuing tribunal of modification. Within 30 days after issuance of a modified child support order, the party obtaining the modification shall file a certified copy of the modified child support order with the issuing tribunal that had continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the earlier child support order, and in each tribunal in which the party knows that the earlier child support order has been registered. Failure of the party obtaining the modified child support order to file a certified copy as required by this section subjects the party to appropriate sanctions by a tribunal in which the issue of failure to file arises, but that failure has no effect on the validity or enforceability of the modified child support order of the new tribunal of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.
769.614 History History: 1997 a. 27 s. 5133; Stats. 1997 s. 769.614.
769.615 769.615 Jurisdiction to modify child support order of foreign country.
769.615(1)(1) Except as provided in s. 769.711, if a foreign country lacks or refuses to exercise jurisdiction to modify its child support order under its laws, a tribunal of this state may assume jurisdiction to modify the child support order and bind all individuals who are subject to the personal jurisdiction of the tribunal whether the consent to modification of a child support order otherwise required of the individual under s. 769.611 has been given or whether the individual seeking modification is a resident of this state or of the foreign country.
769.615(2) (2) An order issued by a tribunal of this state modifying a foreign child support order under this section is the controlling order.
769.615 Note NOTE: This section is created by 2009 Wis. Act 321 effective the date stated in the notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 769.904.
769.615 History History: 2009 a. 321.
769.616 769.616 Procedure to register child support order of foreign country for modification. A party or support enforcement agency seeking to modify, or to modify and enforce, a foreign child support order not under the convention may register that order in this state under ss. 769.601 to 769.608 if the order has not been registered. A petition for modification may be filed at the same time as a request for registration, or at another time. The petition must specify the grounds for modification.
769.616 Note NOTE: This section is created by 2009 Wis. Act 321 effective the date stated in the notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 769.904.
769.616 History History: 2009 a. 321.
subch. VII of ch. 769 SUBCHAPTER VII
769.701 769.701 Proceeding to determine parentage.
769.701(1) (1) A tribunal of this state may serve as an initiating or responding tribunal in a proceeding brought under this chapter or a law substantially similar to this chapter, the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act or the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act to determine that the petitioner is a parent of a particular child or to determine that a respondent is a parent of that child.
769.701(2) (2) In a proceeding to determine parentage, a responding tribunal of this state shall apply the procedural and substantive law of this state and the rules of this state on choice of law.
769.701 History History: 1993 a. 326; 1997 a. 27.
769.701 Note NOTE: Subchapter VII is repealed and recreated effective the date stated in the notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 769.904 to read:
Effective date text 769.701Definitions. In this subchapter:
Effective date text (1) "Application" means a request under the convention by an obligee or obligor, or on behalf of a child, made through a central authority for assistance from another central authority.
Effective date text (2) "Central authority" means the entity designated by the United States or a foreign country described in s. 769.101 (3c) (d) to perform the functions specified in the convention.
Effective date text (3) "Convention support order" means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in s. 769.101 (3c) (d).
Effective date text (3m) "Department" means the department of children and families.
Effective date text (4) "Direct request" means a petition filed by an individual in a tribunal of this state in a proceeding involving an obligee, obligor, or child residing outside the United States.
Effective date text (5) "Foreign central authority" means the entity designated by a foreign country described in s. 769.101 (3c) (d) to perform the functions specified in the convention.
Effective date text (6) (a) "Foreign support agreement" means an agreement for support in a record to which all of the following apply:
Effective date text 1. It is enforceable as a support order in the country of origin.
Effective date text 2. It has been either of the following:
769.701 Note a. Formally drawn up or registered as an authentic instrument by a foreign tribunal.
769.701 Note b. Authenticated by, or concluded, registered, or filed with a foreign tribunal.
Effective date text 3. It may be reviewed and modified by a foreign tribunal.
Effective date text (b) "Foreign support agreement" includes a maintenance arrangement or authentic instrument under the convention.
Effective date text (7) "United States central authority" means the secretary of the federal department of health and human services.
769.701 History History: 2009 a. 321.
Effective date text 769.702Applicability. This subchapter applies only to a support proceeding under the convention. In such a proceeding, if a provision of this subchapter is inconsistent with subchs. I to VI, this subchapter controls.
769.701 History History: 2009 a. 321.
Effective date text 769.703Relationship of governmental entity to United States central authority. The department is recognized as the agency designated by the United States central authority to perform specific functions under the convention.
769.701 History History: 2009 a. 321.
Effective date text 769.704Initiation by department of support proceeding under convention. (1) In a support proceeding under this subchapter, the department shall do all of the following:
Effective date text (a) Transmit and receive applications.
Effective date text (b) Initiate or facilitate the institution of a proceeding regarding an application in a tribunal of this state.
Effective date text (2) All of the following support proceedings are available to an obligee under the convention:
Effective date text (a) Recognition or recognition and enforcement of a foreign support order.
Effective date text (b) Enforcement of a support order issued or recognized in this state.
Effective date text (c) Establishment of a support order if there is no existing order, including, if necessary, determination of parentage of a child.
Effective date text (d) Establishment of a support order if recognition of a foreign support order is refused under s. 769.708 (2) (b), (d), or (i).
Effective date text (e) Modification of a support order of a tribunal of this state.
Effective date text (f) Modification of a support order of a tribunal of another state or a foreign country.
Effective date text (3) All of the following support proceedings are available under the convention to an obligor against which there is an existing support order:
Effective date text (a) Recognition of an order suspending or limiting enforcement of an existing support order of a tribunal of this state.
Effective date text (b) Modification of a support order of a tribunal of this state.
Effective date text (c) Modification of a support order of a tribunal of another state or a foreign country.
Effective date text (4) A tribunal of this state may not require security, bond, or deposit, however described, to guarantee the payment of costs and expenses in proceedings under the convention.
769.701 History History: 2009 a. 321.
Effective date text 769.705Direct request. (1) A petitioner may file a direct request seeking establishment or modification of a support order or determination of parentage of a child. In the proceeding, the law of this state applies.
Effective date text (2) A petitioner may file a direct request seeking recognition and enforcement of a support order or support agreement. In the proceeding, ss. 769.706 to 769.713 apply.
Effective date text (3) In a direct request for recognition and enforcement of a convention support order or foreign support agreement all of the following apply:
Effective date text (a) A security, bond, or deposit is not required to guarantee the payment of costs and expenses.
Effective date text (b) An obligee or obligor that in the issuing country has benefited from free legal assistance is entitled to benefit, at least to the same extent, from any free legal assistance provided for by the law of this state under the same circumstances.
Effective date text (4) A petitioner filing a direct request is not entitled to assistance from the department.
Effective date text (5) This subchapter does not prevent the application of laws of this state that provide simplified, more expeditious rules regarding a direct request for recognition and enforcement of a foreign support order or foreign support agreement.
769.701 History History: 2009 a. 321.
Effective date text 769.706Registration of convention support order. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, a party who is an individual or a support enforcement agency seeking recognition of a convention support order shall register the order in this state as provided in subch. VI.
Effective date text (2) Notwithstanding s. 769.311 and 769.602 (1), a request for registration of a convention support order must be accompanied by all of the following:
Effective date text (a) A complete text of the support order or an abstract or extract of the support order drawn up by the issuing foreign tribunal, which may be in the form recommended by the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
Effective date text (b) A record stating that the support order is enforceable in the issuing country.
Effective date text (c) If the respondent did not appear and was not represented in the proceedings in the issuing country, a record attesting, as appropriate, either that the respondent had proper notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard or that the respondent had proper notice of the support order and an opportunity to be heard in a challenge or appeal on fact or law before a tribunal.
Effective date text (d) A record showing the amount of arrears, if any, and the date the amount was calculated.
Effective date text (e) A record showing a requirement for automatic adjustment of the amount of support, if any, and the information necessary to make the appropriate calculations.
Effective date text (f) If necessary, a record showing the extent to which the applicant received free legal assistance in the issuing country.
Effective date text (3) A request for registration of a convention support order may seek recognition and partial enforcement of the order.
Effective date text (4) A tribunal of this state may vacate the registration of a convention support order without the filing of a contest under s. 769.707 only if, acting on its own motion, the tribunal finds that recognition and enforcement of the order would be manifestly incompatible with public policy.
Effective date text (5) The tribunal shall promptly notify the parties of the registration or the order vacating the registration of a convention support order.
769.701 History History: 2009 a. 321.
Effective date text 769.707Contest of registered convention support order. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, ss. 769.605 to 769.608 apply to a contest of a registered convention support order.
Effective date text (2) A party contesting a registered convention support order shall file a contest not later than 30 days after notice of the registration, but if the contesting party does not reside in the United States, the contest must be filed not later than 60 days after notice of the registration.
Effective date text (3) If the nonregistering party fails to contest the registered convention support order by the time specified in sub. (2), the order is enforceable.
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