93.29(1)(c) (c) Dane County agrees to submit an itemized accounting, verified on oath, to the department within 30 days after the last day of the fiscal year in which Dane County receives a grant, that states how the grant proceeds were used.
93.29(2) (2) The department shall make the grants under sub. (1) from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (f).
93.29(3) (3) The department may not make a grant under sub. (1) after June 30, 2014.
93.29 History History: 1993 a. 16; 2005 a. 25.
93.30 93.30 World dairy expo.
93.30(1)(1) The secretary shall approve any plans for the expenditure of appropriations under s. 20.115 (4) (e) to the World Dairy Expo, Inc., for activities that expand business opportunities for the persons of the dairy industry that are located in this state. Of the amounts appropriated under s. 20.115 (4) (e), $33,250 in each fiscal year may be expended only to the extent that a county, city, village, or town pays to World Dairy Expo, Inc., an amount that is not less than 50% of the department's payment.
93.30(2) (2) Any moneys received by World Dairy Expo, Inc., under this section shall be used only for the purposes described in sub. (1).
93.30(3) (3) Not later than 30 days after the close of the exposition each year World Dairy Expo, Inc., shall file with the department, on forms provided by it, an itemized account verified on oath, showing amounts actually paid or to be paid. The verified account shall correspond with the plans approved by the secretary under sub. (1). On or before December 31 of the year in which the exposition is held, World Dairy Expo, Inc., shall furnish the department with a statement of receipts and disbursements, attendance, and such other information relating to the exposition as the department may require. Upon receipt of such statement the department shall pay World Dairy Expo, Inc., the aid due for the preceding year.
93.30 History History: 1973 c. 333; 1975 c. 394 s. 8; Stats. 1975 s. 93.30; 1989 a. 31; 2001 a. 103.
93.31 93.31 Livestock breeders association. The secretary of the Wisconsin livestock breeders association shall on and after July 1 of each year make a report to the department, signed by the president, treasurer, and secretary of the association, setting forth in detail the receipts and disbursements of the association for the preceding fiscal year in such form and detail together with such other information as the department may require. On receipt of such reports, if the department is satisfied that the business of the association has been efficiently conducted during the preceding fiscal year and in the interest of and for the promotion of the special agricultural interests of the state and for the purpose for which the association was organized and if the final statement shows that all the receipts together with the state aid have been accounted for and disbursed for the proper and necessary purposes of the association, and in accordance with the laws of the state, then the department shall file a certificate with the secretary of administration and he or she shall pay to the treasurer of the association the amount of the appropriations made available for the association by s. 20.115 (4) (a) for the conduct of junior livestock shows and other livestock educational programs. The association may upon application to the state purchasing agent, upon such terms as he or she may require, obtain printing for the association under the state contract.
93.31 History History: 1971 c. 125; 1975 c. 394 s. 25; Stats. 1975 s. 93.31; 1977 c. 29 s. 1650m (4); 1977 c. 273; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 213; 1999 a. 5; 2003 a. 33.
93.32 93.32 Agriculture in the classroom program. From the appropriation account under s. 20.115 (4) (q), the department shall provide grants to the organization that conducts an agriculture in the classroom program in cooperation with the federal department of agriculture to help teachers educate students about agriculture.
93.32 History History: 2001 a. 16.
93.33 93.33 Agricultural education and workforce development council.
93.33(1)(1) Definition. In this section, "council" means the agricultural education and workforce development council.
93.33(2) (2)Functions.
93.33(2)(a)(a) The council shall seek to do all of the following:
93.33(2)(a)1. 1. Increase the hiring and retention of well-qualified employees in industries related to agriculture, food, and natural resources.
93.33(2)(a)2. 2. Promote the coordination of educational systems to develop, train, and retrain employees for current and future careers related to agriculture, food, and natural resources.
93.33(2)(a)3. 3. Develop support for employment in fields related to agriculture, food, and natural resources.
93.33(2)(a)4. 4. Recommend policies and other changes to improve the efficiency of the development and provision of agricultural education across educational systems.
93.33(2)(b) (b) The council shall seek to accomplish the purposes under par. (a) by advising state agencies on matters related to integrating agricultural education and workforce development systems, including all of the following:
93.33(2)(b)1. 1. The coordination of programs.
93.33(2)(b)2. 2. The exchange of information related to educational and workforce development needs.
93.33(2)(b)3. 3. The monitoring and evaluation of programs.
93.33(2)(c) (c) The council shall identify criteria for evaluating the success of its activities, shall evaluate the success of its activities using those criteria, and shall annually report the results of the evaluation in the report under sub. (5).
93.33(3) (3)Committees.
93.33(3)(a)(a) The council shall create an executive committee that includes the secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection or his or her designee and the state superintendent of public instruction or his or her designee. The council shall select members of the executive committee so that fewer than half of the members of the executive committee are state employees. The executive committee shall provide guidance to the council and to staff that support the functions of the council. The executive committee shall meet between meetings of the council.
93.33(3)(b) (b) The executive committee may create other committees to assist the council in its work. The committee members may include members of the council, employees of the agencies and educational institutions with members on the council, employees of other state agencies, representatives of organizations, and others. The council and the executive committee shall consider the need for committees on the subjects within the scope of the council's functions under sub. (2) and other subjects determined to be appropriate by the council and the executive committee. A committee shall annually provide a written summary of its meetings and activities to the executive committee for review and inclusion in the report under sub. (5).
93.33(4) (4)Assistance. The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the department of public instruction, the department of workforce development, the department of natural resources, the technical college system, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the College of Business, Industry, Life Science, and Agriculture of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, the College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, and the College of Natural Resources of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point may assist the council in performing its functions.
93.33(4m) (4m)Meetings. The council shall meet at least annually and may meet at other times on the call of at least 6 members or on the call of the executive committee. Section 15.09 (3) does not apply to the council.
93.33(4s) (4s)Reviews.
93.33(4s)(a)(a) The department of public instruction shall annually prepare a review of agricultural education programs in primary and secondary schools.
93.33(4s)(b) (b) The technical college system shall annually prepare a review of agricultural education programs in technical colleges.
93.33(4s)(c) (c) Each of the individuals specified in s. 15.137 (2) (a) 8. and the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, jointly or individually, shall annually prepare a review of agricultural education programs in the University of Wisconsin System, with input from or review by the University of Wisconsin System administration.
93.33(5) (5)Annual report. In September of each year, the council shall submit a report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature as determined by the speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate, under s. 13.172 (3), the governor, the secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the state superintendent of public instruction, the secretary of workforce development, the secretary of natural resources, the chief executive officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, the president of the University of Wisconsin System, the director of the technical college system, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, and the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The council shall include all of the following in the report:
93.33(5)(a) (a) A summary of the activities of the council during the fiscal year ending on the preceding June 30.
93.33(5)(am) (am) The reviews prepared under sub. (4s).
93.33(5)(b) (b) The council's reaction to the reviews prepared under sub. (4s).
93.33(5)(c) (c) A list of current and anticipated challenges related to agricultural education.
93.33(5)(d) (d) Recommendations of the council, including any recommendations related to the structure of the council or the termination of the council.
93.33(5)(e) (e) Dissents of any council member related to the activities and recommendations of the council.
93.33 History History: 2007 a. 223; 2011 a. 32.
93.35 93.35 Weather modification.
93.35(1) (1) Definitions. In this section:
93.35(1)(b) (b) "Operation" means the performance of any weather modification activity undertaken for the purpose of producing or attempting to produce any form of modifying effect upon the weather within a specified geographical area over a specified time interval.
93.35(1)(c) (c) "Weather modification" means any activity performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, motions and resulting behavior of the atmosphere.
93.35(2) (2)Weather modification license and permit required. No person may engage in weather modification activities without obtaining a professional weather modification license under sub. (4) and a weather modification operational permit under sub. (6).
93.35(3) (3)Exemptions.
93.35(3)(a)(a) A person may engage in the following activities without obtaining a license and permit under this section:
93.35(3)(a)1. 1. Activities for protection against fire, frost or fog.
93.35(3)(a)2. 2. Activities normally conducted for purposes other than inducing, increasing, decreasing or preventing hail, precipitation or tornadoes.
93.35(3)(b) (b) The department may, by rule, exempt any other activities under this subsection deemed necessary.
93.35(3)(c) (c) Activities exempted under this subsection shall be conducted so as not to interfere with authorized weather modification operations.
93.35(4) (4)Professional weather modification license; fees.
93.35(4)(a)(a) The department shall prescribe by rule, the procedure and criteria for issuance of professional weather modification licenses under this section. The criteria shall be consistent with qualifications recognized by national or international professional and scientific associations concerned with weather modification and meteorology and shall carry out the purposes of this section.
93.35(4)(b) (b) A person may obtain a license under this subsection by demonstrating to the satisfaction of the department, competence necessary to engage in weather modification operations and payment of $100 for an annual license which expires on October 31 of each year. Renewal licenses are $20 annually. A renewal license shall be issued in the same manner as an initial license.
93.35(5) (5)License suspension; revocation; nonrenewal. The department may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license for any of the following reasons:
93.35(5)(a) (a) Incompetency.
93.35(5)(b) (b) Dishonest practice.
93.35(5)(c) (c) False or fraudulent representation in obtaining a permit.
93.35(5)(d) (d) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section or any rules promulgated under this section.
93.35(5)(e) (e) Aiding other persons to fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section or any rules promulgated under this section.
93.35(6) (6)Weather modification permit; fees; scope.
93.35(6)(a)(a) The department shall prescribe, by rule, the procedure and criteria for issuance of weather modification permits under this section. The criteria shall be designed to carry out the purposes of this section.
93.35(6)(b) (b) An applicant for a permit shall file with the department an application containing the following information:
93.35(6)(b)1. 1. Applicant's name and address.
93.35(6)(b)2. 2. Name and address of the person on whose behalf the operation is to be conducted.
93.35(6)(b)3. 3. Indication that the applicant holds, or if the applicant is an organization rather than an individual, demonstration that the individual in control of the project holds a valid license issued under sub. (4).
93.35(6)(b)4. 4. Proof of financial responsibility under sub. (7).
93.35(6)(b)5. 5. A complete operational plan for the project including a specific statement of the nature and object of the plan, a map of the proposed operating area which specifies the primary target area and the area reasonably expected to be affected, a statement of the approximate time of the operation, a list of materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation, an emergency shutdown procedure which states conditions under which operations must be suspended because of possible danger to the public health, safety and welfare or to the environment.
93.35(6)(b)6. 6. Any other detailed information required by the department.
93.35(6)(c) (c) The department shall give public notice by newspaper, radio or television announcement in the area of the state reasonably expected to be affected by operations conducted under a permit that it is considering an application for a permit, and hold a public hearing for the purpose of obtaining information from the public concerning the effects of issuing or refusing to issue the permit.
93.35(6)(d) (d) The department may issue the operational permit if it determines that:
93.35(6)(d)1. 1. The applicant holds, or if the applicant is an organization rather than an individual, demonstrates that the individual in control of the project holds a valid professional weather modification license issued under sub. (4);
93.35(6)(d)2. 2. The applicant has furnished proof of financial responsibility in accordance with sub. (7);
93.35(6)(d)3. 3. The project is reasonably conceived to improve water quality or quantity, reduce losses from weather hazards, provide economic benefits to the people of this state, advance or enhance scientific knowledge or otherwise carry out the objectives and purposes of this section;
93.35(6)(d)4. 4. The project is designed to include adequate safeguards to minimize possible damage to the public health, safety or welfare or to the environment;
93.35(6)(d)5. 5. The project will not adversely affect another operation for which a permit has been issued;
93.35(6)(d)6. 6. The applicant has complied with the permit fee requirement under par. (g); and
93.35(6)(d)7. 7. The applicant has complied with and the project conforms to such other criteria for issuance of permits as have been established by rules and regulations of the department under this section.
93.35(6)(e) (e) In order to carry out the objectives and purposes of this section, the department may condition and limit permits as to primary target area, time of the operation, materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation, emergency shutdown procedure and any other operational requirements as may be established by the department.
93.35(6)(f) (f) The department shall issue only one permit at a time for operations in any geographic area if 2 or more operations conducted within the conditions and limits of the permits might adversely interfere with each other.
93.35(6)(g) (g) The fee for each permit or renewal of a permit is $100, payable to the department prior to permit issuance or renewal. If the cost of the operation is more than $10,000 and the operation will be conducted under contract, the permit fee shall be equivalent to one percent of the value of the contract. If the operation will not be conducted under contract and is estimated, by the department, to cost more than $10,000, the permit fee shall be equivalent to one percent of the estimated costs.
93.35(6)(h) (h) A separate permit is required for each operation. When an operation is conducted under contract, a permit is required for each separate contract. Each permit or renewal permit shall expire one year from the date of its issuance. The department may conditionally approve a project for a continuous time period in excess of one year's duration. Permits for the operations must be renewed annually. In approving the renewal of a permit for a continuous program, the department shall review and approve the permittee's operational record, and then may issue a renewal of the permit for the operation to continue.
93.35(6)(i) (i) The permittee shall confine his or her activities within the limits specified in the permit, except to the extent that the limits are modified by the department. The permittee shall comply with any conditions of the permit as originally issued or as subsequently modified by the department.
93.35(7) (7)Proof of financial responsibility. Proof of financial responsibility is made by showing to the satisfaction of the department that the permittee has the ability to respond in damages to liability which might reasonably result from the operation for which the permit is sought. Proof of financial responsibility may, but shall not be required to, be shown by:
93.35(7)(a) (a) Presentation to the department of proof of a prepaid noncancelable insurance policy against liabilities in an amount set by the department; or
93.35(7)(b) (b) Filing with the department a corporate surety bond, cash or negotiable securities in an amount approved by the department.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2013. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?