
Born Sheboygan, August 8, 1972; single. Graduate Sheboygan Co. Christian H.S. 1991; B.A. business administration and political science, Dordt College (Sioux Center, Iowa) 1995. Publisher/owner, Lakeshore Weekly. Member: Oostburg Kiwanis Club (fmr. pres.); Oostburg Chamber of Commerce; Sheboygan Co. Chamber of Commerce; Oostburg Civic Pride Com.; Bethel OPC (deacon); NRA (life mbr.). Sheboygan Co. Bd. Supervisor 2006-present, Human Resources Com. 2006-present (chm., 2010-14), Finance Com. 2012-present, Exec. Com. 2010-12.

Elected to Senate 2014.

Member of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, Council on and Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board

2015 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2015 Co-authored Proposals

2015 Cosponsored Proposals

2015 Authored Amendments

2015 Votes