Date of enactment: February 29, 2016
2015 Assembly Bill 724   Date of publication*: March 1, 2016
* Section 991.11, Wisconsin Statutes: Effective date of acts. "Every act and every portion of an act enacted by the legislature over the governor's partial veto which does not expressly prescribe the time when it takes effect shall take effect on the day after its date of publication."
An Act to repeal 102.07 (6); to renumber 46.2897; to renumber and amend 102.125, 102.18 (1) (b), 102.23 (1) (a), 102.28 (2) (c) and 102.28 (7) (b); to amend 20.445 (1) (ra), 46.27 (5) (i), 46.2897 (title), 101.654 (2) (b), 102.01 (2) (d), 102.03 (4), 102.04 (1) (a), 102.04 (2m), 102.07 (1) (a), 102.07 (1) (b), 102.07 (3), 102.07 (7) (a), 102.07 (10), 102.11 (1) (intro.), 102.125 (title), 102.13 (2) (b), 102.13 (2) (c), 102.17 (1) (a) 3., 102.17 (4), 102.18 (3), 102.18 (4) (b), 102.21, 102.23 (1) (c), 102.23 (1) (cm), 102.28 (2) (a), 102.28 (2) (b) (title), 102.28 (2) (c) (title), 102.28 (2) (d), 102.28 (7) (a), 102.29 (1) (b) 2., 102.31 (1) (c) 2., 102.31 (2) (b) 2., 102.315 (2), 102.425 (3) (a) (intro.), 102.425 (3) (a) 1., 102.425 (4m) (b), 102.43 (5) (c), 102.44 (1) (ag), 102.44 (1) (am), 102.44 (1) (b), 102.58, 102.60 (7), 102.75 (1), 102.75 (2), 102.75 (4), 102.81 (1) (a), 108.10 (4) and 165.60; and to create 46.27 (5m), 46.275 (4m), 46.277 (3r), 46.281 (1k), 46.2897 (1), 46.2897 (2) (title), 46.2897 (3), 46.995 (3), 102.07 (20), 102.125 (2), 102.175 (3), 102.28 (2) (bm), 102.28 (2) (c) 2., 102.28 (2) (e), 102.28 (7) (bm), 102.28 (7) (d), 102.29 (12), 102.425 (1) (cm), 102.43 (9) (e) and 102.44 (4m) of the statutes; relating to: various changes to the worker's compensation law, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
180,1 Section 1. 20.445 (1) (ra) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, is amended to read:
20.445 (1) (ra) Worker's compensation operations fund; administration. From the worker's compensation operations fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the worker's compensation program by the department, for assistance to the department of justice in investigating and prosecuting fraudulent activity related to worker's compensation, for transfer to the uninsured employers fund under s. 102.81 (1) (c), and for transfer to the appropriation accounts under par. (rp) and s. 20.427 (1) (ra). All moneys received under ss. 102.28 (2) (b) and 102.75 shall be credited to this appropriation account. From this appropriation, an amount not to exceed $5,000 may be expended each fiscal year for payment of expenses for travel and research by the council on worker's compensation, an amount not to exceed $500,000 may be transferred in each fiscal year to the uninsured employers fund under s. 102.81 (1) (c), the amount in the schedule under par. (rp) shall be transferred to the appropriation account under par. (rp), and the amount in the schedule under s. 20.427 (1) (ra) shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.427 (1) (ra).
180,2 Section 2. 46.27 (5) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
46.27 (5) (i) In the instances in which an individual who is provided receives direct funding for long-term community support services under par. (b) for which the individual receives direct funding, serve directly as a fiscal agent or contract with a fiscal intermediary to serve as a fiscal agent for that individual for the purposes of performing the responsibilities and protecting the interests of the individual under the unemployment insurance law. The county department or aging unit may elect to act as a fiscal agent or contract with a fiscal intermediary to serve as a fiscal agent for an individual who is provided long-term support services under s. 46.275, 46.277, 46.278, 46.2785, 46.495, 51.42, or 51.437. The fiscal agent under this paragraph is responsible for remitting any federal unemployment compensation taxes or state unemployment insurance contributions owed by the individual, including any interest and penalties which are owed by the individual; for serving as the representative of the individual in any investigation, meeting, hearing, or appeal involving ch. 108 or the federal unemployment tax act (26 Unemployment Tax Act, 26 USC 3301 to 3311) 3311, in which the individual is a party; and for receiving, reviewing, completing, and returning all forms, reports, and other documents required under ch. 108 or the federal unemployment tax act Unemployment Tax Act on behalf of the individual. An individual may make an informed, knowing, and voluntary election to waive the right to a fiscal agent under this paragraph. The waiver may be as to all or any portion of the fiscal agent's responsibilities. The waiver may be rescinded in whole or in part at any time.
180,3 Section 3. 46.27 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
46.27 (5m) Worker's compensation coverage. An individual who is performing services for a person receiving long-term care benefits under this section on a self-directed basis and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial management services for that person.
180,4 Section 4. 46.275 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
46.275 (4m) Worker's compensation coverage. An individual who is performing services for a person receiving long-term care benefits under this section on a self-directed basis and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial management services for that person.
180,5 Section 5. 46.277 (3r) of the statutes is created to read:
46.277 (3r) Worker's compensation coverage. An individual who is performing services for a person receiving long-term care benefits under this section on a self-directed basis and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial management services for that person.
180,6 Section 6. 46.281 (1k) of the statutes is created to read:
46.281 (1k) Worker's compensation coverage. An individual who is performing services for a person receiving the Family Care benefit, or benefits under Family Care Partnership, on a self-directed basis and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial management services for that person.
180,7 Section 7. 46.2897 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
46.2897 (title) Self-directed services option; advocacy services.
180,8 Section 8. 46.2897 of the statutes is renumbered 46.2897 (2).
180,9 Section 9. 46.2897 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
46.2897 (1) Definition. In this section, "self-directed services option" means the program that is operated under a waiver from the secretary of the federal department of health and human services under 42 USC 1396n (c) in which an enrolled individual selects his or her own services and service providers.
180,10 Section 10. 46.2897 (2) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
46.2897 (2) (title) Advocacy services.
180,11 Section 11. 46.2897 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
46.2897 (3) Worker's compensation coverage. An individual who is performing services for a person participating in the self-directed services option and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial management services for that person.
180,12 Section 12. 46.995 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
46.995 (3) An individual who is performing services for a person receiving long-term care benefits under any children's long-term support waiver program on a self-directed basis and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial management services for that person.
180,13 Section 13. 101.654 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.654 (2) (b) If the applicant is required under s. 102.28 (2) (a) to have in force a policy of worker's compensation insurance or if the applicant is self-insured in accordance with s. 102.28 (2) (b) or (bm), that the applicant has in force a policy of worker's compensation insurance issued by an insurer authorized to do business in this state or is self-insured in accordance with s. 102.28 (2) (b) or (bm).
180,14 Section 14. 102.01 (2) (d) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, is amended to read:
102.01 (2) (d) "Municipality" includes a county, city, town, village, school district, sewer district, drainage district and long-term care district and "Local governmental unit" means a political subdivision of this state; a special purpose district or taxing jurisdiction, as defined in s. 70.114 (1) (f), in this state; an instrumentality, corporation, combination, or subunit of any of the foregoing; or any other public or quasi-public corporations corporation.
180,15 Section 15. 102.03 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.03 (4) The right to compensation and the amount of the compensation shall in all cases be determined in accordance with the provisions of law in effect as of the date of the injury except as to employees whose rate of compensation is changed as provided in ss. s. 102.43 (5) (c) or (7) or 102.44 (1) or (5) or, before May 1, 2014, as provided in s. 102.43 (5) (c) and employees who are eligible to receive private rehabilitative counseling and rehabilitative training under s. 102.61 (1m) and except as provided in s. 102.555 (12) (b).
180,16 Section 16. 102.04 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, is amended to read:
102.04 (1) (a) The state, and each county, city, town, village, school district, sewer district, drainage district, long-term care district and other public or quasi-public corporations therein local governmental unit in this state.
180,17 Section 17. 102.04 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.04 (2m) A temporary help agency is the employer of an employee whom the temporary help agency has placed with or leased to another employer that compensates the temporary help agency for the employee's services. A temporary help agency is liable under s. 102.03 for all compensation and other payments payable under this chapter to or with respect to that employee, including any payments required under s. 102.16 (3), 102.18 (1) (b) 3. or (bp), 102.22 (1), 102.35 (3), 102.57, or 102.60. Except as permitted under s. 102.29, a temporary help agency may not seek or receive reimbursement from another employer for any payments made as a result of that liability.
180,18 Section 18. 102.07 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.07 (1) (a) Every person, including all officials, in the service of the state, or of any municipality therein local governmental unit in this state, whether elected or under any appointment, or contract of hire, express or implied, and whether a resident of the state or employed or injured within or without the state. The state and any municipality local governmental unit may require a bond from a contractor to protect the state or municipality local governmental unit against compensation to employees of such the contractor or to employees of a subcontractor under the contractor. This paragraph does not apply beginning on the first day of the first July beginning after the day that the secretary files the certificate under s. 102.80 (3) (a), except that if the secretary files the certificate under s. 102.80 (3) (ag) this paragraph does apply to claims for compensation filed on or after the date specified in that certificate.
180,19 Section 19. 102.07 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.07 (1) (b) Every person, including all officials, in the service of the state, or of any municipality therein local governmental unit in this state, whether elected or under any appointment, or contract of hire, express or implied, and whether a resident of the state or employed or injured within or without the state. This paragraph first applies on the first day of the first July beginning after the day that the secretary files the certificate under s. 102.80 (3) (a), except that if the secretary files the certificate under s. 102.80 (3) (ag) this paragraph does apply to claims for compensation filed on or after the date specified in that certificate.
180,20 Section 20. 102.07 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.07 (3) Nothing herein contained shall prevent municipalities in this chapter prevents a local governmental unit from paying teachers, police officers, fire fighters and other employees a teacher, police officer, fire fighter, or any other employee his or her full salaries salary during a period of disability, nor interfere interferes with any pension funds fund, nor prevent prevents payment to teachers, police officers or fire fighters therefrom a teacher, police officer, fire fighter, or any other employee from a pension fund.
180,20m Section 20m. 102.07 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
180,21 Section 21. 102.07 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.07 (7) (a) Every member of a volunteer fire company or fire department organized under ch. 213, a legally organized rescue squad, or a legally organized diving team is considered to be an employee of that company, department, squad, or team. Every member of a company, department, squad, or team described in this paragraph, while serving as an auxiliary police officer at an emergency, is also considered to be an employee of that company, department, squad, or team. If a company, department, squad, or team described in this paragraph has not insured its liability for compensation to its employees, the municipality or county political subdivision within which that company, department, squad, or team was organized shall be liable for that compensation.
180,22 Section 22. 102.07 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.07 (10) Further to effectuate the policy of the state that the benefits of this chapter shall extend and be granted to employees in the service of the state, or of any municipality therein local governmental unit in this state, on the same basis, in the same manner, under the same conditions, and with like right of recovery as in the case of employees of persons, firms, or private corporations, any question whether any person is an employee under this chapter shall be governed by and determined under the same standards, considerations, and rules of decision in all cases under subs. (1) to (9). Any statutes, ordinances, or administrative regulations which statute, ordinance, or rule that may be otherwise applicable to the classes of employees enumerated in sub. (1) shall not be controlling in deciding whether any person is an employee for the purposes of this chapter.
180,23 Section 23. 102.07 (20) of the statutes is created to read:
102.07 (20) An individual who is performing services for a person participating in the self-directed services option, as defined in s. 46.2897 (1), for a person receiving long-term care benefits under s. 46.27, 46.275, or 46.277 or under any children's long-term support waiver program on a self-directed basis, or for a person receiving the Family Care benefit, as defined in s. 46.2805 (4), or benefits under the Family Care Partnership program, as described in s. 49.496 (1) (bk) 3., on a self-directed basis and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial management services for that person.
180,24 Section 24. 102.11 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.11 (1) (intro.) The average weekly earnings for temporary disability, permanent total disability, or death benefits for injury in each calendar year on or after January 1, 1982, shall be not less than $30 nor more than the wage rate that results in a maximum compensation rate of 110 percent of the state's average weekly earnings as determined under s. 108.05 as of June 30 of the previous year. The average weekly earnings for permanent partial disability shall be not less than $30 and, for permanent partial disability for injuries occurring on or after April 17, 2012, and before January 1, 2013, not more than $468, resulting in a maximum compensation rate of $312, and, for permanent partial disability for injuries occurring on or after January 1, 2013, not more than $483, resulting in a maximum compensation rate of $322, except as provided in 2011 Wisconsin Act 183, section 30 (2) (a) the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], and before January 1, 2017, not more than $513, resulting in a maximum compensation rate of $342, and, for permanent partial disability for injuries occurring on or after January 1, 2017, not more than $543, resulting in a maximum compensation rate of $362. Between such limits the average weekly earnings shall be determined as follows:
180,25 Section 25. 102.125 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.125 (title) Fraudulent claims Fraud reporting and, investigation , and prosecution.
180,26 Section 26. 102.125 of the statutes is renumbered 102.125 (1) and amended to read:
102.125 (1) Fraudulent claims reporting and investigation. If an insurer or self-insured employer has evidence that a claim is false or fraudulent in violation of s. 943.395 and if the insurer or self-insured employer is satisfied that reporting the claim to the department will not impede its ability to defend the claim, the insurer or self-insured employer shall report the claim to the department. The department may require an insurer or self-insured employer to investigate an allegedly false or fraudulent claim and may provide the insurer or self-insured employer with any records of the department relating to that claim. An insurer or self-insured employer that investigates a claim under this section subsection shall report on the results of that investigation to the department.
(3) Prosecution. If based on the an investigation under sub. (1) or (2) the department has a reasonable basis to believe that a violation of s. 943.20, 943.38, 943.39, 943.392, 943.395, 943.40, or any other criminal law has occurred, the department shall refer the results of the investigation to the department of justice or to the district attorney of the county in which the alleged violation occurred for prosecution.
180,27 Section 27. 102.125 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
102.125 (2) Assistance by department of justice. The department of workforce development may request the department of justice to assist the department of workforce development in an investigation under sub. (1) or in the investigation of any other suspected fraudulent activity on the part of an employer, employee, insurer, health care provider, or other person related to worker's compensation.
180,28 Section 28. 102.13 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.13 (2) (b) A physician, chiropractor, podiatrist, psychologist, dentist, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse prescriber, hospital, or health service provider shall furnish a legible, certified duplicate of the written material requested under par. (a) in paper format upon payment of the actual costs of preparing the certified duplicate, not to exceed the greater of 45 cents per page or $7.50 per request, plus the actual costs of postage, or shall furnish a legible, certified duplicate of that material in electronic format upon payment of $26 per request. Any person who refuses to provide certified duplicates of written material in the person's custody that is requested under par. (a) shall be liable for reasonable and necessary costs and, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), reasonable attorney fees incurred in enforcing the requester's right to the duplicates under par. (a).
180,29 Section 29. 102.13 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.13 (2) (c) Except as provided in this paragraph, if an injured employee has a period of temporary disability that exceeds 3 weeks or a permanent disability, if the injured employee has undergone surgery to treat his or her injury, other than surgery to correct a hernia, or if the injured employee sustained an eye injury requiring medical treatment on 3 or more occasions off the employer's premises, the department may by rule require the insurer or self-insured employer to submit to the department a final report of the employee's treating practitioner. The department may not require an insurer or self-insured employer to submit to the department a final report of an employee's treating practitioner when the insurer or self-insured employer denies the employee's claim for compensation in its entirety and the employee does not contest that denial. A treating practitioner shall complete a final report on a timely basis and may charge a reasonable fee for the completion of the final report, not to exceed $100, but may not require prepayment of that fee. An insurer or self-insured employer that disputes the reasonableness of a fee charged for the completion of a treatment practitioner's final report may submit that dispute to the department for resolution under s. 102.16 (2).
180,30 Section 30. 102.17 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, is amended to read:
102.17 (1) (a) 3. If a party in interest claims that the employer or insurer has acted with malice or bad faith as described in s. 102.18 (1) (b) 3. or (bp), that party shall provide written notice stating with reasonable specificity the basis for the claim to the employer, the insurer, the department, and the division before the division schedules a hearing on the claim of malice or bad faith.
180,31 Section 31. 102.17 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.17 (4) Except as provided in this subsection and s. 102.555 (12) (b), in the case of occupational disease, the right of an employee, the employee's legal representative, or a dependent to proceed under this section shall not extend beyond 12 years after the date of the injury or death or after the date that compensation, other than for treatment or burial expenses, was last paid, or would have been last payable if no advancement were made, whichever date is latest, and in the case of traumatic injury, that right shall not extend beyond 6 years after that date. In the case of occupational disease; a traumatic injury resulting in the loss or total impairment of a hand or any part of the rest of the arm proximal to the hand or of a foot or any part of the rest of the leg proximal to the foot, any loss of vision, or any permanent brain injury; or a traumatic injury causing the need for an artificial spinal disc or a total or partial knee or hip replacement, there shall be no statute of limitations, except that benefits or treatment expense for an occupational disease becoming due 12 years after the date of injury or death or last payment of compensation, other than for treatment or burial expenses, shall be paid from the work injury supplemental benefit fund under s. 102.65 and in the manner provided in s. 102.66 and benefits or treatment expense for such a traumatic injury becoming due 12 6 years after that date shall be paid from that fund and in that manner if the date of injury or death or last payment of compensation, other than for treatment or burial expenses, is before April 1, 2006. Payment of wages by the employer during disability or absence from work to obtain treatment shall be considered payment of compensation for the purpose of this section if the employer knew of the employee's condition and its alleged relation to the employment.
180,32 Section 32. 102.175 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
102.175 (3) (a) If it is established by the certified report of a physician, podiatrist, surgeon, psychologist, or chiropractor under s. 102.17 (1) (d) 1., a record of a hospital or sanitorium under s. 102.17 (1) (d) 2., or other competent evidence that an injured employee has incurred permanent disability, but that a percentage of that disability was caused by an accidental injury sustained in the course of employment with the employer against whom compensation is claimed and a percentage of that disability was caused by other factors, whether occurring before or after the time of the accidental injury, the employer shall be liable only for the percentage of permanent disability that was caused by the accidental injury. If, however, previous permanent disability is attributable to occupational exposure with the same employer, the employer is also liable for that previous permanent disability so established.
(b) A physician, podiatrist, surgeon, psychologist, or chiropractor who prepares a certified report under s. 102.17 (1) (d) 1. relating to a claim for compensation for an accidental injury causing permanent disability that was sustained in the course of employment with the employer against whom compensation is claimed shall address in the report the issue of causation of the disability and shall include in the report an opinion as to the percentage of permanent disability that was caused by the accidental injury and the percentage of permanent disability that was caused by other factors, including occupational exposure with the same employer, whether occurring before or after the time of injury.
(c) Upon request of the department, the division, the employer, or the employer's worker's compensation insurer, an injured employee who claims compensation for an injury causing permanent disability shall disclose all previous findings of permanent disability or other impairments that are relevant to that injury.
180,33 Section 33. 102.18 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, is renumbered 102.18 (1) (b) 1. and amended to read:
102.18 (1) (b) 1. Within 90 days after the final hearing and close of the record, the division shall make and file its findings upon the ultimate facts involved in the controversy, and its order, which shall state the division's determination as to the rights of the parties. Pending the final determination of any controversy before it, the division, after any hearing, may, in its discretion, make interlocutory findings, orders, and awards, which may be enforced in the same manner as final awards.
2. The division may include in any interlocutory or final award or order an order directing the employer or insurer to pay for any future treatment that may be necessary to cure and relieve the employee from the effects of the injury or to pay for a future course of instruction or other rehabilitation training services provided under a rehabilitation training program developed under s. 102.61 (1) or (1m).
3. If the division finds that the employer or insurer has not paid any amount that the employer or insurer was directed to pay in any interlocutory order or award and that the nonpayment was not in good faith, the division may include in its final award a penalty not exceeding 25 percent of each amount that was not paid as directed.
4. When there is a finding that the employee is in fact suffering from an occupational disease caused by the employment of the employer against whom the application is filed, a final award dismissing the application upon the ground that the applicant has suffered no disability from the disease shall not bar any claim the employee may have for disability sustained after the date of the award.
180,34 Section 34. 102.18 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, is amended to read:
102.18 (3) A party in interest may petition the commission for review of an examiner's decision awarding or denying compensation if the department, the division, or the commission receives the petition within 21 days after the department or the division mailed a copy of the examiner's findings and order to the last-known addresses of the parties in interest. The commission shall dismiss a petition that is not timely filed within those 21 days unless the petitioner shows probable good cause that the petition was filed late for a reason for failure to timely file that was beyond the petitioner's control. If no petition is filed within those 21 days after the date on which a copy of the findings or order of the examiner is mailed to the last-known addresses of the parties in interest, the findings or order shall be considered final unless set aside, reversed, or modified by the examiner within that time. If the findings or order are set aside by the examiner, the status shall be the same as prior to the setting aside of the findings or order. If the findings or order are reversed or modified by the examiner, the time for filing a petition commences on the date on which notice of the reversal or modification is mailed to the last-known addresses of the parties in interest. The commission shall either affirm, reverse, set aside, or modify the findings or order, in whole or in part, or direct the taking of additional evidence. The commission's action shall be based on a review of the evidence submitted.
180,35 Section 35. 102.18 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.18 (4) (b) Within 28 days after the date of a decision of the commission is mailed to the last-known address of each party in interest, the commission may, on its own motion, set aside the decision for further consideration.
180,36 Section 36. 102.21 of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, is amended to read:
102.21 Payment of awards by municipalities local governmental units. Whenever When an award is made under this chapter or s. 66.191, 1981 stats., against any municipality local governmental unit, the person in whose favor the award is made shall file a certified copy of the award with the municipal clerk of the local governmental unit. Unless an appeal is taken, within 20 days after that filing, the municipal clerk shall draw an order on the municipal treasurer of the local governmental unit for the payment of the award. If upon appeal the award is affirmed in whole or in part, the municipal clerk shall draw an order for payment of the award within 10 days after a certified copy of the judgment affirming the award is filed with that clerk. If the award or judgment provides for more than one payment, the municipal clerk shall draw orders for payment as the payments become due. No statute relating to the filing of claims against, or the auditing, allowing, and payment of claims by, a municipality local governmental unit applies to the payment of an award or judgment under this section.