108.04 (8) (c) If an employee fails, without good cause, to return to work with a former employer that recalls the employee within 52 weeks after the employee last worked for that employer, the employee is ineligible to receive benefits until the employee earns wages after the week in which the failure occurs equal to at least 6 times the employee's weekly benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1) in employment or other work covered by the unemployment insurance law of any state or the federal government. For purposes of requalification, the employee's weekly benefit rate shall be that rate which would have been paid had the failure not occurred. This paragraph does not preclude an employee from establishing a benefit year during a period in which the employee is ineligible to receive benefits under this paragraph if the employee qualifies to establish a benefit year under s. 108.06 (2) (a). The department shall charge to the fund's balancing account any benefits otherwise chargeable to the account of any employer that is subject to the contribution requirements under ss. 108.17 and 108.18 whenever an employee of that employer fails, without good cause, to return to work with that employer. This paragraph does not apply to an employee who fails to return to work with a former employer if the work offered would not be considered suitable work under par. (d) or (dm), whichever is applicable. If an employee receives actual notice of a recall to work, par. (a) applies in lieu of this paragraph.
334,13 Section 13. 108.04 (8) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 108.04 (8) (d) (intro.) and amended to read:
108.04 (8) (d) (intro.) An employee shall have good cause under par. (a) or (c), regardless of the reason articulated by the employee for the failure, if the department determines that the failure involved work at With respect to the first 6 weeks after the employee became unemployed, "suitable work," for purposes of par. (a), means work to which all of the following apply:
1. The work does not involve a lower grade of skill or significantly lower rate of pay than that which applied to the employee on one or more of his or her most recent jobs, and that the employee had not yet had a reasonable opportunity, in view of labor market conditions and the employee's degree of skill, but not to exceed 6 weeks after the employee became unemployed, to seek a new job substantially in line with the employee's prior job skill and rate of pay.
334,14 Section 14. 108.04 (8) (d) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
108.04 (8) (d) 2. The hourly wage for the work is 75 percent or more of what the employee earned on the highest paying of his or her most recent jobs.
334,15 Section 15. 108.04 (8) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
108.04 (8) (dm) With respect to the 7th week after the employee became unemployed and any week thereafter, "suitable work," for purposes of par. (a), means any work that the employee is capable of performing, regardless of whether the employee has any relevant experience or training, that pays wages that are above the lowest quartile of wages for similar work in the labor market area in which the work is located, as determined by the department.
334,16 Section 16. 108.04 (8) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
334,17 Section 17. 108.04 (8) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
108.04 (8) (em) An employee shall have good cause under this subsection only if the department determines that the failure related to the employee's personal safety, the employee's sincerely held religious beliefs, or an unreasonable commuting distance, or if the employee had another compelling reason that would have made accepting the offer unreasonable.
334,18 Section 18. 108.04 (11) (g) of the statutes is renumbered 108.04 (11) (g) 1. and amended to read:
108.04 (11) (g) 1. For purposes of In this subsection, "conceal" means to intentionally mislead or defraud the department by withholding or hiding information or making a false statement or misrepresentation.
334,19 Section 19. 108.04 (11) (g) 2. and 3. of the statutes are created to read:
108.04 (11) (g) 2. A claimant has a duty of care to provide an accurate and complete response to each inquiry made by the department in connection with his or her receipt of benefits. The department shall consider the following factors in determining whether a claimant intended to mislead the department as described in subd. 1.:
a. Whether the claimant failed to read or follow instructions or other communications of the department related to a claim for benefits.
b. Whether the claimant relied on the statements or representations of persons other than an employee of the department who is authorized to provide advice regarding the claimant's claim for benefits.
c. Whether the claimant has a limitation or disability and, if so, whether the claimant provided evidence to the department of that limitation or disability.
d. The claimant's unemployment insurance claims filing experience.
e. Any instructions or previous determinations of concealment issued or provided to the claimant.
f. Any other factor that may provide evidence of the claimant's intent.
3. Nothing in this subsection requires the department, when making a finding of concealment, to determine or prove that a claimant had an intent or design to receive benefits to which the claimant knows he or she was not entitled.
334,20 Section 20. 108.04 (12) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.04 (12) (e) Any individual who receives a temporary total disability payment or a permanent total disability payment for a whole week under ch. 102 or under any federal law which provides for payments on account of a work-related injury or illness analogous to those provided under ch. 102 shall be ineligible for benefits paid or payable for that same week under this chapter unless otherwise provided by federal law. A temporary total disability payment or, a temporary partial disability payment, or a permanent total disability payment under those provisions received by an individual for part of a week shall be treated as wages for purposes of eligibility for benefits for partial unemployment under s. 108.05 (3).
334,21 Section 21. 108.04 (12) (f) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 108.04 (12) (f) 3. a. and amended to read:
108.04 (12) (f) 3. a. Any Except as provided in subd. 3. b. to d., an individual who actually receives social security disability insurance benefits under 42 USC ch. 7 subch. II in a given week is ineligible for benefits paid or payable in that same week under this chapter for each week in the entire month in which a social security disability insurance payment is issued to the individual.
334,22 Section 22 . 108.04 (12) (f) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
108.04 (12) (f) 1m. The intent of the legislature in enacting this paragraph is to prevent the payment of duplicative government benefits for the replacement of lost earnings or income, regardless of an individual's ability to work.
334,23 Section 23. 108.04 (12) (f) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 108.04 (12) (f) 4. and amended to read:
108.04 (12) (f) 4. Information that the department receives or acquires from the federal social security administration that an individual is receiving regarding the issuance of social security disability insurance benefits under 42 USC ch. 7 subch. II in a given week payments is considered conclusive, absent clear and convincing evidence that the information was erroneous.
334,24 Section 24. 108.04 (12) (f) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
108.04 (12) (f) 2m. In this paragraph, "social security disability insurance payment" means a payment of social security disability insurance benefits under 42 USC ch. 7 subch. II.
334,25 Section 25. 108.04 (12) (f) 3. b. to d. of the statutes are created to read:
108.04 (12) (f) 3. b. In the first month a social security disability insurance payment is first issued to an individual, the individual is ineligible for benefits under this chapter for each week beginning with the week the social security disability insurance payment is issued to the individual and all subsequent weeks in that month.
c. Following a cessation of social security disability insurance payments to an individual and upon the individual again being issued a social security disability insurance payment, the individual is ineligible for benefits under this chapter for each week beginning with the week the social security disability insurance payment is issued to the individual and all subsequent weeks in that month.
d. Following cessation of social security disability insurance payments, an individual may be eligible for benefits under this chapter, if otherwise qualified, beginning with the week following the last Saturday of the month in which the individual is issued his or her final social security disability insurance payment.
334,26 Section 26. 108.04 (13) (d) 3. (intro.) and a. of the statutes are amended to read:
108.04 (13) (d) 3. (intro.) To correct any erroneous payment not so adjusted that was charged to the account of an employer that is subject to the contribution requirements of ss. 108.17 and 108.18, the department shall do one of the following:
a. If recovery of an overpayment is permitted under s. 108.22 (8) (c), restore the proper amount to the employer's account and charge that amount to the fund's balancing account, and shall thereafter reimburse the balancing account by crediting to it benefits which would otherwise be payable to, or cash recovered from, the employee; or.
334,27 Section 27. 108.04 (13) (d) 4. (intro.) and a. of the statutes are amended to read:
108.04 (13) (d) 4. (intro.) To correct any erroneous payment not so adjusted from the account of an employer which is a government unit, an Indian tribe, or a nonprofit organization and which has elected that is subject to reimbursement financing, the department shall do one of the following:
a. If recovery of an overpayment is permitted under s. 108.22 (8) (c), credit to the account benefits which would otherwise be payable to, or cash received from, the employee; or, unless subd. 4. c. applies.
334,28 Section 28. 108.04 (13) (d) 4. c. of the statutes is created to read:
108.04 (13) (d) 4. c. If the erroneous payment resulted from a false statement or representation about an individual's identity and the employer was not at fault for the erroneous payment, restore the proper amount to the employer's account and reimburse the balancing account by crediting to it benefits that would otherwise be payable to, or cash recovered from, the individual who caused the erroneous payment.
334,29 Section 29. 108.04 (16) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.04 (16) (b) The department shall not apply any benefit reduction or disqualification under sub. (1) (b), (2) (a), or (7) (c), or (8) (e) (cg) or s. 108.141 (3g) (d) that is not the result of approved training while an individual is enrolled in approved training.
334,30 Section 30. 108.05 (1) (q) of the statutes is repealed.
334,31 Section 31. 108.05 (1) (r) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.05 (1) (r) Except as provided in s. 108.062 (6) (a), each eligible employee shall be paid benefits for each week of total unemployment that commences on or after January 5, 2014, at the weekly benefit rate specified in this paragraph. Unless sub. (1m) applies, the weekly benefit rate shall equal 4 percent of the employee's base period wages that were paid during that quarter of the employee's base period in which the employee was paid the highest total wages, rounded down to the nearest whole dollar, except that, if that amount is less than the minimum amount shown in the following schedule $54, no benefits are payable to the employee and, if that amount is more than the maximum amount shown in the following schedule $370, the employee's weekly benefit rate shall be the maximum amount shown in the following schedule $370 and except that, if the employee's benefits are exhausted during any week under s. 108.06 (1), the employee shall be paid the remaining amount of benefits payable to the employee in lieu of the amount shown in the following schedule: [See Figure 108.05 (1) (r) following] under s. 108.06 (1). The department shall publish on its Internet site a weekly benefit rate schedule of quarterly wages and the corresponding weekly benefit rates as calculated in accordance with this paragraph.
334,32 Section 32. 108.05 (1) (r) (figure) of the statutes is repealed.
334,33 Section 33. 108.05 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
334,34 Section 34. 108.05 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
334,35 Section 35. 108.09 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (2) (a) The department shall promptly issue a computation setting forth the employee's potential benefit rights based on reports filed by an employer or employers under s. 108.205, or on the employee's statement and any other information then available. The results of the computation, a recomputation, or pertinent portion of either, shall be delivered electronically to, or mailed to the last-known address of, each party. The department may recompute an employee's potential benefit rights at any time on the basis of subsequent information or to correct a mistake, including an error of law, except that a party's failure to make specific written objection, received by the department within 14 days after the above electronic delivery or mailing, as to a computation or recomputation is a waiver by such party of any objection thereto. Any objections to a computation which that are not satisfactorily resolved by recomputation shall be resolved by a determination under par. (b).
334,36 Section 36. 108.09 (2) (cm) of the statutes is repealed.
334,37 Section 37. 108.09 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (2) (d) A copy of each determination shall be delivered electronically to, or mailed to the last-known address of, each of the parties party, except that a party's copy of any determination may be given to such party instead of being electronically delivered or mailed.
334,38 Section 38. 108.09 (2r) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (2r) Hearing request. Any party to a determination may request a hearing as to any matter in that determination if such the request is made in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the department and is received by the department an appeal tribunal or postmarked within 14 days after a copy of the determination was delivered electronically, mailed, or given to such the party, whichever first occurs.
334,39 Section 39. 108.09 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (4) (c) Late appeal. If a party files an appeal which that is not timely, an appeal tribunal shall review the appellant's written reasons for filing the late appeal. If those reasons, when taken as true and construed most favorably to the appellant, do not constitute a reason beyond the appellant's control, the appeal tribunal may dismiss the appeal without a hearing and issue a decision accordingly. Otherwise, the department may schedule a hearing concerning the question of whether the appeal was filed late for a reason that was beyond the appellant's control. The department may also provisionally schedule a hearing concerning any matter in the determination being appealed. After hearing testimony on the late appeal question, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision which that makes ultimate findings of fact and conclusions of law concerning whether the appellant's appeal was filed late for a reason that was beyond the appellant's control and which that, in accordance with those findings and conclusions, either dismisses the appeal or determines that the appeal was filed late for a reason that was beyond the appellant's control. If the appeal is not dismissed, the same or another appeal tribunal established by the department for this purpose, after conducting a hearing, shall then issue a decision under sub. (3) (b) concerning any matter in the determination.
334,40 Section 40. 108.09 (4) (d) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to read:
108.09 (4) (d) 1. If the appellant fails to appear at a hearing held under this section and due notice of the hearing was electronically delivered to the appellant or mailed to the appellant's last-known address, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision dismissing the request for hearing unless subd. 2. applies.
2. If the appellant delivers or transmits submits to the appeal tribunal a written explanation for nonappearance to the department which failing to appear at the hearing that is received before a decision under subd. 1. is electronically delivered or mailed, the department may so notify each party and schedule a hearing concerning whether there was good cause for under subd. 1., an appeal tribunal shall review the appellant's nonappearance. The department may also provisionally schedule a hearing concerning any matter in the determination. If, after hearing testimony, explanation. The appeal tribunal shall electronically deliver or mail to the respondent a copy of the appellant's explanation. The respondent may, within 7 days after the appeal tribunal electronically delivers or mails the appellant's explanation to the respondent, submit to the appeal tribunal a written response to the appellant's explanation. If the appeal tribunal finds that the appellant's explanation does not establish good cause for nonappearance failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding and dismissing the appeal such a decision may be issued without a hearing. If, after hearing testimony, the appeal tribunal finds that the appellant's explanation establishes good cause for nonappearance failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding, and such a decision may be issued without a hearing. The same or another appeal tribunal established by the department for this purpose shall then issue a decision under sub. (3) (b) after conducting a hearing concerning any matter in the determination. If such a hearing is held concerning any matter in the determination, the appeal tribunal shall only consider testimony and other evidence admitted at that hearing in making a decision.
334,41 Section 41. 108.09 (4) (d) 3. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
108.09 (4) (d) 3. If the appellant submits to the appeal tribunal a written explanation for failing to appear at the hearing that is received within 21 days after a decision is electronically delivered or mailed under subd. 1., an appeal tribunal shall review the appellant's explanation. The appeal tribunal shall electronically deliver or mail to the respondent a copy of the appellant's explanation. The respondent may, within 7 days after the appeal tribunal electronically delivers or mails the appellant's explanation to the respondent, submit to the appeal tribunal a written response to the appellant's explanation. If the appeal tribunal finds that the appellant's explanation does not establish good cause for failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding, and such a decision may be issued without a hearing. If the appeal tribunal finds that the appellant's explanation establishes good cause for failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding, and the decision may be issued without a hearing. The appeal tribunal shall then set aside the original decision and schedule a hearing concerning any matter in the determination. The same or another appeal tribunal established by the department for this purpose shall then issue a decision under sub. (3) (b) after conducting a hearing concerning any matter in the determination. If such a hearing is held concerning any matter in the determination, the appeal tribunal shall only consider the testimony and other evidence admitted at that hearing in making a decision.
334,42 Section 42. 108.09 (4) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (4) (e) Respondent's failure to appear. 1. If the respondent fails to appear at a hearing held under this section but the appellant is present, and due notice of the hearing was electronically delivered to the respondent or mailed to the respondent's last-known address, the appeal tribunal shall hold the hearing. The appeal tribunal shall consider records and information already submitted to the department by the appellant and the respondent regarding the determination or the appeal, take the testimony of the appellant and any witnesses, and shall issue a decision under sub. (3) (b) unless subd. 2. applies.
2. If the respondent delivers or transmits submits to the appeal tribunal a written explanation for nonappearance to the department which failing to appear at the hearing that is received before a decision favorable to the respondent is electronically delivered or mailed under subd. 1., the appeal tribunal shall acknowledge receipt of the explanation in its decision but shall take no further action concerning the explanation at that time. If the respondent delivers or transmits submits to the appeal tribunal a written explanation for nonappearance to the department which failing to appear that is received before a decision unfavorable to the respondent is electronically delivered or mailed under subd. 1., the department may so notify each party and may schedule a hearing concerning whether there was good cause for the respondent's nonappearance. The department may also provisionally schedule a hearing for further testimony concerning any matter in the determination. If, after hearing testimony, the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation does not establish good cause for nonappearance, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding. The same or another appeal tribunal established by the department for this purpose shall also issue a decision based on the testimony and other evidence presented at the hearing at which the respondent failed to appear. If, after hearing testimony, the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation an appeal tribunal shall review the respondent's explanation. The appeal tribunal shall electronically deliver or mail to the appellant a copy of the respondent's explanation. The appellant may, within 7 days after the appeal tribunal electronically delivers or mails the respondent's explanation to the appellant, submit to the appeal tribunal a written response to the respondent's explanation. If the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation does not establish good cause for failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding, and such a decision may be issued without a hearing. If the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation establishes good cause for nonappearance failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding, and such a decision may be issued without a hearing. The same or another appeal tribunal established by the department for this purpose shall then issue a decision under sub. (3) (b) after conducting a hearing concerning any matter in the determination. If such a 2nd hearing is held concerning any matter in the determination, the appeal tribunal shall only consider testimony and other evidence admitted at that hearing in making a decision.
3. If the respondent delivers or transmits submits to the appeal tribunal a written explanation for nonappearance to the department which failing to appear at the hearing that is received within 21 days after a decision favorable to the respondent is electronically delivered or mailed under subd. 1., the department appeal tribunal shall notify the respondent of receipt of the explanation and that since the decision was favorable to the respondent no further action concerning the explanation will be taken at that time. If the respondent delivers or transmits submits to the appeal tribunal a written explanation for nonappearance to the department which failing to appear that is received within 21 days after a decision unfavorable to the respondent is electronically delivered or mailed under subd. 1., the an appeal tribunal shall review the respondent's explanation. The appeal tribunal shall electronically deliver or mail to the appellant a copy of the respondent's explanation. The appellant may, within 7 days after the appeal tribunal electronically delivers or mails the respondent's explanation to the appellant, submit to the appeal tribunal a written response to the respondent's explanation. If the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation does not establish good cause for failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding, and such a decision may be issued without a hearing. If the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation establishes good cause for failing to appear, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding, and such a decision may be issued without a hearing. The appeal tribunal may shall then set aside the original decision and the department may schedule a hearing concerning whether there was good cause for the respondent's nonappearance. The department may also provisionally schedule a hearing concerning any matter in the determination. If the original decision is not set aside, the appeal tribunal may, on its own motion amend or set aside that decision within 21 days after the decision concerning whether there was good cause for the respondent's nonappearance is mailed under subd. 1. If, after hearing testimony, the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation does not establish good cause for nonappearance, the appeal tribunal shall issue a decision containing this finding and, if necessary, reinstating the decision which was set aside. If, after hearing testimony, the appeal tribunal finds that the respondent's explanation establishes good cause for nonappearance, the same or another appeal tribunal established by the department for this purpose shall issue a decision containing this finding. The same or another appeal tribunal established by the department for this purpose shall then issue a decision under sub. (3) (b) after conducting a hearing concerning any matter in the determination. If such a 2nd hearing is held concerning any matter in the determination, the appeal tribunal shall only consider the testimony and other evidence admitted at that hearing in making a decision.
334,43 Section 43. 108.09 (4) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (4) (f) 1. Except as provided in par. (e) 3., within Within 21 days after its decision was electronically delivered or mailed to the parties, the appeal tribunal may, on its own motion, amend or set aside its decision and may thereafter make new findings and issue a decision on the basis of evidence previously submitted in such case, or the same or another appeal tribunal may make new findings and issue a decision after taking additional testimony.
334,44 Section 44. 108.09 (4) (f) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (4) (f) 2. (intro.) Unless a party or the department has filed a timely petition for review of the appeal tribunal decision by the commission, the appeal tribunal may set aside or amend an appeal tribunal decision, or portion thereof, at any time if the appeal tribunal finds that:
334,45 Section 45. 108.09 (4) (f) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (4) (f) 3. Unless a party or the department has filed a timely petition for review of the appeal tribunal decision by the commission, the appeal tribunal may, within 2 years after the date of the decision, reopen its decision if it has reason to believe that a party offered false evidence or a witness gave false testimony on an issue material to its decision. Thereafter, and after receiving additional evidence or taking additional testimony, the same or another appeal tribunal may set aside its original decision, make new findings, and issue a decision.
334,46 Section 46. 108.09 (4o) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (4o) Departmental records relating to benefit claims. In any hearing before an appeal tribunal under this section, a departmental record relating to a claim for benefits, other than a report specified in sub. (4m), constitutes prima facie evidence, and shall be admissible to prove, that an employer provided or failed to provide to the department complete and correct information in a fact-finding investigation of the claim, notwithstanding that the record or a statement contained in the record may be uncorroborated hearsay and may constitute the sole basis upon which issue of the employer's failure is decided, if the parties appearing at the hearing have been given an opportunity to review the record at or before the hearing and to rebut the information contained in the record. A record of the department that is admissible under this subsection shall be regarded as self authenticating and shall require no foundational or other testimony for its admissibility, unless the circumstances affirmatively indicate a lack of trustworthiness in the record. If such a record is admitted and made the basis of a decision, the record may constitute substantial evidence under s. 102.23 (6) sub. (7) (f). For purposes of this subsection, "departmental record" means a memorandum, report, record, document, or data compilation that has been made or maintained by employees of the department in the regular course of the department's fact-finding investigation of a benefit claim, is contained in the department's paper or electronic files of the benefit claim, and relates to the department's investigative inquiries to an employer or statements or other matters submitted by the employer or its agent in connection with the fact-finding investigation of a benefit claim. A departmental record may not be admitted into evidence under this subsection or otherwise used under this subsection for any purpose other than to prove whether an employer provided or failed to provide to the department complete and correct information in a fact-finding investigation of a claim.
334,47 Section 47. 108.09 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (5) (b) All testimony at any hearing under this section shall be taken down by a stenographer, or recorded by a recording machine electronic means, but need not be transcribed unless either of the parties requests a transcript prior to before expiration of that party's right to further appeal under this section and pays a fee to the commission in advance, the amount of which shall be established by rule of the commission. When the commission provides a transcript is thus furnished to one of the parties upon request, the commission shall also provide a copy of the transcript shall be furnished the to all other party parties free of charge. The transcript fee thus collected shall be paid to the administrative account.
334,48 Section 48. 108.09 (5) (c) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
108.09 (5) (c) The department shall furnish a copy of the electronic recording to the parties upon payment of any fee required by the department by rule.
334,49 Section 49. 108.09 (5) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (5) (d) In its review of the decision of an appeal tribunal, the commission shall use the electronic recording of the hearing or a written synopsis of the testimony and other evidence taken at a hearing or shall use a transcript of the hearing prepared, under the direction of the department or commission, by an employee of the department, an employee of the commission or a contractor. If a party shows to the commission that a synopsis is not sufficiently complete and accurate to fairly reflect the relevant and material testimony and other evidence taken, the commission shall direct the preparation of a transcript. If a transcript is prepared, the transcript shall indicate the transcriber's name and whether the transcriber is an employee of the department, an employee of the commission, or a contractor and shall also use any other evidence taken at the hearing.
334,50 Section 50. 108.09 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (6) (a) The department or any party may petition the commission for review of an appeal tribunal decision, pursuant to commission rules promulgated by the commission, if such the petition is received by the department or commission or postmarked within 21 days after the appeal tribunal decision was electronically delivered to the party or mailed to the party's last-known address. The commission shall dismiss any petition if not timely filed unless the petitioner shows probable good cause that the reason for having failed to file the petition timely was beyond the control of the petitioner. If the petition is not dismissed, the commission may take action under par. (d).
334,51 Section 51. 108.09 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
108.09 (6) (b) Within 28 days after a decision of the commission is electronically delivered or mailed to the parties, the commission may, on its own motion, set aside the decision for further consideration and take action under par. (d).
334,52 Section 52. 108.09 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: