Subchapter III
55,2677 Section 2677. Subchapter IV (title) of chapter 97 [precedes 97.67] of the statutes is created to read:
Chapter 97
Subchapter Iv
recreational sanitation
55,2678 Section 2678. Subchapter V (title) of chapter 97 [precedes 97.70] of the statutes is created to read:
Chapter 97
Subchapter V
general provisions
55,2679 Section 2679. 97.70 of the statutes is created to read:
97.70 Authority of department of safety and professional services. Nothing in this chapter affects the authority of the department of safety and professional services relative to places of employment, elevators, boilers, fire escapes, fire protection, or the construction of public buildings.
55,2680 Section 2680. 97.703 of the statutes is created to read:
97.703 Joint employment. The department and the department of safety and professional services may employ experts, inspectors, or other assistants jointly.
55,2682 Section 2682. 100.36 of the statutes is amended to read:
100.36 Frauds; substitute for butter; advertisement. No person may use the word "butter" in any way in connection or association with the sale or exposure for sale or advertisement of any substance designed to be used as a substitute for butter. No person may use terms such as "cream", "creamery" or "dairy", or the name or representation of any breed of dairy cattle, or any combination of such words and representation, or any other words or symbols or combinations thereof commonly used in the sale of butter unless at least 40% of the substitute is butterfat. If the term "butter" is used in connection with the name of any such product, it shall be qualified so as to distinguish it from butter as defined in s. 97.01 (1) (1r).
55,2683b Section 2683b. 100.60 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
100.60 (1) (b) 2. Any other fuel that can substitute for petroleum-based diesel fuel, that is derived from a renewable resource, that meets all of the applicable requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials for that fuel, and that the department of safety and professional services designates as a diesel-replacement renewable fuel under sub. (7) (a).
55,2683d Section 2683d. 100.60 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
100.60 (1) (c) 2. Any other fuel that can substitute for gasoline, that is derived from a renewable resource, that meets all of the applicable requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials for that fuel, and that the department of safety and professional services designates as a gasoline-replacement renewable fuel under sub. (7) (b).
55,2683f Section 2683f. 100.60 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
100.60 (3) (a) Annually, beginning in 2011, the department, in cooperation with and with assistance from the department of safety and professional services and the department of revenue, shall determine whether the annual goals for sales of renewable fuels in sub. (2) (b) and (c), for the previous year, were met in the state in that year.
55,2683h Section 2683h. 100.60 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
100.60 (6) (a) The department shall consult with the department of safety and professional services and the department of revenue to determine if information necessary to make a determination under sub. (3) (a) or an assessment under sub. (4) is being collected by these agencies the department of revenue under laws in effect on June 2, 2010. If the information is not being collected, the department may request the department of safety and professional services and the department of revenue to collect the information if collection by one of these agencies the department of revenue is more cost-effective for state government and less burdensome for the persons subject to the reporting requirements than collection of the information by the department.
55,2683i Section 2683i. 100.60 (7) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
100.60 (7) (title) Rules.
55,2683j Section 2683j. 100.60 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
100.60 (7) (a) The department of safety and professional services may promulgate a rule designating a fuel that can substitute for petroleum-based diesel fuel, that is derived from a renewable resource, and that meets all of the applicable requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials for that fuel as a diesel-replacement renewable fuel for the purposes of this section.
55,2683m Section 2683m. 100.60 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
100.60 (7) (b) The department of safety and professional services may promulgate a rule designating a fuel that can substitute for gasoline, that is derived from a renewable resource, and that meets all of the applicable requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials for that fuel as a gasoline-replacement renewable fuel for the purposes of this section.
55,2685m Section 2685m. 101.02 (7r) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.02 (7r) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (7) (a), no city, village, or town may enact or enforce an ordinance that establishes minimum standards for constructing, altering, or adding to public buildings or buildings that are places of employment unless that ordinance strictly conforms to the applicable rules under sub. (15) (j), except as provided in pars. (b) to (d) and sub. (7m).
55,2692 Section 2692. 101.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.05 (2) A bed and breakfast establishment, as defined under s. 254.61 (1) 97.01 (1g), is not subject to building codes adopted by the department under this subchapter.
55,2693 Section 2693. 101.12 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.12 (1) (intro.) Except for plans that are reviewed by the department of health services under ss. 50.02 (2) (b) and, 50.025, 50.36 (2), or 50.92 (3m), the department shall require the submission of essential drawings, calculations and specifications for public buildings, public structures and places of employment including the following components:
55,2694 Section 2694. 101.123 (1) (bn) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
101.123 (1) (bn) 1. A bed and breakfast establishment, as defined in s. 254.61 (1) 97.01 (1g).
55,2695 Section 2695. 101.123 (1) (bn) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
101.123 (1) (bn) 2. A hotel, as defined in s. 254.61 (3) 97.01 (7).
55,2696 Section 2696. 101.123 (1) (bn) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
101.123 (1) (bn) 3. A tourist rooming house, as defined in s. 254.61 (6) 97.01 (15k).
55,2697 Section 2697. 101.123 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.123 (1) (f) "Restaurant" means an establishment as defined has the meaning given in s. 254.61 (5) 97.01 (14g).
55,2699 Section 2699. 101.128 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.128 (1) (c) "Hotel" has the meaning given in s. 254.61 (3) 97.01 (7).
55,2700 Section 2700. 101.128 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.128 (1) (e) "Restaurant" has the meaning given in s. 254.61 (5) 97.01 (14g).
55,2705 Section 2705. 101.149 (1) (ag) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.149 (1) (ag) "Bed and breakfast establishment" has the meaning given in s. 254.61 (1) 97.01 (1g).
55,2706 Section 2706. 101.149 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.149 (1) (cm) "Tourist rooming house" has the meaning given in s. 254.61 (6) 97.01 (15k).
55,2707 Section 2707. 101.149 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.149 (5) (c) All of the fuel-burning appliances in the residential building have sealed combustion units that are inspected as provided in the rules promulgated by the department under sub. (6) (b) or in the rules promulgated by the department of health services under s. 254.74 97.625 (1) (am).
55,2710 Section 2710 . 101.149 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.149 (8) (a) If the department of safety and professional services or the department of health services agriculture, trade and consumer protection determines after an inspection of a building under this section or s. 254.74 97.625 (1g) that the owner of the building has violated sub. (2) or (3), the respective department shall issue an order requiring the person to correct the violation within 5 days or within such shorter period as the respective department determines is necessary to protect public health and safety. If the person does not correct the violation within the time required, he or she shall forfeit $50 for each day of violation occurring after the date on which the respective department finds that the violation was not corrected.
55,2711 Section 2711. 101.31 of the statutes is repealed.
55,2714 Section 2714. 101.63 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.63 (1) (intro.) Adopt rules which establish standards for the construction and inspection of one- and 2-family dwellings and components thereof. Where feasible, the standards used shall be those nationally recognized and shall apply to the dwelling and to its electrical, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and other systems, including plumbing, as defined in s. 145.01 (10). No set of rules may be adopted which has not taken into account the conservation of energy in construction and maintenance of dwellings and the costs of specific code provisions to home buyers in relationship to the benefits derived from the provisions. Rules promulgated under this subsection do not apply to a bed and breakfast establishment, as defined under s. 254.61 (1) 97.01 (1g), except that the rules apply to all of the following:
55,2714m Section 2714m. 101.642 of the statutes is renumbered 101.642 (1).
55,2714n Section 2714n. 101.642 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
101.642 (2) The department may not promulgate or enforce a rule that requires that any one- or 2-family dwelling contain an automatic fire sprinkler system, as defined in s. 145.01 (2).
55,2715 Section 2715. 101.647 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.647 (1) (am) Notwithstanding s. 101.61 (1), "dwelling" does not include a tourist rooming house, as defined in s. 254.61 (6) 97.01 (15k).
55,2715m Section 2715m. 101.648 of the statutes is created to read:
101.648 Waiver; smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements; plumbing and electrical standards. (1) In this section:
(a) "Building permit" means a permit that authorizes the construction or occupancy of a one- or 2-family dwelling.
(b) "Dwelling construction standard" means a requirement imposed under s. 101.645 (3) or 101.647 (3) or a requirement imposed under any provision of ch.101 or 145 or under any ordinance of a political subdivision relating to standards for electrical wiring or plumbing in one- and 2-family dwellings.
(c) "Political subdivision" means a city, village, town, or county.
(2) Except as provided in sub. (9), a person who is issued a waiver from a requirement to comply with a dwelling construction standard under this section is not required to comply with that standard.
(3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a person is eligible to obtain a waiver from the requirement to comply with a dwelling construction standard if the person submits a signed application form requesting the waiver to the political subdivision that is responsible for issuing building permits for dwellings. The application shall include an attachment containing the address or other identifying information that describes the location of the dwelling and specifying the dwelling construction standard from which the person seeks a compliance waiver.
(b) If the department issues building permits for dwellings in a political subdivision, a person applying for the waiver shall submit the application to the department.
(4) The department shall prescribe and furnish a waiver application form to each political subdivision that issues building permits for dwellings. The form shall be written in simple and plain language and shall list, in a check-off format, each of the following statements:
(a) The person's religious beliefs and the established tenets or teachings of the religious sect of which the person is a member conflict with one or more dwelling construction standards.
(b) The dwelling for which the waiver is requested will be used solely as a residence for the person or members of the person's household.
(c) The waiver is requested based upon the long-established tenets and teachings of the religious sect of which the person is a member and the religious sect did not establish these tenets and teachings solely to avoid compliance with dwelling construction standards.
(d) The person agrees to modify the dwelling for which the waiver is requested to comply with dwelling construction standards if the person ceases to adhere to the tenets or teachings of the religious sect of which the person is a member and upon which the waiver is requested.
(5) A political subdivision that issues building permits and that receives a completed and signed waiver application form shall promptly issue a waiver to the applicant if all of the following apply:
(a) The political subdivision has no reason to believe that the statements provided by the applicant on the waiver application form are untrue.
(b) The political subdivision is satisfied that the waiver will not result in an unreasonable risk of harm to public health or safety.
(c) The waiver specifies those dwelling construction standards with which the applicant is not required to comply.
(6) A political subdivision that finds that an applicant is not entitled to receive a waiver under this section shall promptly notify the department of its finding together with a description of the political subdivision's basis for its finding. If the department agrees with the political subdivision's finding, it shall deny the waiver and notify the applicant that the waiver is denied. If the department disagrees with the political subdivision's finding, it shall issue the waiver to the applicant and notify the political subdivision that the department has issued the waiver. Upon receipt of the notice, the political subdivision shall waive the applicant's requirement to comply with the dwelling construction standards specified in the waiver.
(7) A person is entitled to obtain a waiver under this section before, during, or after construction of a one- or 2-family dwelling.
(8) Neither a municipality nor the department may charge a person a fee to apply for or to receive a waiver under this section.
(9) A waiver issued under this section is invalid if the political subdivision that issued the waiver or the department find that any of the following applies:
(a) A statement on the waiver form submitted by the person to whom the waiver was issued is untrue.
(b) The basis upon which the waiver was issued no longer applies.
(c) The dwelling is occupied by a person who does not hold the religious beliefs that form the basis for issuing the waiver.
(10) Neither the department nor a political subdivision may take any enforcement action, nor proceed with any enforcement action initiated on or before the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], against a person with respect to a dwelling construction standard if the person has a valid waiver issued under this section that waives compliance with the requirement.