55,2949 Section 2949. 102.44 (1) (c) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
102.44 (1) (c) 3. The maximum amount that the department may pay under subd. 2. in a calendar year is $5,000,000. If the amount determined payable under subd. 2. in a calendar year is $5,000,000 or less, the department shall pay that amount. If the amount determined payable under subd. 2. in a calendar year exceeds $5,000,000, the department shall pay $5,000,000 in the year in which the determination is made and, subject to the maximum amount payable of $5,000,000 per calendar year, shall pay the excess in the next calendar year or in subsequent calendar years until that excess is paid in full. The department shall pay claims for reimbursement under subd. 2. in the chronological order in which those claims are received.
55,2951 Section 2951. 102.44 (1) (c) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
102.44 (1) (c) 4. This paragraph does not apply to supplemental benefits paid for an injury that occurs on or after January 1, 2016.
55,2952 Section 2952. 102.44 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.44 (2) In case of permanent total disability , aggregate indemnity shall be weekly indemnity for the period that the employee may live. Total impairment for industrial use of both eyes, or the loss of both arms at or near the shoulder, or the loss of both legs at or near the hip, or the loss of one arm at the shoulder and one leg at the hip, constitutes permanent total disability. This enumeration is not exclusive, but in other cases the department division shall find the facts.
55,2954 Section 2954. 102.44 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.44 (6) (b) If, during the period set forth in s. 102.17 (4) the employment relationship is terminated by the employer at the time of the injury, or by the employee because his or her physical or mental limitations prevent his or her continuing in such employment, or if during such that period a wage loss of 15% 15 percent or more occurs, the department division may reopen any award and make a redetermination taking into account loss of earning capacity.
55,2957d Section 2957d. 102.475 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.475 (6) Proof. In administering this section the department or the division may require reasonable proof of birth, marriage, domestic partnership under ch. 770, relationship, or dependency.
55,2958d Section 2958d. 102.48 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.48 (1) An unestranged surviving parent or parents to whose support the deceased has contributed less than $500 in the 52 weeks next preceding the injury causing death shall receive a death benefit of $6,500. If the parents are not living together, the department or the division shall divide this sum in such proportion as it deems the department or division considers to be just, considering their ages and other facts bearing on dependency.
55,2959d Section 2959d. 102.48 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.48 (2) In all other cases the death benefit shall be such sum as the department shall determine or the division determines to represent fairly and justly the aid to support which the dependent might reasonably have anticipated from the deceased employee but for the injury. To establish anticipation of support and dependency, it shall not be essential that the deceased employee made any contribution to support. The aggregate benefits in such that case shall not exceed twice the average annual earnings of the deceased; or 4 times the contributions of the deceased to the support of such his or her dependents during the year immediately preceding the deceased employee's death, whichever amount is the greater. In no event shall the aggregate benefits in such that case exceed the amount which that would accrue to a person who is solely and wholly dependent. Where When there is more than one partial dependent the weekly benefit shall be apportioned according to their relative dependency. The term "support" as used in ss. 102.42 to 102.63 shall include contributions to the capital fund of the dependents, for their necessary comfort.
55,2960d Section 2960d. 102.48 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.48 (3) A Except as otherwise provided, a death benefit, other than burial expenses, except as otherwise provided, shall be paid in weekly installments corresponding in amount to two-thirds of the weekly earnings of the employee, until otherwise ordered by the department or the division.
55,2961d Section 2961d. 102.49 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.49 (3) If the employee leaves a spouse or domestic partner under ch. 770 wholly dependent and also a child by a former marriage, domestic partnership under ch. 770, or adoption, likewise wholly dependent, aggregate benefits shall be the same in amount as if the child were the child of the surviving spouse or partner, and the entire benefit shall be apportioned to the dependents in the amounts that the department or the division determines to be just, considering the ages of the dependents and other factors bearing on dependency. The benefit awarded to the surviving spouse or partner shall not exceed 4 times the average annual earnings of the deceased employee.
55,2963d Section 2963d. 102.49 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.49 (6) The department or the division may award the additional benefits payable under this section to the surviving parent of the child, to the child's guardian, or to such other person, bank, or trust company for the child's use as may be found best calculated to conserve the interest interests of the child. In the case of death of a child If the child dies while benefits are still payable, there shall be paid the reasonable expense for burial, not exceeding $1,500.
55,2964d Section 2964d. 102.51 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.51 (3) Division among dependents. If there is more than one person wholly or partially dependent on a deceased employee, the death benefit shall be divided between such those dependents in such proportion as the department shall determine or the division determines to be just, considering their ages and other facts bearing on such their dependency.
55,2965d Section 2965d. 102.51 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.51 (4) Dependency as of the date of death. Questions as to who is a dependent and the extent of his or her dependency shall be determined as of the date of the death of the employee, and the dependent's right to any death benefit becomes fixed at that time, regardless of any subsequent change in conditions. The death benefit shall be directly recoverable by and payable to the dependents entitled thereto to the death benefit or their legal guardians or trustees. In case of the death of a dependent whose right to a death benefit has thus become fixed, so much of the benefit as is then unpaid is payable to the dependent's personal representatives in gross, unless the department or the division determines that the unpaid benefit shall be reassigned, under sub. (6), and paid to any other dependent who is physically or mentally incapacitated or a minor. A posthumous child is for the purpose For purposes of this subsection, a child of the employee who is born after the death of the employee is considered to be a dependent as of the date of death.
55,2966d Section 2966d. 102.51 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.51 (6) Division among dependents. Benefits accruing to a minor dependent child may be awarded to either parent in the discretion of the department or the division. Notwithstanding sub. (1), the department or the division may reassign the death benefit, in accordance with their respective needs for the death benefit as between a surviving spouse or a domestic partner under ch. 770 and any children designated specified in sub. (1) and s. 102.49 in accordance with their respective needs for the death benefit.
55,2967d Section 2967d. 102.55 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.55 (3) For all other injuries to the members of the body or its faculties which that are specified in this the schedule under s. 102.52 resulting in permanent disability, though the member be is not actually severed or the faculty is not totally lost, compensation shall bear such relation to that the compensation named in this the schedule as disabilities bear the disability bears to the disabilities disability named in this the schedule. Indemnity in such those cases shall be determined by allowing weekly indemnity during the healing period resulting from the injury and the percentage of permanent disability resulting thereafter after the healing period as found by the department or the division.
55,2968d Section 2968d. 102.555 (12) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.555 (12) (a) An employer, the department, or the department division is not liable for the expense of any examination or test for hearing loss, any evaluation of such an exam or test, any medical treatment for improving or restoring hearing, or any hearing aid to relieve the effect of hearing loss unless it is determined that compensation for occupational deafness is payable under sub. (3), (4), or (11).
55,2969d Section 2969d. 102.56 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.56 (1) Subject to sub. (2), if an employee is so permanently disfigured as to occasion potential wage loss due to the disfigurement, the department or the division may allow such sum as the department or the division considers just as compensation for the disfigurement, not exceeding the employee's average annual earnings. In determining the potential for wage loss due to the disfigurement and the sum awarded, the department or the division shall take into account the age, education, training, and previous experience and earnings of the employee, the employee's present occupation and earnings, and likelihood of future suitable occupational change. Consideration for disfigurement allowance is confined to those areas of the body that are exposed in the normal course of employment. The department or the division shall also take into account the appearance of the disfigurement, its location, and the likelihood of its exposure in occupations for which the employee is suited.
55,2970d Section 2970d. 102.56 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.56 (2) If an employee who claims compensation under sub. (1) returns to work for the employer who employed the employee at the time of the injury, or is offered employment with that employer, at the same or a higher wage, the department or the division may not allow that compensation unless the employee suffers an actual wage loss due to the disfigurement.
55,2971d Section 2971d. 102.565 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.565 (1) When an employee working subject to this chapter, as a result of exposure in the course of his or her employment over a period of time to toxic or hazardous substances or conditions, an employee performing work that is subject to this chapter develops any clinically observable abnormality or condition which that, on competent medical opinion, predisposes or renders the employ employee in any manner differentially susceptible to disability to such an extent that it is inadvisable for the employee to continue employment involving such that exposure and the employee , is discharged from or ceases to continue the employment, and suffers wage loss by reason of such that discharge from, or such cessation of, employment, the department or the division may allow such sum as it deems the department or the division considers just as compensation therefor for that wage loss, not exceeding $13,000. In the event If a nondisabling condition may also be caused by toxic or hazardous exposure not related to employment, and if the employee has a history of such that exposure, compensation as provided by under this section or any other remedy for loss of earning capacity shall not be allowed nor shall any other remedy for loss of earning capacity. In case of such discharge. If the employee is discharged from employment prior to a finding by the department or the division that it is inadvisable for the employee to continue in such that employment and if it is reasonably probable that continued exposure would result in disability, the liability of the employer who so discharges the employee is primary, and the liability of the employer's insurer is secondary, under the same procedure and to the same effect as provided by s. 102.62.
55,2972d Section 2972d. 102.565 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.565 (2) Upon application of any employer or employee the department or the division may direct any employee of the employer or an employee who, in the course of his or her employment, has been exposed to toxic or hazardous substances or conditions, to submit to examination by a physician or one or more physicians to be appointed by the department or the division to determine whether the employee has developed any abnormality or condition under sub. (1), and the degree thereof of that abnormality or condition. The cost of the medical examination shall be borne by the person making application. The physician conducting the examination shall submit the results of the examination shall be submitted by the physician to the department or the division, which shall submit copies of the reports to the employer and employee, who shall have an opportunity to rebut the reports provided request therefor if a request to submit a rebuttal is made to the department or the division within 10 days from the mailing of after the department or the division mails the report to the parties. The department or the division shall make its findings as to whether or not it is inadvisable for the employee to continue in his or her employment.
55,2973d Section 2973d. 102.565 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.565 (3) If an employee refuses to submit to the examination after direction by the commission, or any member thereof or the department or any member of the commission, the department, the division, or an examiner thereof,, an employee refuses to submit to an examination or in any way obstructs the same examination, the employee's right to compensation under this section shall be barred.
55,2974 Section 2974. 102.57 of the statutes is amended to read:
102.57 Violations of safety provisions, penalty. If injury is caused by the failure of the employer to comply with any statute, rule, or order of the department of safety and professional services, compensation and death benefits provided in this chapter shall be increased 15% by 15 percent but the total increase may not exceed $15,000. Failure of an employer reasonably to enforce compliance by employees with any statute, rule, or order of the department of safety and professional services constitutes failure by the employer to comply with that statute, rule, or order.
55,2975 Section 2975. 102.58 of the statutes is amended to read:
102.58 Decreased compensation. If injury is caused by the failure of the employee to use safety devices that are provided in accordance with any statute, rule, or order of the department of safety and professional services and that are adequately maintained, and the use of which is reasonably enforced by the employer, if injury results from the employee's failure to obey any reasonable rule adopted and reasonably enforced by the employer for the safety of the employee and of which the employee has notice, or if injury results from the intoxication of the employee by alcohol beverages, as defined in s. 125.02 (1), or use of a controlled substance, as defined in s. 961.01 (4), or a controlled substance analog, as defined in s. 961.01 (4m), the compensation and death benefit provided in this chapter shall be reduced 15% by 15 percent but the total reduction may not exceed $15,000.
55,2978 Section 2978. 102.61 (1g) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.61 (1g) (c) On receiving notice that he or she is eligible to receive vocational rehabilitation services under 29 USC 701 to 797a, an employee shall provide the employer with a written report from a physician, chiropractor, psychologist, or podiatrist stating the employee's permanent work restrictions. Within 60 days after receiving that report, the employer shall provide to the employee in writing an offer of suitable employment, a statement that the employer has no suitable employment for the employee, or a report from a physician, chiropractor, psychologist, or podiatrist showing that the permanent work restrictions provided by the employee's practitioner are in dispute and documentation showing that the difference in work restrictions would materially affect either the employer's ability to provide suitable employment or a vocational rehabilitation counselor's ability to recommend a rehabilitative training program. If the employer and employee cannot resolve the dispute within 30 days after the employee receives the employer's report and documentation, the employer or employee may request a hearing before the department division to determine the employee's work restrictions. Within 30 days after the department division determines the employee's work restrictions, the employer shall provide to the employee in writing an offer of suitable employment or a statement that the employer has no suitable employment for the employee.
55,2980d Section 2980d. 102.61 (1m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.61 (1m) (c) The employer or insurance carrier shall pay the reasonable cost of any services provided for an employee by a private rehabilitation counselor under par. (a) and, subject to the conditions and limitations specified in sub. (1r) (a) to (c) and by rule, if the private rehabilitation counselor determines that rehabilitative training is necessary, the reasonable cost of the rehabilitative training program recommended by that counselor, including the cost of tuition, fees, books, maintenance, and travel at the same rate as is provided for state officers and employees under s. 20.916 (8). Notwithstanding that the department or the division may authorize under s. 102.43 (5) (b) a rehabilitative training program that lasts longer than 80 weeks, a rehabilitative training program that lasts 80 weeks or less is presumed to be reasonable.
55,2984 Section 2984. 102.61 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.61 (2) The department division, the commission, and the courts shall determine the rights and liabilities of the parties under this section in like manner and with like effect as the department division, the commission, and the courts determine other issues under this chapter. A determination under this subsection may include a determination based on the evidence regarding the cost or scope of the services provided by a private rehabilitation counselor under sub. (1m) (a) or the cost or reasonableness of a rehabilitative training program developed under sub. (1m) (a).
55,2985 Section 2985. 102.62 of the statutes is amended to read:
102.62 Primary and secondary liability; unchangeable. In case of liability under s. 102.57 or 102.60, the liability of the employer shall be primary and the liability of the insurance carrier shall be secondary. If proceedings are had before the department division for the recovery of that liability, the department division shall set forth in its award the amount and order of liability as provided in this section. Execution shall not be issued against the insurance carrier to satisfy any judgment covering that liability until execution has first been issued against the employer and has been returned unsatisfied as to any part of that liability. Any provision in any insurance policy undertaking to guarantee primary liability or to avoid secondary liability for a liability under s. 102.57 or 102.60 is void. If the employer has been adjudged bankrupt or has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if the employer, other than an individual, has gone out of business or has been dissolved, or if the employer is a corporation and its charter has been forfeited or revoked, the insurer shall be liable for the payment of that liability without judgment or execution against the employer, but without altering the primary liability of the employer.
55,2987d Section 2987d. 102.64 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.64 (1) Upon request of the department of administration, a representative of the department of justice shall represent the state in cases involving payment into or out of the state treasury under s. 20.865 (1) (fm), (kr), or (ur) or 102.29. The department of justice, after giving notice to the department of administration, may compromise the amount of those payments but such compromises shall be subject to review by the department of workforce development or the division. If the spouse or domestic partner under ch. 770 of the deceased employee compromises his or her claim for a primary death benefit, the claim of the children of the employee under s. 102.49 shall be compromised on the same proportional basis, subject to approval by the department or the division. If the persons entitled to compensation on the basis of total dependency under s. 102.51 (1) compromise their claim, payments under s. 102.49 (5) (a) shall be compromised on the same proportional basis.
55,2988d Section 2988d. 102.64 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.64 (2) Upon request of the department of administration, the attorney general shall appear on behalf of the state in proceedings upon claims for compensation against the state. Except as provided in s. 102.65 (3), the department of justice shall represent the interests of the state in proceedings under s. 102.44 (1), 102.49, 102.59, 102.60, or 102.66. The department of justice may compromise claims in those proceedings, but the compromises are subject to review by the department of workforce development or the division. Costs incurred by the department of justice in prosecuting or defending any claim for payment into or out of the work injury supplemental benefit fund under s. 102.65, including expert witness and witness fees but not including attorney fees or attorney travel expenses for services performed under this subsection, shall be paid from the work injury supplemental benefit fund.
55,2991d Section 2991d. 102.65 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.65 (3) The department of workforce development may retain the department of administration to process, investigate, and pay claims under ss. 102.44 (1), 102.49, 102.59, and 102.66. If retained by the department of workforce development, the department of administration may compromise a claim processed by that department, but a compromise made by that department is subject to review by the department of workforce development or the division. The department of workforce development shall pay for the services retained under this subsection from the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (t).
55,2992 Section 2992. 102.65 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.65 (4) (intro.) The secretary shall monitor the cash balance in, and incurred losses to, the work injury supplemental benefit fund using generally accepted actuarial principles. If the secretary determines that the expected ultimate losses to the work injury supplemental benefit fund on known claims exceed 85 percent of the cash balance in that fund, the secretary shall consult with the council on worker's compensation. If the secretary, after consulting with the council on worker's compensation, determines that there is a reasonable likelihood that the cash balance in the work injury supplemental benefit fund may become inadequate to fund all claims under ss. 102.44 (1) (c), 102.49, 102.59, and 102.66, the secretary shall file with the secretary of administration a certificate attesting that the cash balance in that fund is likely to become inadequate to fund all claims under ss. 102.44 (1) (c), 102.49, 102.59, and 102.66 and specifying one of the following:
55,2995d Section 2995d. 102.66 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.66 (1) Subject to any certificate filed under s. 102.65 (4), if there is an otherwise meritorious claim for occupational disease, or for a traumatic injury described in s. 102.17 (4) in which the date of injury or death or last payment of compensation, other than for treatment or burial expenses, is before April 1, 2006, and if the claim is barred solely by the statute of limitations under s. 102.17 (4), the department or the division may, in lieu of worker's compensation benefits, direct payment from the work injury supplemental benefit fund under s. 102.65 of such compensation and such medical expenses as would otherwise be due, based on the date of injury, to or on behalf of the injured employee. The benefits shall be supplemental, to the extent of compensation liability, to any disability or medical benefits payable from any group insurance policy whose premium is paid in whole or in part by any employer, or under any federal insurance or benefit program providing disability or medical benefits. Death benefits payable under any such group policy do not limit the benefits payable under this section.
55,2996d Section 2996d. 102.75 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.75 (1) The department shall assess upon and collect from each licensed worker's compensation insurance carrier and from each employer exempted under s. 102.28 (2) by special order or by rule, the proportion of total costs and expenses incurred by the council on worker's compensation for travel and research and by the department, the division, and the commission in the administration of this chapter for the current fiscal year plus any deficiencies in collections and anticipated costs from the previous fiscal year, that the total indemnity paid or payable under this chapter by each such carrier and exempt employer in worker's compensation cases initially closed during the preceding calendar year, other than for increased, double or treble compensation bore to the total indemnity paid in cases closed the previous calendar year under this chapter by all carriers and exempt employers other than for increased, double or treble compensation. The council on worker's compensation, the division, and the commission shall annually certify any costs and expenses for worker's compensation activities to the department at such time as the secretary requires.
55,2997 Section 2997. 102.75 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
102.75 (1g) (a) Subject to par. (b), the department shall collect from each licensed worker's compensation carrier the proportion of reimbursement approved by the department under s. 102.44 (1) (c) 1. for supplemental benefits paid in the year before the previous year that the total indemnity paid or payable under this chapter by the carrier in worker's compensation cases initially closed during the preceding calendar year, other than for increased, double, or treble compensation, bore to the total indemnity paid in cases closed the previous calendar year under this chapter by all carriers, other than for increased, double, or treble compensation.
(b) The maximum amount that the department may collect under par. (a) in a calendar year is $5,000,000. If the amount determined collectible under par. (a) in a calendar year is $5,000,000 or less, the department shall collect that amount. If the amount determined collectible under par. (a) in a calendar year exceeds $5,000,000, the department shall collect $5,000,000 in the year in which the determination is made and, subject to the maximum amount collectible of $5,000,000 per calendar year, shall collect the excess in the next calendar year or in subsequent calendar years until that excess is collected in full.
(c) This subsection does not apply to claims for reimbursement under s. 102.44 (1) (c) 1. for supplemental benefits paid for injuries that occur on or after January 1, 2016.
55,3000 Section 3000. 102.75 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.75 (1m) The moneys collected under sub. subs. (1) and (1g) and under ss. 102.28 (2) and 102.31 (7), together with all accrued interest, shall constitute a separate nonlapsible fund designated as the worker's compensation operations fund. Moneys in the fund may be expended only as provided in s. ss. 20.427 (1) (ra) and 20.445 (1) (ra), (rb), and (rp) and (2) (ra) and may not be used for any other purpose of the state.
55,3002 Section 3002. 102.75 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.75 (2) The department shall require that payments for costs and expenses for each fiscal year shall be made on such dates as the department prescribes by each licensed worker's compensation insurance carrier and employer exempted under s. 102.28 (2) (b) from the duty to insure under s. 102.28 (2) (a) to make the payments required under sub. (1) for each fiscal year on such dates as the department prescribes. The department shall also require each licensed worker's compensation insurance carrier to make the payments required under sub. (1g) for each fiscal year on those dates. Each such payment shall be a sum equal to a proportionate share of the annual costs and expenses assessed upon each carrier and employer as estimated by the department. Interest shall accrue on amounts not paid within 30 days after the date prescribed by the department under this subsection at the rate of 1 percent per month. All interest payments received under this subsection shall be deposited in the fund established under s. 102.65.
55,3006 Section 3006. 102.80 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
102.80 (1) (f) Amounts transferred to the uninsured employers fund from the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (ra) as provided in s. 102.81 (1) (c).
55,3018 Section 3018. 102.81 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
102.81 (1) (c) 1. The department shall pay a claim under par. (a) in excess of $1,000,000 from the uninsured employers fund in the first instance. If the claim is not covered by excess or stop-loss reinsurance under sub. (2), the secretary of administration shall transfer from the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (ra) to the uninsured employers fund as provided in subds. 2. and 3. an amount equal to the amount by which payments from the uninsured employers fund on the claim are in excess of $1,000,000.
2. Each calendar year the department shall file with the secretary of administration a certificate setting forth the number of claims in excess of $1,000,000 in the preceding year paid from the uninsured employers fund, the payments made from the uninsured employers fund on each such claim in the preceding year, and the total payments made from the uninsured employers fund on all such claims and, based on that information, the secretary of administration shall determine the amount to be transferred under subd. 1. in that calendar year.
3. The maximum amount that the secretary of administration may transfer under subd. 1. in a calendar year is $500,000. If the amount determined under subd. 2. is $500,000 or less, the secretary of administration shall transfer the amount determined under subd. 2. If the amount determined under subd. 2. exceeds $500,000, the secretary of administration shall transfer $500,000 in the calendar year in which the determination is made and, subject to the maximum transfer amount of $500,000 per calendar year, shall transfer that excess in the next calendar year or in subsequent calendar years until that excess is transferred in full.
55,3075p Section 3075p. 103.005 (12) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
103.005 (12) (a) If any employer, employee, owner, or other person violates chs. 103 to 106, or fails or refuses to perform any duty required under chs. 103 to 106, within the time prescribed by the department, for which no penalty has been specifically provided, or fails, neglects or refuses to obey any lawful order given or made by the department or any judgment or decree made by any court in connection with chs. 103 to 106, for each such violation, failure or refusal, the employer, employee, owner or other person shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each offense. This paragraph does not apply to any person who fails to provide any information to the department to assist the department in determining prevailing wage rates or prevailing hours of labor under s. 103.49 (3) (a) or (am) or 103.50 (3) or (4).
55,3076c Section 3076c. 103.005 (14m) of the statutes is created to read:
103.005 (14m) (a) In this subsection, "qualified independent researcher" means a faculty member of a university who satisfies all of the following:
1. The faculty member has an approved protocol from an institutional review board for human subjects research to work with data containing personal information for the purposes of evaluating the program under s. 119.23.
2. The faculty member has received from the state and properly managed data containing personal information for the purposes of evaluating the program under s. 119.23 before the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date].
(b) The department shall, to the extent permitted under federal law, permit a qualified independent researcher to have access to any database maintained by the department for the purpose of cross-matching information contained in any such database with a database that both is in the possession of the qualified independent researcher and contains information regarding pupils participating in the program under s. 119.23. The department may charge a fee to the qualified independent researcher for the information that does not exceed the cost incurred by the department to provide the information.
55,3076d Section 3076d. 103.06 (1) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
103.06 (1) (b) 5. For purposes of maintaining records under sub. (3) (a) 4. as required under rules promulgated under s. 104.04 104.035, an employee, as defined in s. 104.01 (2).
55,3076h Section 3076h. 103.06 (1) (c) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
103.06 (1) (c) 5. For purposes of maintaining records under sub. (3) (a) 4. as required under rules promulgated under s. 104.04 104.035, an employer, as defined in s. 104.01 (3).