DNR permits re high-voltage transmission construction and relocation of utility facility as condition of certain general permits; sulfur dioxide compliance plan, certain DNR determinations, and certain PSC variance eliminated; PSC assessment authority; funding for energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; PSC approval of public utility contracts with affiliated interests; PSC authority re local access and transport areas for telephone service and complaints re railroad telecommunications service; exempting construction of certain electric transmission lines from PSC certification - Act 299
Driving while using a cellular or other wireless telephone in a construction zone prohibited; emergency, hands-free device, and penalty provisions - Act 308
Drones operated over state correctional institutions prohibited; penalty provisions - Act 318
``Lead-bearing paint" and ``lead poisoning or lead exposure" definitions revised; civil and criminal penalties modified [Sec. 4045p, 4048d-4049e, 9318 (1v)] - Act 55
Motor vehicles operating on highways when weather conditions limit visibility: required headlamps, tail lamps, and clearance lamps must be lighted, penalty provision - Act 165
Personal care product containing microbeads: manufacture and sale prohibitions created; over-the-counter drug and ordinance provisions - Act 43
Radiological materials transported on a highway: DOT permit required; penalty and fee provisions - Act 137
Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions - Act 89
Safe ride program surcharge created [Sec. 655j, 4345m, 4349m, 4619p, 4620g-r, 4734m, 9345 (4j)] - Act 55
Seized firearm: procedure for returning to person who owns the firearm revised - Act 141
Supplemental forfeiture allowed for certain violations against the elderly and disabled re laws DATCP has rule-making, investigation, or enforcement authority - Act 252
Traffic forfeiture or municipal ordinance violation case: initially heard in municipal court and reviewed by circuit court is considered ``prosecuted in circuit court" for appeals purposes - Act 12
Transportation network companies: licensure program created; DSPS duties; fee, insurance, airport, penalty, and ordinance provisions - Act 16
foster homeFoster home, see Children; Youth
fox river navigational system authorityFox River Navigational System Authority
Fox River Navigational System visitor center: DOA may sell parcel of public land to City of Appleton for construction of; Fox River Navigational System Authority duties - Act 357
Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met - Act 203
franchise _ taxationFranchise -- Taxation
Property of a delinquent taxpayer: sale and auction provisions revised [Sec. 2459, 2460, 4622, 9337 (1)] - Act 55
Tax law administration revisions re factors to determine if a transaction has economic substance for income and franchise purposes and taxpayer penalties for failure to comply with a summons seeking certain records and documents - Act 218
Actions against financial institutions prohibited re offers, promises, agreements, or commitments not in writing; definitions and conditions provisions; does not prohibit fraudulent representation actions or claims - Act 120
Commercial motor vehicle and CDL: driving while using a hand-held mobile telephone prohibited, reporting emergencies exception; fraud related to exam or issuance of CDL license; driving while text messaging considered a serious traffic violation; restricted CDL for persons with diabetes controlled by insulin conditions; standard restrictions on a CDL expanded; definition provisions - Act 123
Eliminate authority of a person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA [Sec. 945n, 3501p, 3504c, 4610f-r, 4639g, 9318 (3f)] - Act 55
False statement re military service or honors to obtain financial or other tangible benefit made a crime - Act 30
Off-highway motorcycle (OHM): operation and registration requirements established; definition, fees, and trails provisions; DNR duties; Off-Highway Motorcycle Council created; false statement on application and electronic retrieval of information provisions - Act 170
UI fraud penalties revised re acts of concealment; unemployment program integrity fund provision [Sec. 3113, 3119m, 3120m, 9351 (4), 9451 (4)] - Act 55
freedom, town ofFreedom, Town of, see Outagamie County
freight transportationFreight transportation, see Railroad
fte _full_time equivalent position_FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
Classification of certain fuels and petroleum inspection duties transferred from DSPS to DATCP [Sec. 2200b-2202b, 2327b-2329b, 2683b-m] - Act 55
LPG retailers required to obtain commercial general liability insurance; surety bond and letter of credit options eliminated - Act 327
full_time equivalent position _fte_Full-time equivalent position (FTE), see Public employee
funeral and funeral directorFuneral and funeral director, see also Veteran
Columbaria maintained by religious associations: exemption from requirements applicable to mausoleums and cemeteries created; care fund and certification requirements - Act 95
Funeral, burial, and cemetery expenses for decedents who received certain public assistance: DHS to pursue recovery of aid, life insurance policy provision [Sec. 1817-1827, 1831, 1832, 1834b-1843, 1845, 4588, 4595, 4623-4630, 9318 (1)] - Act 55
Funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematorium: exemption from certain fees and moratorium on certain fee increases [Sec. 1831p, 1909s, 9318 (3j)] - Act 55
Unclaimed cremated remains in custody of a funeral director, cemetery authority, or public officer: contacting DVA, county veterans service officer, or local veterans service organization required to determine if the person was a veteran or eligible for burial at a veterans cemetery; civil liability exemption provision - Act 382
Progressive raffle provisions created [Sec. 4546m-t] [vetoed] - Act 55
Raffle regulations revised re alternate raffle, tickets, and number of raffles; DOA authority removed - Act 6
game farmGame farm, see Hunting
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, historic landmark designation, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions - Act 176
Motor vehicle repair practices: insurer prohibitions re specifying a facility and delaying a claim - Act 93
Nonconformity reported to a motor vehicle manufacturer under the law governing repair, replacement, and refund under a motor vehicle warranty: requiring use of DOT form eliminated - Act 173
Vehicle weight and width exception created for certain logging vehicles operated on highways for a short distance; reasonable compensation of a motor vehicle dealer by a motor vehicle manufacturer, importer, or distributor for certain service work modified - Act 171
Crime victim restitution revisions re Corr.Dept authority to charge a reimbursement fee, garnishment of a defendant’s wages, and certification to DOR of restitution owed; reports required - Act 355
Garnishee fee: adding fee for certain payment delivered to the creditor [Sec. 4610 t-y] - Act 55
Garnishment fee: method for collection clarified re 2015 WisAct 55 - Act 337
Classification of certain fuels and petroleum inspection duties transferred from DSPS to DATCP [Sec. 2200b-2202b, 2327b-2329b, 2683b-m] - Act 55
DATCP prohibited from promulgating or enforcing a rule requiring motor vehicle fueling stations to have telephone or other means for public to contact emergency services - Act 247
gateway technical collegeGateway Technical College, see Technical college
general fundGeneral fund, see Appropriation
general purpose revenue _gpr_General purpose revenue (GPR), see Appropriation
genetics and genetic testingGenetics and genetic testing
DNA data bank: grounds for requesting expungement modified [Sec. 3511d] - Act 55
DOJ appropriation transfer from crime labs and DNA analysis to DA activities re DNA [Sec. 755, 762, 768, 3509] - Act 55
ginsengGinseng, see Plants
golfGolf, see Recreation
good samaritanGood Samaritan
Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity - Act 35
government accountability boardGovernment Accountability Board
Campaign finance laws (chapter 11) revised including requiring specified entities to register with GAB and file periodic reports, contribution limits, and coordination; reconciliation provision - Act 117
Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, electronic voter registration list, absentee ballots, veteran ID cards, and proof of residency; Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members subject to standards of conduct for state public officials and filing statements of economic interest clarified; limit on political action committee contributions to certain segregated funds and campaign contributions for other persons established; GAB and DOT duties - Act 261
GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] - Act 118
LAB authority to access all state agency documents clarified; GAB to provide investigatory records to LAB - Act 2
governorGovernor, see also Executive office
LAB duties: performing audits at the request of the Governor removed [Sec. 65n, 66d] - Act 55
State of emergency declared by the Governor: exemptions from certain taxes, fees, and licensing or permit requirements for work performed by non-Wisconsin residents or businesses; JSCTE appendix report - Act 84
WEDC Board shall elect a chairperson [Sec. 3956c] - Act 55
Wisconsin Veterans Employment Initiative established to increase number of veterans holding permanent state government positions; Council on Veterans Employment created in the Office of the Governor; state agencies and DPM duties - Act 386
governor _ appointmentsGovernor -- Appointments
GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] - Act 118
LIRC transferred from DWD to DOA; Governor to appoint the general counsel [Sec. 146m, 666m, 741m, 918m, 3673m] - Act 55
Off-highway motorcycle (OHM): operation and registration requirements established; definition, fees, and trails provisions; DNR duties; Off-Highway Motorcycle Council created; false statement on application and electronic retrieval of information provisions - Act 170