Back tag requirements repealed re specified DNR hunting licenses -
Act 222Bear hunting provisions modified and Class B license eliminated [Sec. 1052m-1053q, 1055d-m, 1060j] -
Act 55Fish and wildlife management activities: DNR to prepare a funding report [Sec. 9132 (1v)] -
Act 55Group deer hunting party: prohibiting a member from using a youth carcass tag to kill an antlerless deer on behalf of the holder of the tag -
Act 100Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals -
Act 97Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions -
Act 89Shining wild animals: ``flashlight" definition revised and use of firearm-mounted light permitted -
Act 249Wild turkey donation program: reimbursing counties for processing and donating costs authorized -
Act 31Wolf hunting and trapping: date annual open season begins changed -
Act 285Buoys or other markers placed, or failure to place, in waterways: civil liability immunity created, DNR permit provision; no immunity for intentional damage or injury -
Act 91Campground and state park and trail fees revised; DNR study on additional revenue for state parks required [Sec. 1037e, g, 1038e, g, 1046b-j, 3580m, 9132 (4f), 9432 (2f)] -
Act 55Off-highway motorcycle (OHM): operation and registration requirements established; definition, fees, and trails provisions; DNR duties; Off-Highway Motorcycle Council created; false statement on application and electronic retrieval of information provisions -
Act 170Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions -
Act 89Supplemental snowmobile trail aids: insufficient funding revision [Sec. 4359m] [vetoed] -
Act 55Trolling permit: DNR to issue to persons with impaired sight under certain conditions -
Act 363Newspaper recycling fee and postconsumer waste content in newsprint requirements eliminated -
Act 7Unclaimed money or securities: county treasurer duty to provide legal notice modified, Internet and Wisconsin newspapers provisions -
Act 246WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties -
Act 180noticeNotice, see specific subject
Body cavity search: immunity from civil and criminal liability for physician, physician assistant, or registered nurse conducting the search -
Act 238Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity -
Act 35Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
Act 269Opioid antagonists, such as naloxone: clarifications to prescribing, dispensing, and delivery provisions; standing orders allowed -
Act 115Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals -
Act 97Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions -
Act 328Alzheimer’s Family and Caregiver Support Program: DHS funding for respite care, financial eligibility, and participation by tribes or bands -
Act 273Care management organizations: DHS may contract with a county or long-term care district to operate outside their geographic area; disposition of property and assets upon dissolution of a long-term care district; creation of nonstock, nonprofit corporation or service insurance corporation provisions; OCI duties -
Act 215County-to-county nursing home bed transfers: DHS to develop policy; report to JCF required [Sec. 9118 (7g)] [vetoed] -
Act 55Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, electronic voter registration list, absentee ballots, veteran ID cards, and proof of residency; Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members subject to standards of conduct for state public officials and filing statements of economic interest clarified; limit on political action committee contributions to certain segregated funds and campaign contributions for other persons established; GAB and DOT duties -
Act 261Family Care and IRIS services: DHS to expand to Rock County; exemption from certain contract requirement and JCF approval -
Act 127Family Care programs, IRIS, and long-term care program revisions; DHS to administer in every county, federal waiver provision, JCF approval of plan and waiver; aging and disability resource centers evaluation and reports required; Children's Community Options Program created; Medicaid services division created [Sec. 12, 674-678, 682-685, 688, 695-700, 703b, 704-713, 715, 717-719, 1028, 1525-1535, 1542-1618c, 1626, 1630-1632, 1634-1640, 1646, 1647, 1793, 1794, 1814, 1844, 1888, 1892, 9118 (9)-(10)] [1535, 9118 (9) -- partial veto] -
Act 55Family members prevented from visiting or communicating with resident or ward in a facility, home, or dwelling in which the resident is receiving care and services may petition court for visitation; conditions, expedited hearing, sanctions, remedies, and definition provisions -
Act 343Labor region methodology study re MA reimbursement rates to nursing homes: DHS required to conduct [Sec. 9118 (4u)] [vetoed] -
Act 55Nursing home bed assessment: exemption for county government-owned institutions for mental disease and state-only licensed facility [Sec. 1875d-f] [vetoed] -
Act 55Nursing home beds transfer: DHS to allow under set conditions [Sec. 9118 (3g)] -
Act 55Oxygen equipment in nursing homes: rules modified re current maintenance and use standards and manufacturers’ recommendations [Admin.Code DHS 132.71] -
Act 107Support accounts for individuals with disabilities (ABLE accounts): provisions authorizing creation repealed; tax benefit contributions to accounts in other states continues; excluded from income re long-term care program eligibility; Internal Revenue Code provisions -
Act 312Dietetic internship program established under the WIC program; federal moneys, DHS duties, and FTE position provisions -
Act 276Representation and distribution of nude child: criminal penalty exception for parents does not apply when the purpose is for sexual arousal, gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary gain -
Act 370Work injury supplemental benefit fund reimbursement terminated; worker's compensation operations fund and uninsured employers fund revisions, DWD duties specified [Sec. 735, 2943-2951, 2992, 2997-3018, 9351 (1), (2), 9451 (1)] -
Act 55Premier resort area: City of Rhinelander may declare itself as via ordinance or resolution, tax provision [Sec. 2003p-pg, 9437 (3f)] -
Act 55Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
Act 269Optometrists meeting certain criteria may prescribe or administer certain controlled substances; DSPS rules provision -
Act 34Agricultural Producer Security Council member names, appropriation for inspection and certification of grain expenses, service of process for DATCP, ASTM International references, providing DATCP with copy of ordinances re pesticides (remedial legislation) -
Act 186Automatic fire suppression systems for certain buildings on fairgrounds: DSPS requirement and enactment or enforcement of ordinance requiring prohibited if certain conditions are met -
Act 240Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: authority of political subdivisions to regulate limited -
Act 302Broadband infrastructure: PSC duties imposed re expansion grant program, underserved areas, promotion of economic development, model ordinance, and certification as a Broadband Forward! community -
Act 278Cigarette and tobacco products retailer license: first class city may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew under certain conditions; review by circuit court provision; local ordinances regulating licenses must conform to state statutes -
Act 275DOT building replacement in City of Madison is not subject to municipal zoning ordinance or regulation [Sec. 44b, m] [vetoed] -
Act 55Election law revisions re write-in candidate registration, reconvening of board of canvassers to count absentee and provisional ballots, caucus used to nominate certain candidates, date an ordinance or resolution must be submitted to electors at the next election, affixing a sticker to a ballot, and a school board referendum -
Act 37Establishments that slaughter animals or poultry, or that process meat or poultry products: licensing and inspection program revisions; fee, ordinance, and exemptions provisions -
Act 243Golf cart crossing points on highways: municipality and county authority to establish; speed limit and highway crossing signs provisions; DOT duties -
Act 125Inspection of major renovations of one- and two-family dwellings required; definition and ordinance provisions [vetoed] -
SB87Municipal ordinances re electrical code or jurisdiction over electrical wiring must conform to state electrical wiring code [Sec. 2685m, 2718f] -
Act 55Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure -
Act 223Personal care product containing microbeads: manufacture and sale prohibitions created; over-the-counter drug and ordinance provisions -
Act 43Property rights regulation revisions re local government restrictions on sale, purchase, development, or occupancy of real property and individual notice requirements; vested rights; shoreland zoning; resolution of challenge to zoning restrictions; supermajority vote to down zone a property; content of economic impact analysis of proposed administrative rules; standard for judicial review of certain state agency actions and decisions; and DNR and DATCP contested case hearings -
Act 391Real estate transfer fee return: person who conveys real property required to file even if the conveyance is exempt from the fee, exemption provision; local fees prohibited -
Act 145Sale of property: local governments prohibited from imposing time-of-sale requirements; existing ordinance, resolution, or policy is unenforceable [Sec. 4595c] -
Act 55Seasonal placement of a Christmas tree in the Capitol rotunda or a church: prohibiting promulgation or enforcement of a DSPS rule and enactment or enforcement of an ordinance re fire safety -
Act 333