Agricultural Producer Security Council member names, appropriation for inspection and certification of grain expenses, service of process for DATCP, ASTM International references, providing DATCP with copy of ordinances re pesticides (remedial legislation) - Act 186
Automatic fire suppression systems for certain buildings on fairgrounds: DSPS requirement and enactment or enforcement of ordinance requiring prohibited if certain conditions are met - Act 240
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: authority of political subdivisions to regulate limited - Act 302
Broadband infrastructure: PSC duties imposed re expansion grant program, underserved areas, promotion of economic development, model ordinance, and certification as a Broadband Forward! community - Act 278
Cigarette and tobacco products retailer license: first class city may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew under certain conditions; review by circuit court provision; local ordinances regulating licenses must conform to state statutes - Act 275
DOT building replacement in City of Madison is not subject to municipal zoning ordinance or regulation [Sec. 44b, m] [vetoed] - Act 55
Election law revisions re write-in candidate registration, reconvening of board of canvassers to count absentee and provisional ballots, caucus used to nominate certain candidates, date an ordinance or resolution must be submitted to electors at the next election, affixing a sticker to a ballot, and a school board referendum - Act 37
Establishments that slaughter animals or poultry, or that process meat or poultry products: licensing and inspection program revisions; fee, ordinance, and exemptions provisions - Act 243
Golf cart crossing points on highways: municipality and county authority to establish; speed limit and highway crossing signs provisions; DOT duties - Act 125
Inspection of major renovations of one- and two-family dwellings required; definition and ordinance provisions [vetoed] - SB87
Municipal ordinances re electrical code or jurisdiction over electrical wiring must conform to state electrical wiring code [Sec. 2685m, 2718f] - Act 55
Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure - Act 223
Personal care product containing microbeads: manufacture and sale prohibitions created; over-the-counter drug and ordinance provisions - Act 43
Property rights regulation revisions re local government restrictions on sale, purchase, development, or occupancy of real property and individual notice requirements; vested rights; shoreland zoning; resolution of challenge to zoning restrictions; supermajority vote to down zone a property; content of economic impact analysis of proposed administrative rules; standard for judicial review of certain state agency actions and decisions; and DNR and DATCP contested case hearings - Act 391
Real estate transfer fee return: person who conveys real property required to file even if the conveyance is exempt from the fee, exemption provision; local fees prohibited - Act 145
Sale of property: local governments prohibited from imposing time-of-sale requirements; existing ordinance, resolution, or policy is unenforceable [Sec. 4595c] - Act 55
Seasonal placement of a Christmas tree in the Capitol rotunda or a church: prohibiting promulgation or enforcement of a DSPS rule and enactment or enforcement of an ordinance re fire safety - Act 333
Shoreland zoning revisions; ordinance provisions [Sec. 1922b-L, 1943d, e, 1947d, e, 4112e-i] - Act 55
Shoreland zoning standards codified re setbacks for ordinary high water mark (OHWM) and proposed principal structures with certain exemptions; prohibition on the regulation of nonconforming structures expanded; impervious surface area regulations provision - Act 167
State minimum wage law revisions, living wage provisions replaced with minimum wage requirements, and living wage ordinance prohibition eliminated; definitions, DWD duties, and emergency rule provisions [Sec. 1706m, 3076d-t, 3078am, b, bm, c, cm-m, 3947g, r, 4610b, d, 4639m, 9451 (7f)] - Act 55
Switchblade prohibition eliminated; local governments prohibited from regulating the sale, purchase, and possession of knives; disorderly conduct provision; license to carry concealed weapon does not include knives; going armed with a concealed knife prohibition modified; ordinance or resolution prohibiting possession of knives in certain buildings permitted - Act 149
Town located entirely on an island in Lake Superior and authorized to exercise village powers: county shoreland zoning ordinance does not apply if a more restrictive town ordinance is enacted - Act 146
Town zoning ordinance provision revised re approval by county board; withdrawing from coverage of a county zoning ordinance and county development plan; shoreland and floodplain zoning ordinances; and plat and certified survey map approval - Act 178
Town zoning ordinance re shorelands permitted under certain conditions - Act 41
Traffic forfeiture or municipal ordinance violation case: initially heard in municipal court and reviewed by circuit court is considered ``prosecuted in circuit court" for appeals purposes - Act 12
Transportation network companies: licensure program created; DSPS duties; fee, insurance, airport, penalty, and ordinance provisions - Act 16
Violent sex offenders on supervised release: procedures and residency requirements revised; restricting certain local ordinance or resolution provision - Act 156
Zoning ordinance amendment or petition to amend: notification by registered mail changed to certified mail and email - Act 214
organ donationOrgan donation, see Transplant
Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions - Act 351
Billing MA for reimbursement of prescription drugs: covered entity that is an abortion provider required to charge actual acquisition costs plus dispensing fee - Act 152
Children placed with temporary volunteer host families: DCF to establish plan using nonprofit volunteer programs, report required [Sec. 9106 (2e)] [partial veto] - Act 55
Community mental health services funding: certain appropriations consolidated to form; certain relocation programs eliminated; DHS required to consult Wisconsin Counties Association and other organizations interested in mental health and get JCF approval before implementing distribution method [Sec. 693, 694, 701, 702, 1518-1524, 1536, 1537, 1633, 1802, 1897-1900, 9118 (1), (1q), 9418 (1)] [9118 (1q) -- vetoed] - Act 55
Community reintegration services: Corr.Dept funding to Madison-area Urban Ministry, Inc. and Project Return eliminated [Sec. 4248] - Act 55
Conduit revenue bond procedures revised; nonprofit corporation provisions [Sec. 1067b, 1969ab-v, 2033b, 2037d, 2237d, 2238b, 2515j, 2524p] [vetoed] - Act 55
Crime prevention funding board (CPFB) created in each county that receives funding from certain surcharge; grants to nonprofit organizations and law enforcement agencies for crime prevention purposes; reports required [Sec. 1004, 1908, 1910, 1915, 4619, 4620, 4733, 4734, 9129 (1)] - Act 55
Educational Opportunity, Office of, created in the UW System; additional charter school authorizers permitted; reports required; charter school contracts provisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin”] - Act 55
Healthy aging grants: DHS to allocate to private, nonprofit entity under certain conditions; sunset provision [Sec. 703r, s, 9118 (4f), 9418 (8f)] [703r, 9118 (4f) -- partial veto] - Act 55
Income tax checkoff limitations: threshold revised [Sec. 2226b] - Act 55
``Mike Johnson life care and early intervention service grants" re individual with or at risk of contracting HIV: funding increased [Sec. 4037r] - Act 55
Missing child who is the responsibility of DCF, Corr.Dept, county services, or licensed child welfare agency: reporting requirements to local law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - Act 368
Nonprofit organizations: sales tax exemptions revised re occasional sales of tangible personal property and admissions to entertainment events - Act 364
Nonprofit organizations that serve veterans and their families: DVA grant program created - Act 383
Public plan room requests for public building plan information: municipality to provide an electronic copy without charging a fee under certain conditions; definition provisions [Sec. 1991s] - Act 55
Recidivism reduction program for City of Milwaukee created: DCF may contract with private organization to conduct the program; LAB audit and JCF approval required; ``pay-for-performance contract" defined [Sec. 1785m, 9152 (1c)] [9152 (1c) -- vetoed; 1785m -- partial veto] - Act 55
Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions - Act 328
Special distinguishing registration plates issued by DOT: process and requirements modified - Act 227
Sporting heritage grants and Fox River Navigational System Authority funding repealed; funding for Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission; forestry and fire prevention study revised [Sec. 635, 635d, 1036c-e, 1057, 3949, 3950, 9132 (4c), 9432 (1c)] - Act 55
St. Croix Valley Business Incubator: WEDC grant to the River Valley Economic Development Corporation, federal moneys provision [Sec. 3977m] - Act 55
Surplus retention limits for providers of rate-based and rate-regulated services [Sec. 1471nb-ns, 1776n, p, 1777fb-fr, 4250c-k, 9306 (3u), 9406 (1v)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Tangible personal property that becomes a component in a municipal, water authority, sewerage commission, certain hospitals, or nonprofit organization facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report - Act 126
Tourism entity under the room tax: definition and governing body membership revisions - Act 301
outagamie countyOutagamie County
Fox River Navigational System visitor center: DOA may sell parcel of public land to City of Appleton for construction of; Fox River Navigational System Authority duties - Act 357
Freedom, Town of, authorized to create TIDs in the same way as a city or village - Act 181
oxygen, medicalOxygen, Medical, see Medical service
pace _program for all_inclusive care for the elderly_PACE (Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), see Nursing homes and adult care
paradeParade, see Recreation
parcelParcel, see Plats
parochial and private schoolsParochial and private schools
Christian Schools International and Association of Christian Schools International added to list of choice program accrediting agencies and preaccrediting agencies and Special Needs Scholarship program accrediting entities re qualifying private schools - Act 297
Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified - Act 212
Civics test requirement for high school diploma [Sec. 3187m, 3266b, e, g, n, p-v, 3391b, c] - Act 55
CPR, CCR, and AED instruction required in grades 7 to 12 - Act 390
Food protection practices certificate issued by DHS required to operate a school lunchroom in schools participating in the National School Lunch Program - Act 46
Private schools participating in school choice program revisions re occupancy permit and retaining documents in electronic form [Sec. 3355s, t, 3382t] - Act 55
Pupil assessment: ninth grade examination in fall session requirement eliminated [Sec. 3249, 3251, 3254, 3257] - Act 55
Racine Parental Choice Program and statewide parental choice program changes re cap, payments, equalization aid formula, and new choice pupils [Sec. 3313, 3319, 3323m, 3324-3330, 3340g, 3352, 3358] - Act 55
School accountability report published by DPI: schools included in the report required to include a link on their Internet page - Act 338
Special Needs Scholarship Program and revenue limit adjustment for school districts with incoming choice pupils revisions - Act 289
Special Needs Scholarship Program established [Sec. 563d, 3224g, m, 3266am, 3351g, 3379g, 9134 (6q)] [3224m, 9134 (6q) -- partial veto] - Act 55
Statewide parental choice program: pupil participation limit exception created - Act 72
Teacher's aide qualifications re private schools participating in parental choice program [Sec. 3355r, 3382r] - Act 55
Technical college admissions: age restriction does not apply to individual enrolled in a home-based private educational program [Sec. 1334m, 9343 (3f)] - Act 55
parole or probationParole or probation
Community reintegration services: Corr.Dept funding to Madison-area Urban Ministry, Inc. and Project Return eliminated [Sec. 4248] - Act 55
Corr.Dept reimbursement fee for persons on probation, parole, and extended supervision revised [Sec. 4312-4315] - Act 55
Corr.Dept to charge a fee to probationers, parolees, and persons on extended supervision who are placed with the county or tribal governing body pending disposition of revocation proceedings; reimbursement to counties and tribal governing bodies provisions modified - Act 164
Crime victim notified when offender’s parole or extended supervision is revoked - Act 354
Interstate compact for adult offender supervision funding [Sec. 658] - Act 55
``Lead-bearing paint" and ``lead poisoning or lead exposure" definitions revised; civil and criminal penalties modified [Sec. 4045p, 4048d-4049e, 9318 (1v)] - Act 55
partnershipPartnership, see Corporation
partridgePartridge, see Bird