Adult children prevented from visiting or communicating with parent residing in a hospital, hospice, nursing home, or CBRF may petition court for visitation; conditions set - SB487
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: authority of political subdivisions to regulate limited - SB601
Booyah designated at the Wisconsin state soup; Blue Book provision - AB639
Closing hour for wineries operating under a retail ``Class B" license changed, ordinance provision - SB212
Collection agency: employees may work from home under certain conditions; ``collector” and ``solicitor” definitions modified - SB438
Complementary and alternative health care practitioners: requirements and prohibitions established; practice protection laws exemptions; DSPS duties and definition provisions - SB198
Comprehensive planning: local governments may repeal; DOA grant program to assist with planning activities eliminated - SB266
Damage caused by a dog: owner liability and forfeiture revised; certain persons may commence a civil action asking the court to order the dog be killed - AB413
Damage caused by a dog: owner liability and forfeiture revised; certain persons may commence a civil action asking the court to order the dog be killed - SB286
Decommissioned or closed production plant that is exempt from property taxes: utility aid payments revised - AB335
Decommissioned or closed production plant that is exempt from property taxes: utility aid payments revised - SB252
Decoy left unattended in a body of water: public nuisance provisions revised - AB225
Decoy left unattended in a body of water: public nuisance provisions revised - SB147
Disclaimer of parental rights affidavit changes re private adoption and execution by child’s father - AB528
Ellis, Michael G.: commending the Senate President’s distinguished career and contributions to the legislature - SR12
Emission standard for residential or commercial wood stoves: DNR prohibited from promulgating a rule or enforcing a federal regulation more stringent than standard currently in effect - AB25
Emission standard for residential or commercial wood stoves: DNR prohibited from promulgating a rule or enforcing a federal regulation more stringent than standard currently in effect - SB23
Event data recorders (EDRs) in motor vehicles: regulations created re disclosure of information, prohibiting certain insurance practices, and displaying a statement on used vehicles for sale; penalties and DOT duties - SB697
Examining boards, affiliated credentialing boards, and DSPS: changes to laws governing; renaming, eliminating, membership modified, and creating certain boards or councils; governor and DSPS duties - SB568
Foreclosure actions involving noncommercial property and abandoned property: revisions re redemption period, notice of sale, and determination of abandonment; court duties specified - AB720
Foreclosure actions involving noncommercial property and abandoned property: revisions re redemption period, notice of sale, and determination of abandonment; court duties specified - SB629
Forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime: laws revised; proceeds of sales turned into the state school fund; transferring property to federal agents also revised; law enforcement agencies and DOJ duties - SB521
Horse racing at local fairs and regulation of local fairs revised; DATCP and state aid provisions - SB318
Influenza vaccination: employer limitations on requiring created - AB312
Influenza vaccination: employer limitations on requiring created - SB218
Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes - AB420
Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes - SB287
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions - AB568
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions - SB445
Local government property insurance fund: rate regulations, assessment levies, and paying dividend requirements created - AB584
Local government property insurance fund: rate regulations, assessment levies, and paying dividend requirements created - SB437
Local professional football stadium district: DOR required to distribute excess sales tax revenue to Brown County and municipalities within it; conditions specified and resolution provision - SB233
LPG retailers required to obtain commercial general liability insurance; surety bond and letter of credit options eliminated - AB698
LPG retailers required to obtain commercial general liability insurance; surety bond and letter of credit options eliminated - SB547
Lyme disease: MEB and Board of Nursing to promulgate rules re best practices for diagnosis and treatment - AB768
MA purchase plan (MAPP) eligibility and premium requirements revised; other MA and long-term care program eligibility modified re certain account and retirement income; DHS duties - AB414
Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure - AB523
Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure - SB403
Nuclear power plants: approval for construction requirements revised; state’s energy policy priorities modified to include - AB384
Nuclear power plants: approval for construction requirements revised; state’s energy policy priorities modified to include - SB288
Organ donation leave provisions created - SB424
Pawnbroker notices re sale and surplus: email, text message, or other method agreed to with the customer allowed - AB779
Primary spinal care practitioner licensure program established; Spinal Medicine Affiliated Credentialing Board created in MEB - SB762
Private campgrounds: immunity from civil liability - SB131
Production plant generating electricity from wind power: utility aid payments to towns and counties changed - AB490
Proof of financial responsibility of landfill owner: escrow account and irrevocable trust options revised, corporate bonds provisions - AB57
Property rights regulation revisions re local government restrictions on sale, purchase, development, or occupancy of real property and individual notice requirements; vested rights; shoreland zoning; resolution of challenge to zoning restrictions; supermajority vote to down zone a property; property tax treatment of undeveloped land; and contested case hearings - AB582
Property rights regulation revisions re local government restrictions on sale, purchase, development, or occupancy of real property and individual notice requirements; vested rights; shoreland zoning; resolution of challenge to zoning restrictions; supermajority vote to down zone a property; property tax treatment of undeveloped land; and contested case hearings - SB464
Qualified financial contracts and certain agreements: staying or prevention of a person from exercising certain rights prohibited - AB668
Qualified financial contracts and certain agreements: staying or prevention of a person from exercising certain rights prohibited - SB537
Real estate practice law revisions re terminology, licensing, association with a firm, independent practice, time-share salespersons, and Real Estate Examining Board provisions; statute of limitation for filing an action against a real estate broker or salesperson; definition of ``employee” and emergency rules provisions - AB456
Real estate practice law revisions re terminology, licensing, association with a firm, independent practice, time-share salespersons, and Real Estate Examining Board provisions; statute of limitation for filing an action against a real estate broker or salesperson; definition of ``employee” and emergency rules provisions - SB375
Real estate transfer fee return: person who conveys real property required to file even if the conveyance is exempt from the fee, exemption provision - AB374
Real estate transfer fee return: person who conveys real property required to file even if the conveyance is exempt from the fee, exemption provision - SB279
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - AB600
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - SB459
Residential dwelling rented exclusively for periods of seven consecutive days or longer is excluded from definition of ``hotel”, ``bed and breakfast establishment”, and ``tourist rooming house” and is therefore not subject to DATCP regulation of lodging establishments; prohibition on enacting or enforcing ordinances that would prohibit or regulate such dwellings - AB583
Residential dwelling rented exclusively for periods of seven consecutive days or longer is excluded from definition of ``hotel”, ``bed and breakfast establishment”, and ``tourist rooming house” and is therefore not subject to DATCP regulation of lodging establishments; prohibition on enacting or enforcing ordinances that would prohibit or regulate such dwellings - SB446
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency limited to districts that adopted a resolution prior to effective date of the bill - AB449
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency limited to districts that adopted a resolution prior to effective date of the bill - SB337
Roundabouts in highway projects: approval from governing body of the municipality required - SB242
Sale or lease of municipal water or sewer utility provisions revised, referendum and petition provisions, and PSC duties; treatment of out-of-state water and sewer utilities re public utility holding companies - AB554
Sale or lease of municipal water or sewer utility provisions revised, referendum and petition provisions, and PSC duties; treatment of out-of-state water and sewer utilities re public utility holding companies - SB432
School district mechanisms for borrowing and raising money: revisions re loan or bond issues, revenue limit adjustments, State Trust Funds loans, temporary borrowing, promissory notes, and MPS levy limit adjustments and bond issues - SB355
Special distinguishing registration plate supporting Whitetails Unlimited; fees, trademark, and contributions from interested parties provisions - AB505
Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions - AB702
Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions - SB543
Special registration plates that are military in nature: authorized groups expanded to include surviving spouse of military medal recipient or Pearl Harbor veteran; fee exemption provisions; DOT and DOA duties - AB556
Special registration plates that are military in nature: authorized groups expanded to include surviving spouse of military medal recipient or Pearl Harbor veteran; fee exemption provisions; DOT and DOA duties - SB433
State and local construction project contracts: preference to bidder that ensures the percentage of employees are Wisconsin residents is at least the same percentage as neighboring state’s hiring of state residents requirement - AB493
State and local construction project contracts: preference to bidder that ensures the percentage of employees are Wisconsin residents is at least the same percentage as neighboring state’s hiring of state residents requirement - SB373
Statute of limitations modified in civil actions re motor vehicle insurance policy, death caused by a motor vehicle accident, and real or personal property damage - AB223
Statute of limitations modified in civil actions re motor vehicle insurance policy, death caused by a motor vehicle accident, and real or personal property damage - SB149
Submerged land under the waters of Green Bay conveyed to Brown County for same purposes as Chapter 15, Laws of 1977; DNR appendix report - SB282
Trees obstructing view of outdoor advertising signs along highways: compensating DOT for removal not required if sign advertises activities conducted on the property on which it is located - SB504
Unclaimed money or securities: county treasurer duty to provide legal notice modified, Internet provision - SB527
Vapor products: restrictions on use established; definition and ordinance provisions - SB132
Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions - AB327
Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions - SB243
Wisconsin Veterans Employment Initiative established to increase number of veterans holding permanent state government positions; Council on Veterans Employment created in the Office of the Governor; state agencies and DPM duties - SB339
Other proposals authored or co-authored by Lasee, Sen. Frank (1st Sen.Dist.; R)
Senate Bills: 7, 8, 26, 49, 81, 106, 110, 113, 118, 121, 168, 192, 229, 265, 275, 285, 312, 323, 324, 325, 326, 380, 384, 405, 407, 411, 412, 457, 462, 472, 500, 507, 517, 533, 535, 545, 592, 593, 594, 595, 618, 622, 624, 641, 650, 687, 765
Senate Joint Resolutions: 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 17, 21, 26, 31, 40, 41, 42, 48, 49, 50, 55, 61, 69, 72, 73, 77, 79, 88, 90, 109
Senate Resolutions: 7, 11, 13
Assembly Bills: 11, 13, 14, 27, 32, 116, 143, 157, 161, 164, 165, 170, 174, 188, 251, 285, 286, 296, 307, 326, 334, 358, 369, 371, 373, 393, 394, 428, 429, 430, 431, 438, 441, 481, 503, 512, 534, 535, 537, 539, 545, 547, 565, 569, 592, 604, 612, 633, 638, 663, 674, 694, 701, 723, 726, 730, 737, 739, 741, 742, 743, 744, 750, 752, 774, 809, 810, 838, 856, 973
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 7, 22, 24, 43, 44, 57, 59, 66, 68, 69, 78, 80, 81, 82, 92, 94, 95, 97, 103, 113
1224Lassa, Sen. Julie (24th Sen.Dist.; D)
Apraxia Awareness Day: May 14, 2015 and each May 14 thereafter declared as - SJR37
Battery to a child welfare or juvenile justice worker acting in an official capacity: felony penalty provisions - SB204