1213Fitzgerald, Sen. Scott (13th Sen.Dist.; R)
Abortion law revisions re postfertilization age of unborn child, prohibition at or after 20 weeks, hospital and clinic reporting requirements, and informed consent; exemption, civil remedies, injunction, and penalty provisions - SB179
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions - AB673
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions - SB488
Campaign finance laws (chapter 11) revised including requiring specified entities to register with GAB and file periodic reports, contribution limits, and coordination - AB387
Campaign finance laws (chapter 11) revised including requiring specified entities to register with GAB and file periodic reports, contribution limits, and coordination - SB292
Canada Week proclaimed October 26-30, 2015; Canada Day at the state capitol proclaimed October 27, 2015 - SJR65
Legislator prohibited from concurrently holding office as county executive - AB868
Legislator prohibited from concurrently holding office as county executive - SB707
Marshall Sixth Grade Girls Basketball Team commended for winning the 2015 Wisconsin State Invitational Championship - AJR29
Motorcycle equipped with lighting device to illuminate ground below the motorcycle permitted, conditions specified - AB100
Motorcycle equipped with lighting device to illuminate ground below the motorcycle permitted, conditions specified - SB77
Organization of the 2015-16 Senate, list of officers, and notification to Assembly and Governor - SR1
Pole trap or elevated perch used to capture or kill any bird: maximum height increased - AB631
Public employee group health insurance: GIB to submit proposed changes to JCF for approval; DPM provision - SB312
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: board of commissioners membership revised - AB47
Rose, Laura: professional accomplishments and public service commended as she leaves the Legislative Council - SJR6
Senate rules revised and created re senators taking photos or making video recordings, admittance to senate chamber before and after floorperiod, disturbances, opening prayer and pledge of allegiance, unfinished calendars, ranking minority member of committees, ballot voting and public notice, adverse and final disposition of assembly amendments, points of order, removing proposals from the table, missed roll calls, entering names in the journal during call and transacting business while under call, and matters taken up during special, extended, and extraordinary sessions [Senate rules 8 (4), 11 (10), 13, 17 (1)(intro.), 18 (4), 20 (2)(d), 25 (4)(am), (b), 46 (6)(c), 56m (2m), (2r), 65 (3), 73m (1)(b), 84, 85 (1), 87, 93 (1d), (2)] - SR2
Teacher and principal effectiveness evaluation requirement delayed; DPI prohibited from issuing school accountability report for 2014-15 school year - SB67
Town zoning ordinance provision revised re approval by county board; withdrawing from coverage of a county zoning ordinance and county development plan; shoreland, floodplain, and farmland preservation zoning ordinances; and plat and certified survey map approval - AB563
Town zoning ordinance provision revised re approval by county board; withdrawing from coverage of a county zoning ordinance and county development plan; shoreland, floodplain, and farmland preservation zoning ordinances; and plat and certified survey map approval - SB479
Treatment and diversion (TAD) program grants: DOJ appropriation increased - AB657
UW--Madison men's basketball team commended on its 2013-14 season and reaching the NCAA Final Four - SJR3
Violent sex offenders on supervised release: procedures and residency requirements revised - SB409
Other proposals authored or co-authored by Fitzgerald, Sen. Scott (13th Sen.Dist.; R)
Senate Bills: 1, 285, 294
Senate Joint Resolutions: 5, 7, 11, 17, 21, 31, 40, 42, 50, 72, 90
Senate Resolutions: 7, 11, 12
Assembly Bills: 78, 237, 373, 388, 394, 497
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 6, 32, 43, 68, 76, 82, 95
1218Gudex, Sen. Richard (18th Sen.Dist.; R)
Activities that interfere with hunting, trapping, or fishing: lawful activities definition and prohibited conduct expanded - SB338
Addiction treatment programs that use methadone: annual report to DHS and physician to review individual’s records before prescribing required - SB271
Approved high capacity well: additional approval not required for replacement, reconstruction, or transfer; notifying DNR required - AB874
Approved high capacity well: additional approval not required for replacement, reconstruction, or transfer; notifying DNR required - SB239
Aquaculture and fish farm regulations revised re wetland permits, natural bodies of water used for fish farms, dams on navigable streams, WPDES permits, water quality standard variances, water withdrawal re Great Lakes Compact, nonpoint performance standards cost-sharing exemption, LWSR agricultural use, WHEDA loan guarantees, navigable water permits, and transportation of agricultural products; DNR and DOT duties - SB493
Back tag requirements repealed re specified DNR hunting licenses - SB289
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions - AB147
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions - SB117
Broadband expansion grant program funding modified - AB647
Broadband expansion grant program funding modified - SB519
Charge-back of property taxes rescinded or refunded by a taxation district: DOR duties; TID and retroactive provisions - AB843
Charge-back of property taxes rescinded or refunded by a taxation district: DOR duties; TID and retroactive provisions - SB689
City manager system of government: imposing residency requirement permitted - SB195
``Class B” license issued to a winery: authorizing sale of intoxicating liquor - SB223
Collateral source payments and subrogation revisions re admissible as evidence - SB405
Concealed weapon licensee may possess a firearm on school grounds but not in a school building; conditions and penalty provisions - SB589
Corr.Dept overtime policy changes - SB175
Corr.Dept to charge a fee to probationers, parolees, and persons on extended supervision who are placed with the county pending disposition of revocation proceedings; reimbursement to counties provisions modified - SB389
Corrections System Formulary Board created in Corr.Dept re therapeutic alternate drug selections in the state correctional system - AB120
Corrections System Formulary Board created in Corr.Dept re therapeutic alternate drug selections in the state correctional system - SB84
Credit union operations: statutory and DFI rule changes [Admin.Code DFI-CU 63.03, 69.02] - SB690
DOT funding for state highway rehabilitation, major highway development, southeast freeway megaprojects, and local transportation facility improvement revised; LFB duties - SB411
Drone used to commit a crime: penalty enhancer created - AB671
Drone used to commit a crime: penalty enhancer created - SB497
Drones operated over state correctional institutions prohibited; political subdivisions may enact ordinances limiting operation of drones over designated areas, exceptions and penalty provisions - AB670
Drones operated over state correctional institutions prohibited; political subdivisions may enact ordinances limiting operation of drones over designated areas, exceptions and penalty provisions - SB498
Emergency financial need grants for technical college and UW colleges students created - SB592
English and mathematics placement tests required upon admission to UW System: students required to identify Wisconsin high school they graduated from and Board of Regents required to report re high schools of students required to take remedial courses - SB59
Fermented apple cider: winery may provide taste samples manufactured by another Wisconsin winery - SB60
Flashing yellow arrow traffic control signal: when vehicular traffic may enter intersection clarified - SB154
Fond du Lac area Water Action Volunteer program volunteers recognized for outstanding work and dedication - AJR104
Fond du Lac area Water Action Volunteer program volunteers recognized for outstanding work and dedication - SJR87
Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue congratulated on receiving accreditation from the Center for Public Safety and Excellence - AJR65
Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue congratulated on receiving accreditation from the Center for Public Safety and Excellence - SJR58
Forward Wisconsin Development Authority (FWDA) formed by the merging of WEDC and WHEDA; Wisconsin housing finance fund established; governor’s duties - AB227
Forward Wisconsin Development Authority (FWDA) formed by the merging of WEDC and WHEDA; Wisconsin housing finance fund established; governor’s duties - SB148
Gang-related crimes: penalty enhancer created - SB303
Harassment or abuse injunctions: court may order wireless telephone service provider to transfer rights to and responsibilities for telephone number or numbers from responder to petitioner; civil liability immunity provision - SB626
Implements of husbandry and agricultural CMV (commercial motor vehicle) revisions re definitions, highway weight limit exceptions, no-fee permits, width limitations, length limit, height limit, and tracks that will not injure the highway; DOT directed to not prepare certain report - SB83
Independent charter high schools offering curriculum focused on occupational education and STEM training: each technical college district board allowed to authorize - SB91
Institutions of higher education required to provide letter to students re each student’s loans, estimated cost of attendance, amount of grants, and information on financial literacy - SB595
Interest paid on qualified education loans: individual income tax deduction created; JSCTE appendix report - SB622
Law enforcement agency required to report controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, reports of stolen prescription drugs, and certain other information to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program - SB269
Liquid manure transported along highway rights-of-way: utility permit and driveway permit requirements created; penalty and appeal provisions - SB390
Marketing of employment and training opportunities to former UW System students: DWD required to prepare and distribute - AB827
Marketing of employment and training opportunities to former UW System students: DWD required to prepare and distribute - SB696
Medical examiner, and medicolegal investigation staff members licensure by the Medicolegal Investigation Examining Board (MIEB) required, exceptions and license requirements; MIEB created in DSPS; reporting deaths revisions and failure to report penalty increased; jurisdiction to investigate death and notifications, autopsies and other diagnostic procedures; investigation records and handling of personal property; disposition of bodies; access to deceased's mental health treatment records - AB867
Medical examiner, and medicolegal investigation staff members licensure by the Medicolegal Investigation Examining Board (MIEB) required, exceptions and license requirements; MIEB created in DSPS; reporting deaths revisions and failure to report penalty increased; jurisdiction to investigate death and notifications, autopsies and other diagnostic procedures; investigation records and handling of personal property; disposition of bodies; access to deceased's mental health treatment records - SB712
Motor vehicle monitoring and feedback device may be mounted to the front windshield - SB496
Municipal clerks allowed to register voters on election day, exception provision - AB79
Municipal clerks allowed to register voters on election day, exception provision - SB71
Newspaper recycling fee and postconsumer waste content in newsprint requirements eliminated - SB7
Nonprofit organizations: sales tax exemptions revised re occasional sales of tangible personal property and admissions to entertainment events; JSCTE appendix report - AB553
Nonprofit organizations: sales tax exemptions revised re occasional sales of tangible personal property and admissions to entertainment events; JSCTE appendix report - SB421
Optional incentive program for counties under certain population and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in MA and FoodShare: DHS to establish - SB472
Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties - SB272
``Pedestrian signal authorizing crossing” and ``pedestrian signal limiting crossing” defined - SB155
Point source pollution abatement projects: administrative rule authority eliminated re DNR financial assistance [Admin.Code NR 128] - SB128