State Senator
GENERAL ELECTION, November 4, 2014
I, Judge Thomas H. Barland, Chairperson of the Government Accountability Board, certify that the attached tabular statements, as compiled from the certified returns made to the Government Accountability Board by the county clerks of the several counties of the state, contain a correct abstract of the total number of votes given for the election of candidates for State Senator, at a General Election held in the several towns, villages, cities, wards and election districts in said counties on the Fourth day of November, 2014.
I DO, THEREFORE, DETERMINE AND CERTIFY that the following candidates, having each received the greatest number of votes in their respective senatorial districts, are duly elected State Senator:
Senate District     Elected
1st District       Frank Lasee
3rd District       Tim Carpenter
5th District       Leah Vukmir
7th District       Chris J. Larson
9th District       Devin LeMahieu
11th District       Steve Nass
13th District       Scott L. Fitzgerald
15th District       Janis Ringhand
17th District       Howard Marklein
19th District       Roger Roth
21st District       Van Wanggaard
23rd District       Terry Moulton
25th District       Janet Bewley
27th District       Jon B. Erpenbach
29th District       Jerry Petrowski
31st District       Kathleen Vinehout
33rd District       Paul Farrow
Done in the City of Eau Claire, this 1st day of December, 2014.
Government Accountability Board
With unanimous consent, the party leaders introduced their respective members as they came before the bar to be sworn in.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Lasee
Senator Frank Lasee has represented the people of the 1st Senate District since 2011. Prior to his election to the senate in 2010, Senator Lasee served in the Assembly from 1995 to 2009, representing the 2nd Assembly District.
While in the Assembly, Senator Lasee earned a reputation as a Taxpayer Watch Dog and an outspoken fiscal conservative. He has continued that legacy in the Senate as the author and champion of numerous taxpayer protection proposals.
This session, Senator Lasee will chair the Committee on Insurance, Housing & Trade and serve as Vice Chair of the Committee on Natural Resources & Energy.
In the audience today is Frank’s wife, Amy Joy.”
Senator Shilling Introduced Senator Carpenter
Senator Tim Carpenter represents the Third Senate District which covers the Southside of Milwaukee, West Milwaukee, and portions of West Allis and Greenfield.
Senator Carpenter is entering his fourth term in the State Senate. Tim is a lifelong resident of his district. He graduated from the Milwaukee Public School system. He earned a Bachelor’s degree from UW - Milwaukee in Political Science & History and a Master's degree from the La Follette School of Public Administration and Public Policy.
Tim was first elected to the State Assembly in 1984 where he served nine terms. Counting years served in both the Assembly and Senate, Tim is now the 3rd longest serving Wisconsin State Legislator in the Senate, following Sen. Rob Cowles – who was first elected to the Assembly in 1982 – and Sen. Fred Risser – who was first elected to the Assembly in 1956. Tim wants to thank Sen. Risser for 58 years of public service.
Tim serves as ranking Democratic member of both the Senate Committee on Transportation and Veterans Affairs Senate and the Committee on Health and Human Services. Tim has enjoyed previously working on bipartisan legislation with the chairs of both committees, Sen. Jerry Petrowski and Sen. Leah Vukmir, respectively, and looks forward to productive committees this year as well.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Vukmir
This will be Senator Leah Vukmir’s second term representing Wisconsin’s 5th Senate District. A lifelong district resident, she previously served in the Assembly from 2003 to 2011.
Before her election to the Assembly, Senator Vukmir worked as a Registered Nurse and Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. She brought her medical expertise and long record as a champion for children’s health to the legislature, where she has been a leader in healthcare and education policy.
This session, Senator Vukmir will continue her work on healthcare issues as Chair of the Committee on Health and Human Services. She will also have the honor of joining the Joint Committee on Finance and will serve as Vice Chair of the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.
Senator Vukmir would like to recognize her two children who are unable to be in attendance today: Elena who lives and works in New York City, and Nicholas who was just commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army—stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia.
Senator Shilling Introduced Senator Larson
Senator Chris Larson represents the Seventh Senate District which includes communities on the eastern edge of Milwaukee County. This is an area that embodies Wisconsin’s greatest values and traditions, including: higher education with UW-Milwaukee, Milwaukee Area Technical College, and Milwaukee School of Engineering; commerce and economic development with our state’s premier airport, the Port of Milwaukee, and Downtown Milwaukee; artistic expression with the Milwaukee Art Museum; natural resources with the county park system near Lake Michigan; and cultural diversity with ethnic festivals at the Summerfest Grounds.
Senator Larson won his first re-election campaign to the State Senate this past November. In his first four years in the Senate, Senator Larson focused on strengthening public education and public transit, and supporting increased access to healthcare for all of Wisconsin’s citizens. Senator Larson also had the honor and privilege to serve as the Senate Democratic Leader in the 2013-14 Session.
Previously, Senator Larson served as a County Supervisor with the Milwaukee County Board. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a degree in Finance. Senator Larson has experience as a business manager for a local running store and is a dedicated marathon runner. He has run 25 marathons and his goal is to run a marathon in each state across America. He has lived in Milwaukee County all of his life and resides with his wife and two children in the Bay View neighborhood.
Joining Senator Larson today is his wife Jessica, his two year old son Atticus James Larson, and one month old daughter Stella Louisa Larson.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator LeMahieu
Senator-elect Devin LeMahieu joins the legislature for the first time this session, representing the 9th Senate District. An Oostburg native and small business owner, Senator-elect LeMahieu has a long record of serving his community as a member of the Sheboygan County Board, Oostburg Chamber of Commerce, Oostburg Kiwanis Club, and more.
He brings his local government experience to the Senate this session as Chair of the Committee on Elections & Local Government, as well as Co-chair of the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions.
In attendance today are Senator-elect LeMahieu’s mother, Rosemary, and father, State Representative Dan LeMahieu, who has served 12 years in the state assembly—including as a member of Joint Finance. Over 20 family members are present today, including his sister’s family from Holland Michigan: Jim and Rebecca Peterson, Wendy, Lydia, Asha, and Kai.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Nass
Senator-elect Steve Nass joins the senate this year after a long career in the Assembly, where he served from 1991 to 2015. A Whitewater Native and veteran of the Wisconsin Air National Guard, Senator-elect Nass served in the Middle East in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
In the assembly, Senator-elect Nass won a reputation for his work on higher education issues as Chair of the Committee on Colleges and Universities.
He brings his long record of leadership to the Senate this session, where he will serve as Chair of the Committee on Labor and Government Reform, Co-chair of the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules, and Vice Chair of the Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges.
Senator Nass would like to welcome his daughter Ashleigh and her husband Steve Nordin, as well as Sheila Reiff, the Walworth County Clerk of Circuit Courts and future wife of Senator Nass.
The next two gentlemen joining Senator Nass today served with him in the 128th Air Refueling Wing during wartime and peacetime: Master Sergeant Dan Lewis and his wife Alice, and Senior Master Sergeant Ross Otto. Due to health issues, Korean War combat veteran Robert Gertsch was unable to attend. Master Sergeant Lewis, Senior Master Sergeant Otto, Sergeant Gertsch, and Chief Master Sergeant and Senator Nass --- thank you for your service to our nation and the great state of Wisconsin.
Also joining Senator Nass are guests from Jefferson County -Jim Schildbach and his wife Ellen, and Lee Pitzner and his wife Dianna.
Senator Shilling Introduced Senator Ringhand
Senator Janis Ringhand represents the 15th Senate District which includes parts of Green, Dane, Rock, Walworth and Jefferson Counties. Senator Ringhand is entering her first term in the Wisconsin State Senate and previously served two terms in the Wisconsin State Assembly. Prior to that, she served as Evansville Mayor and Alderwoman.
In addition to owning her own business of making and selling her homemade beer mustard, for just over 17 years, she helped run the family small business, Ringhand Meat and Beverage in Evansville. Having earned her degree in Finance from Madison Area Technical College, returning to school after raising her two children, she also has several years of experience in small business accounting.
A champion for workforce training, education and economic development in the State Assembly, Senator Ringhand looks forward to continuing to work on these interwoven issues in the coming session here in the Senate. She will be serving on the Wisconsin State Building Commission, the Committee on Economic Development and Commerce and the Committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions and Rural Issues.
Joining Senator Ringhand today is her husband Gordon Ringhand, her daughter, Shawn Dunphy, and son, Dan Ringhand. Her grandchildren Haley and Jayden Dunphy, Makenna Ringhand are here in addition to Sen. Ringhand’s sister Anne Oestreich.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Marklein
Senator-elect Marklein joins the Senate after having served in the Assembly from 2011 to 2015.
A practicing Certified Public Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner, Senator-elect Marklein brought his financial savvy to the Assembly where he served as Chair of the Committee on Ways and Means, and as Vice Chair of the Assembly Audit Committee.
He will continue his work on fiscal issues in the Senate as Chair of the Committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions, and Rural Issues and will have the honor of serving on the Joint Committee on Finance. He will also act as Vice Chair of the committee on Transportation & Veteran’s Affairs.
Joining Senator-elect Marklein in attendance today are his wife, Peggy, his children, multiple siblings and other members of his big farm family.”
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Roth
Before his recent election to the Senate, Senator-elect Roger Roth served in the Assembly from 2007 to 2011, where he gained a reputation as a champion of fiscal responsibility. Prior to joining the Assembly, the Fox Valley native worked for and eventually led his family homebuilding business, which he and his brother still co-own.
A veteran of the Iraq War, Senator-elect Roth served four tours in the Middle East as a member of the Wisconsin Air National Guard, deployed in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
He will continue his career of service in the Senate as the Chair of the Committee on Workforce Development, Public Works, & Military Affairs as well as the Vice Chair of the Committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining & Forestry.
Senator Roth would like to thank his family members in the audience today: his wife Rebecca, sons Roger and Oliver, his father Roger Roth Senior and mother Karen, as well as numerous others joining him today: Joe Roth, Kevin Roth, Kasper Roth, Emmett Long, Madalyn Long, Bob Giesen, and Catherine Giesen.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Wanggaard
Senator Van Wanggaard returns to the senate after previously serving from 2011 to 2012. He will represent the people of the 21st Senate District.
Senator Wanggaard has a long record of public service, with four terms on the Racine County Board of Supervisors and nearly 40 years in law enforcement—first as a security guard and police liaison and later as an appointee to the Racine Police and Fire Commission where he served as Secretary, Vice Chairman, and Chairman.
Senator Wanggaard will bring his long record of law enforcement experience to the Senate, where he will act as Chair of the Committee on Judiciary & Public Safety, Co-chair of the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties and Vice Chair of the Committee on Labor & Government Reform. He will also join our caucus leadership as Majority Caucus Vice Chair.
Senator Wanggaard would like to extend his thanks to Wife MaryJo, Daughter & Son-in-law Kathleen & John Jensen, Son & Daughter-in-law Joshua and Amy Wanggaard, granddaughters Hattie Kay & Elouise Mae Wanggaard, Brother & sister-ln-law Kevin and Sandra Wanggaard, Sister Gail Wanggaard; and extended family Michael & Jean Ottelein and numerous brothers and sisters who are unable to be here in person.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Moulton
Senator Terry Moulton begins his second term representing the 23rd Senate District after serving in the Assembly from 2005 to 2008.
As a small business owner and avid outdoorsman, Senator Moulton brought his expertise to the Assembly, where he served as Chair of the Small Business Committee and Vice-Chair of the Natural Resources Committee.
This session he will continue to put his knowledge from those areas to work, retaining his posts as Chair of the Committee on Agriculture, Small Business & Tourism and Vice Chair of the Committee on Health & Human Services.
Senator Moulton would like to thank his wife, Sue Kay for joining him here today.
Senator Shilling Introduced Senator Bewley
Senator Janet Bewley represents the 25th Senate District, the largest of the 33 Senate Districts. The 25th borders two states, includes all of Wisconsin's Lake Superior shoreline, contains watersheds of both the Great Lakes and the Mississippi, four tribal nations, state and national parks, large cities and small towns; farms, forests, and factories - sea caves and snowmobile trails.
Senator Bewley is starting her first term in the State Senate. Prior to her election to the Senate, she served two terms in the State Assembly after serving on the Ashland City Council.
Senator Bewley was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the second of four children. Her father was a truck driver, and her mom ran the house. Janet was the first member of her family to graduate from college. After a few years working in the ocean freight business, Janet went on to graduate school and earned a Master's in Academic Administration from the University of Maine in 1977. And then she moved to Ashland and found her home.
During her varied professional career Janet has served as the Dean of Students at Northland College, Executive Director of the Mary H. Rice Foundation and Senior Community Development Officer/ State Tribal Liaison at the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.