Section 2564m requires the Department of Transportation to create a Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail commencing at I-94 in Kenosha County at the Illinois state border; extending through STH 30, USH 151 and USH 14 in Dane County; extending though USH 14 West in Iowa County; extending through USH 14 West in Sauk County; and ending at the junction of USH 14 West and CTH Q in the city of Richland Center in Richland County. Section 2564m also requires the department to erect signage at various points along the route denoting the Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail, and section 2595g gives the department the authority to erect additional markers to denote specific buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright along the route.
In addition, sections 641m and 1422m require an additional $500,000 GPR be provided to the Department of Tourism in its tourism marketing; general purpose revenue appropriation under s. 20.380 (1) (b) to be spent on promoting the trail in the 2015-17 fiscal biennium, and section 641n exempts this amount from the spending requirements for the appropriation under s. 20.380 (1) (kg).
I am vetoing these sections because I object to requiring the Department of Transportation to mark a Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail, thus circumventing the established application and administrative process for determining the placement and approval of highway signage. I further object to the addition of another specific spending earmark to be made from the Department of Tourism's marketing appropriations. Rather than a statutory earmark, I am directing the Department of Tourism to include, as part of the statewide marketing strategy, promotion of buildings constructed or designed by Frank Lloyd Wright that are open to the public throughout the state.
96. 100th Anniversary of the State Capitol
Section 9127
This section requires the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization to appoint a 100th Anniversary State Capitol Commemoration Commission composed of nine members with one member each nominated by: the Speaker of the Assembly, Minority Leader of the Assembly, President of the Senate, Senate Minority Leader, Governor, Supreme Court, Secretary of the Department of Administration, State Capitol and Executive Residence Board, and Director of the State Historical Society.
The commission is required to plan events, including educational programs for children and students, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the State Capitol. The commission may request individuals and entities with knowledge of the history, construction and renovation of the Capitol to assist the commission.
I am vetoing this section because it is unnecessary. While I support the intent, the Legislature has the authority to create this commission without requiring it in this bill. The 100th anniversary of the State Capitol is an important milestone in Wisconsin's history and should be celebrated.
97. Proceeds from Sale of Stewardship Lands
Sections 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (7) (iv)], 639m, 640d, 980b and 980bm
This provision specifies that the net proceeds (after repayment of debt on the specific parcel, applicable federal law compliance or other restrictions) of Department of Natural Resources land sales from land required to be offered for sale under current law be used as follows: (a) 50 percent to pay principal on outstanding public debt issued under the Stewardship Program; and (b) 50 percent to be deposited in a new, continuing, conservation fund SEG appropriation to be used for the department to acquire land in the manner specified under s. 23.09 (2) (d), with priority given to the current law Stewardship purposes.
I am vetoing this provision because I object to using proceeds from land sales for additional property acquisition. Rather, these proceeds should be utilized to reduce existing debt related to the acquisition of property.
98. Northern State Forests Master Plans
Sections 9132 (4vw) and 9132 (4vx)
This provision requires the Department of Natural Resources to update master plans for all the northern state forests, except for Governor Knowles State Forest, by March 1, 2017. The provision also requires that the department propose a statewide variance to all northern state forests master plans by June 30, 2016, not including Governor Knowles State Forest. The provision further requires the department to change the percentage of forest land open for timber harvest from 66 percent to 75 percent, except in the Governor Knowles State Forest.
I am partially vetoing this provision to remove the required dates because I object to limiting the flexibility of the department to perform a thorough review of the master plans. Instead, I am directing the department to update the master plans and propose the variance no later than June 30, 2017.
99. Audit of the Forestry Account
Section 9132 (3f)
This provision requests that the Joint Legislative Audit Committee require the Legislative Audit Bureau to conduct an audit of the forestry account of the conservation fund.
I am vetoing this provision because the Legislature does not need statutory authority to direct one of its own service agencies to conduct a study.
100. Car-Killed Deer Report
Section 9132 (1q)
This provision requires the Department of Natural Resources to conduct a study to be submitted to the Joint Committee on Finance, the Governor and appropriate standing committees by January 1, 2017, on the cost-effectiveness of the car-killed deer program, the number of deer collected and any program recommendations.
I am vetoing this provision because it is unnecessary. The department will continue to work with the counties and other stakeholders to appropriately manage the program.
101. Snowmobile Supplemental Trail Aids Requests to Joint Committee on Finance
Section 4359m
This section requires the Department of Natural Resources to submit a request to the Joint Committee on Finance for the distribution of supplemental snowmobile trail aids from the departments appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (cr), in excess of the available trail pass revenue. It also limits the appropriations from which the department may pay supplemental trail aids to the appropriations under s. 20.370 (5) (cr) or (cs). The request would be subject to 14-day passive review under s. 16.515.
I am vetoing this section because it is overly prescriptive and unnecessary. Section 350.12 (4) (br) provides a process to allow for payments of supplemental trail aids in excess of available trail pass revenue and ensures that supplemental snowmobile trail aids are distributed in a timely fashion.
102. Grants to Nonprofit Conservation Organizations
Section 481 [as it relates to ss. 20.370 (5) (at), (aw), (ax), (ay), (bw), (cx), 20.370 (6) (ar), (aw), and 20.370 (9) (mu)]
This provision funds grants to various nonprofit conservation organizations, as follows: section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (5) (at)] provides $66,800 annually to the Ice Age Trail Alliance; (b) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (5) (aw)] provides $124,500 annually to the Gathering Waters Conservancy and $75,700 to the Natural Resources Foundation; (c) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (5) (ax)] provides $75,000 annually to the Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association for a Master Logger program; (d) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (5) (ay)] provides $66,800 annually for urban forest protection; (e) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (5) (bw)] provides $50,000 annually for up to 50 percent of costs of dues to the Wisconsin County Forest Association; (f) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (5) (cx)] provides $297,000 annually for off-road safety programs; (g) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (6) (ar)] provides $180,000 annually to Wisconsin Lakes; (h) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (6) (aw)] provides $62,300 annually to the River Alliance of Wisconsin; and (i) section 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (9) (mu)] provides $22,800 annually for the Wild River Interpretive Center.
I am lining out the amounts under ss. 20.370 (5) (at), (aw), (ax), (ay), (bw), (cx), 20.370 (6) (ar), (aw), and 20.370 (9) (mu) and writing in smaller amounts because I object to earmarking these funds for specific conservation organizations without requiring accountability in the use of the funds. With this veto, I am reducing the appropriations by a total of $1,020,900. I am also requesting the Department of Administration secretary not to allot these funds.
103. Areawide Water Quality Management Plan
Section 4203m
This provision makes a number of changes to the areawide water quality management process for Dane County. The changes include utilizing a statewide water quality standard for Dane County, establishing limits on the ability of Dane County to require information on proposed revisions to the plan, setting a timeline for applications and revisions to the Dane County water quality management plan, and establishing the conditions under which Dane County or any of its subunits may develop or provide advisory services relating to the areawide water quality management plan. Further, the provision prohibits the Governor from designating, under 33 USC 1288 (a) (2), Dane County or any of its subunits, including the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission, to develop the areawide water quality management plan for Dane County, or to review proposed revisions to the plan.
Under federal law, the Governor is required to designate a single representative organization, including elected officials from local governments or their designees, capable of developing effective areawide water quality management plans for an area. In addition, the Governor may identify any additional area (or modify an existing area) for which he determines areawide water quality management to be appropriate, designate the boundaries of such area, and designate an organization capable of developing effective water quality management plans for such area.
I am partially vetoing this provision to remove the restriction on the Governor's designation authority because I object to the infringement on gubernatorial powers and duties. In addition, the prohibition on the Governor designating Dane County or any of its subunits to develop the areawide water quality management plan for Dane County, or to review proposed revisions to the plan, may prevent the Governor from complying with federal law.
104. Well Compensation Grant Appropriation
Sections 481 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (6) (cr)], 639g and 9232 (1q)
This provision specifies that the Department of Natural Resources must lapse $320,000 from the balance of the environmental aids – compensation for well contamination and abandonment appropriation under s. 20.370 (6) (cr) to the segregated environmental fund. The provision also converts the environmental aids – compensation for well contamination and abandonment appropriation from continuing to biennial. Finally, the provision deletes $76,000 SEG annually from the appropriation, to reduce the appropriation level to $200,000 annually for grants.
I am partially vetoing this provision because I object to requiring this appropriation to lapse funds at the end of each biennium on an ongoing basis. Costs related to well compensation fluctuate over time and allowing the appropriation to remain continuing will allow the department to reserve funds for times when grant payments are higher than expected.