UWM states that even if the written contract is not controlling as the claimant alleges, UWM had a right to terminate under the oral contract. UWM notes it never at any time represented to the claimant that her employment was guaranteed for the full semester. Although the claimant argues that UWM never told her it could terminate her due to low enrollment, UWM never told the claimant that it could not do so. In the absence of a promise by UWM of guaranteed employment for the full semester, the claimant is not allowed to invent such a promise, simply because it is in her favor. UWM also notes the claimant has not provided proof that she forewent other employment. The alleged MATC employment offer was not an official job offer, but only an invitation to move to the “next step” in the hiring process. UWM also notes that this was a part-time position and that the claimant has provided no salary information regarding MATC’s alleged offer.
UWM states it has a well-established past practice of terminating lectures due to low enrollment and a legitimate business need to do so, as reflected by the standard language in the written contract. Pursuant to UWM policy, the claimant was terminated because she had been the most recently hired ESL lecturer. UWM argues that the possibility of enrollment related termination should not be a surprise to anyone familiar with academic employment and that it was not reasonable for the claimant to assume her employment was guaranteed for the full semester.
UWM received the claimant’s NOC on 10/20/14. Because UWM recognized that the initial verbal offer made to her was for the position of Lecturer, not Associate Lecturer, UWM paid the claimant for the work she performed at that higher Lecturer rate. The letter UWM sent with this payment clearly references the NOC, stating “with this payment, UWM considers its obligations regarding Ms. Milstein’s employment to be satisfied.” UWM notes that the doctrine of accord and satisfaction does not prevent UWM from discharging more than one claim with a single payment. Furthermore, UWM notes the payment was issued on 11/11/14, fourteen days before the claimant filed her wage claim with DWD. UWM believes the claimant accepted discharge of her claims when she cashed the check sent by UWM.
UWM does not believe it owes the claimant any amount beyond what it has already paid her under any legal theory and recommends denial of the claim in its entirety.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one with the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
6.   Fred Plummer of Moreno Valley, California claims $18,670.66 for reimbursement of estimated tax assessments based on allegedly faulty information for tax year 1995. In 2011 DOR began to garnish the claimant’s wages for unfiled income taxes for the years 1993-1995. The claimant contacted DOR a number of times to explain that he had no income in 1995. He states that DOR required proof but that he did not understand how to prove that he had no income. The claimant also states there were “other issues” regarding his residency between 2004 and 2012. In July 2013 the claimant hired a tax service to resolve the dispute with DOR. In June 2014 the claimant’s tax preparer submitted his missing returns and social security records proving the claimant had no income during the years in question. DOR accepted the records as proof and ceased collection of the tax assessment. The claimant does not understand why DOR insisted he had income during the years in question, since he never received any W-2s or 1099s for those years. The claimant states that DOR garnished $18,670.66 between 2011 and 2014 and requests reimbursement of that amount.
DOR recommends denial of this claim. On 3/17/97 DOR issued an estimated assessment for failure to file income tax returns for 1993-95. In July 2011 DOR began collecting on the assessment through wage certification. DOR received 37 payments through certification and also intercepted the claimant’s 2011-2013 income tax refunds. Documentation substantiating the claimant’s lack of income for 1993-95 was submitted to DOR on 6/17/14. Section 71.75(5), Wis. Stats., prohibits DOR from refunding the overpayment on the estimated assessment because no refund was claimed within the prescribed four-year period.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one with the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
7.   Mark B. Brown of Waupun, Wisconsin claims $21.09 for value of blue jeans and deodorant he alleges were improperly destroyed by DOC. The claimant was transferred to Waupun Correctional Institution (WCI). On 8/6/14 he was informed by WCI staff that his jeans and deodorant were contraband and not allowed. The clamant filed an inmate complaint on 8/8/14 regarding these items. The claimant alleges he was told by a WCI corrections officer that if the grievance was dismissed, the claimant would be able to mail the items to his family. The claimant states that he told the officer he wanted to mail out the items if his grievance was denied and that the officer replied “I’ll remember and you’ll have time to mail it out.” The claimant states that he received notice of the final disposition of his complaint on 11/4/14 and that he sent a letter to the property room the next day requesting that they mail the jeans and deodorant to his family. The claimant states that two days later he was notified that the property had been destroyed. The claimant states that he followed the rules and procedures set forth by DOC and that DOC improperly destroyed the items.
DOC recommends denial of this claim. DOC notes that the property items in question were preserved during the pendency of the claimant’s inmate complaint. DOC also notes that despite having almost 90 days to do so, the claimant failed to communicate his preference for disposal of his jeans and deodorant to WCI Property staff. The claimant’s complaint was dismissed on 10/31/14 and his property was destroyed on 11/4/14 consistent with DOC policy. DOC believes there was no negligence on the part of DOC employees and that the claim should be denied.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one with the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
8.   Mark B. Brown of Waupun, Wisconsin claims $184.56 for value of a radio, TV antenna, 2 magazines, and a catalog allegedly destroyed or stolen by DOC staff. The claimant is an inmate at Waupun Correctional Institution (WCI). He states that on 8/22/14, while housed in the Step 3 segregation unit at WCI, he was taken by WCI officers to a doctor’s appointment. The claimant alleges the officers used excessive force against him, beat him up and took him to a new cell in Step 2 segregation. He alleges that while he was in the new cell one or more of the WCI officers went to his old cell and stole or destroyed some of his property. The claimant states that he had all of his electronics and four magazines in his Step 3 cell and that DOC is lying when it says otherwise. He also alleges that DOC forged DOC Attachment #2 to make it appear that the claimant did not own a radio. The claimant alleges that the WCI officers who stole his property also destroyed the paperwork relating to his radio. The claimant states that he had four magazines while in his Step 2 cell and that it is not possible for inmates in segregation to dispose of or discard magazines because they are on 24-hour lockdown. The claimant believes that WCI officers have a grudge against him due to the excessive force incident and that DOC is lying to cover up their actions.
DOC recommends denial of this claim. DOC states that despite the claimant’s assertions otherwise, it is his burden to establish his claim by showing that DOC staff negligently handled his property and that he has failed to do so. DOC notes that much of the property claimed is not allowed while inmates are in segregation and that the claimant has provided no proof that these items were actually in his cell on the day in question. DOC points to WCI records, which indicate that the claimant had two magazines in his Step 3 cell, not four as he alleges. DOC believes there is no evidence to support the claimant’s allegation that staff destroyed or improperly handled his personal property.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one with the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
9.   Mark B. Brown of Waupun, Wisconsin claims $176.20 for value of radio, extension cord, sweatshirt, and two T-shirts allegedly lost or stolen by DOC personnel, or by other inmates due to DOC negligence. The claimant was an inmate at Fox Lake Correctional Institution (FLCI) from 12/19/12 to 5/21/14. He alleges he was deliberately injured by FLCI officers on 3/23/14. The claimant alleges DOC guards attacked him before he was placed in segregation. The claimant states that while he was in segregation no one challenged his ownership of his sweatshirt and two T-shirts and that he received a property inventory sheet showing he owned those items. He also states that while he was in segregation, the FLCI property officer verbally told him that he had seen the claimant’s radio with his other property in the property room. The clamant alleges that another inmate told him DOC officers left some of the claimant’s property in his old cell when he was moved to segregation, which would have allowed other inmates to steal it. The claimant also alleges FLCI officers lost or destroyed many of his property receipts, including the receipts for his sweatshirt and two T-shirts. On 5/22/14 the claimant was transferred to the Wisconsin Secure Program Facility (WSPF). He states that when WSPF officers gave him his property in June 2014, he realized that items were missing. The claimant states WSPF staff also told him that his radio was with his other property in the property room. The claimant believes DOC officers are retaliating against him by deliberately destroying or stealing his property.
DOC recommends denial of this claim. The claimant arrived at FLCI on 12/19/12. He was sent to FLCI segregation on 3/24/14 and transferred to WSPF on 5/21/14. DOC states that when packing his property for transfer, staff discovered the claimant did not have receipts for one sweatshirt and two T-shirts. Per DOC policy, inmates must maintain receipts for all property and property in an inmate’s possession without receipts is considered contraband. DOC states the sweatshirt and T-shirts were deemed contraband, removed from the claimant’s property and destroyed per DOC policy. DOC notes that although the claimant may have owned a radio at one time while at FLCI, the 3/24/14 inventory shows that he no longer did. DOC also points to the property inventory completed on 5/21/14 upon the claimant’s transfer to WSPF. This inventory clearly shows the claimant did not possess a radio or an extension cord. DOC believes it is likely the claimant lost, sold, had stolen, or threw away these items. DOC believes the claimant has provided no evidence that his personal property was improperly handled by DOC staff and therefore recommends denial of this claim.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one with the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
10.   Ricky Grandy of Waupun, Wisconsin claims $42.94 for three magazines allegedly lost by DOC personnel. The claimant is an inmate at Waupun Correctional Institution (WCI). The claimant alleges he had four books and six magazines when he was moved to the segregation unit at WCI. While in segregation, the claimant requested his books and magazines. WCI property responded that he only had three magazines in his property but could not possess any magazines until he was moved to Step 3 segregation. The claimant filed an inmate complaint regarding the missing magazines. He states that he did not have a copy of his property inventory at the time and therefore mistakenly said 8 magazines were missing in his initial complaint. He filed a second complaint with the correct number of magazines. Both of the claimant’s complaints were denied. The claimant requests reimbursement for his three missing magazines.
DOC recommends denial of this claim. DOC believes the claimant has provided no evidence that his magazines were improperly handled by DOC staff or that they were ever missing at all. The clamant was moved into segregation on 9/22/13 and ultimately was released on 11/14/14. DOC notes that a 3/11/14 property inventory reflects that the claimant’s property contained a total of 10 books and magazines. While in segregation, the claimant was allowed to have his four books, leaving a total of six magazines, which the claimant was not allowed to access while in segregation.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one with the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
11.   Mark S. Hickles of Boscobel, Wisconsin claims $381.48 for return of restitution money deducted from the claimant’s inmate account by DOC. On 7/9/05 the claimant received a conduct report at Racine Correctional Institution (RCI) for fighting, disruptive conduct, and permitting another inmate to enter his quarters. The claimant was found not guilty of fighting, however, RCI deducted money from his account for half the cost of medical treatment for the other inmate. The claimant believes that because he was found not guilty of fighting, it was improper for DOC to charge him restitution. He requests return of the money taken from his account by DOC.
DOC recommends denial of this claim. DOC states that on 7/9/05 the claimant allowed another inmate to enter his quarters and engaged in horseplay, which resulted in injury to the other inmate. The claimant was found guilty of disruptive behavior and allowing another inmate to enter his quarters, both of which are violations of DOC rules. As a consequence of these rule violations the claimant received 180 days of disciplinary segregation and was required to pay half the cost of the other inmate’s medical treatment. DOC began deducting this restitution from the claimant’s inmate account on 8/7/06. The claimant filed an inmate complaint regarding the restitution on 10/1/13, well beyond the 14 day time limit and his complaint was denied. Pursuant to Wis. Admin. Code s. 303.72(5) effective 2001, an inmate found guilty of violating disciplinary rules may be subject to a penalty, including restitution. DOC notes that the claimant never sought the available certiorari review of the disciplinary decision and that the decision was never reversed. DOC believes the claimant’s request for reimbursement more than 9 years later is an impermissible collateral attack on a final disciplinary decision and should be denied.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one with the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
12.   Robert Morrison of Fox Lake, Wisconsin claims $19.71 for money deducted from the claimant’s account for canteen items he never received. On 9/2/14 the claimant ordered items from the Dodge Correctional Institution (DCI) canteen. The claimant was housed in Unit 7 when he placed the order. DCI deducted $19.71 from his account for the canteen items. On 9/5/14 the claimant was transferred to another institution and therefore did not receive an inmate account statement for two weeks. When he received his account statement, he realized that DCI deducted the money for items he never received. The claimant filed an inmate complaint which was denied because it was filed past the 14 day time limit.
DOC recommends payment of this claim based on equitable principles. DOC records indicate the claimant placed his canteen order while housed in Unit 7 at DCI. Shortly thereafter the claimant was transferred to Unit 12 at DCI and then to another institution. DOC has no evidence that the claimant ever received the items he purchased and therefore does not dispute his claim.
The Board concludes the claim should be paid in the amount of $19.71 based on equitable principles. The Board further concludes, under authority of § 16.007(6m), Stats., payment should be made from the Department of Corrections appropriation § 20.410 (1)(a), Stats.
The Board concludes:
That the following identified claimants are denied:
Wasserstrass Farms, Inc.
Mark Bernhardt, Jr.
Michelle Milstein
Fred Plummer
Mark B. Brown (3 claims)
Ricky Grandy
Mark S. Hickles
That decision of the following claims is deferred to a later date:
TRC Engineers, Inc.
That payment of the amounts below to the identified claimants from the following statutory appropriations is justified under § 775.05, Stats:  
Cedar Road Meats $423.80 § 20.115 (1)(a), Wis. Stats.
Robert Morrison   $19.71 § 20.410 (1)(a), Wis. Stats.
Dated at Madison, Wisconsin this 15th day of September, 2015.
Chair, Representative of the Attorney General
Secretary, Representative of the Secretary of Administration
Representative of the Governor
Senate Finance Committee
Assembly Finance Committee
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
The joint committee for review of Administrative Rules reports and recommends:
Relating to exemption from required uninsured motorist, underinsured motorist, and medical payments coverage.
hist42568No action taken on October 26, 2015.
Senate Chairperson