SB209-engrossed,21,65 (e) The terms of board members appointed under par. (b) shall expire or
6terminate upon the earliest occurrence of one of the following:
SB209-engrossed,21,77 1. Two years after the member is certified under s. 229.435.
SB209-engrossed,21,88 2. The secretary of administration makes the certification described in par. (d).
SB209-engrossed,21,99 3. One of the provisions described in sub. (7) (b) 2. or 3. occurs.
SB209-engrossed,21,2010 (f) Upon the secretary of administration issuing the certification described in
11par. (d), which shall cause the expiration or termination of the terms of all board
12members as provided in this subsection, each appointing authority under sub. (4)
13shall appoint and certify new members of the board of directors, as provided in sub.
14(4) and s. 229.435, not later than 30 days after the secretary issues the certification.
15The secretary of administration or the secretary's designee, and the persons
16described in sub. (4) (c), (f), and (h), are considered to be certified upon the secretary
17issuing the certification described in par. (d). A board of directors consisting of
18members whose appointments are described under this paragraph may not take any
19action until a majority of board members so appointed are certified. No individual
20appointive board member may act until he or she is appointed and certified.
SB209-engrossed,65 21Section 65. 229.42 (7) (b) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,22,1022 229.42 (7) (b) 1m. Subject to subds. 2. and 3. and sub. (4) (g), the terms of office
23of the members of the board of directors shall be 3 years, except that for the initial
24appointments that occur following the secretary of administration issuing the
25certification described in sub. (4e) (d), 3 of the appointments shall be for one year, 3

1appointments shall be for 2 years, and 3 appointments shall be for 3 years. The
2comptroller's appointments shall be for the comptroller's tenure in his or her
3position. The term of the secretary of administration or his or her designee shall be
4concurrent with the secretary's term in office, and the terms of the persons described
5in sub. (4) (f) shall be their terms in office or the term of the person who designated
6the board members under sub. (4) (f). The length of the initial terms shall be
7determined jointly by the secretary of administration and the county executive of the
8most populous county in which the sponsoring municipality is located. With regard
9to appointed board members to whom this subdivision applies, no individual may
10serve on the board of directors for more than 6 years.
SB209-engrossed,66 11Section 66. 229.435 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,22,20 12229.435 Certification of board members. Within 30 days after a sponsoring
13municipality files an enabling resolution under s. 229.42 (1) (b),
following the
14expiration of terms as described in s. 229.42 (4e) (a), and upon the secretary of
15administration issuing the certification described in s. 229.42 (4e) (d),
each person
16who may appoint members to a board of directors under s. 229.42 (4), (5) or (6) shall
17certify to the department of administration the names of the persons appointed to
18the board of directors under s. 229.42 (5) or (6) or, if the sole sponsoring municipality
19is a 1st class city, the names of the persons appointed to the board of directors under
20s. 229.42 (4).
SB209-engrossed,67 21Section 67. 229.44 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,22,2422 229.44 (4) (intro.) Do any of the following in connection with an exposition
23center and exposition center facilities and sports and entertainment arena and
24sports and entertainment arena facilities
SB209-engrossed,68 25Section 68. 229.44 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1229.44 (4) (a) Acquire, construct, equip, maintain, improve, operate and
2manage the exposition center and exposition center facilities, or engage other
3persons to do these things. Acquire, construct, and equip the sports and
4entertainment arena and sports and entertainment arena facilities, or engage other
5persons to do these things. If the professional basketball team or its affiliate
6breaches the non-relocation agreement or lease under s. 229.461, the district may
7equip, maintain, improve, operate, and manage the sports and entertainment arena
8and sports and entertainment arena facilities, or engage other persons to do these
9things, but only from moneys received from the parent company of the professional
10basketball team, the professional basketball team, or its affiliate resulting from the
11breach of the non-relocation agreement or lease.
SB209-engrossed,69 12Section 69. 229.44 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,23,1613 229.44 (4) (b) Acquire, lease, use or transfer; lease, as lessor or lessee; use; or
14transfer or accept transfers of
property. With the approval of all sponsoring
15municipalities of the district, the district may acquire property by condemnation
16using the procedure under s. 32.05 or 32.06.
SB209-engrossed,70 17Section 70. 229.44 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,23,2418 229.44 (4) (c) Improve, maintain, and repair real property, except that the
19district may only improve, maintain, and repair the sports and entertainment arena
20facilities, or engage other persons to do these things, if the professional basketball
21team or its affiliate breaches the non-relocation agreement or lease under s. 229.461
22and only from moneys received from the parent company of the professional
23basketball team, the professional basketball team, or its affiliate resulting from the
24breach of the non-relocation agreement or lease
SB209-engrossed,71 25Section 71. 229.44 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
1229.44 (4) (d) Enter into contracts. All Except as provided in s. 229.461, all
2contracts, the estimated costs of which exceed $30,000 $100,000, except contracts
3subject to s. 229.46 (5) and contracts for personal or professional services, shall be
4subject to bid and shall be awarded to the lowest qualified and competent bidder. The
5district may reject any bid that is submitted under this paragraph.
SB209-engrossed,72 6Section 72. 229.44 (4) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,24,77 229.44 (4) (f) Sell or otherwise dispose of unneeded or unwanted property.
SB209-engrossed,73 8Section 73. 229.44 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,24,129 229.44 (5) Employ personnel, and fix and regulate their compensation; and
10provide, either directly or subject to an agreement under s. 66.0301 or 229.47 (1) as
11a participant in a benefit plan of another governmental entity, any employee
12benefits, including an employee pension plan.
SB209-engrossed,74 13Section 74. 229.44 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,24,1714 229.44 (6) Purchase insurance, establish and administer a plan of
15self-insurance or, subject to an agreement with another governmental entity under
16s. 66.0301 or 229.47 (1), participate in a governmental plan of insurance or
SB209-engrossed,74e 18Section 74e. 229.445 of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,24,25 19229.445 Ticket surcharge. The board of directors shall require the sponsor
20of an event held at a sports and entertainment arena to impose a $2 surcharge on
21each ticket that is sold to the event. The event sponsor shall forward to the board of
22directors any surcharges collected under this section. The board of directors shall
23submit 25 percent of the amount received under this section to the department of
24administration for deposit into the general fund and shall retain the remainder for
25the district.
1Section 75. 229.461 of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,25,13 2229.461 Development agreement, non-relocation agreement, lease. (1)
3A district shall enter into a development agreement with a professional basketball
4team or its affiliate to require the professional basketball team or affiliate to develop
5and construct sports and entertainment arena facilities that will be financed in part
6by the district and, subject to sub. (3) (d), leased to the professional basketball team
7or its affiliate as provided in this subchapter. Before a district may sign the
8development agreement, the secretary of administration shall certify that the
9professional basketball team or its affiliate has agreed to fund at least $250,000,000
10to the development and construction of the sports and entertainment arena facilities.
11In addition, the professional basketball team or its affiliate must have entered into
12the non-relocation agreement under sub. (2) before the district may sign the
13development agreement.
SB209-engrossed,25,22 14(2) In consideration of the district, this state, a sponsoring municipality, and
15the most populous county in which the sponsoring municipality is located promising
16to commit $250,000,000 of financial assistance to the development and construction
17of the sports and entertainment arena facilities and granting a professional
18basketball team, or its affiliate, the right to operate and manage the sports and
19entertainment arena facilities, the professional basketball team shall enter into a
20non-relocation agreement with the district, before it or its affiliate enters into a
21development agreement with the district under sub. (1), that contains all of the
22following provisions and commitments during the term of the lease:
SB209-engrossed,25,2423 (a) The professional basketball team shall play substantially all of its home
24games at the sports and entertainment arena, once it is constructed.
1(b) The professional basketball team shall maintain its membership in the
2National Basketball Association or a successor league.
SB209-engrossed,26,43 (c) The professional basketball team shall maintain its headquarters in this
SB209-engrossed,26,65 (d) The professional basketball team shall maintain in its official team name
6the name of the sponsoring municipality.
SB209-engrossed,26,87 (e) The professional basketball team shall not relocate to another political
8subdivision during the term of the lease.
SB209-engrossed,26,139 (f) If the professional basketball team is sold or ownership is transferred to
10another person, the professional basketball team shall ensure that any person who
11acquires the professional basketball team, including upon foreclosure, commits to
12acquire the professional basketball team subject to the team's obligations under the
13non-relocation agreement.
SB209-engrossed,26,1814 (g) During the last 5 years of the original 30-year lease, and during any 5-year
15extension of the lease, the professional basketball team may negotiate, and enter into
16agreements, with 3rd parties regarding the professional basketball team playing its
17home games at a site different from the site to which the lease applies after the
18conclusion of the lease.
SB209-engrossed,26,20 19(3) The lease between the district and the professional basketball team or its
20affiliate shall contain at least all of the following:
SB209-engrossed,26,2221 (a) The term of the lease shall be for 30 years, plus 2 extensions of 5 years each,
22both extensions at the professional basketball team's or its affiliate's option.
SB209-engrossed,27,723 (b) The lease shall contain provisions concerning the transfer of the Bradley
24Center and the land on which it is located from the district to the professional
25basketball team or its affiliate and, following that transfer, subsequent demolition

1of the Bradley Center arena structure, consistent with s. 229.47 (2) (c). The district
2shall convey fee title to the professional basketball team or its affiliate free and clear
3of all liens, encumbrances, and obligations, except for easements or similar
4restrictions that do not include a monetary component. Provided that the Bradley
5Center arena structure is transferred as provided under this paragraph, the lease
6shall require the professional basketball team or its affiliate to pay for all costs
7related to the demolition of the Bradley Center arena structure.
SB209-engrossed,27,238 (c) The professional basketball team or its affiliate shall be responsible for
9equipping, maintaining, operating, improving, and repairing sports and
10entertainment arena facilities that are constructed pursuant to a development
11agreement entered into under sub. (1). If the professional basketball team or its
12affiliate breaches the development agreement or non-relocation agreement, the
13parent company of the professional basketball team shall be jointly and severally
14responsible with the professional basketball team or its affiliate for the costs of
15equipping, maintaining, operating, and repairing the sports and entertainment
16arena facilities during the term of the lease. In addition, the professional basketball
17team or its affiliate shall be entitled to receive all revenues, other than surcharges
18collected under s. 229.445, related to the operation or use of the sports and
19entertainment arena facilities, including, but not limited to, ticket revenues,
20licensing or user fees, sponsorship revenues, revenues generated from events that
21are held on the plaza that is part of the sports and entertainment arena facilities,
22revenues from the sale of food, beverages, merchandise, and parking, and revenues
23from naming rights.
SB209-engrossed,28,324 (d) The lease shall allow for a separate agreement between the sponsoring
25municipality and the professional basketball team or its affiliate that addresses the

1development and construction, leasing, operation, maintenance, and repair of a
2parking structure constructed as part of the sports and entertainment arena
3facilities and the ownership of and revenues from the parking structure.
SB209-engrossed,28,5 4(4) (a) If the professional basketball team or its affiliate breaches the lease, the
5district may enforce the lease.
SB209-engrossed,28,106 (b) If the professional basketball team or its affiliate breaches the
7non-relocation agreement, the state, the district, the sponsoring municipality, and
8the most populous county in which the sponsoring municipality is located may act
9individually or collectively to enforce the non-relocation agreement and, if they
10prevail, are entitled to all of the following:
SB209-engrossed,28,1111 1. Injunctive relief.
SB209-engrossed,28,1712 2. a. Liquidated damages from the parent company of the professional
13basketball team, the professional basketball team, or its affiliate in an amount equal
14to the outstanding balance of principal and accrued unpaid interest remaining on
15any debt issued or incurred by the district, this state, a sponsoring municipality, and
16the most populous county in which the sponsoring municipality is located for the
17development and construction of the sports and entertainment arena facilities.
SB209-engrossed,28,2318 b. If the professional basketball team or its affiliate, at the time of its breach
19of the non-relocation agreement, is also in breach of its obligations under the lease
20to equip, maintain, operate, and repair the sports and entertainment arena facilities,
21liquidated damages from the parent company of the professional basketball team,
22the professional basketball team, or its affiliate shall also include an amount equal
23to the cost of performing these obligations during the term of the lease.
SB209-engrossed,29,324 c. Liquidated damages awarded under this subdivision shall be apportioned
25among the district, this state, a sponsoring municipality, and the most populous

1county in which the sponsoring municipality is located in proportion to that entity's
2financial contributions towards the development and construction of the sports and
3entertainment arena facilities.
SB209-engrossed,29,10 4(5) The secretary of administration, in his or her capacity as chairperson of the
5board of directors, shall negotiate the development agreement, the lease, and the
6non-relocation agreement under this section on behalf of the district and may enter
7into any such development agreement, non-relocation agreement, or lease without
8the approval of the board of directors. Any subsequent amendments to, or renewal
9or extensions of, the development agreement, the non-relocation agreement, or the
10lease shall require the approval of the board of directors.
SB209-engrossed,76 11Section 76. 229.47 of the statutes is renumbered 229.47 (1).
SB209-engrossed,77 12Section 77. 229.47 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,29,1713 229.47 (2) (a) Subject to s. 232.05 (3) (a), a district shall enter into one or more
14transfer agreements with the Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment
15Corporation regarding the transfer of the Bradley Center or any part of the center,
16including land that cannot be transferred under par. (b). Any such transfer shall be
17for nominal financial consideration.
SB209-engrossed,29,2518 (b) Following execution of a lease under s. 229.461 (3) and forgiveness by the
19professional basketball team of any outstanding debt owed to the professional
20basketball team by the Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation, the
21Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation shall transfer to the district
22the land described in s. 229.41 (11e) that is owned by the Bradley Center Sports and
23Entertainment Corporation. The transfer shall occur pursuant to transfer
24agreements and a parcel transfer schedule certified by the secretary of
1(c) A transfer agreement shall specify that demolition of the Bradley Center
2will commence not later than 180 days after the center is transferred to the district,
3as described in s. 232.05 (2) (h) and that the Bradley Center parking structure may
4continue to exist and operate.
SB209-engrossed,78 5Section 78. 229.477 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,30,20 6229.477 Dissolution of a district. Subject to providing for the payment of
7its bonds, including interest on the bonds, and the performance of its other
8contractual obligations, a district may be dissolved by the joint action of the district's
9board of directors and sponsoring municipality. If the district is dissolved, the
10property of the district that does not include sports and entertainment arena
shall be transferred to its sponsoring municipality. Subject to the terms of
12any lease under s. 229.461 (3), the property of the district that does include sports
13and entertainment arena facilities shall be transferred to the local units of
14government that compose the district's jurisdiction in such proportions as the
15secretary of administration determines fairly and reasonably represent the
16contributions of each local unit of government to the development, construction,
17operation, maintenance, or improvement of the property that contains sports and
18entertainment arena facilities.
If the district was created by more than one
19sponsoring municipality, the municipalities shall agree on the apportioning of the
20district's property before the district may be dissolved.
SB209-engrossed,79 21Section 79. 229.48 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,30,2522 229.48 (1) (intro.) A district may issue bonds for costs and purposes that are
23related to an exposition center or an exposition center facility or sports and
24entertainment arena or sports and entertainment arena facilities
, including all of
25the following:
1Section 80. 229.48 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,31,52 229.48 (1) (a) Costs of acquiring, constructing, equipping, maintaining or
3improving an exposition center or an exposition center facility or initially developing
4and constructing a sports and entertainment arena or sports and entertainment
5arena facilities
SB209-engrossed,81 6Section 81. 229.48 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,31,87 229.48 (1) (b) Costs of acquiring or improving an exposition center site or sports
8and entertainment arena facilities
SB209-engrossed,82 9Section 82. 229.48 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,31,1410 229.48 (1) (c) Engineering, architectural or consultant fees, costs of
11environmental or feasibility studies, permit and license fees and similar planning or
12preparatory costs, that are related to an exposition center or exposition center
13facility or sports and entertainment arena or sports and entertainment arena
SB209-engrossed,83 15Section 83. 229.48 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,31,1916 229.48 (1) (d) Funding budgeted costs for an exposition center or exposition
17center facility or sports and entertainment arena or sports and entertainment arena
for the 6-month period immediately following the completion of its
19construction or acquisition.
SB209-engrossed,84 20Section 84. 229.48 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,32,221 229.48 (1) (e) Interest on bonds or on any debt that is retired with the proceeds
22of bonds, if the interest is incurred or is reasonably expected to be incurred during
23the time period beginning a reasonable time period prior to the construction or
24acquisition of an exposition center or exposition center facility or sports and

1entertainment arena or sports and entertainment arena facilities
and ending 6
2months after the completion of the construction or acquisition.
SB209-engrossed,85 3Section 85. 229.48 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,32,74 229.48 (1m) For financing purposes, exposition centers and exposition center
5facilities and sports and entertainment arenas and sports and entertainment arena
are public utilities and tax revenues imposed under s. 66.0615 (1m) (a) and
7(b) and subchs. VIII and IX of ch. 77 are property or income of the public utility.
SB209-engrossed,86 8Section 86. 229.48 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,32,149 229.48 (2) All bonds are negotiable for all purposes, notwithstanding their
10payment from a limited source. A district may retain the building commission, the
11department of administration,
or any other person as its financial consultant to
12assist with and coordinate the issuance of bonds and shall use the building
13commission as its financial consultant for bonds secured by a special debt service
14reserve fund under s. 229.50.
SB209-engrossed,87 15Section 87. 229.48 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,32,2116 229.48 (7) The maximum amount of bond proceeds that a district may receive
17from bonds issued to fund the development and construction of sports and
18entertainment arena facilities is $203,000,000. The district may receive additional
19proceeds from the bonds to pay issuance or administrative costs related to the bonds,
20to make deposits in reserve funds related to the bonds, to pay accrued or funded
21interest on the bonds, and to pay the costs of credit enhancement for the bonds.
SB209-engrossed,88 22Section 88. 229.50 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,33,423 229.50 (1) (a) Substantial statewide public purpose. (intro.) The proceeds of
24the bonds, other than refunding bonds, will be used in connection with an exposition
25center, or an exposition center facility used primarily to support the activities of an

1exposition center, or a sports and entertainment arena, or sports and entertainment
2arena facilities,
that serves a substantial statewide public purpose. An exposition
3center serves a substantial statewide public purpose if all of the following conditions
4are met:
SB209-engrossed,89 5Section 89. 229.50 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,33,126 229.50 (1) (d) Use of net proceeds. Not more than $170,000,000 of the total net
7proceeds of all bonds, other than refunding bonds, that would be secured by all
8special debt service reserve funds of the district will be used for the purposes
9specified under s. 229.48 (1) (a) to (c), except that no proceeds of the bonds secured
10by a special debt service reserve fund may be used to remodel or refurbish an existing
11exposition center or existing exposition center facilities transferred under a transfer
12agreement under s. 229.47 (1).
SB209-engrossed,90 13Section 90. 229.50 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,33,1814 229.50 (1) (f) Transfer agreement. A sponsoring municipality of the district
15issuing the bonds has entered into a transfer agreement under s. 229.47 (1) that
16transfers to the district the sponsoring municipality's interests in an existing
17exposition center and exposition center facilities created under this subchapter or in
18an existing convention institution under s. 229.26.
SB209-engrossed,91 19Section 91. 229.50 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,34,1220 229.50 (7) State moral obligation pledge. If at any time the special debt
21service reserve fund requirement under sub. (5) for a special debt service reserve
22fund exceeds the amount of moneys in the special debt service reserve fund, the board
23of directors of the district shall certify to the secretary of administration, the
24governor, the joint committee on finance and the governing body of the sponsoring
25municipality the amount necessary to restore the special debt service reserve fund

1to an amount equal to the special debt service reserve fund requirement under sub.
2(5) for the special debt service reserve fund. If this certification is received by the
3secretary of administration in an even-numbered year prior to the completion of the
4budget compilation under s. 16.43, the secretary shall include the certified amount
5in the budget compilation. In any case, the joint committee on finance shall introduce
6in either house, in bill form, an appropriation of the amount so certified to the
7appropriate special debt service reserve fund of the district. Recognizing its moral
8obligation to do so, the legislature hereby expresses its expectation and aspiration
9that, if ever called upon to do so, it shall make this appropriation. This subsection
10does not apply to reserve fund shortfalls related to bonds or any refunding bonds
11issued by the district to fund the construction of sports and entertainment arena
SB209-engrossed,92 13Section 92. 229.54 of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,34,17 14229.54 Responsibility to sports and entertainment arena facilities. (1)
15Neither the state, a sponsoring municipality, nor the most populous county in which
16the sponsoring municipality is located is responsible for equipping, maintaining,
17operating, improving, and repairing sports and entertainment arena facilities.
SB209-engrossed,35,2 18(2) The district is responsible only for equipping, maintaining, operating,
19improving, and repairing sports and entertainment arena facilities during the initial
20development and construction of the sports and entertainment arena facilities. If the
21professional basketball team or its affiliate breaches the non-relocation agreement
22or lease under s. 229.461, the district is responsible for equipping, maintaining,
23operating, and repairing sports and entertainment arena facilities during the
24remainder of the lease, but only from moneys received from the parent company of

1the professional basketball team, the professional basketball team, or its affiliate
2resulting from the breach of the non-relocation agreement or lease.
SB209-engrossed,93 3Section 93. 232.05 (2) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-engrossed,35,94 232.05 (2) (h) Within 60 days following the later of the secretary of
5administration issuing the certification described in s. 229.42 (4e) (d) or the
6expiration of 180 days' written notice delivered by the district to the corporation of
7the intended construction completion date, complete the sale, exchange, transfer, or
8divestiture of any part of the Bradley Center that was not previously transferred, as
9authorized under sub. (3).
SB209-engrossed,94 10Section 94. 232.05 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-engrossed,35,1711 232.05 (3) (a) Sell, exchange, transfer, or otherwise divest itself of the Bradley
12center Center except to a district, as defined in s. 229.41 (4m). The sale, exchange,
13transfer, or divestiture of the Bradley Center, or any part of the center, to a district,
14as defined in s. 229.41 (4m), shall satisfy and terminate any obligation of the
15corporation. Except as provided in s. 229.47 (2) (b), the corporation may not act under
16this paragraph before the secretary of administration issues the certification
17described in s. 229.42 (4e) (d)