``Private motor carrier" definition modified [Sec. 3528, 9345 (2)] - SB21
Railroad crossing: certain cargo tank motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials required to stop [Sec. 4348] - AB21
Railroad crossing: certain cargo tank motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials required to stop [Sec. 4348] - SB21
Right-of-way in roundabouts [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle, and bicycle provisions removed, references to vehicle length added] - AB451
Sale of heavy truck or trailer: state sales and use tax exemption for federal excise tax imposed on; JSCTE appendix report - AB629
Sale of heavy truck or trailer: state sales and use tax exemption for federal excise tax imposed on; JSCTE appendix report - SB506
Special interest vehicle hauling restrictions revised re trucks and transporting property for hire [A.Amdt.1: ``truck" changed to ``motor truck or truck tractor"] - AB616
Special interest vehicle hauling restrictions revised re trucks and transporting property for hire - SB508
Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association congratulated on its 75th Anniversary - AJR37
Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association congratulated on its 75th Anniversary - SJR34
bus and truck _ taxation or registrationBus and truck -- Taxation or registration
Class ``B" highway weight limitations and special or seasonal weight limitations: exemptions for certain utility vehicles responding to service interruptions - AB122
Class ``B" highway weight limitations and special or seasonal weight limitations: exemptions for certain utility vehicles responding to service interruptions - SB80
Conforming to federal weight limits along I 41 corridor [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4350b-u] - SB21
Implements of husbandry and agricultural CMV (commercial motor vehicle) revisions re definitions, highway weight limit exceptions, no-fee permits, width limitations, length limit, height limit, and tracks that will not injure the highway; DOT directed to not prepare certain report [A.Amdt.2: farm equipment sales and STH bridge provisions added, and other permit revisions] - AB113
Implements of husbandry and agricultural CMV (commercial motor vehicle) revisions re definitions, highway weight limit exceptions, no-fee permits, width limitations, length limit, height limit, and tracks that will not injure the highway; DOT directed to not prepare certain report - SB83
Overweight factory-built homes: single-trip permits issued by DOT and local highway officials allowed - AB500
Overweight factory-built homes: single-trip permits issued by DOT and local highway officials allowed - SB372
Seasonal weight limit exception for vehicles or vehicle combinations transporting agricultural crops on highways: dates modified; DOT appendix report - AB733
Seasonal weight limit exception for vehicles or vehicle combinations transporting agricultural crops on highways: dates modified; DOT appendix report [S.Amdt.1: DOT appendix report not required] - SB509
Vehicle size and weight limit permit revisions re I 39 corridor and I 41 corridor; DOT duties [A.Amdt.1: specific highway information signs provision added; A.Amdt.2: further revisions] - AB558
Vehicle size and weight limit permit revisions re I 39 corridor and I 41 corridor; DOT duties - SB566
Vehicle weight and width exception created for certain logging vehicles operated on highways for a short distance; DOT directed to not prepare a report [A.Amdt.1: hours of darkness provision added; S.Amdt.1: reasonable compensation of a motor vehicle dealer by a motor vehicle manufacturer, importer, or distributor for certain service work provision added] - AB580
Vehicle weight and width exception created for certain logging vehicles operated on highways for a short distance; DOT directed to not prepare a report - SB417
Administrative rules, emergency rules, and rule-making procedures: various changes - AB251
Administrative rules, emergency rules, and rule-making procedures: various changes - SB168
Benefit corporation, a category of business corporation, created - AB59
Business development tax credit created; economic development tax credit and jobs tax credit eliminated; FWDA duties [Sec. 849, 2118, 2156, 2169, 2183, 2213, 2222, 2227, 2291, 2302, 2316, 2346, 2352, 2367, 2405, 2418, 2432, 2454, 2512, 3939, 3944-3946, 3996, 4006] - AB21
Business development tax credit created; economic development tax credit and jobs tax credit eliminated; FWDA duties; sunset provisions [Sec. 849, 2118, 2156, 2169, 2183, 2213, 2222, 2227, 2291, 2302, 2316, 2346, 2352, 2367, 2405, 2418, 2432, 2454, 2512, 3939, 3944-3946, 3996, 4006; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, FWDA and economic development and jobs tax credits provisions removed, 3991n, o, 4010b, 9450 (2b), deletes 2156, 2169, 2291, 2302, 2405, 2418, 2512, 3939, 3944-3946] - SB21
Business idea generation program established in UW—Extension; Wisconsin Big Idea Tournament provision - AB777
Business improvement districts (BIDs): special assessment method changed - AB412
Business improvement districts (BIDs): special assessment method changed - SB203
Career and workforce education pilot program created; DPI and DWD to select a CESA to receive funding for the program - AB734
Career and workforce education pilot program created; DPI and DWD to select a CESA to receive funding for the program - SB642
Condemnation authority: ``business entity" defined and replaces ``corporation" [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 42m, 1066v-y, 1067g, r, 1092m, 1993m, 4594m] - SB21
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required - AB636
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required - SB483
Crowdfunding for jobs and economic growth: WHEDA to contract with a business maintaining a crowdfunding Internet site - AB927
DVA authorized to design an official ``Wisconsin Disabled Veteran-Owned" logotype; DOA provision - AB707
DVA authorized to design an official ``Wisconsin Disabled Veteran-Owned" logotype; DOA provision - SB575
Early stage seed and angel investment credits: refund provision - AB102
Early stage seed and angel investment credits: refund provision - SB111
Early stage seed and angel investment tax credits revisions [Sec. 2191, 3982-3989, 3993, 3995, 4005] - AB21
Early stage seed and angel investment tax credits revisions [Sec. 2191, 3982-3989, 3993, 3995, 4005; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 3993b, 9337 (4b), deletes 3985-3989] - SB21
Early stage seed investment credits: claims re investment in fund of funds investment program permitted - AB486
Early stage seed investment credits: claims re investment in fund of funds investment program permitted - SB404
Early stage seed investment credits: claims re investment in fund of funds investment program permitted - SB451
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - AB103
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - SB112
Entrepreneurial tax credit access grants created - AB62
Entrepreneurial tax credit access grants created - SB162
Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of (DFIPS), created; all DFI functions transferred to; DOA administration of disabled veteran, women, and minority owned business certifications transferred to; Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Office of Business Development transferred to; EAB eliminated and functions transferred to DFIPS and DATCP; tattooing, body piercing, and tanning oversight transferred to; DSPS eliminated and all functions transferred to, except private on-site wastewater treatment systems to DNR [for section numbers, see entry under ``Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of"] - AB21
Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of (DFIPS), created; all DFI functions transferred to; DOA administration of disabled veteran, women, and minority owned business certifications transferred to; Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Office of Business Development transferred to; EAB eliminated and functions transferred to DFIPS and DATCP; tattooing, body piercing, and tanning oversight transferred to; DSPS eliminated and all functions transferred to, except private on-site wastewater treatment systems to DNR and Veterinary Examining Board to DATCP - AB163
Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of (DFIPS), created; all DFI functions transferred to; DOA administration of disabled veteran, women, and minority owned business certifications transferred to; Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Office of Business Development transferred to; EAB eliminated and functions transferred to DFIPS and DATCP; DSPS eliminated and all functions transferred to, except private on-site wastewater treatment systems to DNR [for section numbers, see entry under ``Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of"] - SB21
Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of (DFIPS), created; all DFI functions transferred to; DOA administration of disabled veteran, women, and minority owned business certifications transferred to; Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Office of Business Development transferred to; EAB eliminated and functions transferred to DFIPS and DATCP; tattooing, body piercing, and tanning oversight transferred to; DSPS eliminated and all functions transferred to, except private on-site wastewater treatment systems to DNR and Veterinary Examining Board to DATCP - SB119
GPS device placed on another person's vehicle or obtaining GPS information about another person's location or movement without that person's knowledge prohibited; spouse's vehicle and exceptions provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, spouse's vehicle provision removed; S.Amdt.3: device with global positioning technology added] - AB19
GPS device placed on another person's vehicle or obtaining GPS information about another person's location or movement without that person's knowledge prohibited; spouse's vehicle and exceptions provisions - SB22
Human trafficking resource center hotline poster: DOJ to design and make available to print from its Internet site; certain businesses encouraged to display it [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, poster provisions revised and display in certain public places added] - AB16
Human trafficking resource center hotline poster: DOJ to design and make available to print from its Internet site; certain businesses encouraged to display it - SB14
Industry cluster partnership: WEDC may receive applications and award contracts to; definition and water technology and water infrastructure industry provisions - AB758
Industry cluster partnership: WEDC may receive applications and award contracts to; definition and water technology and water infrastructure industry provisions - SB526
Lean program for political subdivisions repealed; Office of Lean Government created in DOA re efficiency programs for state agencies [Sec. 115, 251, 252, 775] - AB21
Lean program for political subdivisions repealed; Office of Lean Government created in DOA re efficiency programs for state agencies [Sec. 115, 251, 252, 775, 784; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Office of Lean Government provisions removed, deletes 115, 252] - SB21
Outdoor advertising signs along highways: regulations revised; DOT duties and fee provisions - AB1023
Professional credentials: prohibition on using specified titles without proper certification; businesses prohibited from representing services from specified professionals unless properly certified or registered; ordinance restricting use of specified titles prohibited; trademark, DATCP authority to bring court action, and penalty provisions - AB591
Professional credentials: prohibition on using specified titles without proper certification; businesses prohibited from representing services from specified professionals unless properly certified or registered; ordinance restricting use of specified titles prohibited; trademark, DATCP authority to bring court action, and penalty provisions - SB441
Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation - AB87
Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation - SB232
Qualified new business venture certified by WEDC re tax credits under the angel and early stage seed investment tax credit programs: eligibility expanded - AB718
Research approved by an industry cluster partnership: income and franchise tax credit created for certain research expenses - AB757
Research approved by an industry cluster partnership: income and franchise tax credit created for certain research expenses - SB525
Restrictive covenants in employment and agency relationships provisions created; covenant not to compete provisions repealed - AB91
Restrictive covenants in employment and agency relationships provisions created; covenant not to compete provisions repealed - SB69
Small business grocery stores in food desert zones: WHEDA loan program established - SB800
State of emergency declared by the Governor: exemptions from certain taxes, fees, and licensing or permit requirements for work performed by non-Wisconsin residents or businesses; JSCTE appendix report - AB405
State of emergency declared by the Governor: exemptions from certain taxes, fees, and licensing or permit requirements for work performed by non-Wisconsin residents or businesses; JSCTE appendix report - SB334
Unclaimed property law revisions; DOR authority re third-party tax audits - SB799
UW Board of Regents required to assist students in two-year and four-year institutions in securing internships with businesses; FTE positions provision - AB743
UW Board of Regents required to assist students in two-year and four-year institutions in securing internships with businesses; FTE positions provision - SB593
Vapor products: restrictions on use established; definition and ordinance provisions - AB170
Vapor products: restrictions on use established; definition and ordinance provisions - SB132
VETransfer grant program transferred to FWDA from DVA; recognizes VETransfer, Inc. is doing business as Global Entrepreneurship Collective, Inc. [Sec. 769, 1457] - AB21
VETransfer grant program transferred to FWDA from DVA; recognizes VETransfer, Inc. is doing business as Global Entrepreneurship Collective, Inc. [Sec. 769, 1457; original bill only] - SB21
WEDC to establish matching grant program for recipients of certain federal grants to small businesses - AB145
WEDC to establish matching grant program for recipients of certain federal grants to small businesses - SB124
Wisconsin Job Development and Retention Commission created in DWD; businesses outsourcing jobs are ineligible to receive state grants, loans, and tax benefits - AB304
Wisconsin Job Development and Retention Commission created in DWD; businesses outsourcing jobs are ineligible to receive state grants, loans, and tax benefits - SB211