Children's Mental Health, Office of: director appointed by secretary of DHS, not the Governor [Sec. 146; original bill only] - SB21
Firearm storage requirements if child under age 18 is present in the residence; penalty provisions - AB892
Hunting mentorship program: eliminating minimum age requirement and limit on number of hunting devices mentor and person hunting with a mentor are permitted to have - AB411
Hunting mentorship program: eliminating minimum age requirement and limit on number of hunting devices mentor and person hunting with a mentor are permitted to have - SB301
Lead investigation conducted by DHS in homes of certain children: required blood lead level in children under 6 years of age reduced - AB957
Missing child who is the responsibility of DCF, Corr.Dept, county services, or licensed child welfare agency: reporting requirements to local law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - AB745
Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions - AB36
Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions - SB30
Off-highway motorcycle (OHM): operation and registration requirements established; definition, fees, and trails provisions; DNR duties; Off-Highway Motorcycle Council created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, false statement on application and electronic retrieval of information provisions added] - AB470
Pharmacists administering vaccines to children age 6 to 18: required to update the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and MA reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1801, 4037] - AB21
Pharmacists administering vaccines to children age 6 to 18: required to update the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and MA reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1801, 4037] - SB21
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - AB406
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - SB309
Recreation vessels carrying passengers under age 13: personal flotation device required at all times or the passenger must remain below deck or in an enclosed cabin - AB699
Recreation vessels carrying passengers under age 13: personal flotation device required at all times or the passenger must remain below deck or in an enclosed cabin - SB597
School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] - AB21
School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] - SB21
Sex-trafficking victims who are children: funding for treatment and services [Sec. 720, 1675] - AB21
Sex-trafficking victims who are children: funding for treatment and services [Sec. 720, 1675] - SB21
Smoking in a motor vehicle while a child under age 8 is present prohibited; forfeiture and surcharge provisions; law enforcement officer may not stop vehicle solely to determine compliance - SB480
Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions - AB702
Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions - SB543
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer authorized; fees and contributions from interested parties provisions - AB401
Subsidized guardianship payments re CHIPS: eligibility expanded to include person with significant emotional relationship with the child or the child’s family; conditions specified; DCF duties - AB339
Subsidized guardianship payments re CHIPS: eligibility expanded to include person with significant emotional relationship with the child or the child’s family; conditions specified; DCF duties - SB253
Wisconsin children's outdoor heritage: benefits recognized and outdoor activities encouraged - AJR27
Wisconsin First Lady Tonette Walker and Fostering Futures commended for their work to share the concept of trauma-informed care and improving the lives of children in foster care - AJR115
Abuse or neglect of a child with a disability: DCF to develop and implement model procedure used in the investigation of; minimum requirements specified; deadline for specified agencies to adopt [A.Amdt.1: ``model procedure" replaced with a plan to ID and address areas in need of improvement] - AB667
Abuse or neglect of a child with a disability: DCF to develop and implement model procedure used in the investigation of; minimum requirements specified; deadline for specified agencies to adopt - SB574
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions - AB673
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions [S.Amdt.1: disclosure for voter registration purposes added] - SB488
Child abuse and neglect reporting law recodified; revisions re persons mandated to report, training, eliminating health care provider exception from reporting of sexual intercourse or contact, and definitions of ``physical injury” and ``neglect” - AB489
Child abuse report re person, who is not the child's caregiver, suspected of allowing or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution: sheriff or police department is required to report to a child welfare agency which is required to investigate; prosecuting person under age 18 for prostitution prohibited - AB267
Child abuse report re person, who is not the child's caregiver, suspected of allowing or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution: sheriff or police department is required to report to a child welfare agency which is required to investigate; prosecuting person under age 18 for prostitution prohibited - SB200
Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population - AB440
Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population - SB317
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - AB737
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - SB618
Child sexual abuse prevention policy and instructional program for kindergarten through sixth grade: DPI to develop and school boards required to adopt DPI program or their own policy and program - AB691
Child sexual abuse prevention policy and instructional program for kindergarten through sixth grade: DPI to develop and school boards required to adopt DPI program or their own policy and program - SB501
Court jurisdiction (subject matter and personal) clarified in restraining order and injunction cases re domestic abuse, child abuse, at-risk adult abuse, and harassment - AB10
Court jurisdiction (subject matter and personal) clarified in restraining order and injunction cases re domestic abuse, child abuse, and harassment - SB9
DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law for services and support re women with increased risk of negative birth outcomes; expanding who can claim Wisconsin EITC; nurse-midwife governing provisions, and Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund coverage; statewide electronic data management and information system for all public assistance programs; evidence-based home visitation program re child abuse or neglect or poor birth outcomes; informed consent before certain elective caesarean section and labor-inducing procedures; infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; cultural competency training for certain students at UW and TCS institutions; DHS reports re neonatal intensive care units and fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; DHS to promulgate rules for best practices for postpartum patients and newborns at hospitals - AB852
Harassment or abuse injunctions: court may order wireless telephone service provider to transfer rights to and responsibilities for telephone number or numbers from responder to petitioner; civil liability immunity provision - AB767
Harassment or abuse injunctions: court may order wireless telephone service provider to transfer rights to and responsibilities for telephone number or numbers from responder to petitioner; civil liability immunity provision - SB626
Inheritance by a parent who abandons a minor child prohibited; “abandoned” defined - AB218
``Neglect” as defined in the Children’s Code changed - AB955
Neglect of a child: definition and criminal penalties revised; repeated acts of neglect of the same child provision - AB431
Neglect of a child: definition and criminal penalties revised; repeated acts of neglect of the same child provision - SB324
Repeated acts of physical abuse of the same child: crime created; jury and penalty provisions - AB428
Repeated acts of physical abuse of the same child: crime created; jury and penalty provisions - SB325
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - AB348
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - SB262
Spiritual treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment for children: exemptions removed re county department determination of child abuse or neglect, felony physical abuse of a child, and administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody; Christian Science treatment limited to adult patients - AB959
Suspected or threatened child abuse: all reported cases to be referred to the sheriff or police, coordination of the investigation of reported cases, and law enforcement agencies to adopt written policy re kinds of reports to refer to the DA for prosecution - AB429
Suspected or threatened child abuse: all reported cases to be referred to the sheriff or police, coordination of the investigation of reported cases, and law enforcement agencies to adopt written policy re kinds of reports to refer to the DA for prosecution - SB326
children _ adoptionChildren -- Adoption
Adoption Month: November 2015 proclaimed as - AJR75
Adoption Month: November 2015 proclaimed as - SJR67
Adoption proceedings revision re jurisdiction and venue; standardized qualitative assessment system approved by DCF for the home study required, foster care provision - AB39
Adoption re TPR: DCF contact preference forms; access to identifying information, medical and genetic information, and the original birth certificate; State Registrar and DHS duties - AB650
Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision - AB513
Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision - SB386
Child welfare system and juvenile justice system: certain petitions and agreements required to record child's adoption status; DCF report required - AB42
Disclaimer of parental rights affidavit changes re private adoption and execution by child’s father - AB528
Juvenile court procedures re change in placement for CHIPS held under a temporary physical custody (TPC) order, change in placement for child under guardianship of DCF and certain agencies, amending a consent decree, and emergency change-in-placement; other changes include change of trial of post-dispositional proceeding, appointment of successor guardian, change of placement when no objection is filed, case closure orders when dispositional order is terminated, and effective period of a TPC order - AB514
Juvenile court procedures re change in placement for CHIPS held under a temporary physical custody (TPC) order, change in placement for child under guardianship of DCF and certain agencies, amending a consent decree, and emergency change-in-placement; other changes include change of trial of post-dispositional proceeding, appointment of successor guardian, change of placement when no objection is filed, case closure orders when dispositional order is terminated, and effective period of a TPC order [S.Amdt.1: appointment of successor guardian removed] - SB387
Out-of-home care extended to 21 years of age if the child is completing or enrolled in postsecondary or vocational education, participating in an employment program, employed part-time, or incapable of those activities due to a medical condition; continuation of certain payments provision - AB1011
Out-of-home care extension re subsidized guardianship payments, adoption assistance, kinship care, and voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement; CBRF licensing not required for certain facilities for persons between 18 and 21 years of age; DCF duties [Sec. 1649-1669, 1681-1694, 1697-1699, 1857, 4679-4688, 4689, 4690-4699; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1648n, s, 4648v, 4654t] - SB21
Out-of-home care extension re subsidized guardianship payments, adoption assistance, kinship care, and voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement; CBRF licensing not required for certain facilities for persons between 18 and 21 years of age; DCF duties [Sec. 1649-1669, 1681-1694, 1697-1699, 1857, 4679-4699] - AB21
Preadoption training requirements revised and reporting certain information to postadoption resource centers - AB40
Readoption in Wisconsin of a child who is a citizen of another country and adopted in that country by a Wisconsin citizen: procedure specified [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, readoption provisions changed to effect and recognition of foreign adoption and guardianship decrees; S.Amdt.1: certificate of birth data prepared by State Registrar provisions added] - AB41
Same-sex marriage and legal parentage for same-sex couples; statutory references to spouses made gender neutral; JSCTE appendix report - AB816
children _ delinquentChildren -- Delinquent, see Juvenile delinquency
Abuse or neglect of a child with a disability: DCF to develop and implement model procedure used in the investigation of; minimum requirements specified; deadline for specified agencies to adopt [A.Amdt.1: ``model procedure" replaced with a plan to ID and address areas in need of improvement] - AB667
Abuse or neglect of a child with a disability: DCF to develop and implement model procedure used in the investigation of; minimum requirements specified; deadline for specified agencies to adopt - SB574
Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions [S.Amdt.3: child abuse limited to sexual abuse, parent or legal guardian may request an advocate for a minor] - SB323
Adoption re TPR: DCF contact preference forms; access to identifying information, medical and genetic information, and the original birth certificate; State Registrar and DHS duties - AB650
Battery to a child welfare or juvenile justice worker acting in an official capacity: felony penalty provisions - AB284
Battery to a child welfare or juvenile justice worker acting in an official capacity: felony penalty provisions - SB204
Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision - AB513
Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision - SB386
Brighter Futures Initiative expanded to include services and training re adverse early childhood experiences [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1678t-w] - SB21
Child abuse report re person, who is not the child's caregiver, suspected of allowing or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution: sheriff or police department is required to report to a child welfare agency which is required to investigate; prosecuting person under age 18 for prostitution prohibited - AB267
Child abuse report re person, who is not the child's caregiver, suspected of allowing or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution: sheriff or police department is required to report to a child welfare agency which is required to investigate; prosecuting person under age 18 for prostitution prohibited - SB200
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - AB737