Crimes and safety-related incidents that occur on school property, school transportation, or school sanctioned events: public high schools and private high schools participating in parental choice program required to collect and report statistics; DPI duties and accountability report provision - SB470
Deceased prison inmate: procedures relating to burial or cremation, unclaimed corpse, notification to relative, prohibition on cremation re homicide, and charges to prisoner’s estate - AB770
Deceased prison inmate: procedures relating to burial or cremation, unclaimed corpse, notification to relative, prohibition on cremation re homicide, and charges to prisoner’s estate - SB585
Defendant’s initial appearance if charged with a misdemeanor: DA is required to disclose certain records - AB983
Derogatory information: threats to expose with intent to extort money or compel person to act against the person's will made a felony, visual and audio information provisions - AB53
Derogatory information: threats to expose with intent to extort money or compel person to act against the person's will made a felony, visual and audio information provisions - SB366
Drone used to commit a crime: penalty enhancer created - AB671
Drone used to commit a crime: penalty enhancer created - SB497
Employment discrimination includes considering applicant's conviction record before being selected for an interview - AB879
Employment discrimination includes considering applicant's conviction record before being selected for an interview - SB675
Expunging court record of certain offenses committed before the offender reaches age 25: court may order only when the sentence is successfully completed - AB1008
Expunging court record of certain offenses committed before the offender reaches age 25: person may petition the court any time after 10 years passed since successful completion of the sentence; court may order upon petition, conditions set - AB1009
Firearm possession by person convicted of multiple or violent misdemeanors: prohibition created - AB274
Firearm possession by person convicted of multiple or violent misdemeanors: prohibition created - SB199
Forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime: laws revised; proceeds of sales turned into the state school fund; transferring property to federal agents also revised; law enforcement agencies and DOJ duties - AB537
Forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime: laws revised; proceeds of sales turned into the state school fund; transferring property to federal agents also revised; law enforcement agencies and DOJ duties - SB521
GPS device placed on another person's vehicle or obtaining GPS information about another person's location or movement without that person's knowledge prohibited; spouse's vehicle and exceptions provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, spouse's vehicle provision removed; S.Amdt.3: device with global positioning technology added] - AB19
Hiding or burying a corpse illegally: felony penalty revised - AB202
Hiding or burying a corpse illegally: felony penalty revised - SB133
Human trafficking resource center hotline poster: DOJ to design and make available to print from its Internet site; certain businesses encouraged to display it [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, poster provisions revised and display in certain public places added] - AB16
Human trafficking resource center hotline poster: DOJ to design and make available to print from its Internet site; certain businesses encouraged to display it - SB14
Intimidating a witness provision modified - AB5
Invasion of privacy crime created re installing or using device to view under a person's clothing without consent - AB8
Invasion of privacy crime created re installing or using device to view under a person's clothing without consent; JRCCP report - SB4
JCLO required to appoint a committee to study the impact of a criminal conviction on the ability to obtain a professional license when the offense does not substantially relate to the licensed activity; findings due before January 3, 2017 - AJR116
John Doe proceeding revisions re crimes that may be investigated, time limit on proceedings, costs are public record, certain judges excluded, and special prosecutors - AB68
John Doe proceeding revisions re crimes that may be investigated, time limit on proceedings, costs are public record, certain judges excluded, and special prosecutors [S.Amdt.5: judge may issue a search warrant; S.Amdt.6: application of secrecy order; S.Amdt.7: ``crime" definition modified] - SB43
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, historic landmark and preservation provisions revised, sign provision removed; A.Amdt.1: historic landmark provisions revised] - AB568
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions - SB445
Lost or stolen firearm: report to law enforcement and written notice in commercial sales or transfers required; penalty provisions - AB895
Making a terrorist threat made a felony, conditions specified - AB341
Making a terrorist threat made a felony, conditions specified - SB256
Marijuana: elimination of criminal penalty for possession of 25 grams or less - AB246
Marijuana: elimination of criminal penalty for possession of 25 grams or less - SB167
Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure - AB523
Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure - SB403
OWI first and second offense penalties revised - AB363
Penalty enhancer for certain crimes committed on the premises of a gas station while armed with a handgun - AB302
Penalty enhancers increased for crimes in which the perpetrator intentionally selects the victim based on race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry - SB682
Person’s presence in a high-crime area does not constitute reasonable suspicion for a law enforcement officer to temporarily detain or search for or seize a weapon - AB984
Powdered alcohol sale prohibition created, exceptions provided - AB72
Powdered alcohol sale prohibition created, exceptions provided - SB10
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - AB406
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - SB309
Reclassifying a misdemeanor to a forfeiture or changing a penalty re disorderly conduct, theft of merchandise, and marijuana possession - AB995
Reclassifying certain felonies to misdemeanors re worthless checks, bail jumping, and second offense possession of marijuana - AB994
Representation and distribution of nude child: criminal penalty exception for parents does not apply when the purpose is for sexual arousal, gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary gain - AB630
Representation and distribution of nude child: criminal penalty exception for parents does not apply when the purpose is for sexual arousal, gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary gain - SB614
Restraining order or injunction re victim of abuse, harassment, or threats: clerk of court required to forward copy to sheriff and sheriff required to assist in serving the respondent; confidentiality and electronic transmittal provisions [A.Amdt.1: service fee provision added] - AB615
Restraining order or injunction re victim of abuse, harassment, or threats: clerk of court required to forward copy to sheriff and sheriff required to assist in serving the respondent; confidentiality and electronic transmittal provisions - SB490
School bullying policy: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; prohibitions for posting messages that threaten harm or includes obscene, lewd, or profane language where others can view it created, penalty provisions - AB496
School bullying policy: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; prohibitions for posting messages that threaten harm or includes obscene, lewd, or profane language where others can view it created, penalty provisions - SB473
Self-defense: presumption of reasonableness in criminal and civil actions repealed; attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses provisions removed - AB1022
Sex-trafficking victims who are children: funding for treatment and services [Sec. 720, 1675] - AB21
Sex-trafficking victims who are children: funding for treatment and services [Sec. 720, 1675] - SB21
State justice assistance grants created in DOJ [Sec. 334, 748, 750, 751, 754, 757, 760, 761, 764, 779-781, 3504, 3508, 3513-3515] - AB21
State justice assistance grants created in DOJ [Sec. 334, 748, 750, 751, 754, 757, 760, 761, 764, 779-781, 3504, 3508, 3513-3515; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, justice assistance grant provisions deleted, youth diversion grant reductions added, 754s, 764c, 3515b, d, 9126 (1c), deletes all original numbers except 748] - SB21
State right to work law re labor organization membership or payments to as condition of employment prohibited, misdemeanor provision - AB61
State right to work law re labor organization membership or payments to as condition of employment prohibited, misdemeanor provision - SB44
Strip search of certain detained persons: requirement repealed re detained for at least 12 hours - AB340
Strip search of certain detained persons: requirement repealed re detained for at least 12 hours - SB248
Strip searches performed on jail detainees: law enforcement required to report certain information to DOJ - SB756
Switchblade knife prohibition and definition modified; law enforcement exemption [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, knives treated the same as firearms re sale, purchase, possession, and charges of disorderly conduct, concealed weapon license and armed with a concealed knife prohibition provisions; A.Amdt.2: ordinance or resolution prohibiting possession of knives in certain buildings permitted] - AB142
Threat or false threat to use a firearm in a school zone made a felony - AB273
Threat or false threat to use a firearm in a school zone made a felony - SB197
Treatment and diversion (TAD) program grants: DOJ appropriation increased [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for persons who use alcohol or other drugs grants to counties and conditions added, DOA duties] - AB657
Unclassified misdemeanors classified; certain misdemeanors changed to civil forfeiture; obsolete misdemeanors repealed; law enforcement citation procedure expanded re civil forfeiture, rules of discovery provision - AB128
Uniform Act on Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking: adopting portions not in current law - SB745
Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act (2002) adopted - AB473
Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act (2002) adopted - SB351
crime and criminals _ batteryCrime and criminals -- Battery
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions - AB147
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions [S.Amdt.1: includes former officials, deletes acting in their official capacity at time of act or threat provision] - SB117
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, public defender, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions - AB347
Battery to a child welfare or juvenile justice worker acting in an official capacity: felony penalty provisions - AB284
Battery to a child welfare or juvenile justice worker acting in an official capacity: felony penalty provisions - SB204
Bodily substances thrown or expelled at a prosecutor made a felony - AB357
Cosleeping with a child under 12 months while intoxicated and causing harm or death made a felony; CANPB to prepare and make available materials re safe sleep and cosleeping while intoxicated; providing the information to pregnant women or parents of newborns, pupils in one of grades 10 to 12, and other specified individuals required, immunity from liability provision - AB94
Cosleeping with a child under 12 months while intoxicated and causing harm or death made a felony; CANPB to prepare and make available materials re safe sleep and cosleeping while intoxicated; providing the information to pregnant women or parents of newborns, pupils in one of grades 10 to 12, and other specified individuals required, immunity from liability provision - SB46
Possession of marijuana after conviction for Uniform Controlled Substances Act violation: penalty reduced; except if it occurred on school grounds, person carried a dangerous weapon, force was used, or someone suffered death or great bodily harm - AB945
crime and criminals _ felonyCrime and criminals -- Felony
Abortion law revisions re postfertilization age of unborn child, prohibition at or after 20 weeks, hospital and clinic reporting requirements, and informed consent; exemption, civil remedies, injunction, and penalty provisions [S.Amdt.1: protection provision modified re substantial risk to the pregnant woman] - SB179
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions - AB147
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions [S.Amdt.1: includes former officials, deletes acting in their official capacity at time of act or threat provision] - SB117
Battery or threats to cause harm to a judge, prosecutor, public defender, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions - AB347
Bodily substances thrown or expelled at a prosecutor made a felony - AB357
Bodily substances thrown or expelled at a prosecutor made a felony - SB544
Competency determination hearings and commitment - AB259
Competency determination hearings and commitment - SB181