Behavioral health care coordination pilot projects and psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot projects authorized; grant to develop Internet site and system re availability of inpatient psychiatric beds; DHS duties and reports required - SB293
Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population - AB440
Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population - SB317
Community mental health services funding: certain appropriations consolidated to form; certain relocation programs eliminated [Sec. 693, 694, 701, 702, 1518, 1519, 1523, 1524, 1536, 1537, 1633, 1802, 1897-1900, 9118 (1), 9418 (1)] - AB21
Community mental health services funding: certain appropriations consolidated to form; certain relocation programs eliminated [Sec. 693, 694, 701, 702, 1518, 1519, 1523, 1524, 1536, 1537, 1633, 1802, 1897-1900, 9118 (1), 9418 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DHS required to consult Wisconsin Counties Association and other organizations interested in mental health and get JCF approval before implementing distribution method, 9118 (1q)] - SB21
Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] - AB21
Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] - SB21
DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law for services and support re women with increased risk of negative birth outcomes; expanding who can claim Wisconsin EITC; nurse-midwife governing provisions, and Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund coverage; statewide electronic data management and information system for all public assistance programs; evidence-based home visitation program re child abuse or neglect or poor birth outcomes; informed consent before certain elective caesarean section and labor-inducing procedures; infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; cultural competency training for certain students at UW and TCS institutions; DHS reports re neonatal intensive care units and fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; DHS to promulgate rules for best practices for postpartum patients and newborns at hospitals - AB852
Dietetic internship program established under the WIC program; DHS duties - AB530
Dietetic internship program established under the WIC program; DHS duties [S.Amdt.1: federal funds specified, DHS FTE position added] - SB402
Facilities for persons with traumatic brain injuries: DHS to establish licensure program; criteria and MA provisions - AB921
Facilities for persons with traumatic brain injuries: DHS to establish licensure program; criteria and MA provisions - SB746
Family income eligibility level modified for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core; DHS required to comply with federal requirements and make necessary changes to qualify for enhanced federal MA percentage (or FMAP); private schools participating in parental choice programs revisions re family income limit, per pupil payment, instructional staff license or permit, background checks, reading readiness assessments, high school diploma criteria, corporal punishment, expulsion, building inspections, school data and pupil records, school must be located in this state and in operation for two years, and meetings between school's governing board and pupils, prospective pupils, and their parents - AB854
Family planning and related preventive health services: DHS to annually apply for federal grants and distribute funds to the Wisconsin Well-Woman Program and other entities under certain conditions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DHS staffing provision] - AB310
Family planning and related preventive health services: DHS to annually apply for federal grants and distribute funds to the Wisconsin Well-Woman Program and other entities under certain conditions - SB237
Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of (DFIPS), created; all DFI functions transferred to; DOA administration of disabled veteran, women, and minority owned business certifications transferred to; Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Office of Business Development transferred to; EAB eliminated and functions transferred to DFIPS and DATCP; tattooing, body piercing, and tanning oversight transferred to; DSPS eliminated and all functions transferred to, except private on-site wastewater treatment systems to DNR [for section numbers, see entry under ``Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of"] - AB21
Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of (DFIPS), created; all DFI functions transferred to; DOA administration of disabled veteran, women, and minority owned business certifications transferred to; Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Office of Business Development transferred to; EAB eliminated and functions transferred to DFIPS and DATCP; tattooing, body piercing, and tanning oversight transferred to; DSPS eliminated and all functions transferred to, except private on-site wastewater treatment systems to DNR and Veterinary Examining Board to DATCP - AB163
Financial Institutions and Professional Services, Department of (DFIPS), created; all DFI functions transferred to; DOA administration of disabled veteran, women, and minority owned business certifications transferred to; Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Office of Business Development transferred to; EAB eliminated and functions transferred to DFIPS and DATCP; tattooing, body piercing, and tanning oversight transferred to; DSPS eliminated and all functions transferred to, except private on-site wastewater treatment systems to DNR and Veterinary Examining Board to DATCP - SB119
Food protection practices certificate issued by DHS required to operate a school lunchroom in schools participating in the National School Lunch Program [A.Amdt.1: ``operator or manager of the lunchroom" defined re charter, private, and tribal schools; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: tribal school removed] - AB37
Food protection practices certificate issued by DHS required to operate a school lunchroom in schools participating in the National School Lunch Program - SB34
Food protection practices (FPP) certificate renewal: retraining course option for certificate holder at restaurant with five or fewer food handlers; DHS duties [A.Amdt.1: certificate specifics and DHS authority provisions added] - AB17
Food protection practices (FPP) certificate renewal: retraining course option for certificate holder at restaurant with five or fewer food handlers; DHS duties - SB12
Grow Wisconsin pilot program in Dane, Rock, and Milwaukee counties: DHS directed to implement re assisting FoodShare recipients to purchase food grown or made in Wisconsin - AB292
Grow Wisconsin pilot program in Dane, Rock, and Milwaukee counties: DHS directed to implement re assisting FoodShare recipients to purchase food grown or made in Wisconsin - SB214
Health: patient rights to medically accurate information; Office of Advancement in Medical Knowledge and Care created; hospital offering maternity care services required to permit all standard reproductive health care services in its capacity and honor stated conscientious beliefs of certain health care providers; abortion laws revised; employment retribution and unfair discrimination prohibitions; DHS to establish an Implementation Health Care Task Force, report required; prohibited acts against health care patient or provider, penalties and civil actions provisions; health care liability insurance policy requirements; Comprehensive Women’s Health Research Council created - AB880
Health: patient rights to medically accurate information; Office of Advancement in Medical Knowledge and Care created; hospital offering maternity care services required to permit all standard reproductive health care services in its capacity and honor stated conscientious beliefs of certain health care providers; abortion laws revised; employment retribution and unfair discrimination prohibitions; DHS to establish an Implementation Health Care Task Force, report required; prohibited acts against health care patient or provider, penalties and civil actions provisions; health care liability insurance policy requirements; Comprehensive Women’s Health Research Council created - SB653
Lead investigation conducted by DHS in homes of certain children: required blood lead level in children under 6 years of age reduced - AB957
Lysosomal storage disorders: newborn screening required; DHS duties - AB65
Lysosomal storage disorders: newborn screening required; DHS duties - SB39
MA demonstration project re health care coverage for low-income, childless adults under age 65: DHS to request amendment to DHHS wavier; quarterly report to JCF required [Sec. 1796, 1797, 9118 (6)] - AB21
MA demonstration project re health care coverage for low-income, childless adults under age 65: DHS to request amendment to DHHS wavier; quarterly report to JCF required [Sec. 1796, 1797, 9118 (6)] - SB21
MA purchase plan (MAPP) eligibility and premium requirements revised; other MA and long-term care program eligibility modified re certain account and retirement income; DHS duties - AB414
Marijuana: state law changed to allow recreational and medical use of; restrictions, permits, taxation, medical registry, compassion centers, and penalties specified; OWI provision; DHS duties - AB224
Medical marijuana registry created and DHS duties; medical use defense to prosecutions, ID cards, dispensaries, testing laboratories, discrimination, background checks, fees, penalties, and local government provisions - SB789
Medication for the purpose of ending life: individuals meeting requirements may request from their physicians; DHS duties; does not constitute attempted suicide - AB67
Medication for the purpose of ending life: individuals meeting requirements may request from their physicians; DHS duties; does not constitute attempted suicide - SB28
Mental health services in schools: DHS cannot require mental health clinic or licensed treatment professional from designating a school site as a clinic in order to provide services [A.Amdt.1: MA reimbursement for licensed treatment professionals added] - AB664
Mental health services in schools: DHS cannot require mental health clinic or licensed treatment professional from designating a school site as a clinic in order to provide services - SB591
Mental health treatment under MA: limitations on what is required for prior authorizations set; DHS and HMO duties - AB713
Nonemergency medical transportation services to MA recipients in certain counties: DHS to modify contract and make alternative arrangements; LAB audit provision - AB869
Nonemergency medical transportation services to MA recipients in certain counties: DHS to modify contract and make alternative arrangements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9118 (11f)] - SB21
Nonemergency medical transportation services to MA recipients in certain counties: DHS to modify contract and make alternative arrangements; LAB audit provision - SB646
Outpatient mental health clinics: DHS to accept evidence of accreditation by certain organizations for certification for reimbursement purposes; on-site inspection waived - AB712
Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: payment method revised and MEB provision added] - AB366
Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties - SB272
Pharmacists administering vaccines to children age 6 to 18: required to update the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and MA reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1801, 4037] - AB21
Pharmacists administering vaccines to children age 6 to 18: required to update the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and MA reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1801, 4037] - SB21
Poison control system: federal matching funds [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4109d] - SB21
Premium assistance program: DHS to develop to assist certain eligible persons purchase coverage through an American health benefit exchange; federal approval and JCF provisions - AB101
Premium assistance program: DHS to develop to assist certain eligible persons purchase coverage through an American health benefit exchange; federal approval and JCF provisions - SB68
Qualified treatment trainees to provide certain mental health services under MA: HMO or other managed care organization must provide or DHS prohibited from contracting with them; definition provision - AB711
Shoreland zoning revisions made in 2015 WisAct 55 eliminated; BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core family income eligibility level changed; DHS to comply with federal requirements and request enhanced federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) payment; JCF provision - AB861
Statewide parental choice program phased out; family income eligibility for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core raised; DHS required to take necessary steps to qualify for enhanced federal MA percentage (FMAP) - AB462
Tattooing, body piercing, and tanning oversight transferred from DHS to DFIPS [Sec. 548, 549, 669, 1454, 1853, 1879, 2471, 2693, 2716, 2717, 3121, 4031, 4032, 4041-4044, 4048, 4108, 4317, 4377, 4524, 4525, 9118 (3); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DFIPS provisions removed, transferred to DSPS, 9418 (2f)] - SB21
Tuberculosis screening questionnaire required of school district employees; exemptions and DHS duties - AB1018
Video recording of surgical procedures: hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and other surgical facilities required to offer the option to patients; health care records, advance request, and penalty provisions; DHS duties - AB255
Virtual dementia tour license: DHS funding authorized - AB783
health services, department of _ supportive living and treatmentHealth Services, Department of -- Supportive living and treatment
Alcohol and other drug assessments: Corr.Dept may establish and operate a treatment facility for providing court-ordered assessments and developing driver safety plans for inmates of a correctional facility; requiring one facility to accept and enforce driver safety plan from another facility; DHS duties - AB597
Alcohol and other drug assessments: Corr.Dept may establish and operate a treatment facility for providing court-ordered assessments and developing driver safety plans for inmates of a correctional facility; requiring one facility to accept and enforce driver safety plan from another facility; DHS duties - SB644
Alzheimer’s Family and Caregiver Support Program: DHS funding for respite care [A.Amdt.1: tribal residential facility and financial eligibility provisions added; A.Amdt.2: participation by tribe or band provisions added; A.Amdt.3: distribution limit modified] - AB787
Care management organizations: DHS may contract with a county or long-term care district to operate outside their geographic area; disposition of property and assets upon dissolution of a long-term care district; federal waiver and creation of nonstock, nonprofit corporation or service insurance corporation provisions; OCI duties - AB856
Care management organizations: DHS may contract with a county or long-term care district to operate outside their geographic area; disposition of property and assets upon dissolution of a long-term care district; federal waiver and creation of nonstock, nonprofit corporation or service insurance corporation provisions; OCI duties [S.Amdt.1: revisions and federal waiver provision removed] - SB687
Children's Mental Health, Office of: director appointed by secretary of DHS, not the Governor [Sec. 146] - AB21
Children's Mental Health, Office of: director appointed by secretary of DHS, not the Governor [Sec. 146; original bill only] - SB21
Controlled substance abuse screening and testing of applicants for Transform Milwaukee Jobs, Transitional Jobs, W-2, and FoodShare employment and training programs: DCF and DHS to implement; waiver, treatment, and JCF provisions - AB191
County-to-county nursing home bed transfers: DHS to develop policy; report to JCF required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9118 (7g)] - SB21
Dementia care specialists in aging and disability resource centers in certain counties: DHS funding for FTE positions; report required - AB788
Dementia crisis unit: DHS to report re individuals with dementia in crisis situations and propose a pilot program [A.Amdt.1: report requirement replaced with pilot program proposal] - AB786
Dementia crisis unit: DHS to report re individuals with dementia in crisis situations and propose a pilot program - SB749
Dementia specialist certification program created; DHS duties - AB785
Dementia specialist certification program created; DHS duties - SB750
Dementia training for mental health mobile crisis teams: DHS to award grants [A.Amdt.1: changed to a one time grant] - AB790
Dementia training for mental health mobile crisis teams: DHS to award grants - SB694
Family Care and IRIS services: DHS to expand to Rock County; exemption from certain contract requirement and JCF approval - AB453
Family Care, Family Care Partnership Program (FCPP), and PACE changes, federal approval provision; IRIS program eliminated; resource center and care management organization (CMO) revisions; Children's Community Options Program created; Family Support Program eliminated; Medicaid services division [for section numbers, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] - AB21
Family Care, Family Care Partnership Program (FCPP), and PACE changes, federal approval provision; IRIS program eliminated; resource center and care management organization (CMO) revisions; Children's Community Options Program created; Family Support Program eliminated; Medicaid services division [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] - SB21
FoodShare cards: DHS to request waiver to limit number of replacement cards in a 12-month period - AB200
FoodShare cards: DHS to request waiver to limit number of replacement cards in a 12-month period - SB136
FoodShare: DHS to remove and store benefits in accounts not used for six months or longer and expunge benefits not used after one year - AB188
FoodShare EBT card: benefit reduced to pay for replacement card; DHS duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 685r, 1832r, 9318 (4f)] - SB21
FoodShare employment and training program: allowing participants to attend nutrition classes in fulfillment of requirements - AB245
FoodShare employment and training program: DHS to request waiver from USDA, and implement if granted, screening and testing of applicants for illegal use of drugs [Sec. 1833, 9118 (5)] - AB21
FoodShare employment and training program: DHS to request waiver from USDA, and implement if granted, screening and testing of applicants for illegal use of drugs - AB191
FoodShare employment and training program: DHS to request waiver from USDA, and implement if granted, screening and testing of applicants for illegal use of drugs [Sec. 1833, 9118 (5); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, USDA waiver removed, DHS rule-making authority added, 679c, 1832p] - SB21
FoodShare: limiting foods that may be purchased; DHS to report to JCF on cost to implement and comply; review and update of list required; federal waiver and WIC provision - AB177
FoodShare photo ID EBT cards: DHS to prepare and submit implementation plan to the USDA’s food and nutrition service, waiver request provision; JCF duties if approved - AB222
Funeral, burial, and cemetery expenses for decedents who received certain public assistance: DHS to pursue recovery of aid, life insurance policy provision [Sec. 1817-1827, 1831, 1832, 1834-1843, 1845, 4588, 4595, 4623-4630, 9318 (1)] - AB21
Funeral, burial, and cemetery expenses for decedents who received certain public assistance: DHS to pursue recovery of aid, life insurance policy provision [Sec. 1817-1827, 1831, 1832, 1834-1843, 1845, 4588, 4595, 4623-4630, 9318 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, estate recovery of funeral and cemetery aid modified, 1819b, c, 1834b, c, deletes 1819, 1834] - SB21