Readoption in Wisconsin of a child who is a citizen of another country and adopted in that country by a Wisconsin citizen: procedure specified [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, readoption provisions changed to effect and recognition of foreign adoption and guardianship decrees; S.Amdt.1: certificate of birth data prepared by State Registrar provisions added] - AB41
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - AB406
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - SB309
Successor guardian appointed for CHIPS upon the death or incapacity of the child’s guardian and subsidized guardianship payment conditions - AB407
Successor guardian appointed for CHIPS upon the death or incapacity of the child’s guardian and subsidized guardianship payment conditions - SB308
Wisconsin Court Appointed Special Advocate Association grants created, sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 763q, qb, 3513g, gb, 9426 (1q)] - SB21
Youth aids allocation and community-based juvenile delinquency-related services administration and standards development transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF; youth aids amount set and Juvenile Justice Code provision [for section numbers, see entry under ``Juvenile delinquency"] - AB21
Youth aids allocation and community-based juvenile delinquency-related services administration and standards development transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF; youth aids amount set and Juvenile Justice Code provision [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Juvenile delinquency"] - SB21
juvenile court _ jurisdictionJuvenile court -- Jurisdiction
Adoption proceedings revision re jurisdiction and venue; standardized qualitative assessment system approved by DCF for the home study required, foster care provision - AB39
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions - AB378
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions - SB280
Elimination of the original jurisdiction of a court of criminal jurisdiction over a juvenile, conditions specified - AB986
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions - AB378
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions - SB280
Child welfare services and juvenile delinquency-related federal funds: limits on DCF use of the funds eliminated [Sec. 722, 1701] - AB21
Child welfare services and juvenile delinquency-related federal funds: limits on DCF use of the funds eliminated [Sec. 722, 1701] - SB21
Corr.Dept Secretary to create committee to study the Missouri juvenile justice model; committee terminates upon submission of findings and recommendations - AB746
Custodial interrogation of a juvenile: law enforcement agency required to notify parent, guardian, legal custodian, or Indian custodian and cannot commence the interrogation until the notice is received; evidence admissibility provision - AB985
Juvenile corrective sanctions program and aftercare supervision eliminated; Office of Juvenile Offender Review (OJOR) duties; Corr.Dept to provide or purchase community supervision services [Sec. 661, 663, 1469, 1678, 1700, 1704, 3584, 4222, 4224, 4227, 4230, 4232, 4267, 4270, 4272-4275, 4301-4309, 4646, 4648-4678, 4702-4712, 4714-4717, 4727, 4728, 9408 (1)] - AB21
Juvenile corrective sanctions program and aftercare supervision eliminated; Office of Juvenile Offender Review (OJOR) duties; Corr.Dept to provide or purchase community supervision services [Sec. 661, 663, 1678, 1700, 3584, 4224, 4227, 4230, 4232, 4267, 4270, 4272-4275, 4301-4309, 4648-4678, 4702, 4703, 4704, 4705-4712, 4714, 4715-4717, 4727, 4728, 9408 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, aftercare supervision revised, 4226b, 4227b, 4648b-t, 4649b-4656tm, 4658b-4659bm, 4661q, 4662b-k, 4664b-4665bm, 4671b, bm, 4673b, bm, 4677b-h, 4703b, bm, 4704b, bm, 4707b, bm, 4709b, bm, 4710c-n, 4711e, h, 4712b-e, 4713c-i, 4714b, bm, 9408 (1v), deletes 4227, 4648-4656, 4658, 4659, 4662, 4664, 4665, 4671, 4673, 4677, 4703, 4704, 4707, 4709, 4712, 4714, 9408 (1)] - SB21
Juvenile Justice Code proceedings: right to trial by jury granted if petitioner recommends placement of the juvenile in Serious Juvenile Offender Program or a juvenile correctional facility beyond age 17 - AB375
State justice assistance grants created in DOJ [Sec. 334, 748, 750, 751, 754, 757, 760, 761, 764, 779-781, 3504, 3508, 3513-3515; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, justice assistance grant provisions deleted, youth diversion grant reductions added, 754s, 764c, 3515b, d, 9126 (1c), deletes all original numbers except 748] - SB21
Youth aids allocation and community-based juvenile delinquency-related services administration and standards development transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF; youth aids amount set and Juvenile Justice Code provision [Sec. 660, 662, 664, 665, 721, 723, 810, 1466-1468, 1470, 1471, 1474, 1475, 1478, 1484-1490, 1493-1496, 1500-1503, 1507-1517, 1671-1674, 1676, 1677, 1680, 1702, 1703, 1764-1781, 1783-1788, 1792, 4221, 4223, 4226, 4228, 4229, 4231, 4233-4247, 4249-4251, 4254-4266, 4276-4295, 4297-4299, 4645, 4647, 4700, 4701, 9108 (1), 9408 (2)] - AB21
Youth aids allocation and community-based juvenile delinquency-related services administration and standards development transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF; youth aids amount set and Juvenile Justice Code provision [Sec. 660, 662, 664, 665, 721, 723, 810, 1466-1471, 1474, 1475, 1478, 1484-1490, 1493-1496, 1500-1503, 1507-1517, 1671-1674, 1676, 1677, 1680, 1702-1704, 1764-1767, 1768-1776, 1777, 1778-1781, 1783-1785, 1786-1788, 1792, 4221-4223, 4226, 4228, 4229, 4231, 4233-4247, 4249, 4250, 4251, 4254-4266, 4276-4295, 4297-4299, 4645-4647, 4700, 4701, 9108 (1), 9408 (2); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1468b, 1469b, 1478b, 1496b, 1512d, 1703b, 1704b, 4221b, 4222b, 4246d, 4645b, 4646b-q, 4688x, 4689x, 4699e-4700e, 4701b, 4702e-p, 4703c-k, 4704e-t, 4713k-s, 4714e, f, h-n, 9408 (1vw), deletes 1468, 1469, 1478, 1486, 1496, 1512, 1671-1673, 1703, 1704, 4221, 4222, 4226, 4246, 4645, 4646, 4700, 4701, 9408 (2)] - SB21
Youthful offender rehabilitative program: Corr.Dept to design and implement for offenders under age 25 - AB993
juvenile detention facilityJuvenile detention facility
Audit, Assembly Committee on, to submit a request to JLAC for a program evaluation audit of state corrections programs before February 23, 2016; Assembly Committee on Corrections to hold oversight hearings on adult and juvenile corrections programs and facilities before July 1, 2016, report required before September 1, 2016 - AR27
Community youth and family aids: juvenile corrections daily rates set [Sec. 4268, 4269, 4271] - AB21
Community youth and family aids: juvenile corrections daily rates set [Sec. 4268-4272; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, sections 4269-4272 deleted and recreated] - SB21
Corr.Dept Secretary to create committee to study the Missouri juvenile justice model; committee terminates upon submission of findings and recommendations - AB746
Elimination of the original jurisdiction of a court of criminal jurisdiction over a juvenile, conditions specified - AB986
Juvenile correctional services: administration transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF - SB804
Juvenile corrective sanctions program and aftercare supervision eliminated; Office of Juvenile Offender Review (OJOR) duties; Corr.Dept to provide or purchase community supervision services [for section numbers, see entry under ``Juvenile delinquency"] - AB21
Juvenile corrective sanctions program and aftercare supervision eliminated; Office of Juvenile Offender Review (OJOR) duties; Corr.Dept to provide or purchase community supervision services [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Juvenile delinquency"] - SB21
Juvenile Justice Code proceedings: right to trial by jury granted if petitioner recommends placement of the juvenile in Serious Juvenile Offender Program or a juvenile correctional facility beyond age 17 - AB375
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center funding [Sec. 1472] - AB21
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center funding [Sec. 1472] - SB21
Solitary confinement of inmate under 18 years of age prohibited - SB803
Spiritual treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment for children: exemptions removed re county department determination of child abuse or neglect, felony physical abuse of a child, and administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody; Christian Science treatment limited to adult patients - AB959
kendall, town ofKendall, Town of, see Lafayette County
kenosha, city ofKenosha, City of
Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce recognized for 100 years of service to the greater Kenosha area - AJR106
kenosha countyKenosha County
``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties [A.Amdt.1: appropriation removed, contributions from interested parties and other conditions added] - AB512
``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties - SB384
Municipal public utilities: extension of water or sewer service from another municipality provisions created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1991m; S.Amdt.2: county specified and appeal to PSC provision added] - SB21
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission for the Illinois Fox River basin: jurisdiction expanded, board of commissioners modified, and other administration changes - AB715
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission for the Illinois Fox River basin: jurisdiction expanded, board of commissioners modified, and other administration changes - SB548
kewaunee, city ofKewaunee, City of
Harbor assistance grant to City of Kewaunee [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 650m, 877s, 9145 (1c)] - SB21
kickapoo reserve management boardKickapoo Reserve Management Board
Kickapoo Reserve Management Board attached to DNR from Tour.Dept [Sec. 105, 218, 363, 642-648, 806, 965, 998-1003, 1059, 1423, 1424, 3581, 4215, 4216, 9144 (1)] - AB21
Kickapoo Reserve Management Board attached to DNR from Tour.Dept [Sec. 105, 218, 363, 642-648, 806, 965, 998-1003, 1059, 1423, 1424, 3581, 4215, 4216, 9144 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transfer deleted, Kickapoo Reserve Management Board established, Tour.Dept duties, 648m, n, 924m, 1064m, 1424m, deletes 105, 218, 363, 965, 998-1003, 1059, 1423, 1424, 3581, 4215, 4216, 9144 (1)] - SB21
Child sexual abuse prevention policy and instructional program for kindergarten through sixth grade: DPI to develop and school boards required to adopt DPI program or their own policy and program - AB691
Child sexual abuse prevention policy and instructional program for kindergarten through sixth grade: DPI to develop and school boards required to adopt DPI program or their own policy and program - SB501
Expelling or suspending a pupil in 4-year-old kindergarten, 5-year-old kindergarten, or first grade prohibited; exceptions provided - SB788
Physical education instruction requirement in public schools - AB829
Physical education instruction requirement in public schools - SB774
Pupils enrolled in 4-year-old kindergarten program requiring full day attendance: counting for state aid purposes modified - AB883
kinship careKinship care, see Day care
kohler, village ofKohler, Village of, see Sheboygan County
kreunen, rodney warrenKreunen, Rodney Warren
Life and public service of a former State Commissioner of Railroads commended upon his death - AJR97
Life and public service of a former State Commissioner of Railroads commended upon his death - SJR79
Career and technical education incentive grants in DPI eliminated and DWD permitted to award instead; appropriations for apprenticeship completion and local youth apprenticeship grants from the Wisconsin fast forward grants appropriation [Sec. 564, 727-730, 1421, 3079-3090, 3096, 3193] - AB21
Career and technical education incentive grants in DPI eliminated and DWD permitted to award instead; appropriations for apprenticeship completion and local youth apprenticeship grants from the Wisconsin fast forward grants appropriation [Sec. 564, 727-730, 1421, 3079-3090, 3096, 3193; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants transferred to DWD and conferring with DPI required, apprenticeship provisions removed, 727b, d, 3081d, 3193b-bi, deletes 727-729, 3079-3081, 3096, 3193] - SB21
``Cesar E. Chavez Day": state agencies required to designate March 31 as; optional state holiday for state employees provision - AB437
Labor region methodology study re MA reimbursement rates to nursing homes: DHS required to conduct [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9118 (4u)] - SB21
labor and industry review commissionLabor and Industry Review Commission
Federal moneys received by DWD transferred to LIRC re unemployment administration and equal rights functions (remedial legislation) - AB685
Federal moneys received by DWD transferred to LIRC re unemployment administration and equal rights functions (remedial legislation) - SB560
LIRC transferred from DWD to DOA; Governor to appoint the general counsel [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 146m, 666m, 741m, 918m, 3673m] - SB21
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; study of restricted work during employee healing period required; DHA, LIRC, DOJ, and DWD duties - AB501
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties [A.Amdt.1: certain employees of newspapers or magazines provision added] - AB724
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; study of restricted work during employee healing period required; DHA, LIRC, DOJ, and DWD duties - SB456
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties - SB536
Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th - AJR40
Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th and Assembly Chief Clerk to remove portrait of Governor Jeremiah Rusk from public display and hang historic photo of the iron puddlers in Bay View for set number of days - AR8