Trans 253.06 (4m) Class “B" highways. The vehicle is not operated upon a class “B" highway, as classified in accordance with s. 348.16, Stats., with a gross weight exceeding that permitted by statute on class “B" highways unless written permission has first been obtained from the officer in charge of the maintenance of the highway.
SB360,140 Section 140 . Trans 253.06 (6) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 253.06 (6) Permit carried on vehicle. The driver carries the permit with attached local road approval letters in the vehicle and available for inspection by any police officer, representative of the department or any local authority or person in charge of maintaining the highway being used.
SB360,141 Section 141 . Trans 253.06 (16) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 253.06 (16) Adverse weather and road conditions. A permit is not valid during periods when adverse weather or road conditions, such as fog, smoke, heavy rain, snow or ice, or wind velocity, impair the safety of a movement under the permit. The department may suspend a permit or any of the conditions of a permit because of seasonal highway conditions.
SB360,142 Section 142 . Trans 253.065 (title) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 253.065 (title) Times of operation; permit conditions.
SB360,143 Section 143 . Trans 253.065 (2) and (3) of the administrative code are repealed.
SB360,144 Section 144 . Trans 253.065 (4) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 253.065 (4) The department may issue a permit for times other than those specified in sub. (1), (2) or (3), under extraordinary circumstances when, in the opinion of the department, public health and welfare is better served, and may impose additional conditions on a permit to promote the safe operation of the vehicle and load.
SB360,145 Section 145. Trans 310.01 (2) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 310.01 (2) This chapter applies to the use of safety restraint systems or safety belts by children under the age of 8, being transported in a motor vehicle. The term motor vehicle includes, but is not limited to, automobiles, station wagons, vans, trucks and motor homes.
SB360,146 Section 146. Trans 310.04 (1) and (2) of the administrative code are consolidated, renumbered Trans 310.04 and amended to read:
Trans 310.04 No person subject to the provisions of s. 347.48 (2m) (c) and (4) (am), Stats., may transport a child under the age of 4 in a motor vehicle 8 unless the child is properly restrained in a child safety restraint system. (2) No person subject to the provisions of s. 347.48 (2m) (c) and (4) (as) 4., Stats., may transport a child who is at least 4 years old but less than 8 years old in a motor vehicle unless the child is properly restrained in a child safety restraint system or a safety belt transported in a manner compliant with s. 347.48 (4) (as), Stats.
SB360,147 Section 147. Trans 310.04 (note) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,148 Section 148. Trans 310.05 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 310.05 (1) A child under the age of 8 who, because of a medical condition, body size or a physical disability, is incapable of being transported in a child safety restraint system, may be transported without a safety restraint system or safety belt providing:
SB360,149 Section 149. Trans 315.01 (2) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 315.01 (2) This chapter applies to all persons who are at least 4 8 years old and are subject to the safety belt installation and usage requirements of s. 347.48, Stats.
SB360,150 Section 150. Trans 315.03 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 315.03 (1) A person who is at least 4 8 years old is exempted from the provisions of s. 347.48 (2m), Stats., if the person cannot be properly restrained in a safety belt because of a physical or medical condition providing:
SB360,151 Section 151. Trans 315.03 (2) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 315.03 (2) A person at least 4 8 years old being transported in an authorized emergency vehicle as defined in s. 340.01 (3), Stats., when the vehicle is being operated in the performance of official duties, may be transported without a safety belt when the physical or medical needs of the person make restraint by safety belt unreasonable.
SB360,223 Section 223 . Trans 401.04 (28) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 401.04 (28) “Section 404 permit" means a permit issued by the U.S. army corps of engineers Army Corps of Engineers under 33 USC 1344 of the clean water act, as amended.
SB360,224 Section 224. Trans 510.08 (2) (intro.), (a) and (b) of the administrative code are consolidated, renumbered Trans 510.08 (2) and amended to read:
Trans 510.08 (2) A jobs guarantee with the local governing body shall be part of the project agreement when deemed necessary by the department in order to protect the public interest. The local governing body shall, in turn, be encouraged to develop a similar agreement with the economic development project. The jobs guarantee shall obligate the local governing body to reimburse the department for up to the full amount of the grant if either of the following occurs: (a) The guaranteed number of direct jobs associated with the economic development project do not result within 3 years of the date the project agreement is executed. (b) The the guaranteed number of direct jobs associated with the economic development project do not exist 7 5 years after the date the project agreement is executed. The base number of jobs to be used for comparison shall be established on the date funds are awarded. Verification of the number of direct jobs associated with the economic development project shall be made utilizing information available from the department of workforce development and other sources.
SB360,225 Section 225. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
(1) The treatment of section Trans 146.04 (4) of the administrative code takes effect on January 1, 2016.