SB360,14 Section 14. Trans 31.03 (8) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 31.03 (8) Any permit issued by the department shall expire on the date specified by BR&H RHS. In no event shall a permit expire later than December 31 of the year in which the application proposes operation to commence.
SB360,15 Section 15. Trans 31.04 (1) (h) 2. of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 31.04 (1) (h) 2. All active grade-crossing warning devices are functional and can be operated by the equipment proposed to be used unless BR&H RHS waives this requirement in writing on the permit.
SB360,16 Section 16. Trans 31.04 (1) (k) 1. of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 31.04 (1) (k) 1. An Maintenance of an established escrow account approved by the department with a Wisconsin financial institution for the deposit of all amounts received from buyers in advance ticket sales.
SB360,17 Section 17. Trans 31.04 (1) (k) 2. of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 31.04 (1) (k) 2. A financial instrument , including a bond, a certificate of deposit, or an irrevocable letter of credit, from a Wisconsin financial institution in an amount sufficient to refund the expected advance payments for service and department administrative costs of processing refunds in the event that the excursion is not operated for any reason. The financial instrument described in this subdivision shall be established in favor of or made payable to the state, for the benefit of any buyer who does not receive a refund if performance of the event for which a ticket has been purchased has been cancelled or rescheduled. An applicant shall file with the department any agreement, instrument, or other document necessary to enforce the commitment against the sponsor or any relevant 3rd party.
SB360,18 Section 18. Trans 55.02 (2m) of the administrative code is created to read:
Trans 55.02 (2m) “Approach" means areas beyond the runway end intended to provide safe navigable airspace for aircraft arrivals and departures to and from a landing facility.
SB360,19 Section 19. Trans 55.06 (3) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 55.06 (3) (a) An airport owner shall maintain clear and safe runway protection zones as described in FAA advisory circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design, as amended, except for runway lighting fixtures, markers and metrological instruments whose locations are fixed by their functional purposes or a structure approved by the FAA. The owner shall establish positive control of the runway protection zones through the acquisition of fee title or avigation easement. The owner shall prevent the erection or creation of a structure or place of public assembly in the runway protection zone.
SB360,20 Section 20. Trans 55.06 (4) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 55.06 (4) (a) A public airport owner shall adopt the following ordinances within 6 months after receipt of a sample ordinance receiving notice from the secretary:
SB360,21 Section 21. Trans 55.06 (8) (c) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 55.06 (8) (c) The airport layout plan and each amendment, revision or modification to the plan shall be subject to the approval of the secretary, which approval shall be evidenced by the signature of a duly authorized representative of the secretary on the face of the airport layout plan. The airport owner may not make or permit a change or alteration in the airport or in any of its facilities other than in conformity with the airport layout plan as approved by the secretary if the changes or alterations might adversely affect the safety, utility or efficiency of the airport.
SB360,22 Section 22. Trans 56.04 (3) (b) 3. of the administrative code is repealed and recreated to read:
Trans 56.04 (3) (b) 3. Latitude and longitude coordinates of the proposed structure.
SB360,23 Section 23. Trans 56.04 (3) (b) 4. of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,24 Section 24 . Trans 56.04 (3) (b) 5. to 9. of the administrative code are renumbered Trans 56.04 (3) (b) 4. to 8.
SB360,25 Section 25 . Trans 56.05 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 56.05 (1) All marking and lighting shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed in the FAA publication, AC 70/7460-1H, "Obstruction Marking and Lighting," as amended latest FAA obstruction marking and lighting standards. The applicant shall comply with designated FAA and FCC marking and lighting.
SB360,26 Section 26. Trans 57.04 (1) (b) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 57.04 (1) (b) A displaced threshold shall be marked similar to attached diagram B for runways with other than paved surfaces. Runways with paved surfaces shall be marked in accordance with the latest FAA advisory circular 150/5340-1G, "Standards for Airport Markings," September 27, 1993 marking standards. In addition, if the runway is lighted, the displaced threshold it shall be lighted in accordance with FAA advisory circular 150/5340-24, "Runway and Taxiway Edge Lighting System," September 3, 1975. It applies to low intensity runway lighting systems and medium intensity systems the latest FAA lighting standards.
SB360,27 Section 27. Trans 57.05 (2) (f) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 57.05 (2) (f) FR IFR and VFR traffic considerations. A certificate of site approval may be denied if the proposed site underlies the airspace in the primary approach area for an instrument approach, and the traffic pattern altitude conflicts with published altitudes for the approach.
SB360,28 Section 28. Trans 100.01 (2) (note) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 100.01 (2) (note) For purposes of accident reporting, at least one car, truck, bus, or motorcycle must be in transport for the department to consider the accident reportable. For information on occupational licenses, see s. Trans 117.03 (2) (k). Forms used in this chapter are MV 3038 resolution authorizing power of attorney under ch. 344, Stats., MV 3039 minors release, MV 3041 release of liability, MV 3044 evaluation of property damage, MV 3045 evaluation of personal injuries, MV 3046 evaluation of motor vehicle damage, MV 3069 application for self-insurance, MV 3070 safety responsibility self-insurance certificate, MV 3100 notice of incomplete report, MV 3128 installment agreement to pay damages, MV 3343 compliance notification, MV 3347 emergency vehicle involvement, MV 3384 safety responsibility information, MV 3385 informational letter to injured party, and MV 3387 reinstatement instructions, MV 4000 Wisconsin motor vehicle accident report. Forms may be obtained, free of charge, from Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Traffic Accident Section, P.O. Box 7919, Madison, WI 53707-7919.
SB360,29 Section 29. Trans 100.03 (3) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 100.03 (3) The department shall assume that all accident reports it receives from enforcement agencies or operators meet the reporting criteria of s. 346.70 (1), Stats., or the minimum requirements for safety responsibility act under s. 343.12 344.12, Stats. An accident report filed by a police agency for an accident that is not reportable shall be returned to the reporting agency. A report from another source for an accident that is not reportable shall be discarded. If the department determines from credible evidence received, which could include property damage estimates or signed statements, that an accident that has been abstracted as part of a driver's record is not reportable, the accident will not be included in a public abstract of the driver's driver record maintained under s. 343.23, Stats.
SB360,30 Section 30. Trans 100.07 (1) (note) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,31 Section 31. Trans 100.07 (2) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 100.07 (2) (a) If the department determines that one or more people involved in an accident were uninsured, the department may mail evaluation reports to all other persons involved in the accident. The date on which the department first mails evaluation reports to any person shall be considered the “mailing date" under this subsection. The department shall mail the evaluation reports to the address provided in the accident report.
SB360,32 Section 32. Trans 100.07 (2) (b) (intro.) and 2. (intro) of the administrative code are consolidated, renumbered Trans 100.07 (2) (b) (intro.) and amended to read:
Trans 100.07 (2) (b) (intro.) In determining the amount of security required: 2. The the department may shall consider an evaluation report filed with the department more than 21 days after the mailing date if it meets all of the following requirements:
SB360,33 Section 33. Trans 100.07 (2) (b) 1. of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,34 Section 34. Trans 100.07 (2) (b) 2. a. and b. of the administrative code are renumbered Trans 100.07 (2) (b) 1m. and 2m.
SB360,35 Section 35. Trans 100.07 (5) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 100.07 (5) The department shall make a determination of the amount of security required for an accident within 90 days of receiving an accident report one year of the date of the accident, or at such later date as individual circumstances of an accident may require.
SB360,36 Section 36. Trans 100.07 (6) (b) 2. of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,37 Section 37. Trans 100.07 (6) (b) 5. of the administrative code is created to read:
Trans 100.07 (6) (b) 5. The uninsured has complied with neither Trans 100.12 nor 100.13.
SB360,38 Section 38. Trans 100.08 (7) (b) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 100.08 (7) (b) More than one year after the date of deposit or date of suspension, whichever is later earlier, has passed and no notice of the commencement of a court action has been filed by a party in interest. In calculating the time period under this subsection, any period of time a claimant was stayed from commencing an action against the owner, operator or bond because of a bankruptcy proceeding may not be considered.
SB360,39 Section 39. Trans 100.10 (7) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 100.10 (7) Hearings shall be informal. Hearsay and documentary evidence may be received by the hearing examiner and relied upon as the basis for a decision. Telephone testimony Testimony of persons involved in the accident may not be permitted by telephone, electronic submission of documents, or other remote communication method.
SB360,40 Section 40. Trans 100.18 (1) (e) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 100.18 (1) (e) More than 20 5 years from the entry date of the judgment have elapsed.
SB360,41 Section 41. Trans 106.02 (4) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,42 Section 42. Trans 106.02 (11) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 106.02 (11) “Satisfactory driving record" means a driving record that does not contain moving violations which result in more than 6 demerit points within a one year period, by date of violation, or does not indicate that the applicant was, within one year, by date of violation, causally negligent in 2 or more traffic collisions or does not contain a conviction for OWI or any OWI-related charge within one year. Out-of-state traffic convictions and accidents shall be treated as though they occurred in Wisconsin.
SB360,43 Section 43. Trans 106.02 (12) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 106.02 (12) “School" means an institution providing one or more of the programs defined in sub. (4), (5), (6) or (7) (8) and authorized under s. 345.60, Stats.
SB360,44 Section 44. Trans 106.03 (3) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 106.03 (3) (a) Only one group dynamics traffic safety school program may be certified in each WTC district unless the department determines that there is a need for additional programs in a district. This paragraph does not apply to a program provided by an accredited institution of higher education operated by a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
SB360,45 Section 45. Trans 106.03 (4) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 106.03 (4) (a) Only one multiple offender traffic safety school program may be certified in each WTC district unless the department determines that there is a need for additional programs in a district. This paragraph does not apply to a program provided by an accredited institution of higher education operated by a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
SB360,46 Section 46. Chapter Trans 113 (title) of the administrative code is amended to read:
SB360,47 Section 47. Trans 113.01 of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 113.01 Purpose and scope. As authorized by s. 85.16 (1), Stats., the purpose of this chapter is to establish the department's administrative interpretation of s. 343.305 (7) and (8), Stats., relating to arrest for operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration or a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance, administrative suspension of operating privilege and reviews therefor. Section 343.305 (7) (a), Stats., authorizes the department to administratively suspend the operating privilege of a person whose test results indicate the presence of a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance in the person's blood or a prohibited alcohol concentration.
SB360,48 Section 48. Trans 113.03 (intro.) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 113.03 Law enforcement officer actions and information provided to driver. (intro.) If a person is tested for alcohol concentration or presence of a restricted controlled substance in accordance with s. 343.305, Stats., and test results indicate a prohibited alcohol concentration or presence of a restricted controlled substance, the law enforcement officer shall:
SB360,49 Section 49. Trans 113.03 (1) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,50 Section 50. Trans 113.04 (3) (c) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 113.04 (3) (c) Whether the person had a prohibited alcohol concentration or a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance at the time the offense allegedly occurred.
SB360,51 Section 51. Trans 113.04 (3) (e) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 113.04 (3) (e) If one or more tests were administered in accordance with s. 343.305, Stats., whether each of the test results for those tests indicate the person had a prohibited alcohol concentration or a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance.
SB360,52 Section 52. Trans 113.04 (8) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 113.04 (8) If at any time the person submits written evidence from a facility certified by the state laboratory of hygiene and meeting the requirements of s. 885.235 (1), Stats., indicating the person did not have a prohibited alcohol concentration or a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance, the suspension will be vacated.
SB360,53 Section 53. Trans 113.04 (9) (intro.) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 113.04 (9) (intro.) If the examiner finds to a reasonable certainty by evidence that is clear, satisfactory and convincing that the criteria in s. 343.305 (8) (b), Stats., for administrative suspension have not been satisfied, or that the person did not have a prohibited alcohol concentration or a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance at the time the offense allegedly occurred:
SB360,54 Section 54. Trans 113.04 (10) (intro.) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 113.04 (10) (intro.) If the examiner finds to a reasonable certainty by evidence that is clear, satisfactory and convincing that the criteria for administrative suspension have been satisfied and that the person had a prohibited alcohol concentration or a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance at the time the offense allegedly occurred:
SB360,55 Section 55. Trans 118.01 of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.01 Purpose and scope. The purpose of this chapter is to establish an employer notification program to permit an employer to register the name of an employe employee and be notified by the department whenever a conviction or suspension, revocation, cancellation, disqualification or out-of-service order is recorded on the driving record of the Wisconsin licensed employe employee and any other driving record information that the department may reasonably include in this program.
SB360,56 Section 56. Trans 118.01 (note) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.01 (note) Authority for this chapter can be found at s. 343.247 (2), Stats. Forms used in this chapter are MV3555 Employer Notification Customer Agreement and MV3556 Employe Enrollment Request. These forms are available from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Bureau of Driver Services, P.O. Box 7917, Madison, WI 53707.
SB360,57 Section 57. Trans 118.03 of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.03 Employer notification application requirements. Employer notification is obtained through the system used to access the public abstract of the driver's driving record maintained under s. 343.23, Stats. An application for the employer notification program public abstract request system shall be made to the department upon forms prescribed by the department, shall be accompanied by the required fees as set forth in s. Trans 118.08 and shall include such information as the department reasonably requires. The department may assign these duties to a 3rd-party designee.
SB360,58 Section 58. Trans 118.04 of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.04 Employer Customer account codes numbers. (1) Issuance. The department shall issue an employer a customer account code number upon receipt of a properly completed employer notification customer data access agreement form and any other information that the department reasonably requires.
(2) Usage. The department may require that the employer use the employer customer account code number for purposes of identification and invoicing procedures.
SB360,59 Section 59. Trans 118.05 (intro.) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.05 Employer notification customer Electronic DMV records service data access agreement form. (intro.) The employer shall submit an employer notification customer a data access agreement form and any other information that the department reasonably requires under any of the following situations:
SB360,60 Section 60. Trans 118.05 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.05 (1) When the employer is submitting an original application for enrollment in the employer notification program public abstract request system.
SB360,61 Section 61. Trans 118.05 (2) of the administrative code is repealed.