Trans 118.05 Employer notification customer Electronic DMV records service data access agreement form. (intro.) The employer shall submit an employer notification customer a data access agreement form and any other information that the department reasonably requires under any of the following situations:
SB360,60 Section 60. Trans 118.05 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.05 (1) When the employer is submitting an original application for enrollment in the employer notification program public abstract request system.
SB360,61 Section 61. Trans 118.05 (2) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,62 Section 62. Trans 118.05 (3) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.05 (3) When the employer changes its agency name or address, or both.
SB360,63 Section 63. Trans 118.05 (4) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.05 (4) When the employer requests a renewal of registration for the employer notification procedure public abstract request system.
SB360,64 Section 64. Trans 118.06 (title) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.06 (title) Employe Employee enrollment request form.
SB360,65 Section 65. Trans 118.06 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.06 (1) Employe Employee enrollment. An employer may enroll an employe employee in the employer notification program by submitting a written request to the department entering the employee's information online through the public abstract request system.
SB360,66 Section 66. Trans 118.06 (2) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,67 Section 67. Trans 118.07 of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.07 Withdrawal of employes employees and employers. (1) Employe Employee withdrawal. An employer may withdraw an employe employee, and shall withdraw a former employee, from the employer notification program by submitting a written request to the department. The written request shall contain the information set forth in s. Trans 118.06 (2) (a) to (f) removing the employee from the employer's public abstract request system online roster.
(2) Employer withdrawal. An employer may withdraw from the employer notification program by submitting a written request to the department. The request shall include the employer's name, account code, and any other information the department reasonably requires.
SB360,68 Section 68. Trans 118.08 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.08 (1) Employer initial enrollment. The department shall register an employer in the employer notification program upon receipt of a properly completed employer notification customer data access agreement form together with the proper fee. The registration of an employer in the public abstract request system employer notification program shall be issued for the calendar year and is valid only during the calendar year for which issued. For each account code issued to an employer, the fee shall be $20 for an application submitted before July 1 of a year and $10 for an application submitted on or after July 1 remain in effect for 4 years unless terminated early by the department or employer.
SB360,69 Section 69. Trans 118.08 (2) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.08 (2) Renewal. At least 30 60 days prior to the expiration of an employer notification customer a data access agreement form, the department shall mail to the last known address of notify the employer a notice of the date upon which the employer's registration fee must be paid and the new employer notification customer data access agreement form must be returned. An employer who does not return the renewal form and fee by the date provided in the notice may be removed from the program. The renewal fee for the employer notification program is $20 per account code assigned to the employer.
SB360,70 Section 70. Trans 118.08 (3) to (6) of the administrative code are repealed.
SB360,71 Section 71. Trans 118.09 of the administrative code is repealed and recreated to read:
Trans 118.09 Payment. Employers shall make payments, in a manner determined by the department, at the time of requesting information.
SB360,72 Section 72. Trans 118.10 of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.10 Failure to comply with terms of program. The department may not provide employer notification documents to an employer suspend or terminate access to employer notification if the employer has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter including, but not limited to, paying any invoice or fee when due.
SB360,73 Section 73. Trans 118.11 of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,74 Section 74. Trans 118.12 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.12 (1) Content. The employer notification document will contain all of the following information: be provided with an electronic copy of the employee's current driving record.
SB360,75 Section 75. Trans 118.12 (1) (a) to (f) of the administrative code are repealed.
SB360,76 Section 76. Trans 118.12 (2) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.12 (2) Source. The source of the information supplied to the employer on the notification document shall be limited to the data retained and available in the department's computer database for holders of Wisconsin driver's licenses or identification cards.
SB360,77 Section 77. Trans 118.12 (3) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.12 (3) When issued notified. Employer Electronic notification documents will be issued provided when there is any change activity described in s. Trans 118.01 in the driver record maintained by the department for an enrolled driver employee.
SB360,78 Section 78 . Trans 118.12 (3) (note) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.12 (3) (note) No notification will be provided upon initial enrollment. Employers may obtain driver abstracts when hiring employes employees under ch. Trans 195.
SB360,79 Section 79. Trans 118.13 (title) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.13 (title) Employe Employee and employer responsibilities.
SB360,80 Section 80. Trans 118.13 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.13 (1) Employe Employee responsibilities. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to relieve the employe employee from the driver notification requirements described under s. 343.245 (2), Stats.
SB360,81 Section 81. Trans 118.14 of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 118.14 Construction of this rule. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to relieve the applicant for an employer notification document a driver record from submitting a complete application with the or payment of appropriate fees described in this chapter. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of ch. Trans 195 and the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of this chapter shall control.
SB360,82 Section 82. Trans 130.03 (1) (g) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 130.03 (1) (g) The signature of the person or, if applicable, the signature of anyone authorized to sign for the applicant, including a health care specialist. A signature under this paragraph includes an electronic signature, as defined in s. 137.11 (8), Stats.
SB360,83 Section 83. Trans 131.01 (2) (note) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.01 (2) (note) Forms used in this chapter are MV 2016, substitute renewal notice; MV 2470, vehicle inspection report; MV 2472, application for letter of temporary exemption from emission test requirements; MV 2588, exchanged engine certificate; MV 2594, quality assurance inspection report. Copies can be obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Dealer and Agent Section, P. O. Box 7909, Madison, WI 53707-7909.
SB360,84 Section 84. Trans 131.02 (15) (note) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.02 (15) (note) All references made to the Federal Rule in this document are to 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart S Inspection/Maintenance Program Requirements; Final Rule dated November 5, 1992, as amended through January 1, 2001 April 7, 2006.
SB360,85 Section 85. Trans 131.02 (24) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.02 (24) “Inspection station" means an inspection facility operated by a party, or a subcontractor of the party, under contract with the department for the purpose of conducting vehicle emission inspections required by s. 110.20, Stats.
SB360,86 Section 86. Trans 131.02 (38) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.02 (38) “Recognized automotive emission repair technician" means a person who has received and has proof of formal training in both diagnosis and repair of automotive engines and related systems and who is in good standing with the department and in compliance with this chapter and s. 110.20, Stats.
SB360,87 Section 87. Trans 131.02 (39) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.02 (39) “Recognized repair facility" means a franchised new car dealer or other business with a Wisconsin sales tax number that performs emission repairs as a regular part of its business activities and , that employs at least one recognized automotive emission repair technician, and that is in good standing with the department and in compliance with this chapter and s. 110.20, Stats.
SB360,88 Section 88. Trans 131.02 (45) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.02 (45) “Technical assistance center" means either a separate contractor or subcontractor facility or a portion of an inspection station which, under the direction of a master automotive technician, is equipped to perform both emission inspections and complete diagnostic evaluations of nonexempt vehicles.
SB360,89 Section 89. Trans 131.02 (54) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.02 (54) “Vehicle inspection report" means a serially numbered document issued at an inspection station or authorized inspection facility or technical assistance center or by an inspector designated by the department to perform the functions of a technical assistance center at the time of vehicle inspection, indicating that the vehicle has been inspected in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and may include data reported electronically.
SB360,90 Section 90. Trans 131.03 (6) (d) 5. of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.03 (6) (d) 5. If the inspection computer system is not able to download the vehicle OBD II records, the OBD inspection shall be aborted, and the vehicle shall be reinspected with an OBD II inspection in a separate inspection facility inspection lane.
SB360,91 Section 91. Trans 131.03 (12) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.03 (12) Reconstructed and homemade vehicles. Any nonexempt vehicle registered as reconstructed or homemade under s. 341.268, Stats., shall be inspected for compliance with requirements applicable to the model year of the vehicle as indicated on the vehicle's registration documents, unless the owner both requests that the vehicle be inspected by engine year and provides a completed MV2588, exchanged engine certification form, to the waiver investigator. In addition, the vehicle owner shall locate the engine number on the engine for purposes of engine year verification by the waiver investigator.
SB360,92 Section 92. Trans 131.03 (15) (a) (intro.) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.03 (15) (a) (intro.) The operator of each vehicle inspected shall receive a vehicle inspection report, MV 2470, at the conclusion of the inspection. The vehicle inspection report data may also be reported electronically. The inspection report, or the vehicle inspection report data reported electronically, shall indicate:
SB360,93 Section 93. Trans 131.03 (15) (b) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.03 (15) (b) Each operator of a vehicle failing or rejecting the inspection shall receive an inspection report supplement containing repair, reinspection and waiver application instructions, as well as information on the possible causes of failure or rejection found during the inspection.
SB360,94 Section 94. Trans 131.03 (15) (c) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.03 (15) (c) Each operator of a vehicle failing or rejecting the initial inspection shall receive a list of recognized automotive emission repair technicians and recognized repair facilities by area which includes information required under s. Trans 131.15. This listing may include other consumer information useful in obtaining vehicle emission repair service.
SB360,95 Section 95. Trans 131.07 (1) (c) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.07 (1) (c) The operator presents payment to the contractor of a monetary fee as determined if required by contract.
SB360,96 Section 96. Trans 131.08 (2) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.08 (2) Application. The department shall provide an application form, MVD2472, on which the vehicle owner or lessee shall state their his or her name, permanent address, temporary address, if used, and daytime telephone number and may allow application in any other manner. The vehicle owner or lessee shall identify the vehicle involved, provide the reason for requesting a letter of temporary exemption, certify that the vehicle is unavailable for emission inspection, and state the date when the vehicle will again be operated within a Wisconsin county subject to the emission inspection requirements of this chapter.
SB360,97 Section 97. Trans 131.11 (1) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.11 (1) (a) All contractor and subcontractor inspection functions, including those occurring at the inspection stations, other authorized inspection facilities, technical assistance centers or other facility by an inspector designated by the department to perform the functions of a technical assistance center, and vehicles used to conduct remote sensing, shall be audited on an unscheduled basis, at a minimum, according to the frequency established in the federal rule.
SB360,98 Section 98. Trans 131.15 (3) (b) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 131.15 (3) (b) Beginning in the third month of the vehicle emission inspection program, the contractor shall produce a summary report of the performance of local repair facilities that have repaired vehicles for reinspection. The report shall be provided to the motorist at the time of initial vehicle emission inspection failure. The report shall be updated on a quarterly basis or made available on the contractor's Internet site.
SB360,98m Section 98m. Trans 139.06 (8) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,99 Section 99. Trans 142.07 (4) (e) of the administrative code is created to read:
Trans 142.07 (4) (e) 1. Each dealer maintains a permanent facility in this state in the manner required by sub. (1), except as provided in subd. 2.
2. The department may exempt a dealer from the facility requirement in subd. 1., but not from any other requirement of state law, if the dealer is selling recreational vehicles at a rally or show sponsored by an established state, national, or international recreational vehicle association with a minimum membership of 100 members. An exemption under this paragraph may not be granted by the department more than once in any 4-year period. Any license issued by the department containing the exemption described in this paragraph shall be limited to one specific event and may not exceed 10 days' duration. An exemption granted under this paragraph will not exempt a dealer from geographic sales restrictions contained in a dealer franchise agreement or other private contractual obligation.
SB360,100 Section 100. Chapter Trans 145 of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,101 Section 101. Trans 146.04 (4) of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,102 Section 102. Trans 157.05 (1) (note) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 157.05 (1) (note) Forms MV1, Application for Title/Registration, MV2493 MV2488, Vehicle Transfer and Odometer Disclosure Mileage Statement, and MV2790, Trustee's Application for Certificate of Title, can be ordered from DOT Materials Management, 3617 Pierstorff, Madison, WI 53704 or (608) 246-3262 or obtained at a motor vehicle services center. In cases involving the sale of titled vehicles, the Odometer Disclosure Statement on the reverse side of the certificate of title should be used.
SB360,103 Section 103. Trans 175.09 of the administrative code is repealed.
SB360,104 Section 104. Trans 178.03 (1) (intro.) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 178.03 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (2), as provided in 49 CFR 367.20 part 367, subpart B, fees for registration year 2010 and thereafter are as follows:
SB360,105 Section 105. Trans 200.07 (2) (title) of the administrative code is amended to read:
Trans 200.07 (2) (title) Sign description design.
SB360,106 Section 106. Trans 200.07 (2) (intro.) of the administrative code is created to read: