Substitution, 48.29
Abortion, waiver of parental consent, 48.16
Children in need of protective services (CHIPS), 48.13
Civil commitments of children and expectant mothers, mental illness, developmental disability, addiction, 48.135, 48.14 (5)
Compliance with ch. 822 required, 48.027
Indian children, 48.028
Jurisdiction of other courts, 48.15
Extended jurisdiction, past age 18, 48.366
Persons over 17 years of age, 48.44
Unborn children in need of protective services and their mothers, 48.133
Legislative intent, 48.01
Medical services authorization, 48.373
Menominee and Shawano counties, 48.035
Milwaukee county, services for court, 48.06 (1)
Plea hearings, 48.30
Pleadings, documents; electronic filing, 48.022, 801.18
Postdisposition relief and appeal motions, 48.465
Pretrial procedure:
Alcohol, drug and psychological exams, 48.295
Discovery, 48.293
Motions, 48.297
Substitution of judge, 48.29
Access to, 48.396
Court and medical, access by care providers, 938.371
Confidentiality, 48.78
Rehearing, new evidence, 48.46
Rights of children, expectant mothers and parents, 48.243
Special advocate program, 48.07 (5), 48.236
Termination of parental rights, see Children—11. Termination of Parental Rights
Time and place of court, 48.03 (1)
Trial, 48.31
Venue, 48.185
children_4. custody, physical placement, and visitation of children 4. Custody, Physical Placement, and Visitation of Children
Generally, 767.41
Appearance by litigants, 767.235
Civil procedure rules, applicability, 767.201
Educational program on effects on children, 767.401
Enforcement of orders, 767.471
Guardian ad litem, 767.407
Interference with, criminal, 948.31
Jurisdiction, 767.01
Interstate conflicts, Ch. 822
Personal jurisdiction over parent, required, 801.05 (11)
Mediation, 767.405
Fees, 814.615
Moving residence within or outside state, 767.481
Placement study, 767.405 (14)
Fees, 814.615
Pleadings, 767.215
Revision of orders, 767.451, 767.461
Temporary orders, 767.225 (1)
Prohibition if one parent kills other parent, 54.57, 767.44
Rights of grandparents and certain other persons, 767.43
children_5. custody jurisdiction and enforcement act 5. Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
Generally, Ch. 822
Appearance of parties and child, 822.295
Limited immunity from jurisdiction, 822.09
Applicability of law:
Emergency medical care of children not covered, 822.03
International application, 822.05
Construction of law, 822.01
Courts in other states:
Communication with, 822.10
Cooperation with, records preservation, 822.12
Custody determination, effect, 822.06
Definitions, 822.02, 822.31
Determinations, enforcement of:
Appeals, 822.44
Costs, fees, and expenses, 822.42
Court duty to enforce, 822.33
Definitions, 822.31
Enforcement under Hague convention, 822.32
Expedited enforcement, 822.38
Hearing and order, 822.40
Law enforcement role, 822.46
Prosecutor's role, 822.45
Recognition and enforcement, 822.43
Registration of determination, 822.35
Enforcement of registered determination, 822.36
Service of petition and order, 822.39
Simultaneous proceedings, 822.37
Temporary physical placement or visitation, 822.34
Warrant to take physical custody, 822.41
Inconvenient forum, 822.27