Court, time and place of, 48.03 (1)
Court commissioners, 757.68 (3m)
Custody, holding child or expectant mother in:
Change in placement, 48.217
Counsel, right to, 48.23
Criteria, 48.205
For adult expectant mothers in custody, 48.213
For child and child expectant mothers in custody, 48.21
Involuntary removal from custody, 48.305
Mother-young child care program, exception for participants, 48.215
Nonsecure custody, places authorized, 48.207
Release required, exceptions:
Children, 48.20
Expectant mothers, 48.203
Runaway homes, 48.227
Secured detention:
County jail as place for holding child, 48.209
Criteria for holding child, 48.208
Taking; authorization, parental notification, 48.19
Definitions, 48.02
Agency report required, 48.33
Appeal and postdisposition relief motions, 48.465
CHIPS cases, 48.345
Guardianship of child, 48.977
Consent decree, 48.32
Criminal proceedings, barred by disposition, 938.39
Facilities for children and adult expectant mothers under state care, 48.52
Hearings on dispositions, 48.335
Warnings to parents in certain CHIPS cases, 48.356
Informal disposition, 48.245
Interstate placements, expediting, 48.999
Judgment, 48.35
Adults, orders applicable to, 48.45
Contents and effect, 48.355
Extension, 48.365
Revision, 48.363
Termination of parental rights, effect on order, 48.368
Out-of-home care, extended, 48.366
Permanency planning, 48.38
Interstate placements, expediting, 48.999
Transition to independent living transition, 48.385
Placement change after, when subject to order, 48.357
Trial reunification, 48.358
Rehearing, new evidence, 48.46
Unborn children of adult expectant mothers, 48.347
Employees and staff:
Advisory board, 48.11
Clerks and deputies, appointment, 48.04
Court commissioners, 757.68 (3m)
Disposition staff, 48.069
Intake workers, 48.06, 48.067, 48.08
Judge as, 48.10
Supplemental services to court, 48.07, 48.08
Guardian ad litem, 48.235
Guardians and guardianships, see Guardianships
Health services department, authority, generally, 48.48
Continuances, extensions, delays, 48.315
Dispositional hearings, 48.335
Warnings to parents in certain CHIPS cases, 48.356
Fact-finding hearing, 48.31
General procedures, 48.299
Involuntary removal from custody, 48.305
Plea hearings, 48.30
Indian children:
Policy, jurisdiction, procedure, 48.028
Transfer of custody and guardianship to state, 48.485
Jeopardy, when attaches, 48.317
Absence; replacement, 48.03 (2)
Intake worker, authority to act as, 48.10
Substitution, 48.29
Abortion, waiver of parental consent, 48.16
Children in need of protective services (CHIPS), 48.13
Civil commitments of children and expectant mothers, mental illness, developmental disability, addiction, 48.135, 48.14 (5)
Compliance with ch. 822 required, 48.027
Indian children, 48.028
Jurisdiction of other courts, 48.15
Extended jurisdiction, past age 18, 48.366
Persons over 17 years of age, 48.44
Unborn children in need of protective services and their mothers, 48.133
Legislative intent, 48.01
Medical services authorization, 48.373