Common carriers, license and other violations, 194.17
Community-based residential facilities violations, 50.03 (1), 50.035 (11)
Community currency exchange law violations, 218.05 (15)
Compulsory school attendance law, 118.15 (5)
Condemnation proceedings, false statements by condemning authority, 32.29
Condemned buildings, leasing or occupying, 66.0413 (1) (br)
Conspiracy to injure reputation or business, 134.01
Consumer credit law violations, 426.301
Registration requirements, 426.203
Consumer goods or services, unfair billing practices, 100.195
Consumer loan information, 3rd-party solicitations based on, 100.55 (4)
Consumer transactions, Ch. 425
High cost mortgage lending, 428.210 (3)
Variable rate violations, 422.421 (12)
Violation of advertising provision, 423.302
Courts, generally, 785.04
Labor disputes, 103.61
Legislature, 13.27
Municipal court, 800.12 (2)
Witnesses, 885.11
Continuing care contracts, 647.07
Contraceptive articles, vending machines:
Advertising prohibition, 450.155
Sales in schools prohibition, 450.16
Controlled-access highway, unlawful use, 83.027 (12), 84.25 (12)
Controlled substances:
Federal registration numbers for prescribers of controlled substances, restrictions, 146.87
Masking agent prohibitions, 961.69
Violations, 961.41 to 961.576
False documents, filing, 185.825
Use of term, 185.94
Corn shredders, unlawful operation, 167.151
Corporate farming restrictions, violations, 182.001 (4)
Corporate name, unlawful use, 134.17
Corporate take-over law, violations, 552.19
Corporations, nonstock:
False statements, 181.0129
Foreign corporations domesticating, failure to file notice, 181.1533
Corpses, refusal to report and deliver, 157.04
Corporations, non-U.S., restriction on land ownership, 710.02
Corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate, prohibited, I, 12
Cosmetology regulation, 454.15 (3), 454.16
Schools, 440.64
Obscenity ordinance violation, 59.55 (6)
Oath, failure to take, 59.21 (1)
Office hours, failure to keep, 59.20 (3) (b)
Practice of law, certain officers not to engage in, 59.30
Register of deeds, failure to register farm name, 59.76 (2)
Surveyor, nonfeasance, 59.46
Ordinances, conformance with statutory counterpart, 66.0109
Parks, damage to, penalty, 27.067
Retention of fines and fees by county, payment to state, 59.25 (3) (j)
Safety and public health ordinances, violations, 59.54
Court commissioners, acting when disqualified, 757.23
Credit reports:
Security freezes for minors and persons with guardians or conservators, violations, 100.545 (7)
Solicitations based on information provided, 100.55 (4)
Credit unions, name:
Exclusive use, 186.03
Misleading or deceptive use of name, logo, or symbol, 186.035
Reports and records, failure to file or maintain, 186.235 (18), (19)
Creditors, transactions with married persons, notice requirement violations, 766.56
Cremation without certificate, 979.10
Crematory authorities, statute and rules violations, 440.86
Crime laboratories and drug law enforcement surcharge, 165.755
Criminal extradition act, 976.03 (11)
DNA sample, unauthorized dissemination, 165.77 (5)
Dairy industry, unfair practices, 100.201
Dairy plants, 93.21 (1)
Dams, violations:
Generally, 31.23
Failure to maintain flow of water, 31.34
Milldams, 31.33
Dance therapists, violations, 440.03 (14) (f)
Deaths, reporting, law violations, 979.01
Deer, farm raised, fencing, 90.21 (8)
Dentistry laws, violation of, 447.07 (3), 447.09
Deposits, fraudulent receipt, 134.16
Detectives, settlement with employees, 134.57
Dieticians, law and rules violations, 448.59
Discrimination in granting loans by financial organizations, 138.20 (2)
Discrimination, purchase of milk, 100.22 (5)
Divorce, assignments, violations, 767.75
Do-not-call list law, violations, 100.52 (10)
Do-not-resuscitate bracelets; defacing, coercing issuing order, 154.29