Railroad use, 94.697
Regulation, 94.701
Review board, see Health Services Department
Schools, management of use, 94.715
Storage, 94.645
2, 4, 5-T and silvex, collection and disposal, 299.43
petit jury PETIT JURY
See Juries
petroleum products PETROLEUM PRODUCTS
Advertising, fraudulent, 100.18 (6)
Aviation fuel tax, 78.55 to 78.62
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—2. Aviation Fuel Tax
Containers, labels, 168.11
Definitions, 168.01
Delivery vehicle, ticket required, 98.225
Distribution, methods and practices, 100.19
Ethanol, blend labeling and verification, 168.11 (1) (b), 168.14 (3)
Fuel supplier, discontinuance or utility disconnection, notice required, 16.27
Highway signs, specific information, 86.195
Home heating fuel dealers, notice of assistance, 134.80
Access to records, 168.09, 168.10
Accident or explosion, investigation, 168.16
Administration, 168.16
Certificate of inspection, 168.07
Commingling of uninspected with inspected products, 168.06
Containers and labels, deliveries, 168.11
Definitions, 168.01
Districts, 168.16
Enforcement of law, 168.16, 168.17
Entry on premises, 168.09, 168.10
Identification devices, 168.11
Inspection, of petroleum products, 168.05
Misbranding oils and lubricants, 168.14
Misbranding oils and lubricants, 168.14
Penalties, 168.15
Powers of inspectors, 168.06
Liquefied petroleum gas regulations, 101.16
Sales, weight and measurement, 98.245
Misidentified, unlawful, 168.14 (2)
Motor vehicle fuel tax, 78.005 to 78.22
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—11. Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax
Oil collection and recycling, 287.15
Oil filters and absorbent material, disposal of used, 287.07 (4m)
Posting price and tax, 100.18 (8)
Records, required, 168.13
Sales, 98.246
Scarcity, orders to avert, 93.06 (3)
Standards, 168.04
Storage tanks:
Abandoned underground, removal, 292.64
Immunity from liability, 895.55
Remedial action, 292.63
Flammable and combustible liquid storage:
Definitions, 168.21
Enforcement, 168.25
Penalties, 168.26
Inventory of petroleum product storage tanks, 168.28
Regulation, generally, 168.22
Rules, 168.23
Secondary containment requirements, 168.24
Theft from retailers:
Civil action, 895.449, 943.212
Criminal, 943.21
Transportation on highways, 347.49
Trucks stop at railroad crossings, 346.45 (1)
Unfair sales act, 100.30
Used oil fuel:
Confidentiality of records, 299.55
Inspections, enforcement, 299.53
Oil collection and recycling, 287.15
Vapor recovery, retailer requirements, removal grants, 285.31
petroleum storage environmental cleanup fund PETROLEUM STORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP FUND
Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1)
Establishment, 25.47
pharmacy PHARMACY
Administration of drugs, devices and vaccines, 450.035
Advertising, fraudulent, 100.182
Applicability of s. 89.068 to pharmacists, 450.125
Drugs for, 89.068
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Contraceptive articles:
Duty to dispense, 450.095
Sale prohibited in public schools, 450.16
Vending machines, display or advertisement to minors, 450.155
Controlled substances: