Secondary containment requirements, 168.24
Theft from retailers:
Civil action, 895.449, 943.212
Criminal, 943.21
Transportation on highways, 347.49
Trucks stop at railroad crossings, 346.45 (1)
Unfair sales act, 100.30
Used oil fuel:
Confidentiality of records, 299.55
Inspections, enforcement, 299.53
Oil collection and recycling, 287.15
Vapor recovery, retailer requirements, removal grants, 285.31
petroleum storage environmental cleanup fund PETROLEUM STORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP FUND
Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1)
Establishment, 25.47
pharmacy PHARMACY
Administration of drugs, devices and vaccines, 450.035
Advertising, fraudulent, 100.182
Applicability of s. 89.068 to pharmacists, 450.125
Drugs for, 89.068
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Contraceptive articles:
Duty to dispense, 450.095
Sale prohibited in public schools, 450.16
Vending machines, display or advertisement to minors, 450.155
Controlled substances:
Identification card required, 450.11 (1b)
Schedule V substances, 961.23
Prescribers, federal registration numbers, 146.87
Prescriptions, regulation; cannabidiols for seizure disorders, 961.38
Cooperative association, participation by pharmacists, 185.983 (3)
Definitions, 450.01, 450.155
Disciplinary proceedings, 450.10
Immunity for informants, 450.10 (3)
Distributors, wholesale:
Licensure, 450.071
State trust fund, bonding payments, 25.315
Pedigree for drugs distributed, 450.073
Prohibited actions, enforcement, penalties, 450.074
Restrictions on transactions, 450.072
Drug disposal programs:
Authorization, 165.65
Authorized activities and who may act, 450.115
Controlled substance law exemption, 961.337
County and municipal operation, 66.0437
Drug pricing, unfair discrimination, 100.31
Drugs, see Prescription drugs, under this head
Emergency volunteer health care practitioners:
Definitions, 257.01
Health care facilities, 257.04
Volunteers, 257.03
Registry of volunteers, 257.02
Examinations, 450.04
Examining board:
Books, registers and records, 450.02 (1)
Controlled substances rules, 961.31
Creation, membership, 15.405 (9)
Public members, 15.08 (1m)
Disputes with department secretary, arbitration, 440.045
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Inspection of controlled substances premises, 961.52 (2)
Powers to enforce controlled substances act, 961.51
Rules, 450.02 (2) to (4)
Generics, filling prescriptions with, 450.13
Health maintenance organization, coverage of pharmaceutical services, 628.36 (2m)
Law enforcement reporting duties, 961.37
Continuing education, 450.085
Delinquent support, unemployment contribution, and tax obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Distributors, wholesale, 450.071
Fee, 440.05
Home medical oxygen provider, 450.076
Manufacturers, 450.07
Pharmacist, 450.03, 450.05
In-state, 450.06
Out-of-state, 450.065
Renewal, 450.08
Renewal date, 440.08 (2) (a)
Voluntary surrender, 440.19
Managing pharmacist, 450.09 (1)
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Medical assistance program:
Beneficiary has free choice, 49.45 (9)
Prescription drug cost controls, 49.45 (6m)