Determination of, 146.71
Medical certification, 69.18 (2)
Reports, when required, 979.01
Declaration to physician for natural death, see Declarations to Physicians
Disability certification for insurers, 632.64, 632.99
Discipline, see Unprofessional conduct, under this head
Do-not-resuscitate orders, see Declarations to Physicians
Emergency care, civil liability exemption, when, 895.48 (1)
Emergency volunteer health care practitioners:
Definitions, 257.01
Health care facilities, 257.04
Volunteers, 257.03
Registry of volunteers, 257.02
Fee splitting, billing practices, regulated, 448.08
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation of, 146.817
Health care liability:
Insurance cancellation effect, 655.24
Risk sharing plans, 619.04
Health care service insurance corporations, medical societies have power to organize, 148.03
Health care services review:
Civil immunity, 146.37
Confidentiality of information, 146.38
Discrimination against positive individuals prohibited, 252.14, 440.20 (4)
Testing restrictions, 252.15
Hospital staff privileges, 50.36 (3)
Violations, civil liability, 50.39 (6)
Infant blindness, prevention, 253.11
Infant testing for congenital disorders, 253.13
Informed consent; duty to inform patient of risks, benefits, alternatives, 448.30
Injured patients and families compensation fund, fees, 655.27
Lead poisoning, report, immunity granted, 254.13
Classes, certificate of, duplicate, 448.04
Continuing education requirements, 448.13
Fees, 440.05
Grant or denial:
Delinquent support, unemployment contribution, and tax obligors; denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Grounds, 448.06
Medical examining board general authority, 448.02
For detailed analysis, see Medical Examining Board
Medical records, patient confidentiality, see Medical Records
Notification requirements, certain licenses, 448.063
Previous practice, 448.10
Qualifications, application, examination, 448.05
Registration, biennial, 448.07
Renewal date, 440.08 (2) (a)
Requirement for practice, 448.03
Malpractice liability not reduced for treatments by unlicensed persons, 448.12
Voluntary surrender, 440.19
Life-sustaining procedures, withdrawal of, see Declarations to Physicians
Loan assistance program, 36.60
Local health programs, providing services to; state agent status, 251.07
Malpractice, see Medical Malpractice
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Medical education review committee, creation, duties, 39.16
Medical facility, criminal trespass, 943.145
Medical information on birth parents when rights terminated, 48.432
Mental health, interstate compact, 51.75 to 51.80
Offices, smoking prohibited, 101.123
Opioid antagonists, prescription and delivery, 448.037
Pain clinics, 50.65
Definitions, 50.60
Patient confidentiality:
Generally, 146.82
Parties to legal actions court, authorization to inspect, 804.10
Paternity determination action, testimony not privileged, 767.87 (7)
Privileged communications, nondisclosure in court, 905.04
Worker's compensation claimant waives, 102.13 (2)
State-collected information:
Exemption from open records law, 153.55
Protection of patient identifiable information, 153.50
Violations of confidentiality, penalties, 146.84
Peer review:
Confidential, 146.38
Immunity, 146.37
Podiatry, see Podiatry
Privilege, physician-patient communications, 102.13 (2), 905.04
Psychiatry and primary care shortage grant program, 39.385
Access by patient, 146.83
Noncustodial parent not to have access, 146.835
Deceased or inactive practitioners records, 146.819, 857.035
Definitions, 146.81
Disposal of records containing personal information, 134.97
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation, 146.817
HIV tests, 252.15