181.1423   Appeal from denial of reinstatement.
181.1430   Grounds for judicial dissolution.
181.1431   Procedure for judicial dissolution.
181.1432   Receivership or custodianship.
181.1433   Decree of dissolution.
181.1440   Deposit with secretary of revenue.
181.1501   Authority to transact business required.
181.1502   Consequences of transacting business without authority.
181.1503   Application for certificate of authority.
181.1504   Amended certificate of authority.
181.1505   Effect of certificate of authority.
181.1506   Corporate name of foreign corporation.
181.1507   Registered office and registered agent.
181.1508   Change of registered office or registered agent of foreign corporation.
181.1509   Resignation of registered agent of foreign corporation.
181.1510   Service on foreign corporation.
181.1520   Withdrawal of foreign corporation.
181.1530   Grounds for revocation.
181.1531   Procedure for and effect of revocation.
181.1532   Appeal from revocation.
181.1533   Domestication of a foreign corporation.
181.1601   Corporate records.
181.1602   Inspection of records by members.
181.1603   Scope of inspection rights.
181.1604   Court-ordered inspection.
181.1605   Limitations on use of membership list.
181.1620   Financial statements for members.
181.1621   Report of indemnification to members.
181.1622   Annual report for department.
181.1701   Applicability of chapter.
181.1703   Saving provisions.
subch. I of ch. 181 SUBCHAPTER I
181.0103 181.0103 Definitions. In this chapter:
181.0103(1) (1) “Articles of incorporation" includes amended and restated articles of incorporation and articles of domestication.
181.0103(2) (2) “Board" means the group of persons vested with the management of the affairs of the corporation, irrespective of the name by which such group is designated.
181.0103(3) (3) “Bylaws" means the code of rules, other than the articles of incorporation, adopted under this chapter for the regulation or management of the affairs of a corporation, by whatever name designated.
181.0103(4) (4) “Class" means a group of memberships having the same rights, whether those rights are identical or are determined by a formula applied uniformly, with respect to voting, dissolution of a corporation, and redemption and transfer of memberships.
181.0103(5) (5) “Corporation" or “domestic corporation" means, except as used in subs. (13) and (18), a nonstock corporation, including a nonprofit corporation, that is subject to the provisions of this chapter, except a foreign corporation.
181.0103(6) (6) “Delegates" means those persons elected or appointed to vote in a representative assembly for the election of a director or on other matters.
181.0103(7) (7) “Deliver" means deliver by hand, mail, commercial delivery service, electronic transmission, or any other method of delivery used in conventional commercial practice.
181.0103(8) (8) “Department" means the department of financial institutions.
181.0103(9) (9) “Director" means an individual, designated in the articles of incorporation or bylaws or elected by the incorporators, and the individuals' successors, and an individual elected or appointed by any other name or title to act as a member of the board.
181.0103(10) (10) “Distribution" means the payment of a dividend or any part of the assets, income or profit of a corporation to its members, directors or officers, but does not include the payment of reasonable compensation, benefits, pensions, incentive compensation or the reimbursement of expenses.
181.0103(10m) (10m) “Electronic" means relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.
181.0103(10p) (10p) “Electronic signature" means an electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a writing and executed or adopted by a person with intent to authenticate the writing.
181.0103(11) (11) “Employee" does not include an officer or director who is not otherwise employed by the corporation.
181.0103(12) (12) “Entity" means any person other than a natural person.
181.0103(13) (13) “Foreign corporation" means a nonstock corporation organized under a law other than the law of this state.
181.0103(14) (14) “Individual" means a natural person. Except in ss. 181.0802 and 181.0840, “individual" includes the estate of an individual adjudicated incompetent or a deceased natural person.
181.0103(15) (15) “Member" means a person who has membership rights in a corporation in accordance with the provisions of its articles of incorporation or bylaws.
181.0103(16) (16) “Membership" means the rights and obligations that a member has under a corporation's articles of incorporation and bylaws and this chapter.
181.0103(17) (17) “Nonprofit corporation" means a corporation that does not make distributions, except as authorized under s. 181.1302 (1), (2) and (3).
181.0103(18) (18) “Nonstock corporation" means a corporation without capital stock.
181.0103(19) (19) “Principal office" means the office, whether in or outside this state, of a domestic corporation or foreign corporation in which are located its principal executive offices and, if the domestic corporation or foreign corporation has filed an annual report under s. 181.1622, that is designated as the principal office in its most recent annual report.
181.0103(20) (20) “Proceeding" includes a civil suit and criminal, administrative and investigatory action.
181.0103(21) (21) “Record date" means the date established under s. 181.0707 on which a corporation determines the identity of its members for the purposes of this chapter.
181.0103(22) (22) “Secretary" means the corporate officer to whom the board has delegated responsibility under s. 181.0840 (1) for custody of the minutes of the board's meetings and members' meetings and for authenticating the records of the corporation.
181.0103(23) (23) “Sign" means to execute or adopt a manual, facsimile, conformed, or electronic signature or any symbol with intent to authenticate a writing.
181.0103(24) (24) “Stock corporation" means a corporation with capital stock.
181.0103(25) (25) “Vote" includes authorization by written ballot and written consent.
181.0103 History History: 1997 a. 79; 2001 a. 44; 2005 a. 387.
181.0103 Annotation The New Nonstock Corporation Law. Seehawer. Wis. Law. Oct. 1998.
181.0120 181.0120 Filing requirements.
181.0120(1) (1)General requirements. Except as provided in sub. (4), a document required or permitted to be filed under this chapter with the department must satisfy all of the following requirements to be filed under s. 181.0125 (2) (a):
181.0120(1)(a) (a) Contain the information required by this chapter, although it may also contain other information.
181.0120(1)(c) (c) Be in the English language, except that:
181.0120(1)(c)1. 1. A corporate name need not be in English if it is written in English letters or Arabic or Roman numerals.
181.0120(1)(c)2. 2. The certificate of status, or similar document, required of a foreign corporation need not be in English if accompanied by a reasonably authenticated English translation.
181.0120(1)(d) (d) Contain the name of the drafter, if required by s. 182.01 (3).
181.0120(1)(e) (e) Be executed in accordance with sub. (3).
181.0120(1)(f) (f) Be on the form prescribed by the department if the document is described in s. 181.0121 (1).
181.0120(1)(g) (g) Be delivered to the department for filing and be accompanied by one exact or conformed copy and the filing fee required by s. 181.0122.
181.0120(2) (2)Filing by department. The department shall file photocopies or other reproduced copies of typewritten or printed documents if the copies are signed and satisfy this section.
181.0120(3) (3)Execution requirements.
181.0120(3)(a)(a) Any of the following persons may execute a document described in s. 181.0122 (1) (a), (b), (g) to (j), (m) to (s) and (u) to (z):
181.0120(3)(a)1. 1. An officer of the domestic corporation or foreign corporation.
181.0120(3)(a)2. 2. If directors have not been selected or the corporation has not been formed, an incorporator.
181.0120(3)(a)3. 3. If the domestic corporation or foreign corporation is in the hands of a receiver, trustee or other court-appointed fiduciary, the fiduciary.
181.0120(3)(c) (c) The person executing a document shall sign it and, beneath or opposite the signature, state his or her name and the capacity in which he or she signs. The document may but need not contain any of the following:
181.0120(3)(c)1. 1. The corporate seal.
181.0120(3)(c)2. 2. An attestation by the secretary or an assistant secretary of the domestic corporation or foreign corporation.
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