409.607   Collection and enforcement by secured party.
409.608   Application of proceeds of collection or enforcement; liability for deficiency and right to surplus.
409.609   Secured party's right to take possession after default.
409.610   Disposition of collateral after default.
409.611   Notification before disposition of collateral.
409.612   Timeliness of notification before disposition of collateral.
409.613   Contents and form of notification before disposition of collateral: general.
409.614   Contents and form of notification before disposition of collateral: consumer-goods transaction.
409.615   Application of proceeds of disposition; liability for deficiency and right to surplus.
409.616   Explanation of calculation of surplus or deficiency.
409.617   Rights of transferee of collateral.
409.618   Rights and duties of certain secondary obligors.
409.619   Transfer of record or legal title.
409.620   Acceptance of collateral in full or partial satisfaction of obligation; compulsory disposition of collateral.
409.621   Notification of proposal to accept collateral.
409.622   Effect of acceptance of collateral.
409.623   Right to redeem collateral.
409.624   Waiver.
409.625   Remedies for secured party's failure to comply with chapter.
409.626   Action in which deficiency or surplus is in issue.
409.627   Determination of whether conduct was commercially reasonable.
409.628   Nonliability and limitation on liability of secured party; liability of secondary obligor.
409.702   Savings clause.
409.703   Security interest perfected before effective date.
409.704   Security interest unperfected before effective date.
409.705   Effectiveness of action taken before effective date.
409.706   When initial financing statement suffices to continue effectiveness of financing statement.
409.707   Amendment of preeffective-date financing statement.
409.708   Persons entitled to file initial financing statement or continuation statement.
409.709   Priority.
409.710   Special transitional provision for maintaining and searching local filing office records.
409.802   Savings clause.
409.803   Security interest perfected before effective date.
409.804   Security interest unperfected before effective date.
409.805   Effectiveness of action taken before effective date.
409.806   When initial financing statement suffices to continue effectiveness of financing statement.
409.807   Amendment of preeffective-date financing statement.
409.808   Persons entitled to file initial financing statement or continuation statement.
409.809   Priority.
Ch. 409 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See definitions in s. 401.201.
subch. I of ch. 409 SUBCHAPTER I
409.101 409.101 Short title. This chapter may be cited as uniform commercial code — secured transactions.
409.101 History History: 2001 a. 10.
409.101 Annotation Revised UCC Article 9: Compliance Tips for Creditors and Debtors. Farnam and Pleviak. Wis. Law. July/Aug 2013.
409.102 409.102 Definitions and index of definitions.
409.102(1) (1) Chapter 409 definitions. In this chapter:
409.102(1)(a) (a) “Accession" means goods that are physically united with other goods in such a manner that the identity of the original goods is not lost.
409.102(1)(ag) (ag) “Account," except as used in “account for," means a right to payment of a monetary obligation, whether or not earned by performance; for property that has been or is to be sold, leased, licensed, assigned, or otherwise disposed of; for services rendered or to be rendered; for a policy of insurance issued or to be issued; for a secondary obligation incurred or to be incurred; for energy provided or to be provided; for the use or hire of a vessel under a charter or other contract; arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or information contained on or for use with the card; or as winnings in a lottery or other game of chance operated or sponsored by a state, governmental unit of a state, or person licensed or authorized to operate the game by a state or governmental unit of a state. The term includes health-care-insurance receivables. The term does not include rights to payment evidenced by chattel paper or an instrument; commercial tort claims; deposit accounts; investment property; letter-of-credit rights or letters of credit; or rights to payment for money or funds advanced or sold, other than rights arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or information contained on or for use with the card.
409.102(1)(am) (am) “Account debtor" means a person obligated on an account, chattel paper, or general intangible. The term does not include persons obligated to pay a negotiable instrument, even if the instrument constitutes part of chattel paper.
409.102(1)(as) (as) “Accounting," except as used in “accounting for," means a record:
409.102(1)(as)1. 1. Authenticated by a secured party;
409.102(1)(as)2. 2. Indicating the aggregate unpaid secured obligations as of a date not more than 35 days earlier or 35 days later than the date of the record; and
409.102(1)(as)3. 3. Identifying the components of the obligations in reasonable detail.
409.102(1)(b) (b) “Agricultural lien" means an interest, other than a security interest, in farm products:
409.102(1)(b)1. 1. Which secures payment or performance of an obligation for:
409.102(1)(b)1.a. a. Goods or services furnished in connection with a debtor's farming operation; or
409.102(1)(b)1.b. b. Rent on real property leased by a debtor in connection with its farming operation;
409.102(1)(b)2. 2. Which is created by statute in favor of a person that:
409.102(1)(b)2.a. a. In the ordinary course of its business furnished goods or services to a debtor in connection with a debtor's farming operation; or
409.102(1)(b)2.b. b. Leased real property to a debtor in connection with the debtor's farming operation; and
409.102(1)(b)3. 3. Whose effectiveness does not depend on the person's possession of the personal property.
409.102(1)(bcm) (bcm) “Applicant" means a person at whose request or for whose account a letter of credit is issued. The term includes a person who requests an issuer to issue a letter of credit on behalf of another if the person making the request undertakes an obligation to reimburse the issuer.
409.102(1)(bg) (bg) “As-extracted collateral" means:
409.102(1)(bg)1. 1. Oil, gas, or other minerals that are subject to a security interest that is created by a debtor having an interest in the minerals before extraction and which attaches to the minerals as extracted; or
409.102(1)(bg)2. 2. Accounts arising out of the sale at the wellhead or minehead of oil, gas, or other minerals in which the debtor had an interest before extraction.
409.102(1)(bm) (bm) “Authenticate" means:
409.102(1)(bm)1. 1. To sign; or
409.102(1)(bm)2. 2. With present intent to adopt or accept a record, to attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic sound, symbol, or process.
409.102(1)(bs) (bs) “Bank" means an organization that is engaged in the business of banking. The term includes savings banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and trust companies.
409.102(1)(btm) (btm) “Beneficiary" means a person who under the terms of a letter of credit is entitled to have its complying presentation honored. The term includes a person to whom drawing rights have been transferred under a transferable letter of credit.
409.102(1)(c) (c) “Cash proceeds" means proceeds that are money, checks, deposit accounts, or the like.
409.102(1)(cg) (cg) “Certificate of title" means a certificate of title with respect to which a statute provides for the security interest in question to be indicated on the certificate as a condition or result of the security interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor with respect to the collateral. The term includes another record maintained as an alternative to a certificate of title by the governmental unit that issues certificates of title if a statute permits the security interest in question to be indicated on the record as a condition or result of the security interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor with respect to the collateral.
409.102(1)(cm) (cm) “Chattel paper" means a record or records that evidence both a monetary obligation and a security interest in specific goods, a security interest in specific goods and software used in the goods, a security interest in specific goods and license of software used in the goods, a lease of specific goods, or a lease of specific goods and license of software used in the goods. The term does not include charters or other contracts involving the use or hire of a vessel. The term does not include records that evidence a right to payment arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or information contained on or for use with the card. If a transaction is evidenced by records that include an instrument or series of instruments, the group of records taken together constitutes chattel paper. In this paragraph, “monetary obligation" means a monetary obligation secured by the goods or owned under a lease of the goods and includes a monetary obligation with respect to software used in the goods.
409.102(1)(cs) (cs) “Collateral" means the property subject to a security interest or agricultural lien. The term includes:
409.102(1)(cs)1. 1. Proceeds to which a security interest attaches;
409.102(1)(cs)2. 2. Accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, and promissory notes that have been sold; and
409.102(1)(cs)3. 3. Goods that are the subject of a consignment.
409.102(1)(d) (d) “Commercial tort claim" means a claim arising in tort with respect to which:
409.102(1)(d)1. 1. The claimant is an organization; or
409.102(1)(d)2. 2. The claimant is an individual and the claim:
409.102(1)(d)2.a. a. Arose in the course of the claimant's business or profession; and
409.102(1)(d)2.b. b. Does not include damages arising out of personal injury to or the death of an individual.
409.102(1)(dg) (dg) “Commodity account" means an account maintained by a commodity intermediary in which a commodity contract is carried for a commodity customer.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2015. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?